Life is?? #72 How, why and maybe!
Date: 6/22/2017 8:05:00 PM ( 46 s æ ) ... viewed 0 times
How can a person pick and choose which "rules" to follow in religion and still claim to
be a part of that following?
Sex outside of marriage, lying, cheating, and stealing are all choices that people make.
This is not an accident or some snap decision.
When God said not to do something?
Why do people choose to do so anyway, they CHOOSE over and over again to sin
against God?
It gives me the impression they do not take their religion seriously, or they simply want
to use their religion at their convenience, like some "social rewards" and do not really believe!
I have trouble believing these people really believe anything they claim to believe.
Do you believe different sins offend God in different ways?
No, of course not!
God is never maybe!
The Lord God Almighty only exists sinless - therefore does not accept sin in His presence - period!
In our earthly existence, people always sin!
"Just like many people who belong to Alcoholic Anonymous still drink, plus all Christians
are sinners!"
Two points:
1) While some of the people in AA "may" still drink but they realize they have a problem
and are seeking help.
2) ALL Christians are sinners, I repeat: ALL Christians are sinners! But we are sinners "saved by grace through faith" based on the shed Blood of Christ.
Eph 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near
by the blood of Christ.
Col 1:20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through
the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven
Heb 10:19 Therefore, brethren, since we have the confidence to enter the holy place
the blood of Jesus,
Thus why go on living a sin-filled life?
No you do not need to live in sin and spend your eternity isolated from everyone and thing...
Just like most people who belong to Alcoholic Anonymous still drink, plus all Christians
are sinners!"
"Just like many people who belong to Alcoholic Anonymous still drink, plus all Christians
are sinners!"
Use the 4 " R's " to help guide you!
1) Realize -
Our primary job on this earth is to recognize who we are and then learn how to live it to
our best ability!
2) Recognize -
One of the most important things we can do here is recognizing the true situation!
This is done only through seeking the Will of God in our life!
3) Respond -
Once we know and realize our position based upon the Truth of Almighty God -
who created us to be people who should learn to seek the Truth and Love both God
and your neighbors.
4) Recover -
When we finally come to understand who we are and start to recover -
our eternal pathway is made straight; so that our eternal existence will be full.
Fruit of the Spirit
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
gentleness, self-control. Against such things, there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23
DEFINITION: The fruit of the Spirit refers to the character traits growing in believers as they mature. The Spirit produces these. Further, these traits are all attributes of Jesus Christ that the Gospels report concerning Him; therefore the fruit of the Spirit is another term for the Christlike character.
Both Testaments contain lists of virtues that God expects His people to exhibit
(Mic. 6:8; 2 Pt 1:5-7). Often these refer to specific actions: obey God’s words;
pray; follow the Ten Commandments; tell others about Jesus.
The fruit of the Spirit, however, is more about inner character, reflecting a heart being transformed into Christ’s moral likeness. There is no essential difference between growth
in sanctification and growth in the fruit of the Spirit.
Both the “gifts of the Spirit” and the “fruit of the Spirit” are empowered by the Spirit working in cooperation with the individual believer, yet they differ significantly as well.
The Spirit’s gifts are capable of misuse and abuse. The Corinthians, who lacked no spiritual gift, were at the same time divided and “people of the flesh”
(1 Co 1:7; 3:1-4).
In fact, Jesus warned that flashy gifts such as prophesying, exorcism, and miracle working maybe be counterfeited (Mt 7:21-23). The Devil, masquerading as an angel of light, is well able to perform supernatural deeds through willing human agents
(2 Co 11:14; 2 Th 2:9-11).
{ Many people get caught here! So seek the Truth of God in your life}
The fruit of the Spirit, however, can’t be faked. The Devil has neither the desire nor the power to transform people into Christ’s moral likeness. Many Bible students have noted
that the word “fruit” is singular and that the primary character quality God desires is love
(agape, see the article on love).
When love is exposed to the various demands of life, it expresses itself as joy, peace, patience, and so on. A useful illustration from everyday physics may be helpful.
Pure light is composed of all the colors of the rainbow. These colors are not seen,
however, until a prism breaks white light into its components. So it is with the believer.
The Spirit’s fruit enables us to grow in loving God and our neighbors, and such love
will be expressed in the manner most appropriate to the situation.
REFLECTION: Which aspect of the Spirit’s fruit do you personally need the most for today?
Evaluate your life over the past month. Which aspect of the fruit is the Spirit developing in you?
PRAYER: Holy Spirit, I know that You long for me to be one in whom spiritual fruit is growing. Help me live today aware that You are empowering me to grow in Christ’s likeness. Amen.
Fruit of the Spirit
from:52 Words Every Christian Should Know.
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