Blog Archive

29 April 2016

We are Overstimulated

**  I have heard and spoken to many of the younger generations - who say we are bored!
 Then I ask myself why - there is far more to see and do in this earthly life than anyone can DO!
 I see it as a cope out or case of total lazy...
 Here is an excellent artical:

Published on Apr 28, 2016
It amazes me when people proclaim that they are bored. Actually, it amazes me that I am ever bored, or that any of us are. With so much to occupy us these days, boredom should be a relic of a bygone age – an age devoid of the internet, social media, multi-channel TV, 24-hour shopping, multiplex cinemas, game consoles, texting and whatever other myriad possibilities are available these days to entertain us.

Yet despite the plethora of high-intensity entertainment constantly at our disposal, we are still bored. Up to half of us are “often bored” at home or at school, while more than two- thirds of us are chronically bored at work. We are bored by paperwork, by the commute and by dull meetings. TV is boring, as is Facebook and other social media. We spend our weekends at dull parties, watching tedious films or listening to our spouses drone on about their day. Our kids are bored – bored of school, of homework and even of school holidays.

There are a number of explanations for our ennui. This, in fact, is part of the problem – we are overstimulated. The more entertained we are the more entertainment we need in order to feel satisfied . The more we fill our world with fast-moving, high-intensity, ever-changing stimulation, the more we get used to that and the less tolerant we become of lower levels.
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28 April 2016

Andrew Wommack Ministries
Andrew Wommack MinistriesApril 28th, 2016 at 1:17pm
Christians in Asia are getting set free with the good news of grace because of the translation efforts of Charis World Outreach. 
Donations to Charis World Outreach are funneled toward translation projects that enable people to receive the Gospel in their native tongues for the first time. On every part of the globe, people are being equipped to teach the Word and are being mobilized to launch and establish new Charis locations.
 If you aren’t already, join the movement! People all over the world are waiting to be set free.

27 April 2016

Your 7 Pounds of Bacteria

Maintaining Your 7 Pounds of Bacteria

How many times have you come down with some sort of nasty bug and the doctor prescribed antibiotics?
And how many times did the doctor then address the importance of rebuilding your natural gut flora by taking probiotics?
A good doctor would have educated you about the importance of probiotics. For me, not one doctor ever discussed it.

As I mentioned before, the bacteria in your gut and candida are closely tied together in their life-cycles. To help keep your candida in check you need an abundance of this good bacteria in your gut.
There are over 500 species of probiotics in your gastrointestinal tract and all together they can weigh up to 7 pounds! These guys do us many great favors besides keeping candida in line.
1)  Aid in digestion bec ause they help with the absorption and synthesis of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc. They improve gut barrier function because they make fuel for the cells that line the GI tract. Without proper fuel supply, these cells loose their integrity and you get leaky gut syndrome resulting in a bunch of food sensitivities.

2)  Boost metabolism because they convert inactive thyroid hormone into its active T3 form. Gut flora make about 6 seconds of every 2 minutes of your energy. It doesn’t sound like much but it ends up turning into around 8 hours a week. Thats enough energy for a full day at work.

3)  Makes you happier because it synthesizes B vitamins that are
involved in the production of the ‘make you happy’ hormone called serotonin
4)  Supports the immune system because they fight the bad bacteria and any other intruders in your gut. About 80% of your immune system is in your digestive system and these friendly bacteria train your immune system how to recognized pathogens from non-harmful anitgens and help in the production of antibodies. Many times allergies are the result of your immune system getting confused and over reacting to a non-harmful antigen.
It’s very important to maintain a healthy gut flora so do yourself a favor already and eat some bacteria! A few things you can do to improve your natural eco system is:
  • Stop eating sugar and refined carbohydrates because they feed candida along with the pathogenic bacteria in your gut.
  • Eat more plants, vegetables, and fermented foods such as sauerkraut because they feed the good bacteria. Avoid pasteurized commercial yogurt because its filled with preservatives and sugar anyway and the pasteurization kills off the natural occurring bacteria. Pasteurized yogurt is a very backwards thinking kind of industrialized product.
  •  If you find it difficult getting probiotics from your diet, invest in supplemental probiotics in tablet, powder or liquid form. When choosing which brand to go with look for labels that say “contains live active cultures.” You want a high potency supplement about 20 - 30 billion bacteria per capsule, and ones that can survive stomach acid.
That’s all for today. :)

Next we’ll get into the symbiotic relationship between candida and one of the deadliest diseases in the world { cancer} that kills over 20 thousand people a day.

Four Words Rarely Heard In Washington

This is who I voted and here is a man who sees the real Natl Debt problem for what it is.... This is a major problem and just see how the present Demo party is still selling the same phony crap about the US is not broke! Read on:
Dear Dr. Obermeyer:

Without a doubt, we have a full blown debt crisis. I share your concerns about a massive federal debt that is $19 trillion and growing. This debt crisis is the reason why I ran for the United States Senate, and it still remains my top priority as a U.S. Senator.

Tackling our debt means we need to start making the hard decisions, including prioritizing our national spending. However, the first and most vital step towards solving our debt crisis is fundamentally reforming the federal budget process. Our process has only worked as it should four times in the past forty years. It doesn't even account for every dollar the federal government takes in or spends. Without a full picture of the federal government's balance sheet, how can we start to even solve the problem?

Since beginning my term in the Senate last January, I have been working tirelessly on finding solutions to these issues and continue to work on developing legislation to meet these goals. In fact, to encourage these principles, I recently introduced the Accurate Accounting Act of 2016 (S. 2513), which would make Social Security a part of the annual federal budgeting process. This will help Congress address a significant part of its balance sheet and as well as make the crucial changes to the budget process so that we can save Social Security for future generations.

Also, I wanted to share with you this video message I recently released talking about four words that are an important principal when we budget our own expenses. "We can't afford it," is a phrase I don't hear enough up here, and that has to change. You can see my message here:
Thank you for taking the time to write in about this important issue. You can stay up to date on my work with our nation's budget by visiting my website: I am here to serve Georgians, so please do not hesitate to be in touch if I can be of any further assistance to you.
Kindest regards,
David Perdue
United States Senator

Diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate intolerance,

  Dear Reader,
America is facing a diabetes crisis. According to recent numbers nearly 1 in 2 Americans will soon be facing one form of diabetes.
So in response, the American Diabetes Association wants the media to focus on the causes and cures of all forms of diabetes. Particularly type 2 diabetes - that’s the kind that’s largely due to lifestyle factors, especially diet. 

Fair enough. 
So let’s begin by being clear about the true, scientifically irrefutable cause and cure of type 2 diabetes.

In a landmark, comprehensive research review published in January of this year in the journal Nutrition, a distinguished group of 26 physicians and nutrition researchers minced no words.
"Diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate intolerance," said Barbara Gower, Ph.D., professor and vice chair for research in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Nutrition Sciences and one of the study authors, quoted at the website Science Daily. 

"Reducing carbohydrates is the obvious treatment…. The resistance of government and private health agencies is very hard to understand."
Gower’s study summarized decades of research, all of which hammered home her assertion that excessive carbs definitively cause diabetes.

Now, I’d like to show that, as she suggested, the government is indeed “resistant” to this fact. 

Consider these official dietary recommendations from the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP). 

NDEP is a partnership of the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 200 public and private organizations. 

In other words, what follows is officially sanctioned diabetes management advice from the U.S. government. 
Each bolded point is straight from the NDEP’s web page, followed by my take, and then by my recommendation in italics.

1. Eat a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits
This is one of the few pieces of advice from the NDEP that makes sense. 

Now, I’m radical enough to point out that eating colorful fruits and vegetables isn’t essential for preventing, treating or curing type 2 diabetes. For example, native American tribes ate relatively little vegetable matter, instead relying on animal meat, fat, and nutrient-rich organs for most of their calories. Researchers found that type 2 diabetes among these people prior to the introduction of western diets was “almost unknown.”1 

But no need to be too curmudgeonly here. Vegetables in particular are high in nutrients and low in carbohydrates. This one is a good idea.
Yes indeed, eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.
[Editor's Note: Okay… Eating fruits and vegetables seems kind of obvious. But new research suggests another health secret that’s far more shocking -- and it’s actually inspired by the Bible. Click here for the full story.]

2. Choose whole grain foods—whole wheat bread and crackers, oatmeal, brown rice, and cereals

The most vigorous myth in American nutrition - perhaps because it gets exercised daily by groups like the NDEP - is that there is a vast difference between the healthfulness of whole-grain foods and those made from white flour or white rice.
It’s just not true. According to Harvard Medical School’s website, the glycemic index -- a measure of the ability of a given food to raise blood sugar -- of a piece of “white wheat flour bread” is rather high at 71.

That’s precisely the same as the index of whole wheat bread. 
Both of these are not far from the GI of white sugar, which is 80. 
Generally, the difference in glycemic index between whole and milled versions of grain-based products is either nonexistent or inconsequential. 

Eat as little grain-based food as you possibly can, preferably none. Instead, along with abundant vegetables and fruits, eat grass-fed, grass-finished beef; organ meats such as liver; free-range pork; free-range chicken and pastured eggs. 

3. Lower fat intake—broil or bake poultry, meats, and fish instead of frying

There are three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrate, and fat. As Dr. Gower noted, type 2 diabetes is almost entirely a consequence of eating too much carbohydrate. 

Conversely, as the Nutrition article made clear, diets high in protein and, especially, fat are protective. 

So which macronutrient has the NDEP chosen to demonize?
 You guessed it -- fat.

Dietary fat is not the cause of type 2 diabetes, it is the solution.  
Increase fat intake, especially of saturated fat such as coconut oil, lard, butter and olive oil. These will help satisfy hunger without spiking insulin. 

4. Lighten your recipes by using nonfat or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, or mayonnaise. Use cooking spray instead of oil

More fat-bashing! The nutrient that can save you is blamed for killing you! 

Avoid processed food generally, especially if the processing consists of removing fat . If you can tolerate dairy products, always choose full-fat versions. 

5. Avoid getting too hungry by eating a healthy snack between meals

Not just wrong, but precisely backward.

As a recent Swedish study2 made clear, an exceptionally effective therapy for type 2 diabetes is intermittent fasting; allowing yourself to get hungry at least a couple of times a week. Snacking between meals keeps insulin levels consistently elevated so that cell-receptors lock it out (a condition called insulin resistance). 

This is an excellent way to get and worsen diabetes.
Get hungry by missing a meal at least twice a week, and by avoiding snacks between meals. 

I know this one seems counter intuitive. But hey… So is the idea that Christians -- not scientists -- have discovered a cure for diabetes. And according to this research that may be the case.

6. Do not keep chips, cookies, or candy in your home. Instead, for snacks have raw vegetables, fruit, low-fat or nonfat yogurt, or a handful of nuts, pumpkin seeds, or sunflower seeds

The first sentence makes sense - though one wonders why the NIH now seems to be worried about sugary cookies and candy, when every other bullet point in the list focused on fat. 

The second sentence, however, is the same protein-and-fat-phobic idiocy listed in the points above, expressed in a slightly different way. 

7. Choose water to drink

Great idea, but it would have been useful to point out that drinking coffee has consistently been shown to lower diabetes risk.3
Drink water and, if you find the effects agreeable, unsweetened green tea and/or coffee. 

Bottom line: On the whole, the NDEP’s recommendations are good for those odd souls who wish to develop type 2 diabetes. 

If your aim is to prevent, treat or cure it… not so much.
They are yet another manifestation -- as if we needed one -- of Big Food’s lobbying efforts to keep Americans eating cheap, high-profit commodity grains.

Don’t fall for it. Spend your time extracting grains from your pantry, and filling your freezer and refrigerator with healthful, nutrient-dense vegetables, animal-based foods, and some high-fat nuts such as macadamias or almonds. 

Click Here for more information on getting rid of diabetes one and for all.

Jim Gray
P.S. I mentioned it a few times above, but in case you missed it, there’s a recent breakthrough in the treatment of diabetes and it was actually inspired by the bible.

Although atheist’s hate it, it’s already healed thousands of people and been verified by leading medical institutions.

Click here for this biblical solution.

  • Available at: Accessed October 25, 2015.
  • Feinman RD, Pogozelski WK, Astrup A, et al. Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: critical review and evidence base. Nutrition. 2015.
  • Fernemark H, Jaredsson C, Bunjaku B, Rosenqvist U, Nystrom FH, Guldbrand H. A randomized cross-over trial of the postprandial effects of three different diets in patients with type 2 diabetes. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(11):e79324.
  • Bhupathiraju SN, Pan A, Manson JE, Willett WC, Van dam RM, Hu FB. Changes in coffee intake and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes: three large cohorts of US men and women. Diabetologia. 2014.

Intolerance - by whom and why?? 1 of 3

 **  With all the recent media interest in the Gay, Islamic, or people of different race or physical characteristics etc - the use of the attack word of intolerance has been used for those who do not agree with what has been purposed!
All of this is counter to intolerance, since it has been based upon a totally anti-tolerant attitude!   But How?


Unwillingness to recognize and respect differences in opinions or beliefs of others!  

(Like those who attack the Christian beliefs on homo sexually!)

*** Now exactly who is intolerant to whom?

Depending upon where you are coming from who is say what is intolerance?

Everyone starts with some degree of intolerance depending upon your past and or circumstances as: 

 {geographic region, race, religion or even observed behavior.}

Therefore it become a stretch of the imagination; for one party or group to judge others.  While there can be a vast difference in beliefs and or life standards - it is very difficult in many cases to make a definite decision as to which group is correct. 

The strongest division in beliefs comes in the religious area. 


Since most personal beliefs are based upon, environmental conditions, social demands, economic status and religious beliefs. Most people have a very limited scope from which to build their beliefs.  This leaves gaps which are often filled by an untruthful personal environment!    


Religion(s) are based upon people's beliefs - most of which do not follow any real moral discernment!  This leaves a vast open area of ignorance and intolerance!  How do you find the whole truth??  

This is where we must look at Who is the real God Almighty?

Because HE alone will trump everything else! 


Less than $30,000 a year?

Stories Of Despair From The Forgotten People That The U.S. Economy Has Left Behind

Written by:
Published on: April 27, 2016
There is so much economic despair in our country today, but if you have a good job and if you live in a good neighborhood you might not ever encounter it.  There really are “two Americas” in 2016, and they are getting farther and farther apart with each passing year.  On the one hand, you have lots of people smiling in New York City these days because of the stock market boom, and property values have soared to ridiculous levels in San Francisco because of the tech bubble.  But in between the two coasts there are vast stretches of forgotten people that the U.S. economy has left behind.  In this article I am going to share some of their stories with you.

Because I run a website called The Economic Collapse Blog, I hear from a lot of people that are really struggling in this economy.  Just yesterday, I posted an article entitled “In 1 Out Of Every 5 American Families, Nobody Has A Job,” and one of my regular readers left the following comment on that article…

After 5-6 some odd years I finally got a decent tech job that pays a couple of bucks more than typical fast food. For the first time in a long time I can say we are coming out of the black. But however, it’s a shaky recovery. If I lose this job at anytime in the next few years it will be devastating so I’m taking the opportunity to win back my certs so that I can get a higher paying tech job.
Here’s to keeping fingers crossed…
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In many areas of the nation today, it is a real challenge to find a good job.  According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year at this point, and you can’t support a middle class family on $30,000 a year.  The American Dream feels like it has ended for millions upon millions of families, and this is leading to a lot of depression and despair.

I would like to share with you three comments that were recently left on a New York Times article about depression.  In all three instances, the commenters link their battle with depression with the economy in some way…

#1 But for me, I see another change that has affected me as I have entered the high risk age group. Over the years, as the economy dumps, as the businesses that have employed people in my region have cut staff, or just gone away, I have seen almost every friend that I have made in the last 30 years move away. My social network imploded.
For those who cannot easily recreate new sets of friendships, especially if they are un- or underemployed, and have fractured family relationships, there is little social support to help stave off depression. And for more and more people who are working, the push to work independently, not in an office atmosphere, creates even more isolation.

#2 I have been diagnosed and have been taking meds and in therapy for 30 years. 
 I was hanging in there until I lost everything. College educated, a professional for 30 years, I am now on Disability and Obamacare, both of which are on the chopping block. I watch the election process in terror and wonder what will happen to people like me. Medically I am bipolar, but now I am indigent, and if I can’t access health care or a place to live, I’m done. All the Prozac in the world won’t change that.


More evil moves forward the worse it gets

The city of Los Angeles has become the latest municipality to ban official travel to the state of Mississippi following a highly contested religious objections law.
Mayor Eric Garcetti signed the resolution prohibiting the city from conducting business with Mississippi Monday.

The Los Angeles Times reports Friday council members voted unanimously in favor of taking a stance against Mississippi's Freedom of Conscience From Government Discrimination Act which is set to take effect July 1. North Carolina, which has drawn criticism for a new state law requiring individuals to use public bathrooms corresponding to the sex listed on the birth certificates, was also included in the measure.

According to the LA Times, Councilman Mike Bonin who authored the resolution said the laws create a "climate of intolerance and a climate of violence."
Los Angeles joins the city of Seattle, as well as the governors of New York, Vermont and Minnesota in issuing travel boycotts against Mississippi.

Outside of the government sector, Mississippi has also seen pushback from the entertainment industry. Musician Bryan Adams canceled a scheduled performance in Biloxi and actress Sharon Stone scrapped plans to film a television movie with a Canton based film studio.

Contact Bracey Harris at or 601-961-7248. Follow @braceyharris on Twitter.

Israel will remain forever!

Blog post by Charlie Missy

27 April 2016 =

TODAY : The Jews in Israel are being told that they cannot pray at their most important site in Judaism—the Temple Mount, as doing so would offend Islamic religious sensibilities.

TODAY : Meanwhile, Obama and Putin both have submitted a plan to the United Nations to "Take the Golan Heights" from Israel and give it to Syria.

Netanyahu says that the Golan will "forever remain under Israeli control. Israel will never withdraw from the Golan Heights."

LAST YEAR a huge oil deposit has been found in the Golan Heights.
 I mean, massive amounts of oil. Russia & Arab nations surrounding Israel will definitely attack Israel to "take spoil" (treasures).

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT : Russia and surrounding Arab countries will attack Israel.
 The more they attack Israel, the more Israel will win and (re)gain the land that God has promised to them.

Watch out!
The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob is doing mighty things before our eyes!

Psalm 83
Ezekiel 38-39

26 April 2016

WOW the truth does not count


Sunday, April 24, 2016

UNESCO Resolution Ignores Jewish Ties To Temple Mount, 

Calls Israel An 'Occupying Power' 

**  Blogger note:   Well who built all the Temples on the temple mount in Jerusalem over the past 5000 years?  

- The only truthful answer is Israel ... 

Read the Old Testament as just history folks!  Take notes!

- Then just about 1400 years ago the {Islamic religion popup and claimed the temple mount based upon a dream that the Mohmmad had about riding from Mecca to Jerusalem;  one night on a magic horse named Hussein (Distance To Mecca From Jerusalem is: 769 miles) then rode on into Heaven and came back}.  

So there is no real reason for the Islamic's to claim the temple mount or Jerusalem at all! 


UNESCO Resolution Ignores Jewish Ties to Temple Mount, Calls Israel an "Occupying Power"

The ideological perfidy and willful ahistoricism of the United Nations and its affiliate entities was on despicable display again last week when an official resolution by a U.N. body  referred to Israel as an “occupying power” of the famous Temple Mount in Jerusalem, among other outrageous indignities.
As a large part of a broader, virulently anti-Israel resolution, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) refused even to refer to the Temple Mount as such, instead adopting the Arabic title, the “Al-Aqsa Mosque/Al-Haram al-Sharif” – while refusing to even acknowledge the factually undeniable, age-old Jewish links to the famous Western Wall and its environs.
The resolution even complained about Israeli plans to build what the Times of Israeldescribed as “an egalitarian prayer service space” at the nearby, remarkably handsome Robinson’s Arch.
This is worse than tendentious; it’s vicious. There is no doubt – historical, archaeological, cultural, or religious – that the Temple Mount and especially the Western Wall is, in toto, the single holiest site for all Judaism, the very location most central to the entire religion. By comparison, the Al-Aqsa Mosque there is considered only the third holiest site for Islam, which can point to no historically verifiable connection to the site until well after Islam was founded.  FACT!
Yes, adherents of Islam now claim that Muhammad once was transported hundreds of miles, in a dream, to the spot – but even if someone doesn’t find the claim fanciful (I make no judgment here), it clearly gives Muslims less reason to treasure the area than Jews do. Muslims, after all, still have their Mecca (prayers at which are, by some Islamic traditions, worth 200 times the value of prayers said at the Al-Aqsa Mosque).
To what should be Israelis’ everlasting credit, they use their control of the Temple Mount area to keep it open to people of all faiths – something that cannot be said for the mosque, which is forbidden even for visits by non-Muslims.
A prior UNESCO resolution had harshly criticized Israeli archaeological excavations near the Old City, which even further establish Jewish ties to the area for three full millennia, well over twice as long as Islam’s more tenuous links thereto. UNESCO is, by its very name, supposed to be dedicated to education, science, and culture, yet when Israel pursues scientific and cultural research for educational (and other) purposes, the hypocrites at UNESCO urge that the research be halted.
This is a sign of intense moral rot at the heart of UNESCO and the U.N.

25 April 2016

Live well ..... part 1

 ***   It is far better to express and stick with the truth in your life than to live a demoralizing existence based upon falsehoods and lies.

***;  "People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be - not what you nag them to be." - Scudder N. Parker


Many people tend to have a very limited world view...  
They only seem think about what ever is theirs and seek to be possessive and controlling in their existence. i.e. they are driven by selfishness and greed.
**  This has become a major life role for many today.

With the vast amount stuff and mass transportation systems in the modern industrialized world - there is  far more things  available per person than anytime in history!
 Then with the mass media advertising and many of the social outlets - Stuff is everywhere.

But is all this stuff really needed?

Do most people really have a true need for most of what they have gotten?

This is where the truth comes into play, if we were to look at the world with a honest gaze - we would see that much of the stuff is not really needed!
This is where many people live continuing to chase the false illusion of wants and unnecessary needs.


While desire has been written into our souls, by Almighty God; there is a great disparity between what is wanted (desired) and what is actually needed!
 Here is where the truth must prevail and dominate our thinking.

Because once you just fall into the  " got to have that "  way of the world - you have been sucked into the trap of personal desires driven by greed in place of real honest need! 
 This where the controlling elements of both governments and advertising - (sales) bend your ear to buy their stuff!

Instead of taking the short sighted way of the modern world - we must come to develop a much broader view. Which gives us a much better perspective, so that we can discern the true way of things.  I have learned to use this in my life from being an electrical engineer.

This first came to my attention while serving in the Navy, as a Weapons Control Technician - working on computers and the radars - sonars and various related weapon systems!
We were taught to look first at the overall system.
 Because in troubleshooting {Oh, I know the Liberals are having a fit over this troubleshooting word - too bad folks get over it} you must learn to localize the area of the problem.

Therefore we would start with an over view  and make a very good visual inspection looking at the entire system.  If there was no smoking gun {another Liberal hang up word}  it becomes a search or some further troubleshooting procedures to locate and eliminate the the problem.
Thus by taking a systematic overall view we could locate with corrective actions and repair as needed!

Otherwise our time would be spent chasing ghosts and false clues.  All of which wasted time and valuable resources - since on a ship at sea there were only limited parts available!

** This plan and procedure has served me well in troubleshooting a vast number of the thousands of scenarios over the past 30 years in the Electronic Data center engineering ...  

Real Will of the People!

I am going to make this really simple for my friends who support Cruz, Hillary or any other Politician. THEY (politicians) say Trump does not have a plan to get our economy back on track.....

**  THEY = (BOTH parties) have spent a $19 TRILLION DEBT (-)  which is owed by our grandchildren!   Yet they do not really create any jobs only pass laws that cause more red tape and government cost and have never created many real needed jobs period!
** Don''t tell me things like Social Security - because all the money in that system has been paid for by taking it from the people...  More examples are available....

*** TRUMP = has a $10 BILLION Asset (+) BTW: it is his own money!
and has created 10's of thousands of jobs!

Looks like the latter *** system works and
is far superior to the other

 ** present elected politicians Debt system!

 -  So, Dear Politicians from both parties, please tell me again; just how you have created jobs and actually made money for our country? 

 Oh how can we not see this??  

This was brought to mind by a conversation I had just this week about;
how there have been so many Big Corporations and Governments types taking credit for the time and money which the people have supplied {gave to and supported} to various programs and donations! 
We discussed how you will hear and see some Big Wig stand up and show a mega million Dollar check for some charity or a group of politicians hold a news conference to tell how they saved the nation using Tax payers time and money!  Really??

You big wigs did not provide any thing except to take credit for the efforts and money of the people who supplied it all...   Unless you are putting; your own personal money and time into the program do not boost about it!   It is the people's money and efforts!

The people are the ones who make this country go and thrive!  
So get off your high horse - Politicians because even the President does not make this happen - it is only the will and support of the US Citizens that makes it happen!

We have been fooled and made to think that only our leaders are the ones who get things done!  False, in reality the country is driven and supported by the PEOPLE!


So shut up and get back to what you elected politicians were suppose to do -
which is the Will of the People! 

It is the Government of the People, for the people, and by the people! 

24 April 2016

The 3 stages of Truth

“All truth passes through three stages.
...First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Arthur Schopenhauer,
German philosopher (1788 – 1860)

When we look at our history we can see that the ‘truth’ is ever evolving and changing in all areas of civilization, but in this book I am going to concentrate specifically on the medical ‘truth’

Hundreds of years ago the idea that plague and disease in general could be spread by tiny little micro organisms we could not see was unbelievable!
 The suggestion that you could stay healthy by washing and using soap would have you laughed at for hours!

People laughed at the idea as everyone knew that the only way to protect yourself from the demons that caused diseases would be to buy special protection amulets, potions and even to attach leeches to suck out the evil demons causing the illness. Ah, how we laugh
now at these ridiculous ideas but the fact of the matter is that these ideas were once believed by the mass of the population!

It was only through the work and determination of dedicated scientists such as Alexander Fleming(inventor of penicillin) and Louis Pasteur (germ hypothesis and
inventor of pasteurization) who ignored the laughter - that searched for the evidence for their discoveries and finally proved they were correct - the truth was finally
accepted and old ideas were dismissed.
In this book I are going to tell you about a doctor who has made it his life’s work to prove that cancer can be prevented quite easily. Yes he was ridiculed when he first suggested it
twenty years ago.

Today more and more scientists, doctors and patients are coming forward to stand up and say this man is correct!
I am going to show you how you can protect yourself and your family from the unnecessary suffering and trauma that is faced by the patient and their friends and family by going
through the ordeal of cancer.

Does this involve any punishing lifestyle change you ask? –No

Is it going to be painful? –No

Ah, I bet it is going to be expensive, right? – No

What’s more, this book will prove you with scientific
evidence and references!

At the end of this book you will find a multitude of references to scientific papers and articles that are now surfacing that are challenging the way we think today about cancer. Feel free to browse these and read for yourself how doctors and scientists are now challenging the truth we believe to be true….

And it is now time for ideas about cancer to change.
These doctors and scientists are now showing us that we can protect ourselves from cancer by simply eliminating the precursor to the illness - known as Candida Albicans.


More and more people are stepping forward to share their process of recovering from candida overgrowth, and Sandy's remarkable story tops the list:

Huge transformation is possible - Sandy share her journey:

By 38 she was diagnosed with IBS, degenerative disc disease and
chronic arthritis - shamed by doctor's and put on prescription drugs.
Sandy was overweight, exhausted, in pain, and felt like she was 90.

Within 2 months of starting Candida Cleanser and gut healing, Sandy
lost 30lbs, her IBS and disk pain are gone, arthritis gone, and she
has more energy and feels like an entirely new person!

Sandy's life has dramatically changed for the better, and she is not alone.

Thank you Sandy for coming forward to share your experience
and help others to learn and heal - you are a brave woman!

Check out Sandy's video and catch a glimpse of the possibilities:

To your health,
Patty & Clare

Basic Knowledge About Cancer

Some Basic Knowledge About Cancer

Before we discuss Mr Simoncini we should take a closer look at the problem of cancer.
 At the beginning of the 1900s, one person out of 100 died of cancer; today it is one out of three. We foresee that within a few years one out of two people will die of cancer.

 Why has cancer diagnosis and death rates soared in this short time? 

Of course some cases are genetic but they are actually only a small percentage of the vast numbers diagnosed.

Cancer is the most important problem in medicine, not only because of its size, but especially because of the long symptomatological line that comes with this
disease, especially in its more advanced phases, and the state of extreme psychological suffering which both the patient and their relatives are victims of.

A fungus infection – that of the Candida species – could supply the explanation for why a tumor occurs.
In recent years, we have observed a crescendo of voices addressing this terrible fungus to the point of defining it as ‘the most important and most urgent problem that oncology has to solve’.


Here is some more in-depth and technical information on
The following figures concerning the coexistence of Candida and cancer have been collected by several authors, the following figures show the percentage of tumors that show Candida present in cancer tumors

post mortem:
R.L. Hopfer: 79%
Kaben: 80%
W. T. Hughes: 91 %
T.E. Kiehn: 97%

The percentages observed are truly impressive, especially when considering the difficulty of seeing Candida in the organic materials to be examined.
The positive results quoted allow us to confirm that Candida is almost always present in the tissues of cancer patients.

The phenomenon is usually interpreted as a consequence of the weakening and of the exhaustion of the organism because of neoplastic lesions. This means that they are suggesting that the Candida somehow makes its way into the tumor through the fissures
that appear during its growth. However, we have to believe that the aggression of Candida takes place in the carcinogenic sense.

We can follow the pattern of development of Candida yeast to fungus to cancer below:
Rooting in the deep connective tissue (in the various organs)

Expansion with evoking of an organic reaction that attempts to encyst the fungi colonies, with the outcome being the formation of neoplasias.
 i.e. a tumor develops around the fungus.

Growth both in the surrounding tissue and other areas
of the body (metastasis).
Progressive exhaustion of the body with consequential total body invasion.

The answer is to prevent this fungus from invading our bodies and provoking cancerous growths.

We are on the verge of a medical revolution; it is possible to prevent
you and your loved ones developing cancer!


Chap 7 from e-book  " the Some Basic Knowledge about Cancer! "

If you haven't already, you've gotta read my eBook "the Candida Revolution", it's short,
to the point, and will give you a total overview of  what's going on with Candida.

**  You can download it right here:

Inside you'll find:

- Why most Candida 'cures' and diets don't work.

- Do you have Candida?
You'll be shocked at how many aches and pains you regularly suffer from will disappear when you cleanse yourself of

- Candida. This list of candida symptoms will surprise you.

- How and why Candida protects itself from your immune system to stay in your body and digest you even after you die

 - The connection between Candida and Cancer.

 Cancer is a fungus, it can be prevented!

 - A simple safe, little known method that wipes out candida quickly and easily, without weird diets or expensive treatments.

Use for education al purposes only! 

Fear will negate faith.

Luke 8:50, "But when Jesus heard it, he answered him saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole."
MATTHEW 9:23-31; MARK 5:35-43; LUKE 8:49-56
Jesus told Jairus to "believe only," implying that faith and fear can operate in us at the same time. This is also the reason James tells us not to be double-minded, or to waiver (Jas. 1:5-8). Fear will negate faith. 

We can have both thoughts of faith and thoughts of unbelief at the same time.

Fear and faith are opposing forces. 

Fear is actually faith in reverse. Fear is believing something or someone other than God. Therefore, fear makes us subject to Satan and his death just as faith makes us recipients of all that God has to offer. This is the reason Jesus told Jairus, "Fear not." Jairus' fear would have sealed his daughter's death.

Instead of trying to build huge amounts of faith to overcome our fears and unbelief, a simpler method is to remove our fears by cutting off their source. Then, our simple "child-like" faith that remains will do the job.

 It doesn't take big faith - just pure faith.

Where does fear come from?
 Second Timothy 1:7 says, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind." 

 It doesn't come from God. The way that fear is able to come upon us is that we take our attention off of Jesus and put it on our situation.

Fear or doubt cannot "just overcome" us. We have to let it in.
In the same way that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, fear comes by hearing or seeing something contrary to God's Word. We would not be tempted with fear or doubt if we didn't consider things that Satan uses to minister that fear and doubt.

Satan tries to distract us with thinking about our problems.

 No problem is too big for God. We should cast our concern about the problem over on God and just keep our eyes on Jesus, the Word.

23 April 2016

Type 2 what?


  We live in the Age of Outrage. From Seattle to Savannah and Bismarck to Brownsville, we poke our phones and pound our keyboards to denounce everything from gun control (or lack of it) to freedom-loving eastern Oregon ranchers (or terrorists) to The idiot maunderings (or trenchant mots justes).

So here’s what outrages me. 
According to the Centers for Disease Control, as many as 50 percent of Americans will have diabetes by the year 2050.
Fifty percent. In a mere 35 years, half the nation’s population may have a serious, debilitating, life-shortening disease that scarcely existed a century ago.

{Gee does this tell you something yet?} 

What’s especially outrageous is that it does not need to happen.
The cure for Type 2 diabetes — the type that represents roughly 90 percent of cases in America — is absolutely safe and absolutely free. In fact, it’s cheaper than free, as it actually saves money.
The solution is a disciplined program of intermittent fasting, or even a less-disciplined program of periodic caloric restriction. 
The research on this issue is crystal clear. Fasting interventions work.

So when you type the term “intermittent fasting” into the American Diabetes Association’s search engine, how many results pop up?


But when you type in “metformin,” the name of the drug commonly prescribed to diabetics, how many results do you get?
One hundred sixty-one.

{ does this tell you anything yet?}

In other words, don’t expect the mainstream to help you. 
If you have Type 2 diabetes or have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, it is vital that you take control of the situation yourself. 

Intermittent fasting — or periodic caloric restriction such as the “fasting mimicking diet” — should be the first intervention for Type 2 diabetes. 

Combined with a low-carbohydrate diet it’s a powerful one-two punch against diabetes.

And if you REALLY want to take the fight to diabetes, there’s another massive health secret that’s making huge waves in the industry right now. And trust me... This new health research is even more shocking.

To your health,

P.S. New research suggests that there may be a way to completely heal type 2 diabetes in as little as 3 days. One doctor even calls it “the perfect treatment for diabetes and weight loss.” Trust me… that this is going to be a game changer.

Click here to see for yourself.

Hillsdale College - Amen!

About Hillsdale College

Hillsdale College was founded in 1844 by men and women who proclaimed themselves “grateful to God for the inestimable blessings resulting from the prevalence of civil and religious liberty and intelligent piety in the land,” and who believed that “the diffusion of sound learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings.”

Hillsdale was the first American college to prohibit in its charter any discrimination based on race, sex, or national origin. Associated with the anti-slavery movement from its earliest days, it attracted to its campus anti-slavery leaders such as Frederick Douglass and Edward Everett, who preceded Abraham Lincoln at his Gettysburg speach.

Several of the College’s leading men were instrumental in founding the new Republican party up the road in Jackson, Michigan, in 1854. And Hillsdale sent a larger percentage of its students to fight for the Union in the Civil War than any other American college or university except West Point. Two of those Hillsdale veterans helped carry Lincoln’s casket to the slain president’s final resting place in Springfield, Illinois.

Hillsdale’s modern rise to national prominence began in the 1970s, when the federal government attempted to impose a host of regulations on the College—including racial quota requirements that violated Hillsdale’s principled policy of nondiscrimination. When the Supreme Court upheld these regulations in the 1980s on the basis that Hillsdale students received federally funded grants and loans, the College decided to refuse even this indirect form of federal aid, replacing all federal student aid with privately funded grants, loans, and scholarships.

Hillsdale’s Board of Trustees pledged first that the College would continue its long-standing policy of nondiscrimination, and second that it would not accept any encroachments on its independence. It is a pledge that has been renewed several times in subsequent years and stands to date.

Today an independent, coeducational, residential liberal arts college with a student body of some 1,400 undergraduates, the College continues to carry out its original mission.
 With a core curriculum that comprises about one-half of courses a student needs to graduate, Hillsdale maintains its strong fidelity to the liberal arts.

In its outreach, too, the College teaches those same ideas that advance “civil and religious liberty.” 

Its many programs include the Center for Constructive Alternatives, one of the largest college lecture series in America; the Hoogland Center for Teacher Excellence, which holds seminars for high school teachers of civics and history; the National Leadership Seminars; the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, in Washington, D.C.; and Imprimis, a monthly newsletter that reaches nearly three million people.

Opened in the fall of 2012, the Hillsdale College Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship offers an M.A. and a Ph.D. in politics.


***  My enrollment: 

Thank you! You are now enrolled in Hillsdale College’s Constitution 101 course!

You’ll receive your first lecture in your inbox in just a few minutes (it takes a second to send it to you).

We are often asked — why does Hillsdale offer this course for free?

Here are three important reasons:
  • It is concerning that most Americans complete their education with little to no knowledge of America’s foundational principles.
  • Every American must understand the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence—these set forth America’s founding principles.
  • By educating millions of Americans on our founding principles of liberty, America can begin to turn around and restore lost liberty.
Hillsdale refuses every penny of taxpayer-funded government support
(even indirectly through student grants and loans) to remain truly independent.

That way they can offer the whole truth and not rely upon a questionable politically influseded Government - who would use Tax payer money to extend person agendas...

The Constitution: A Reader Get your copy of the perfect companion textbook to the Constitution 101 course. That’s why the College counts on the generosity of people like you that help to underwrite the costs of developing, producing, and distributing these courses so that more Americans can learn to understand and appreciate what made America the freest and most prosperous nation in human history.

Will you make a tax-deductible donation today to help produce and promote more free online courses?

Not only will your gift help the College cover our costs, but it will also help reach more people just like you about the underlying principles of liberty in the Constitution.

For more information about Hillsdale College, please visit
Hillsdale College

Why Churchill?


Sir Martin Gilbert

One of the leading historians of his time and the official biographer of Winston Churchill 
for more than 40 years, Martin Gilbert passed away in London on February 3, 2015. 
His career was dedicated to the writing of “true history,” based on the idea that 
 “what happened in the past is unalterable and definite.” 

He worked tirelessly to uncover and write this history, publishing 88 books on
 Winston Churchill, the World Wars, the Jewish people, the Holocaust, Israel, and
 the 20th century. His commitment and mastery of his discipline shines in his greatest 
challenge: the nearly five decades he spent as the official biographer of Winston Churchill.
 His labors produced a biography that is essential reading for those who wish to
 understand the judgments of the supreme statesman of his time. Those who love freedom 
and seek to understand history owe Sir Martin a debt beyond repayment.

Hillsdale College is honored to have shared a long partnership with Martin Gilbert.
 In 2002, he was named the William and Berniece Grewcock Distinguished Fellow at 
Hillsdale College. In this capacity, he taught several courses on Churchill and gave 
numerous public lectures.

 Through the Churchill Project, Hillsdale College endeavors to propagate and 
expand Martin Gilbert’s masterful work on Churchill.

Churchill & Hillsdale

Hillsdale College has launched the Churchill Project to propagate a right understanding 
of Churchill’s record. Through the Churchill Project, it will complete the remaining
 volumes of The Churchill Documents, a series in the official biography of Winston Churchill. 
It will archive the papers of Martin Gilbert, Churchill’s official biographer from 1968 to 2012. 
And it will promote Churchill scholarship through national conferences, scholarships, 
online courses, and an endowed faculty chair. Through these endeavors, Hillsdale College 
will establish itself at the forefront of Churchill research, scholarship, and analysis.



Why Churchill?

Winston Churchill’s career presents an unsurpassed opportunity for such study because it
 was so long, because the facts of it are so well recorded, and because its quality was
 so very high. His career spanned the most traumatic events in history—the largest wars, 
the greatest depression, the worst tyrannies, and the most rapid advancement of technology
 and therefore of human power. As he faced these crises, Churchill wrote with profuse detail 
and with great ability about his doings, thereby leaving one of the richest records of
 human undertaking.


Terrorism, as Churchill saw it, is not irrelevant to the world we live in.
 His words were little quoted in the past, when it was not the problem it is today.
His 1935 remark on the Government of India Act, warning of the danger if terrorists
were elected to the Bengal Assembly, puts us in mind of the election of a Hamas government
 in Palestine in 2006—or, the unelected advent of what calls itself an Islamic State in Iraq
and Syria.
“No countries are less prepared to deal with terrorism than Western democracies,”
he said in 1947. ”…squalid warfare with terrorists should be avoided, and if ever it breaks out,
 every effort should be made—I exclude no reasonable proposal—to bring it to an end.”
 Above all he emphasized that respecting terrorism, national politics must stop at the
water’s edge. If it does not, he believed, “all hopes are lost, all plans squandered”:
wise words that alas would go mainly unheeded in later times, but are perhaps worth
heeding now.

Excerpts from Churchill by Himself, edited by Richard M. Langworth


What I mean by frightfulness is the inflicting of great slaughter or massacre upon a
 particular crowd of people, with the intention of terrorising not merely the rest of the crowd,
but the whole district or the whole country.…Frightfulness is not a remedy known to the
British pharmacopoeia.… I have heard the Hon. Member for Hull
 [Lieut.-Commander Kenworthy] speak on this subject. His doctrine and his policy is to
 support and palliate every form of terrorism as long as it is the terrorism of revolutionaries
against the forces of law, loyalty and order. Governments who have seized upon power by
 violence and by usurpation have often resorted to terrorism in their desperate efforts to keep
 what they have stolen, but the august and venerable structure of the British Empire,
where lawful authority descends from hand to hand and generation after generation,
does not need such aid. Such ideas are absolutely foreign to the British way of doing things.
— House of Commons, 8 July 1920, following a report on a massacre of
 Indians at Amritsar. Joseph Montague Kenworthy, 10th Baron Strabolgi (1886-1953), 
was a Liberal MP (1919–26) and Labour MP (1926–31).


…Terrorists are naturally drawn to imitate Lenin and Trotsky;
 while we sh[oul]d take our stand on the will of the people freely expressed in both cases.
—To Austen Chamberlain, 13 May 1922


…there is real danger of dangerous terrorists, persons engaged in the gravest forms of
 terrorism, standing for the Legislature of Bengal in particular and being elected for
 the Bengal Assembly, unless this bar is put in their path.…If it is a fact that under this
constitution the Provincial Legislature of Bengal may select dangerous terrorists and send
them to the Federal Legislature then all I can say is that I hope this will be noticed by
people  outside these doors.
—House of Commons, 12 March 1935


A number of persons suspected of active complicity in terrorist activities have been arrested,
 and on October 19th, 251 were deported from the country, where their presence, with the
possibility of a large-scale attempt at rescue, only led to increased insecurity.
Since then, numerous further arrests have been made, including those of some wanted
terrorists.…In Palestine the executive of the Jewish Agency has called upon the
Jewish community—and I quote their actual words:
“to cast out the members of this destructive band, to deprive them of all refuge and shelter,
 to resist their threats, and to render all necessary assistance to the authorities in the
prevention of terrorist acts, and in the eradication of the terrorist organization.”
These are strong words, but we must wait for these words to be translated into deeds.
 We must wait to see that not only the leaders, but every man, woman and child of the
 Jewish community, does his or her best to bring this terrorism to a speedy end.
—House of Commons, 17 November 1944, following the murder of Lord Moyne, the Minister Resident in Cairo, by members of the terrorist Stern Gang on 5 November 1944.


The idea that general reprisals upon the civil population and vicarious examples would be
consonant with our whole outlook upon the world and with our name, reputation and
 principles, is, of course, one which should never be accepted in any way.
We have, therefore, very great difficulties in conducting squalid warfare with terrorists.
That is why I would venture to submit to the House that every effort should be made to avoid getting into warfare with terrorists; and if a warfare with terrorists has broken out, every effort should be made—I exclude no reasonable proposal—to bring it to an end.…
No country in the world is less fit for a conflict with terrorists than Great Britain.
That is not because of her weakness or cowardice; it is because of her restraint and virtues,
and the way of life which we have lived so long in this sheltered island.
—House of Commons, 31 January 1947


The impression has got about the world that we have only to be kicked or threatened
 to clear out of any place. The Persians like the idea of nationalization of other people’s
 property and, under the pressure of the terrorists in Teheran, they now propose to seize
the Anglo-Persian oilfields, which have been discovered and developed by fifty years of British
 brains and capital. Iraq threatens the same policy of spoliation.…
All this and much else is happening within six years of the world war, in which for more than
 a year we sustained the cause of freedom alone and from which we emerged with complete
victory and worldwide respect.
—Scottish Unionist Association, Glasgow, 18 May 1951

Further reading:

 “Churchill and Terrorism”

“Anarchism and Fire: What we Can Learn from Sidney Street”

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