Blog Archive

30 September 2018

“Who to follow” ?

“Who to follow” banner. Sociology professor Zeynep Tufekci dubbed YouTube “the Great Radicalizer” in a recent New York Times op-ed: “It seems as if you are never ‘hardcore’ enough for YouTube’s recommendation algorithm,” she wrote. “It promotes, recommends and disseminates videos in a manner that appears to constantly up the stakes.” 

Certain people have become so brazen as to think that only they have all the answers. Most on the Left say that many people do not understand the Liberal-Socialist camp!  Therefore their rhetoric seems to follow that they are the only real advantage for you!  They are about domination by way making people think that  Liberalism is going to take care of them!  But at what cost! 

How does this differ from the Right or Conservatives standpoint?

1) Personal Choice! People should always have the opportunity to choose who, what, why and how things will be handeled.

2) The Government must be open and free.

3) Follow the US Constitution.

4) Get US on a balanced - line item budget.

5) Enforce the laws equally for everyone.

I do not depend upon any online Mass Media for my information - I ferret out the real truth! 

It takes thinking, using God-given intelligence and Prayer - not guessing, hoping and watching the evening news! 

Once you understand this system - you will no longer be lead by pompous fools who only want to run your life and take your freedom! Let Freedom Ring!

Don't compare yourself to others

 Don't compare yourself to others

Mark 12:41-42 "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing."

MARK 12:41-44

The treasury that is spoken of here is a place located in the Women's Court that was in the temple complex but was not part of the temple itself. Women were not allowed in the temple, so the fact that this widow was casting her offering into the treasury verifies the location of the treasury.

Jesus used this instance to teach His disciples a very important lesson. He did not say these things to this widow personally. God's promises concerning giving give us an assurance that this offering was blessed back to this woman in this life, but the widow did not hear His commendation. There is no indication that this poor widow ever knew that anyone recognized the extent of her sacrifice.
Likewise, there are times when we may feel that no one knows or appreciates our sacrifices. 

However, just as surely as Jesus saw this woman's giving and knew of the sacrifice involved, God takes note of our smallest deeds and one day, will reward us openly.

The Lord does not judge the size of our gifts by how much we give, but rather by how much we have left over after we give. Men tend to compare themselves with each other but the Lord doesn't judge our giving by what others give. 
He judges our gifts by what we have to give. The Lord looks at the heart of the giver more than at the gift. 

The Lord weighs the giver more than the gift.
When we stand before the Lord, all of our works, not only our giving, will be tried to determine what sort - not what size they are.

29 September 2018

If you do not seek the truth - you lose

Seek the Truth!

Many in the world follow any " great popular sounding " speakers without regard to content, purpose, and reasons.

 If you do not seek the truth and use your God-given intelligence - often you will end up confused and lost following some socialist prapaganda which puts you under domination. So why go there? 

History is full of many fools chasing wild and self-centered dreams to failure. Have you taken time to study History?

I have and believe me, you can learn a lot if you just stop to seek the truth!

 If you do not seek the truth - you lose

We need God to fight the Evil of most of the world today!

Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Life is?? #336 Computers set to control the world!

** Money replaced the Creator and everything is in the process of being monetized. We need Divine Intervention at this point since many people have no idea what they're doing. No one seems to think anymore. **

Date:   9/29/2018
Like it or not we are being controlled more and more by computers. You may not be able to guess who has been programming those computers?

Big money dominates with no real care for the little people {Average Workers}  who are working under the directions of the politico-economic groups!

We need Divine Intervention at this point since many people have no idea what they're doing. No one seems to think anymore.
They just get into their cars, start the engine and attempt to pull out of their home base - wherever or whatever. Then just when they are out of the woods, watch what arrives in the mailbox. That's just part of it.
Domination and control at every step, just try to sell something or withdraw a large sum of money to pay overdue bills.

Let's talk politics – which is anything but political.
The word politics comes from the derivative "polarity",
or "polar" yet often just polar opposites.
It doesn't matter who is in charge, be the US, Britain, France, Russia, South Africa or China it's a game.

The Mass media has been weaponized for the benefit of the Controllers, just hypnotizing the masses. At the other end of the political spectrum, we have seen what is known as no-low contenders. Who seems to be in it for only what they can get out of the system.

All media is owned by the world money system and is following an agenda that is for our worst interests. As a culture, we have never been more divided. As a civilization, we have never been more anti-civil, electing and following the extreme politico leaders who seem to sell their souls.

Money replaced the Creator and everything is in the process of being monetized. Large socialist political- religious elements are trying to taking control of the world population. As for the world as we knew it – think serfs because when money disappears, Domination and Slavery – just working for food, shelter, "Medicaid", and especially Islamic religious control system! That is where the Domination comes in!

The world is witnessing a theater of the absurd and an illusion of grand proportion. What we are experiencing, however, is dreadfully real. The solution may be a massive push-back on a major scale. Just look at history where the few bold and powerful power players have run roughshod over the helpless masses for centuries and not necessarily just because of Race, Religion or Lands! It has been more based on domination and control! Which is so often from evil desires.

The end we see here with the distractions of reality TV, sports and ubiquitous entertainment prove to be so often true. Then the chem-trails are wearing down people's bodies quite effectively, and globally. This story is so maddening and deep, convoluted it could only have come out of a science fiction flick: but unfortunately it is now a scientific fact. Science has attempted to replace religion in many areas, yet the real religion of God will lead and save people. Not the all the illusions which we see are final.

Unfortunately, the new world inquisition is taking place before our very eyes in the skies above. Breathing ensures that your body becomes one with the toxic plasma they're dishing up for humanity. Turn on your computer and bathe yourself in EMF waves designed to wear out your nervous system. With so many levels of confusion, many lives can be lost.

The best advice is to protect yourself and your family by praying for this global nightmare of epic proportions.
We are looking at some of the worst times of our lifetime, Best to Prepare.

Think 2020 – 2025 US Elections!

** {Hopefully President Trump and the intelligent thinking people who understand can help drain this swamp to help make America great again! Thus stopping this travesty of human justice! We need prayer - and to call upon the Lord God in this hour of need!}
{ Note By Blogger }

Pas par les travaux

Pas par les travauxMatthieu 23:23 "Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites, car vous payez la dîme de menthe, d'anis et de cumin, et vous avez omis les questions plus lourdes de la loi, du jugement, de la miséricorde et de la foi. et ne pas laisser l'autre défait. "

L'une des manières dont la bonté de Dieu est révélée est par sa miséricorde. Nous pouvons décrire la miséricorde comme la volonté de Dieu de soulager la misère des créatures déchues. Plusieurs fois, la miséricorde s'appelle la compassion ou l'amour bienveillant. Il est exprimé envers le pécheur à cause de la misère que le péché lui a infligée.
La miséricorde de Dieu envers le croyant est révélée par Dieu qui enlève la misère des conséquences du péché à travers la Nouvelle Alliance de notre Sauveur, le Seigneur Jésus-Christ. La miséricorde n'est pas quelque chose de mérité ou de mérité, mais un don, comme le dit l'apôtre Paul: «Non pas par des œuvres de justice que nous avons faites, mais selon SA MISERIE, il nous a sauvés» (Ti. 3: 5).
Paul parle du Père céleste comme du "Père des miséricordes". Le mot père est souvent utilisé dans les Écritures en tant que source ou source de quelque chose. Par exemple, le diable est appelé le père des mensonges (Jean 8:44), c'est-à-dire qu'il est l'auteur et le créateur du mensonge.

De même, notre Père céleste est l'auteur, l'auteur et la source de toute pitié. Chaque fois que l'humanité a crié dans la foi, la miséricorde de Dieu a atteint et répondu à leurs besoins.
Il est dit que Dieu est riche en miséricorde à cause de son grand amour avec lequel il nous a aimés (Eph. 2: 4) et d'avoir un trône appelé grâce par lequel nous pouvons venir et obtenir la miséricorde.

Dieu n'était pas motivé pour nous sauver par pitié ou par sens d'obligation en tant que notre Créateur. Il était uniquement motivé par l'amour.
Dieu nous aime.Le temps dira comment, quand et où on vous a montré de la pitié!

28 September 2018

Cinnamon - one of the best spices

Cinnamon - one of the best spices

The most important spice?

Species {From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia}

A number of species are often sold as cinnamon:
Cassia induce a strong, spicy flavour and is often used in baking, especially associated with cinnamon rolls, as it handles baking conditions well. Among cassia, Chinese cinnamon is generally medium to light reddish brown in colour, hard and woody in texture, and thicker (2–3 mm (0.079–0.118 in) thick), as all of the layers of bark are used. Ceylon cinnamon, using only the thin inner bark, has a lighter brown colour, a finer, less dense and more crumbly texture. It is considered to be subtle and more aromatic in flavour than cassia and it loses much of its flavour during cooking.
The barks of the species are easily distinguished when whole, both in macroscopic and microscopic characteristics. Ceylon cinnamon sticks (quills) have many thin layers and can easily be made into powder using a coffee or spice grinder, whereas cassia sticks are much harder. Indonesian cinnamon is often sold in neat quills made up of one thick layer, capable of damaging a spice or coffee grinder. Saigon cinnamon (C. loureiroi) and Chinese cinnamon (C. cassia) are always sold as broken pieces of thick bark, as the bark is not supple enough to be rolled into quills.
The powdered bark is harder to distinguish, but if it is treated with tincture of iodine (a test for starch), little effect is visible with pure Ceylon cinnamon, but when Chinese cinnamon is present, a deep-blue tint is produced.


The Sri Lankan grading system divides the cinnamon quills into four groups:
  • Alba, less than 6 mm (0.24 in) in diameter
  • Continental, less than 16 mm (0.63 in) in diameter
  • Mexican, less than 19 mm (0.75 in) in diameter
  • Hamburg, less than 32 mm (1.3 in) in diameter
These groups are further divided into specific grades. For example, Mexican is divided into M00 000 special, M000000, and M0000, depending on quill diameter and number of quills per kilogram.
Any pieces of bark less than 106 mm (4.2 in) long are categorized as quillings. Featherings are the inner bark of twigs and twisted shoots. Chips are trimmings of quills, outer and inner bark that cannot be separated, or the bark of small twigs.


Cinnamon production – 2016
 Sri Lanka
Source: FAOSTAT of the United Nations
Combined, Indonesia and China produced 75% of the world's cinnamon in 2016 when global production was 223,574 tonnes(table).
 Four countries accounted for 99% of the world total: Indonesia, China, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka.
 Flavour, aroma, and taste
The flavour of cinnamon is due to an aromatic essential oilthat makes up 0.5 to 1% of its composition. This essential oil can be prepared by roughly pounding the bark, macerating it in sea water, and then quickly distilling the whole. It is of a golden-yellow colour, with the characteristic odour of cinnamon and a very hot aromatic taste. The pungent tasteand scent come from cinnamaldehyde (about 90% of the essential oil from the bark) and, by reaction with oxygen as it ages, it darkens in colour and forms resinous compounds.
Cinnamon constituents include some 80 aromatic compounds, including eugenol found in the oil from leaves or bark of cinnamon trees.

Be a giver.

Matthew 23:23 "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone."

Some have taught that Jesus did away with the tithe since it is not a specific part of the New Testament teaching. But in this instance, Jesus made reference to the scribes and Pharisees tithing and implied that they were right in doing so. The New Covenant did not do away with the tithe but it clarified what the motives for tithing should be.

Abram tithed over 430 years before the law was given. Jacob also tithed approximately 300 years before the time of the law. Therefore, tithing was a Biblical principle that didn't begin or end with the law of Moses. However, the law of Moses did include tithing as part of its commandments and attached were stiff penalties for those who failed to comply. It was concerning these punishments for not tithing, that the New Testament differed from the Old Testament. Malachi 3:8-9 says that if a man doesn't tithe, he has robbed God and is cursed with a curse. Therefore, people gave out of the motivation of debt and obligation. Jesus redeemed us from this and all the other curses of the law, so that God will not curse us for not tithing.

The apostle Paul also made it very clear that any type of giving motivated by anything less than God's kind of love is useless. He went on to explain in 2 Corinthians 9:7, that God wants us to give, "not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." The type of giving that God loves is cheerful, freewill giving. This does not mean that tithing is contrary to the New Testament. It is the "fear of punishment" motive, that the Old Testament law attached to tithing, that has been done away with. Giving and tithing are still very much a part of the New Testament doctrine, and if done with the New Testament attitude, are still acceptable to God. 

Be a giver.

26 September 2018

Humble self?

Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Humble self?
** anyone becomes a servant and humbles himself with the motive of being exalted, then he is not truly fulfilling Jesus' command. **

Date:   9/26/2018

Humble self?

Matthew 23:12 "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased, and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

MATTHEW 23:10-12

In Romans 12:10 we are admonished to desire the welfare of others more than our own; to like others better than ourselves. That is an awesome command that is only obtainable through God's supernatural love. If this very simple, yet very profound truth could be understood and applied, then strife would cease (Prov. 13:10).

{ Yes, That means we get our eyes of self so that pride and all self-centeredness would vanish and people could learn to love their neighbors as themselves! WOW, all strife could be gone and peace would be the work of the day!}

The world would see Christianity as never before, and we would discover the true joy that comes from serving someone besides ourselves.

There is much confusion today on the subject of love because we have only one English word (love) to describe a broad aspect of meanings. For example, if I said, "I love my wife, I love apple pie, and I love my dog," obviously I am not talking about love in the same degree of definition.

God's type of love; the highest kind of love, is AGAPE. This is when we seek the welfare or betterment of others even when we don't feel affection. AGAPE love does not come from one's feelings. Jesus displayed this AGAPE kind of love by going to the cross and dying for us even though He didn't feel like dying. Jesus sought the betterment of you and me, regardless of His feelings.

We, too, can AGAPE love our enemies even though we don't have a warm feeling of affection for them. If they are hungry we can feed them; if they are thirsty we can give them a drink. We can choose to seek the betterment and welfare of others regardless of how we feel.

If anyone becomes a servant and humbles himself with the motive of being exalted, then he is not truly fulfilling Jesus' command. Jesus is teaching about a true, servant's heart, that loves others more than itself and will joyfully go without so that someone else may prosper.

{Not some form of false pride or accolade or popular acclaim!}

25 September 2018

Ne suivez pas les imbéciles!

Blog: Ma route insolite de la vie ....par kerminator
Ne suivez pas les imbéciles!
** Avec plus de 40 ans de travail sur le support technique majeur;J'ai appris que la résolution de problèmes n'est pas un mystère. C'est plutôt la façon systématique de regarder les choses. **
Rendez-vous amoureux:25 septembre 2018L'ignorance n'est fondamentalement pas la recherche et / ou la pensée.
Cherchez la vérité et cela vous libérera!Oh, mais tu n'y crois pas?Avez-vous déjà essayé?Duh, non! Mais je sais tout!Je l'ai prouvé dans ma vie plusieurs fois!
Alors, pourquoi y a-t-il tant de problèmes ou de personnes ayant des doutes avec la dépression?
La plupart des problèmes peuvent être classés en deux domaines principaux:"Avidité ou centrage sur soi" - qu'en pensez-vous?
Dieu a donné à chacun de nous une agence libre {libre choix} de chercher la vérité dans cette vie.Avez-vous déjà commencé à utiliser le vôtre?
Quand allez-vous commencer mon cher ami?
Hier, c'est trop tard. Mettez-vous en marche et commencez à utiliser le cerveau et à chercher la vérité. Vous ne trouverez pas si suivre la plupart des peluches populaires {en fait, une grande partie est bidon et condescendant ne conduisant qu'à plus de domination et de doute} alors pourquoi y aller?
Si vous deviez décider qui, quoi et pourquoi vous croyez quoi, alors quelles seraient vos dix choses sur cette liste?
Les miens sont les suivants:{Ne vous frayez pas un chemin jusqu'à ce que vous ayez lu et considéré toutes les alternatives - parce que c’est la raison pour laquelle vous êtes là où vous êtes aujourd’hui.}: Se précipiter sauf en cas d’urgence extrême est imparfait!
1) Dieu premier en tant que Seigneur suprême de tout ce qui existe dans l'univers! Cherchez-le d'abord!
2) Ne cherchez que la vérité absolue - pas la poubelle populaire du monde!
3) Lire ou étudier les faits logiques et absolus véridiques qui peuvent mener à la vérité ultime {ou à une solution}!
4) La résolution de problèmes n'est pas un mystère. C'est plutôt la façon systématique de regarder les choses.Si vous arrêtez et utilisez votre intelligence, il vous sera facile de trouver une solution viable. Mais vous devez d'abord arrêter et analyser la situation!
5) La plupart des solutions sont évidentes ou souvent juste devant vous - si vous prenez juste le temps d'observer et de réfléchir! The Key prend le temps et les efforts pour comprendre la situation devant vous!
6) à 10 suivront sur le prochain blog!
** Suivra des exemples de blogs plus tard où j'ai trouvé la clé de la résolution de problèmes {un véritable dépannage, aucune de la magie de frigging {PFM} ou d'autres trucs}.
Avec plus de 40 ans de soutien technique majeur en résolution de problèmes sur les principaux sites, usines et installations gouvernementales, y compris les installations militaires. C'est un système éprouvé et viable pour trouver des réponses à de nombreux problèmes réels!
Arrêtez-vous pour plus de suivi!

Don't follow fools!

Blog: My Unusual Road of Life....
by kerminator
Don't follow fools!

** With over 40 years working on major technical support;
I have learned that Problem-solving is not a mystery. Rather it is the systematic way to look at things. **

25 September 2018
Ignorance is basically not seeking and/or thinking.

Seek the truth and it will set you free!
Oh, but you don't believe it?
Well, have you tried it yet?
Duh, no! But I know it all!
I have proved it in my life many times!

Then why is it there are so many problems or people with doubts having depression?

Most of the problems can be classified as one of two main areas:
" Greed or Self-Centeredness" - what do you think about that fact?

God gave each of us a free agency {free choice} to seek the truth in this life.
Have you even begun to use yours yet?

When are you going to start dear friend?

Yesterday is too late. Get yourself in gear and start to use the brain and seek the truth. You will not find if following most of the popular fluff {in fact much of which is bogus and condescending leading only to more domination and doubt} so why go there?

If you had to decide who, what and why you believe whatever, then what would be your ten things on that list?

Mine are as follows:
{Don't get all sideways until you have read and considered all the alternatives - because this is why you are where you are today.}: Rushing except for real extreme emergencies is flawed!


1) God first as the supreme Lord of all that exists in the universe! Seek Him first!

2) Seek only the absolute truth - not the foolish popular trash of the world!

3) Read or study the truthful logical and absolute facts which can lead toward the ultimate Truth {or a solution}!

4) Problem-solving is not a mystery. Rather it is the systematic way to look at things.
If you stop and use your God Given intelligence, it will be easy for you find a viable solution. But you must first stop and analyze the situation!

5) Most solutions are obvious or often right before you - if you just take the time to observe and think! The Key is taking the time and effort to understand the situation before you!

6) thru 10 will follow on the next blog!

** Will follow on later blogs examples where I have found the key to problem-solving {Real troubleshooting, none of the {PFM} pure frigging magic or other fake stuff}.

With over 40 years in major problem solving technical support at major sites, plants, and government facilities including Military Facilities. It is a viable proven system to find answers to many real problems!

Stop back for more follow up!

algorithms that govern how we find information online

noun: algorithm; plural noun: algorithms
  1. a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
    "a basic algorithm for division"

Free Speech Is Not the Same As Free Reach

Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images

The algorithms that govern how we find information online are once again in the news—but you have to squint to find them.
“Trump Accuses Google of Burying Conservative News in Search Results,” reads an August 28 New York Times headline. The piece features a bombastic president, a string of bitter tweets, and accusations of censorship. “Algorithms” are mentioned, but not until the twelfth paragraph.
Trump—like so many other politicians and pundits—has found search and social media companies to be convenient targets in the debate over free speech and censorship online. “They have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD,” the president recently tweeted. He added: “They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation—will be addressed!”

Renee DiResta (@noUpside) is an Ideas contributor for WIRED, the director of research at New Knowledge, and a Mozilla fellow on media, misinformation, and trust. She is affiliated with the Berkman-Klein Center at Harvard and the Data Science Institute at Columbia University.
Trump is partly right: They are controlling what we can and cannot see. But “they” aren’t the executives leading Google, Facebook, and other technology companies. “They” are the opaque, influential algorithms that determine what content billions of internet users read, watch, and share next.
These algorithms are invisible, but they have an outsized impact on shaping individuals’ experience online and society at large. Indeed, YouTube’s video-recommendation algorithm inspires 700,000,000 hours of watch time per day—and can spread misinformation, disrupt elections, and incite violence. Algorithms like this need fixing.
But in this moment, the conversation we should be having—how can we fix the algorithms?—is instead being co-opted and twisted by politicians and pundits howling about censorship and miscasting content moderation as the demise of free speech online. It would be good to remind them that free speech does not mean free reach. There is no right to algorithmic amplification. In fact, that’s the very problem that needs fixing.
To see how this algorithm amplification works, simply look to RT, or Russia Today, a Russian state-owned propaganda outlet that’s also among the most popular YouTube presences. RT has amassed more than 6 billion views across 22 channels, more than MSNBC and Fox News combined. According to YouTube chief product officer Neal Mohan, 70 percent of views on YouTube are from recommendations—so the site’s algorithms are largely responsible for amplifying RT’s propaganda hundreds of millions of times.
How? Most RT viewers don’t set out in search of Russian propaganda. The videos that rack up the views are RT’s clickbait-y, gateway content: videos of towering tsunamis, meteors striking buildings, shark attacks, amusement park accidents, some that are years old but have comments from within an hour ago. This disaster porn is highly engaging; the videos have been viewed tens of millions of times and are likely watched until the end. As a result, YouTube’s algorithm likely believes other RT content is worth suggesting to the viewers of that content—and so, quickly, an American YouTube user looking for news finds themselves watching Russia’s take on Hillary Clinton, immigration, and current events. These videos are served up in autoplay playlists alongside content from legitimate news organizations, giving RT itself increased legitimacy by association.
The social internet is mediated by algorithms: recommendation engines, search, trending, autocomplete, and other mechanisms that predict what we want to see next. The algorithms don’t understand what is propaganda and what isn’t, or what is “fake news” and what is fact-checked. Their job is to surface relevant content (relevant to the user, of course), and they do it exceedingly well. So well, in fact, that the engineers who built these algorithms are sometimes baffled: “Even the creators don’t always understand why it recommends one video instead of another,” says Guillaume Chaslot, an ex-YouTube engineer who worked on the site’s algorithm.
These opaque algorithms with their singular purpose—“keep watching”—coupled with billions of users is a dangerous recipe. In recent years, we’ve seen how dire the consequences can be. Propaganda like RT content is circulated far and wide to disinform and worsen polarization, especially during democratic elections. YouTube’s algorithms can also radicalize by suggesting “white supremacist rants, Holocaust denials, and other disturbing content,” Zeynep Tufekci recently wrote in the Times. “YouTube may be one of the most powerful radicalizing instruments of the 21st century.”
The problem extends beyond YouTube, though. On Google search, dangerous anti-vaccine misinformation can commandeer the top results. And on Facebook, hate speech can thrive and fuel genocide. A United Nations report about the genocide in Myanmar reads: “The role of social media is significant. Facebook has been a useful instrument for those seeking to spread hate, in a context where for most users Facebook is the Internet … The extent to which Facebook posts and messages have led to real-world discrimination and violence must be independently and thoroughly examined.”
So what can we do about it? The solution isn’t to outlaw algorithmic ranking or make noise about legislating what results Google can return. Algorithms are an invaluable tool for making sense of the immense universe of information online. There’s an overwhelming amount of content available to fill any given person’s feed or search query; sorting and ranking is a necessity, and there has never been evidence indicating that the results display systemic partisan bias. That said, unconscious bias is a concern in any algorithm; this is why tech companies have investigated conservative claims of bias since the Facebook Trending News debacle of 2016. There hasn’t been any credible evidence. But there is a trust problem, and a lack of understanding of how rankings and feeds work, and that allows bad-faith politicking to gain traction. The best solution to that is to increase transparency and internet literacy, enabling users to have a better understanding of why they see what they see—and to build these powerful curatorial systems with a sense of responsibility for what they return.
There have been positive steps in this direction. The examples of harms mentioned above have sparked congressional investigations aimed at understanding how tech platforms shape our conversations and our media consumption. In an upcoming Senate hearing next week, the Senate Intelligence Committee will ask Jack Dorsey of Twitter and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook to provide an accounting of how, specifically, they are taking steps to address computational propaganda.
It’s imperative that we focus on solutions, not politics. We need to build on those initial investigations. We need more nuanced conversations and education about algorithmic curation, its strange incentives, and its occasionally unfortunate outcomes. We need to hold tech companies accountable—for irresponsible tech, not evidence-free allegations of censorship—and demand transparency into how their algorithms and moderation policies work. By focusing on the real problem here, we can begin addressing the real issues that are disrupting the internet—and democracy.
Aza Raskin from the Center for Humane Technology contributed to this story.

Demandez à Dieu sa sagesse!

Demandez à Dieu sa sagesse!
Alors Jésus dit à la multitude et à ses disciples:
MATTHIEU 23: 1-9

Ce reproche de Jésus aux scribes et aux pharisiens pour leur hypocrisie était le traitement le plus dur qu’il ait jamais donné à un groupe. Il l'a fait publiquement devant la multitude, le peuple que les hypocrites ont le plus voulu impressionner.
Jésus avait fait face à de nombreuses batailles antérieures avec les scribes et les pharisiens.

En ce jour particulier, la rencontre a commencé avec les principaux sacrificateurs et les anciens qui contestaient l'autorité de Jésus. Jésus les a assommés en répondant par une question qui contestait leur autorité. Il a ensuite utilisé trois paraboles pour illustrer que les dirigeants des Juifs avaient rejeté la règle de Dieu dans leurs vies, malgré leurs actes religieux pieux. Ils "ont perçu qu'il parlait d'eux".
Les pharisiens ont réagi en tentant de convaincre Jésus de payer des impôts au gouvernement romain. Alors les Sadducéens ont essayé d'arrêter Jésus avec une question sur la résurrection, et finalement un avocat a essayé de le piéger avec une question sur le plus grand commandement. Jésus a si bien fait dans chaque test que "personne après lui ne lui a posé de question".

Jésus a alors demandé aux dirigeants qui étaient censés tout savoir, une question à laquelle aucun d'entre eux ne pouvait répondre. Ces Juifs, qui se targuaient d'avoir des connaissances supérieures, ont été totalement humiliés par un homme qui n'avait jamais connu leur "séminaire" religieux. Cela les a poussés à avoir peur d'essayer de nouveau de piéger Jésus, en l'interrogeant.

Ce sont les événements de la journée qui ont mené à la réprimande publique cinglante de Jésus contre ces hypocrites. Jésus a donné cette réprimande sachant très bien qu'ils avaient l'intention de le tuer. Jésus était totalement intrépide face à leurs menaces. Toutes ces questions étaient destinées à piéger Jésus, mais dans son infinie sagesse supérieure, il a échappé à leurs pièges.

Demandez à Dieu sa sagesse. Il vous aidera aussi à éviter les pièges.

Ask God for His Wisdom!

"Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,"

MATTHEW 23:1-9

This rebuke by Jesus to the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy was the harshest treatment that He ever gave to any group. He did this publicly before the multitude, the people the hypocrites most wanted to impress.

Jesus had faced many prior battles with the scribes and Pharisees.
 On this particular day, the encounter started with the chief priests and elders challenging Jesus' authority. Jesus stunned them by replying with a question that challenged their authority. He then used three parables to illustrate that the leaders of the Jews had rejected the rule of God in their lives, despite their pious religious acts. They "perceived that he spake of them."

The Pharisees countered by tempting Jesus with a question about paying taxes to the Roman government. Then the Sadducees tried to stop Jesus with a question about the resurrection, and finally, a lawyer tried to snare Him with a question about the greatest commandment. Jesus did so well in each test that "no man after that did ask him any question." 

Jesus then asked the leaders who were supposed to know it all, a question that none of them could answer. These Jews, who prided themselves on having superior knowledge, were totally humiliated by a man who had never been through their religious "seminary." This resulted in them being afraid to ever try to trap Jesus again, by questioning Him.

These were the events of the day that led up to Jesus' stinging public rebuke of these hypocrites. Jesus gave this rebuke knowing full well that they were planning to kill Him. Jesus was totally fearless in the face of their threats. All of these questions were intended to snare Jesus, but in His infinite superior wisdom, He evaded their traps.

Ask God for His wisdom, - He will also help you evade traps.

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