Blog Archive

30 April 2018

The Information Age??

Say Goodbye To The Information Age: It’s All About Reputation Now

In a world of fake news, the only antidote is our ability to judge the reputation of the people supplying us with information.

Say Goodbye To The Information Age: It’s All About Reputation Now
[Photo: hwanchul/iStock]
There is an underappreciated paradox of knowledge that plays a pivotal role in our advanced hyper-connected liberal democracies: the greater the amount of information that circulates, the more we rely on so-called reputational devices to evaluate it. What makes this paradoxical is that the vastly increased access to information and knowledge we have today does not empower us or make us more cognitively autonomous. Rather, it renders us more dependent on other people’s judgments and evaluations of the information with which we are faced.
We are experiencing a fundamental paradigm shift in our relationship to knowledge. From the “information age,” we are moving towards the “reputation age,” in which information will have value only if it is already filtered, evaluated, and commented upon by others. Seen in this light, reputation has become a central pillar of collective intelligence today. It is the gatekeeper to knowledge, and the keys to the gate are held by others. The way in which the authority of knowledge is now constructed makes us reliant on what are the inevitably biased judgments of other people, most of whom we do not know.
[Photo: hwanchul/iStock]
Let me give some examples of this paradox. If you are asked why you believe that big changes in the climate are occurring and can dramatically harm future life on Earth, the most reasonable answer you’re likely to provide is that you trust the reputation of the sources of information to which you usually turn for acquiring information about the state of the planet. In the best-case scenario, you trust the reputation of scientific research and believe that peer-review is a reasonable way of sifting out “truths” from false hypotheses and complete “bullshit” about nature. In the average-case scenario, you trust newspapers, magazines or TV channels that endorse a political view which supports scientific research to summarize its findings for you. In this latter case, you are twice-removed from the sources: you trust other people’s trust in reputable science.

Or, take an even more uncontroversial truth that I have discussed at length elsewhere: one of the most notorious conspiracy theories is that no man stepped on the Moon in 1969, and that the entire Apollo program (including six landings on the Moon between 1969 and 1972) was a staged fake. The initiator of this conspiracy theory was Bill Kaysing, who worked in publications at the Rocketdyne company–where Apollo’s Saturn V rocket engines were built. At his own expense, Kaysing published the book We Never Went to the Moon: America’s $30 Billion Swindle (1976). After publication, a movement of skeptics grew and started to collect evidence about the alleged hoax.
[Photo: hwanchul/iStock]
According to the Flat Earth Society, one of the groups that still denies the facts, the Moon landings were staged by Hollywood with the support of Walt Disney and under the artistic direction of Stanley Kubrick. Most of the ‘proofs’ they advance are based on a seemingly accurate analysis of the pictures of the various landings. The shadows’ angles are inconsistent with the light, the United States flag blows even if there is no wind on the Moon, the tracks of the steps are too precise and well-preserved for a soil in which there is no moisture. Also, is it not suspicious that a programme that involved more than 400,000 people for six years was shut down abruptly? And so on.

The great majority of the people we would consider reasonable and accountable (myself included) will dismiss these claims by laughing at the very absurdity of the hypothesis (although there have been serious and documented responses by NASA against these allegations). Yet, if I ask myself on what evidentiary basis I believe that there has been a Moon landing, I must admit that my evidence is quite poor, and that I have never invested a second trying to debunk the counter-evidence accumulated by these conspiracy theorists.

What I personally know about the facts mixes confused childhood memories, black-and-white television news, and deference to what my parents told me about the landing in subsequent years. Still, the wholly secondhand and personally uncorroborated quality of this evidence does not make me hesitate about the truth of my beliefs on the matter.

29 April 2018

Want a miracle or a Blessing?

  Want to live in a Miracle  or a Blessing?

It’s true that we serve a God of miracles. But brace yourself, because what I am going to say about that will come as a total shock to some of you.  

The Lord’s preference is not to meet your needs through a miracle.

Now before you think I’ve lost all my faith, hear me out. I define a miracle as the suspension or superseding of natural laws, and personally, I’ve received many. There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord performs miracles and uses them like a bell to draw people unto Himself.
But let me ask you, would you rather receive a miracle of healing or live with the blessing of good health? Would you rather have the Lord perform a miracle to pull you out of bankruptcy or be so blessed financially that He wouldn’t have to? I think the logical answer to both of those questions is obvious.

It’s always better to avoid problems, which is the result of living in blessing, than it is to be delivered out of them, which requires a miracle.

There are three important reasons for receiving from God through blessings rather than miracles. First, blessings prevent crises, while miracles deliver from crises. Second, a blessing is always a more abundant supply than a miracle. And third, miracles are a temporary fix, while blessings are permanent solutions. Therefore, if you’re living from miracle to miracle, it probably means you’re living from crisis to crisis.

God’s original intent for His creation was to function under His blessing instead of a miracle. If sin hadn’t corrupted God’s creation, there would be no need for miracles. Everyone would be healthy, everyone would be prosperous, and strife, the cause of broken relationships and wars, wouldn’t even exist.

Unfortunately, there is corruption in the earth, and there will always be a place for miracles. However, Jesus not only forgave us of our sins, He redeemed us from the curse and placed blessings on His followers.

Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.”

If we will believe we are blessed and act accordingly, we can avoid many of the problems that make us candidates for miracles.

Let me illustrate. Some believers pray for financial miracles but aren’t practicing the principle of giving and will not work. They know God loves them, so they’re counting on and believing for a miracle. And that’s just what it will take. They aren’t obeying God’s Word in faith, so they can’t receive the blessing God has spoken over them.
The Lord told us to work so that He would bless the work of our hands and that if we would give, it would be given unto us.

We read in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

Deuteronomy 28:12 reads, “The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.”

Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

If we don’t obey Him in these commands, it’s either because of ignorance or we don’t fully trust His promises. That doesn’t mean the Lord hates us, but it means our unbelief is stopping the blessing He has spoken from coming to pass in our lives.

So, lack of faith in God’s blessing causes us to enter into crisis, and right before disaster, if we continue steadfast in our belief for a miracle, we receive just enough to get us over the hump. Then next month we need another miracle. I know this drill from experience.

One of the greatest mistakes of my life was believing that to be a full-time minister, I had to quit working a secular job. It wasn’t that I minded working; I’ve been a hard worker all my life and I enjoy it. I honestly thought I had to make a choice, that I couldn’t do both.
It took years for the Lord to get through my stubbornness and teach me I could work to supplement my income until the ministry grew. In the meantime, Jamie and I suffered a lot of financial crises, unnecessarily.

Because the Lord loved us, He kept us alive with a lot of miracles. I remember the week before our first son was born. We didn’t have the money to pay the expenses. Miraculously, a Bible study group from nearly 100 miles away sent us all we needed to pay for the birth, just in time.
The day of Joshua’s birth, I ran out of gas and pulled into a service station. Without any money and not knowing what to do, I started filling my tank believing God would perform a miracle.
 (Please don’t do this—I’m not recommending it; it’s just what I did.)

I didn’t know it when I pulled in, but while I was filling my tank, the owner came out, and as it turns out, he was a Christian friend. He asked how I was doing. I told him about Joshua just being born, and he said, “Well, let this tank of gas be on me in celebration of his birth.” Thank You, Jesus!
On another occasion, we went to the grocery store with $7 and came home with three large grocery sacks of meat and other food. Another miracle. Once, our car ran for a week without gas. The block even cracked because we didn’t have enough antifreeze, and yet it didn’t leak water. On and on, I could go. We experienced miracles all the time.

Many years later I was thinking about all those miracles, and I began to be a little concerned. It had been years since I’d seen miracles like that in our finances. As I pondered this, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Would you like to go back to living by miracles, or would you rather live in the blessings you now enjoy?” That was a no-brainer. I’d rather be blessed than in need of a miracle. When I need gas now, I just pull in, fill up, and buy it. Thank You, Jesus!

Because miracles are “unnatural,” they are never permanent. The Lord created laws that govern the operation of His creation. He sometimes, temporarily, supersedes them, but always returns the situation back to the natural operation of those laws.

For instance, if we abuse our bodies, we can receive a miracle of healing. But if the root of the problem isn’t dealt with, the sickness or infirmity will return, and we’ll need another miracle.
But when we believe God’s Word and follow its instructions, it will teach us how to eat, exercise, and enjoy emotional health that works like a medicine (Prov. 17:22). The Lord would rather keep you healthy through His blessing than to heal you by a miracle.

And, unlike miracles, once a blessing is received, no outside force can stop it:
“Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it” (Num. 23:20).

The only thing that can stop the blessing of God in our lives is our unbelief. What a powerful truth. Balaam’s curse couldn’t stop the blessing that was on the nation of Israel. The blessing received in faith will always trump the curse.

So, what is the blessing of God, and how do we receive it?
To begin with, the blessing of God isn’t things. The blessing of God will produce things, but the blessing isn’t things.
Galatians 3:14 says, “That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.”
Abraham’s blessing has come upon us through faith in Christ, and the blessing isn’t the things that Abraham possessed. Would you want Abraham’s animals that have been dead for four thousand years?
 Do you want his tents and clothes?
I don’t think so. What you want is the favor of God that was spoken over him, which produced his physical and spiritual abundance.

That’s what the blessing of God is; it’s His divine spoken favor. And that blessing, if mixed with faith, will produce abundance in spirit, soul, and body.

There is much more to the contrast of blessings and miracles than what I have been able to present here. I consider this to be one of the most foundational and beneficial truths the Lord has ever taught me. If you can make the adjustment from a miracle mentality to a blessed mentality, you will begin to prosper as never before.

The good news is, you are already blessed. The bad news is, most don’t know the power of that blessing. They would rather have a miracle.

If you receive this teaching in your heart, you will come to a place where you will pray,“Lord, help me to never need a miracle from You again. I want to live in the blessing.” When it comes to personal needs, miracles should be for people who don’t have the revelation of God’s blessing. Don’t let that be you.

Qu'est-ce qu'un miracle?

Qu'est-ce qu'un miracle?
** Pendant ces temps désespérés, les gens doivent chercher un miracle! Pourtant, les miracles ne sont que des événements temporaires dans cette vie terrestre! **
Date: 29/04/2018
Qu'est-ce qu'un miracle?Dimanche 29 Mai 2011Par kerminator
Miracles et bénédictions de Dieu!Ce qui définit la différence entre Miracles et Bénédictions!
Les miracles viennent d'une réponse d'urgence à une crise de la vie!Malheureusement, de nombreuses personnes vivent dans un état de crise permanent.Cela va du financier, social, politique, au très personnel.
Certains vivent dans des situations presque désespérées quotidiennement.Pendant ces périodes, ils doivent généralement ramper etmendier de l'aide.C'est pendant ces temps désespérés que les gens doivent chercher un miracle!Pourtant, les miracles ne sont que des événements temporaires dans cette vie terrestre!La vraie question est la suivante: pourquoi continueriez-vous simplement à passer d'une crise à l'autre alors qu'il y a un meilleur moyen?
Dieu a une provision pour vous parce que n'importe qui peut recevoir sa bénédiction (s) qui couvre une myriade de situations.
Alors, comment ça marche?En fait, les bénédictions sont plus importantes et durent pour toujours!Les bénédictions de Dieu sont en cours, pas seulement un événement ponctuel!Les bénédictions ne s'arrêtent pas!
Les bénédictions continuent jusqu'à ce qu'une personne sorte des lois de Dieu.Dieu a créé le monde et a prononcé de nombreuses Bénédictions, comme la Bénédiction qui permet à tous les êtres vivants de se reproduire.Les bénédictions sont prononcées par des mots en prononçant des mots positifs.La puissance d'une bénédiction est infiniment plus puissante que tout ce qui peut être utilisé contre elle!Une fois donné une Bénédiction de Dieu est pour toujours. Une bénédiction ne peut pas être révoquée!Les bénédictions peuvent être entravées et obscurcies par le péché.
{Le péché est une action ou un choix contre les lois de Dieu!}.Cela arrive lorsque nous, les humains décident d'accepter nos propres désirs personnels, puischasser après le péché dans le monde!C'est là que la plupart des gens ont perdu leurs bénédictions.Ils choisissent leur chemin au lieu de chercher la Volonté de Dieu dans leur vie!Regardant en arrière l'histoire d'Israël une fois qu'ils ont été bénis en entrant dans la Terre Promise par Dieu; même s'ils ont personnellement péché, la bénédiction a tenu !!
Le pouvoir d'une Bénédiction est Éternel, mais cela ne fonctionne que pour nous (vous) si, comme toutes les Provisions de Dieu, vous devez l'accepter et le croire vraiment!Sans la foi personnelle, il est impossible de recevoirBénédictions de Dieu dans votre vie!
Cela dépend entièrement de votre foi (croyance) plutôt que de vos actions! Une fois que vous avez la foi, alors vous suivrez nécessairement vos actions pour prouver votre foi!Manquez-vous les bénédictions dans votre vie?
Beaucoup de gens pensent que certaines choses ou bénédictions arrivent seulement à ceux qui vivent une vie sainte!Premièrement, il n'y a personne qui ait jamais vécu dans ce monde, qui ait vécu une vie parfaite ou sainte à l'exception de Jésus!Donc, il n'y a pas d'exigence particulière pour vous d'appeler les bénédictions deDieu.
La foi est la clé!Pourtant, le seul ou le seul groupe qui peut arrêter une onction ou une bénédiction de Dieu; est le (s) même (s) que cela affecte ...En d'autres termes, ils (vous) devraient apporter une malédiction ou une non-bénédiction sur eux-mêmes!Les autres ne peuvent pas vous faire perdre votre Bénédiction!Cela signifie qu'une fois que vous recevez et acceptez le Seigneur Jésus; alors acceptez-Le totalement comme on le trouve dans les Dix Commandements:"Car je suis le Seigneur ton Dieu, alors tu n'auras pas d'autres dieux devant moi!"
Ceci est fait par l'incrédulité dans les paroles de Dieu dans votre vie quand vous demeurez dans le péché (s) qui vous enlèvent de la bénédiction (protection) de Dieu!
Les bénédictions ne sont pas seulement des choses; plutôt les bénédictions sont une faveur avec Dieu!
Peu importe ce qui se passe dans votre vie une fois que vous avez décidé de suivre et de faire confiance à Dieu; vous pouvez prospérer grâce à votre foi en Sa Parole et Sa Bénédiction ...Vous devez combattre le bon combat de la foi ..."Béni soit l'homme qui supporte la tentation; car il a été approuvé, il recevra la couronne de vie que le Seigneur a promise à ceux qui l'aiment. "James 1:12
Dieu veut que vous prospériez; parce qu'Il vous a béni!La plupart des gens ont tendance à remercier que les bénédictions de Dieu soient basées sur leur comportement personnel.
{Ce qui est faux!}
Cela ne pourrait pas être plus loin de la vérité, les bénédictions de Dieu ne sont pas prononcées sur la base de vos actions.Beaucoup de gens ignorent les bénédictions et la grâce du Dieu Tout-Puissant, et ils sont nombreux!
C'est malheureux parce qu'ils se trouvent dans la Sainte Bible, et à travers de nombreuses autres sources missionnaires dans le monde!La prière vous aidera si vous voulez vraiment chercher Dieu dans votre vie!
Le diable utilise le découragement pour vaincre et détenir des milliardsde personnes otages aujourd'hui.Pourtant, il y a des milliards d'âmes dans le monde aujourd'hui, qui connaissent la Grâce et les Bénédictions de Dieu, mais elles ne se sentent pas dignes de les recevoir.
C'est ici que Satan a vaincu d'innombrables humains.Le pire, c'est que chaque personne a le choix d'accepter ou de refuser les ruses du diable dans sa vie!Satan est impuissant à faire faire n'importe quoi à n'importe qui!
C'est la personne elle-même qui cède au mal qui lui est présenté.Alors que beaucoup ne reconnaissent pas les ruses du diable comme étant mauvaises; elles sontjuste que les mensonges qui corrompent les âmes de ma

 Qu'est-ce qu'un miracle?
** Pendant ces temps désespérés, les gens doivent chercher un miracle! Pourtant, les miracles ne sont que des événements temporaires dans cette vie terrestre! **

Miracles and Blessings of God!

What is a Miracle?

** During these desperate times people must seek a miracle happening! Yet miracles are only temporary occurrences in this earthly life! **

Date: 4/29/2018

What is a Miracle?
Original Post: Sunday 29th May 2011
By kerminator

Miracles and Blessings of God!
What defines the difference between Miracles and Blessings!
Miracles come from emergency response to a crisis in life!
Unfortunately, many people live in a constant state of crisis.
These ranges from financial, social, political, to very personal.

Some live in almost desperate situations daily.
During these times they generally have to grovel and
beg for help.
It is during these desperate times people must seek a miracle happening!
Yet miracles are only temporary occurrences in this earthly life!
The real question is why would you just continue going from one crisis to another when there is a better way?

God has a provision for you because anyone can receive His Blessing(s) which covers a myriad of situations.

So just how does this work?
Actually, Blessings are more important and last forever!
Blessings of God are ongoing, not just a one-time event!
Blessings do not quit!

Blessings continue until a person steps outside of laws of God.
God created the world and pronounced many Blessings, like the Blessing which allows all living things to reproduce.
Blessings are pronounced by words by speaking positive words.
The power of a Blessing is infinitely more powerful than anything that can be used against it!
Once given a Blessing of God stands forever. A Blessing cannot be revoked!
Blessings can be hampered and obscured by sin.

{Sin is any action or choice against the laws of God!}.
This happens when we, humans decide to accept our own personal desires and then
chase after the sin in the world!
This is where most people have lost their blessings.
They choose their way instead of seeking the Will of God in their life!
Looking back at the history of Israel once they had been blessed going into the Promised Land by God; even though they personally sinned, the Blessing held!!

The power of a Blessing is Eternal, but it only works for us (you) if like all of God’s Provisions you must accept it and truly believe it!
Without personal Faith, it is impossible to receive the
Blessings of God in your life!

It is completely dependent upon your faith (belief) rather than your actions! Once you have the faith, then you will necessarily follow with your actions to prove your faith!
Are you missing the Blessings in your life?

Many people think that certain things or blessing only happen to those who live a holy life!
First, there is no person who has ever lived in this world, who has lived a perfect or holy life with the exception of Jesus!
So there is no special requirement for you to call down the Blessings of

Faith is the key!
Yet the only one or group who can stop an anointing or Blessing of God; is the very one(s)whom it affects...
In other words, they (you) would have to bring a curse or non-Blessing upon themselves!
Others can not cause you to lose your Blessing!
This means that once you receive and accept the Lord Jesus; then totally accept Him as found in the Ten Commandments:
“For I Am the Lord thy God, then you shall have no other Gods before Me!”

This is done through unbelief in the words of God in your life when you dwell in sin(s) which remove you from the Blessing {protection} of God!

Blessings are not just things; rather Blessings are a favor with God!

So matter what happens in your life once you have decided to follow and trust God; you can prosper through your faith in His Word and Blessing...
You need to fight the good fight of faith...
“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”   James 1:12

God wants you to prosper; because He has blessed you!
Most people tend to thank that God’s blessings are based on their personal behavior.

{Which is false!}

This could not be any further from the truth, God’s Blessings are not pronounced based your actions.
Many people are ignorant of the Blessings and Grace of Almighty God, and there are many!

This is unfortunate because they are found in the Holy Bible, and through many other missionary sources in the world!
Prayer will help if you truly want to seek God in your life!

The Devil uses discouragement to defeat and hold billions
of people hostages today.
Yet there are billions of souls in the world today, who know about the Grace and Blessings of God, but they do not feel worthy to receive them.

Here is where Satan has defeated countless humans.
The worst part is that each person has the choice to accept or refuse the wiles of the Devil in their life!
Satan is powerless to make anyone do anything!

It is the person themselves giving in to the evil presented to them.
While many do not recognize the wiles of the Devil as evil; they are
just that lies which corrupt the souls of mankind!

Have you come to realize that the Devil is defeated and you are not subject to his lies and deception! So start to stand up and take charge
of your eternal soul friend; in the name of Jesus Christ who is the only Lord and Savior of this world!

When all people have to do is claim the Blessings through prayer and the acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ in their life!

Knowledge without understanding is a waste of both time and effort.
Remember the Truth of God is always there, but you must seek it in your life!
The power of God is always on; you just need to plug into it and learn to change your miserable sin filled life.

BTW: we all are or were sinners, so do not compare yourself to any other human except the perfect one

– The Lord Jesus Christ!


We have peace with God

 What should we do?

Matthew 10:34, 
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
MATTHEW 10:34-42
This statement seems like a contradiction to some prophecies concerning Jesus and some of Jesus' own statements concerning peace, as well as what was written of Him in the New Testament Epistles. However, the peace that Jesus purchased was peace between God and man. We have peace with God 
(Rom. 5:1). We are exhorted to take this peace and extend it to all men, but it is also made very clear that not all men will receive it.

Peace can only come when we relate to God on the basis of faith in what He did for us, instead of what we do for Him. A person who is thinking that he must perform up to some standard to be accepted by God will have no peace. That puts the burden of salvation on our shoulders, and we can't bear that load.

We were incapable of living holy enough to please God before we were saved, and we are incapable of living holy enough to please God now that we are saved (Heb. 11:6). 
We were saved by faith, and we have to continue to walk with God by faith 
(Col. 2:6). Not understanding this has made many Christians, who love God, unable to enjoy the peace that was provided for them through faith in Jesus.

The Gospel will always produce opposition from those who don't receive it. This "sword of division," even among family members, is not God's will, nor is it God that causes it. But, it will inevitably come, and Jesus was simply preparing His disciples for that time. As much as we would like everyone to receive the good news, we must not think it is strange when even our loved ones don't receive it. Jesus was rejected by His own, and we will be also. We must remain faithful to continue preaching the Gospel, for there are others who will receive.

Keep sharing the "Good News!"

28 April 2018

whosoever shall deny me

Matthew 10:33, "But whosoever shall deny me before men, he will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."
MATTHEW 10:32-33
This word "deny" can mean a variety of things from as little as "to assert the contrary of" to "to disavow; disown." For example, we can see that it must have been the lesser type of denial which was committed by Peter because God certainly forgave Peter's sin and continued using him. In Hebrews 6:4-6, the Lord states that there is no repentance from total denial of the Lord (Heb. 10:29). Therefore, even though Peter denied (asserted he did not know) the Lord, he did not disown or disavow the Lord.

No believer desires to deny our Lord, but failing to provide for spiritual health is the first step in that direction. Remembering this will help motivate us to seek the Lord as we know we should. It takes more than desire; it takes preparation. We have all been taught how to rely on ourselves, but we have to learn anew how to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Eph. 6:10). Just as in the physical realm, muscles have to be exercised to become strong, so we have to exercise ourselves unto Godliness (1 Tim. 4:7).

Many people have been tormented by fear in thinking that they have denied the Lord because of some type of sin in their life. However, God looks on the heart (1 Sam. 16:7) and, regardless of how offensive our actions or words might be, 
if there is still a place in our hearts where we honor Him, He will not deny us
 (2 Tim. 2:12-13).


{Blogger comments}:

One of the worse things any human would ever want to do is to deny - the Lord Christ Jesus; because if and when you deny Him - it would be the worse day of you existence!

God, sent Jesus to give all humans the power to be rectified thru His Atonement leads to freedom from death and sin.

Jésus a créé chacun de nous uniquement.

Le plus grand mouvement de la diversité dans l'histoire du monde

Jésus a créé chacun de nous uniquement. Jésus dirige le plus grand mouvement de diversité dans l'histoire du monde, Son Église. C'est pourquoi la prière et le désir de Jésus pour nous en tant qu'Eglise sont de vivre dans l'unité et l'unité. Les gens ont besoin les uns des autres.

Jésus croit que la seule façon dont les gens croiront que Dieu l'a envoyé pour être le Sauveur du monde est à travers le témoignage de l'Église vivant dans l'unité et l'unité. Comme il est écrit dans Jean 17:21, Jésus a déclaré: «Puissent-ils tous être un, comme vous, Père, êtes en moi et je suis en vous. Puissent-ils aussi être en nous, afin que le monde croie que tu m'as envoyé. "

Alors que l'Église de Jésus émerge, le Nouveau Testament nous rappelle à quel point nous sommes uniques; mais même dans notre diversité, nous devrions être obligés de faire tout ce qu'il faut pour vivre dans l'unité et l'unité.

Par conséquent, cet appel à l'action est déclaré dans Éphésiens 4: 3, «en faisant tous les efforts pour maintenir l'unité de l'Esprit par le lien de la paix».

Freedom or not - it is a choice part 2

Let Freedom Ring
Deep within the heart has always known that there was freedom
Somehow breathed into the very soul alive
The prisoner, the powerless, the saved have always known it
There?s something that keeps reaching for the sky

Even life begins because a baby fights for freedom
And songs we love to sing have freedom?s theme
Some have walked through fire and flood to find a place of freedom
And some faced hell itself for freedom?s dream

Let freedom ring wherever minds know what it means to be in chains
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
We can be free and we can sing --- let freedom ring

God built freedom into every fiber of creation
And He meant for us to all be free and whole
When my Lord bought freedom with the blood of His redemption
His cross stamped pardon on my very soul

I?ll sing it out with every breath, I?ll let the whole world hear it
This hallelujah anthem of the free
That iron bars and heavy chains can never hold us captive
The Son has made us free and free indeed

Let freedom ring down through the ages from a hill called Calvary
Let freedom ring wherever hearts know pain
Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
You can be free and you can sing let freedom ring 

Let freedom echo through the lonely streets where prisons have no key
You can be free and you can sing let freedom ring
You can be free and you can sing --- let freedom ring --- let freedom ring


 Looking at the first lyrics:
"Deep within the heart has always known that there was freedom
Somehow breathed into the very soul of life"
Life comes down to freedom of choice and learning how to live it through many false and controlling elements of evil.  God gave each of us a free agency to choose right from wrong. 
 Some will argue there is no wrong, but this is why there is so much pain, hate and destruction. 
But anyone who is honest within them selves can not stand on such a false premise as to believe wrong is good! Do not get into the falsehood of believing lies. 
Just look at history or the daily news - much is a battle for domination and control with the premise of " Self-centeredness and greed being predominate ! " 
This is the wrong path to eternal Righteousness!

 I have had this very conversation many times in my life and have never seen any other path displayed except that Truth and Righteousness are the only true pathway to eternal salvation and harmony in the universe.
   Because God gave us this freedom! 
 1 John 2:24-25  (NKJV)

Let Truth Abide in You

24 Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father. 25 And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.
** Choose the truth of Freedom!

What type are you??

If you’ve ever wondered why some people get more things done, it may not have anything to do with their supply of willpower. They’re probably tapping into inner tendencies that motivate them to act, says Gretchen Rubin, author of The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People’s Lives Better, Too).
“After [I wrote] The Happiness Project where I made resolutions to follow habits people often asked me, ‘How did you get yourself to do those things?'” says Rubin. “I would think, ‘What do you mean? I knew these things would make me happier so I did them. It’s not that hard.'”

The idea that tendencies might be innate really hit home for Rubin when she was talking to a friend who wanted to make time to work out. “She said, ‘I know I’m happier when I exercise. When I was in school on the track team I never missed practice. Now I’m finding it hard to run,'” recalls Rubin. “At one time it was easy for her, but now she wants to do it and can’t find the motivation. What was the crucial difference?”

Through research for her previous books, Rubin realized people fall into one of four distinct tendencies: obliger, questioner, rebel, and upholder. Each has a distinct impact on how you become motivated to accomplish tasks and goals.

Identify your tendency by understanding how you respond to expectations. Are you inner driven, outer driven or neither? You can take Rubin’s online quiz to learn your tendency, but you might recognize yourself based on their traits. Here’s how you can use your inner tendency to be more productive and accomplish your goals:

The Obliger
Obligers easily meet outer expectations. They deliver projects on time when someone else is counting on them, but they struggle with inner expectations, such as setting personal resolutions. They become discouraged when trying to adopt new habits because they’ve tried and failed in the past.
 “Obligers need outer accountability to meet inner expectations,” says Rubin. 
“They do well with deadlines and team supervision. Workplaces have that all over the place.”
If you’re an obliger who is in a work environment that promotes autonomy or if you work for yourself, however, you’ll have to create that accountability, says Rubin. Tell a coworker or boss the deadlines you set for yourself. Find an accountability buddy and set daily or weekly goals, checking in with each other. Take a class and sign up with a friend who will be annoyed you don’t show up. Or think of yourself as a role model for others.

“Obligers often think they need to move out of this tendency and become inner driven, but that’s not necessary,” says Rubin. “There are hundreds of ways to build outer accountability, and that’s what obligers need.”


Questioners question all expectations. They want to know why they should do something because they have a deep commitment to logic and efficiency.
“Questioners have a hard time making decisions because they want more information,” says Rubin. “They need reasons and justifications to be motivated. If they are at work and feel something’s dumb, they won’t do it.”
This tendency can be accused of being disrespectful or not being a team player because they seem like they’re trying to undermine authority. “Some workplaces reword questioning and some don’t,” says Rubin. “Questioners need to learn how to ask questions in constructive way.”

If you’re a questioner, motivate yourself by avoiding analysis paralysis. “Give yourself a deadline,” says Rubin. “It’s not efficient to keep researching. For example, ‘I’ll give myself to Friday to find an answer,’ or, ‘I’ll interview five candidates.’ As much as you’d like to know more and more, it’s not efficient.”


Rebels resist all expectations, outer and inner. They do what they want to do in the way and when they want to do it, acting from a source of freedom, choice, and self-expression. When someone else tries to get a rebel to do something, they resist.

“Identity is so important to the rebel,” says Rubin. “For example, a rebel might resist going to a 10 a.m. staff meeting because they hate being told where to go and when to show up.”

If you’re a rebel, remind yourself of the reputation you’re setting or the goals you want to accomplish. “Say, ‘If I don’t go to that meeting, they’ll think I’m irresponsible,’ or ‘I won’t know that thing I want to learn,'” says Rubin.
Rebels also tend to enjoy meeting challenges, such as finishing a project by an ambitious deadline or holding a friendly competition to outperform other members of your group. They also love defying expectations, proving others wrong.


Upholders are good at meeting inner and outer expectations. They meet deadlines, thrive under rules and expectations, and keep resolutions without too much of a problem. Rubin is an upholder, which is why she had an easy time completing her Happiness Project.

While this tendency sounds like productivity perfection, one of an upholder’s issues is that they can be seen as rigid, having a hard time switching gears when circumstances change. They also struggle when they’re in a work environment that has an emphasis on flexibility.
“In some organizations, a manager might say, ‘Listen, you do whatever you need to make that sale,'” says Rubin. “That’s great for a rebel, but an upholder wants to know what the right way is. If there is a rule, they don’t break it.”
If you’re an upholder, you thrive under routines and schedules. You can do what you want to do once you decide, says Rubin.

“Our tendency shapes every aspect of our behavior, so understanding this framework lets us make better decisions, meet deadlines, suffer less stress and burnout, and engage more effectively,” she says. “The four tendencies explain why we act and why we don’t act.”

27 April 2018

Greatest Diversity Movement in the History

The Greatest Diversity Movement in the History of the World

Jesus created each of us uniquely. Jesus is leading the greatest diversity movement in the history of the world, His Church. This is why Jesus’ prayer and desire for us as His Church is to live in unity and oneness. People need each other.

Jesus believes the only way people will believe God sent Him to be the Savior of the world is through the testimony of the Church living in unity and oneness. As recorded in John 17:21, Jesus stated, “May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us, so that the world may believe you sent me.”

As the Church of Jesus emerges, the New Testament reminds us how unique we are; but even in our diversity, we should be compelled to do whatever it takes to live in unity and oneness.
Therefore, this call to action is declared in Ephesians 4:3, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

America Personifies Division, Not Unity

America Personifies Division, Not Unity

America personifies division, not unity. In the last five years, we have seen America become very polarized and divided, spewing words that are vitriolic and destructive. Trust is minimized and division is celebrated.
As I have said before, I say again: America is broken. Division is undeniable. Racial tension is alarming. Lawlessness abounds. Reconciliation appears impossible. Government cannot fix us. Politics will not heal us. The spirit of the age is ruling. America needs God now more than ever before.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Now is the Time for the Church to Lead in Unity

Where is the Church? The Church of Jesus in America is more divided than I have ever seen it. We are living in contradiction of Jesus’ desire in John 17. The churches of America are living in disunity. There are not hundreds of thousands of churches, but one Church, the Church of Jesus Christ our Lord. In the past, churches have chosen to unite, recognizing and appreciating important theological variances that are more secondary in nature. But now, churches divide over everything from extreme theological views to things like politics, economics, morality, and social justice issues.
This is not being the Church of Jesus Christ.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Division is Ruling, While Jesus is Calling His People to Unity

Whatever happened to uniting in our belief in the authority of Holy Scripture, Jesus being the only way to salvation, and that the greatest need in the world is the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Not only are churches living in disunity with one another, but we also see disunity within thousands of individual local churches. Division is ruling while Jesus is calling His people to unity! Until Christians and Christian leaders stop declaring their independence from one another, we will continue to see disunity and division rule the day.
This is in complete contrast to God’s Word and God’s will for us in the Church!
Now is the time for the Church to choose unity rather than division. Therefore, let’s come back to the authority of the Bible as God’s Word, to the Lord Jesus being the only Savior of the world, and the consuming conviction that the world’s greatest need is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Let's Choose to Make Every Effort to Live in Unity

[Part Two]
The words of Ephesians 4:3 are inescapable. It says, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
We cannot live out Ephesians 4:3 apart from God’s grace that we have received freely. Nor can we live out Ephesians 4:3 until we cultivate and live out the truth of Ephesians 4:2, which says, “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.”
For example, humility leads to gentleness; gentleness leads to patience; patience leads to bearing one another in love, and all four of these together lead us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Making Every Effort is a Choice

“Making every effort” is a dynamic and compelling phrase. This phrase calls us to be eager and conscientious in everything we do. This phrase also gives us a sense that we are in a crisis and calls us to take initiative, and to do it now. We are to work endlessly toward unity and oneness, guarding over it when we have it. This is a call to action!
Jerry Bridges writes in his book, “The Pursuit of Holiness”, “The clause ‘make every effort’ addresses itself to our wills, it is something we must decide to do.”
While the human will determines the needed action, we must understand there is no true unity apart from the Holy Spirit. Unity is supernatural. Unity only happens with God.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Unity is Possible through Jesus

Christian unity is a state of oneness, living in harmony and in one accord. Unity is only possible by the gospel because Jesus died for all people.
As we make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace, it is the peace of Christ that gives us His love. You see, the peace and love of Jesus are the adhesives of God’s people. They surround us and keep us together.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Are We Making Every Effort?

Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness in the Church? Do we create suspicion and division rather than unity and oneness?
Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness with other churches that believe the basics of the faith like we do? Or are we marked with a spiritual arrogance like we have a corner on all God’s truth?
Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness with every member in our immediate family and even with our extended relatives? Or do we check our Christianity at the door and think we can live whatever way we desire when we are at home with our family?
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Are We Making Every Effort to Live in Unity and Oneness?

Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness with people in the workplace? Or do we create division and suspicion with an attitude of criticism that is certainly not from Jesus Christ?
Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness with our friends? Do we initiate conversations and experiences and truly live life together, or simply respond when invited to do something?
Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness with all generations? Or do we act like our generation is always the best? Do we inspire other generations by wanting to know how we can walk together as one at this time in history?
Are we making every effort to live in unity and oneness with all ethnicities? Or do we portray an arrogant spirit by not engaging with other ethnicities? 
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

What Will Forward and Ascend Unity?

This Sunday in my church, I will issue a bold call to my church, and perhaps it needs to be made to your church also. I believe when we are making every effort multi-generationally and multi-ethnically, we will forward and ascend unity in every way.
Do we tie our success as a church to continually becoming more multi-generational and more multi-ethnic in a visible way?
Here is where I have come to in my life and in my leadership. The more multi-generational and multi-ethnic we are as a church, the more we are giving our church a future and insuring our church will always be current. I believe the same is true of your church, denomination, or ministry you are part of or may even lead.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

We Must Become More Multi-Generational and More Multi-Ethnic

When we cease to be a multi-generational ministry, we are giving our future away and soon we will become a ministry of the past.
When we are not multi-ethnic as a ministry, we are irrelevant to our culture, and this will soon result in us becoming a ministry of the past.
Therefore, if we want our ministry to have a future that will always be current in today’s America, we must become more multi-generational and more multi-ethnic.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

5 Facts About Unity

I want to bring this two-part article to a conclusion by sharing five facts about unity.
1. Unity is biblical.
The call from Jesus for us to live in unity is found in the Bible in multiple passages of Scripture.
2. Unity is supernatural.
The Holy Spirit is the only One who gives unity among people. Unquestionably, it is supernatural.
3. Unity is intentional.
Each of us must determine to take specific and intentional actions to live in unity and oneness.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Facts About Unity

4. Unity is testimonial.
As always, Jesus was right: Through our unity with others, the world will know by our testimony that Jesus is the Savior of the world.
5. Unity is best.
Unity is always best for every relationship, family, church, friendship, workplace, school, team, and government.
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Why Unity is Important for America (and the Church)

Lead Toward Unity

Christian friend, stop creating suspicion about other Christians or leaders. Lead toward unity!
Stop dumbing down spiritually through continual skepticism, constant criticism, and incessant cynicism. Again, lead toward unity!
Begin making every effort to live in unity with one another and forward unity in America. If the Church refuses to do this, who will? If you do not step into this empty space by demonstrating unifying leadership in America, not only will your life never reach your highest God-given capacity, but neither will our nation.
Now is the time to make every effort to live in unity together.
Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer

Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.
This article originally appeared as "Christians Need to Begin Making Every Effort to Live in Unity, Part 1" and Part 2 on Used with permission.
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