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29 June 2017

Friends who, what where and when

Friends who, what where and when?

Friends are both types of the people you meet in life.

Many are just passing acquaintances, but a few become close friends!

All friends who fall into two types - those who become friends exactly as they really are

 in real life, or else those whom you think that you want them to be!

Here is where most people's friendship activates goes off the track!

Many people generally do not know how to build and/or access true friends.

 Most of the so-called friends make are actually people, who would be best classified

as  " brief associates. "   who were met on the road of life!

What is a true friend?

  A friend is someone who chooses to spend both time and efforts with another person.  Usually, there is some common interest or other reason.   It can be neighbors, or fellow workers, or someone who spends time at a common place or event!  This could be a job,

 a game, a school, or some form another form of mutual interest!

One thing is clear there is a great difference between an acquaintance or person who shared some brief time, as in travel, or at some other meeting place. These would generally not be friends - yet such a meeting or activity could evaluate into some form of friendship!

A good and true friend is one where both persons share some activity or other time in a common interest! The interest can last for a long time or just a few short periods.  The key to a good solid friendship is sharing, caring and some mutual exchanges.  Usually, a very close friendship is a long term close relationship.  A good friend will want to share and care.  Life does not often have a great deal of this type close and caring friendships.

What type of friend are you!

Good friends are hard to find and not usually many in number in a person's life - learn to recognize and appreciate the ones God has placed on your pathway of life! 

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