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07 July 2017

The Lord's ways are not always our way, why?

The Lord's ways are not always our way, why?

The one key thing that does not register with many people is that mankind does not really know is how to kick it's way out of a wet paper bag! 

Humans are forever attempting to make themselves gods and masters of the world.  Yet even with several thousand years of vain attempts not much has really changed!  

What does the Truth of God say? 
Read and come to an understanding! 

 Great blessings await those who will not depend solely on their own understanding (Prov. 3:5).

Unless you have been sleeping under a wet log the past 100 years it should not be difficult to see the real truth! 

Our pathway in this earthly existence is based upon our seeking, then coming to understand how and where this Universe came into being!

It sure was not about or from all the best guess information that mankind has gleaned by themselves.
The only real answer is there is a God Almighty Creator! 
The Lord God wants humans to seek Him - this has been the plan since the Garden of Evil!   

The problem is that many humans have taken the Evil Bait of self sufficiency - from Satan's playbook and have blundered through out all of history to make themselves number (1) one {self centered}...  Pride is the key reason!
Yet the result has been lost people, sorrow, wars, hate, discontent, lies, and of course the sell out of all people! 

  This is why the Bible was written -  it is the guide or Standard for humans to seek and follow - this coupled with prayers and the miracles through the action of Holy Spirit is the whole meaning of God's Word to us! 


John 3:16-19. For God so loved the world, etc. — 

Here our Lord proceeds to inform Nicodemus, that men owed the blessings above mentioned to the free and immense love of God the Father, who desired their salvation with such ardency, that he sent his only-begotten Son to bestow it upon them; and that it is designed for all that will accept of it in the way God hath appointed.
  God, says he, so loved the world, that is, all men under heaven; even those that despise his love, and will for that cause finally perish, that he gave his only-begotten Son, truly and seriously: and the Son of God gave himself, 
(Galatians 2:20,) truly and seriously; that whosoever believes in him — 
With that faith which works by love, and holds fast the beginning of his confidence steadfast to the end; should not perish

 Under the sentence of divine justice, as he otherwise must have done; but have everlasting life — The life of grace, and the life of glory, through the mere mercy of God, and the infinite merits of his Son.

  For God sent not his Son to condemn the world — 
To execute that vengeance upon them which their guilt might have taught them to fear; nor did he send him to destroy the Gentile nations, which prejudiced Jews have supposed would be one principal end of the Messiah’s coming. 

God, says Grotius, who has suggested that there would be  what is often described as an avenger in the Old Testament: therefore the guilty might reasonably expect, that when his Son came into the world, it would be to execute vengeance in his Father’s name. 

But that the world through him might be saved

 Even all, without exception, who will hearken to the overtures of the gospel. He that believes on him — 
With his heart unto righteousness; is not condemned — 
Is acquitted, is justified before God, how many and great soever his past sins may have been, and however unpardonable according to the tenor of the Mosaic law:
 but he that believed not — 

Whatever his external profession and privileges may be; is condemned already — 

 Remains under the sentence of his former guilt; yea, and subjects himself, by his refusal of the only remedy, to still greater and more aggravated condemnation; because, notwithstanding the incontrovertible evidence given of Jesus’s divine mission, and of his being the true Messiah, 
he hath not believed in the name, the glorious name of the only-begotten Son of God — 

Though expressly revealed to him, that he might believe in him. 
“Though the name of a person be often put for the person himself, yet it may be further intimated here, in that expression, that the person spoken of is greatly magnificent; and therefore it is generally used to express either God the Father, or our Lord Jesus Christ.” — Dr. Doddridge. 

And this is the condemnation — 

 The cause of it, the crime that fills up the measure of men’s iniquities, and is the principal reason of their speedy and final ruin; that light is come into the world — 

Divine and glorious light, the day-spring from on high, the light of the glorious gospel, through the incarnation of the Eternal Word, and the preaching of his forerunner
 {John the Baptist} preparing the way before him; and men loved darkness rather than light — 

Ignorance of the divine truth rather than the knowledge of it, folly rather than wisdom, sin rather than righteousness; because their deeds were evil
 And they did not have so much fear of God before their eyes, or so much concern for their own everlasting salvation, as to resolve a thorough reformation of their conduct.

In other words they did nor would not believe the truth even when it came form God Himself! 

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