Blog Archive

30 September 2017

L'Amour de Dieu change tout le reste ...

L'Amour de Dieu change tout le reste ...

L'une des meilleures choses qui m'ont eu lieu s'est produite quand je me suis éloigné et j'ai donné mon temps et mes efforts à d'autres ...

Peut-être n'est-il pas populaire, et si vous vous hais si vous vous en tenir à la vérité et aimez Dieu avec tout votre cœur; Ça n'a pas une grande importance! Parce qu'il vaut mieux être béni lorsque vous donnez plutôt que de s'efforcer d'obtenir ou de recevoir tout le temps! Ensuite, vous découvrez que vous n'êtes pas le centre de l'univers; qui peut vraiment être amusant!

Beaucoup d'Américains ont développé un état de bien-être de l'être! Leur existence est de voir ce qu'ils peuvent obtenir des autres (généralement le gouvernement) ... Ils développent une mentalité de bien-être (gâchée)! La plupart de ce groupe de personnes sont des mécontents auto-centrés (ennuyeux, qui ne se soucient pas), qui pensent que tout le monde leur doit quelque chose! Mauvaise réponse; parce que personne ne vous doit absolument une fois que vous devenez adulte; vous devriez affiner par vous-même!

Si vous êtes capable de travailler, obtenez un emploi!
Parce que si vous ne pouvez pas vous offrir mieux que le bien-être du gouvernement, vous avez déjà un pied dans la tombe! Quiconque s'efforcera de les soutenir eux-mêmes trouvera que Dieu vous montrera comment battre le bien-être! Il peut vous guider étape par étape vers une vie plus prospère et plus heureuse!

Désolé si cela détruit vos plumes, mais Dieu vous a fait être une personne qui devrait être productive et apprendre à ne pas s'asseoir et recevoir! Maintenant, nous savons qu'il y a quelques-uns qui sont physiquement ou mentalement limités et ont besoin d'une aide plus grande qu'ils ne peuvent rassembler! Ceci est compréhensible ... Ensuite, il y a le cas temporaire où les gens ont des difficultés sur eux ou un accident qui nécessitent de l'aide pour un nombre limité de personnes qui ont besoin d'aide ... Mais ici, aux États-Unis, nous avons maintenant plusieurs générations de certaines personnes qui se sont installées sur la plantation de bien-être pour le reste de leur vie! Pourquoi?

C'est un triste état de choses où tout groupe de personnes s'attend à exister sur le dos ou soutenir les autres pour leur existence! Vous n'êtes pas là juste pour vivre de la société! Changez votre mentalité! Quittez-vous d'être égocentrique! Arrêtez de vous asseoir autour de simplement absorber les ressources d'autres personnes et de commencer à devenir productif!


Les personnes auto-centrées pensent constamment:

- Qu'est-ce que je reçois?

- Que recevrai-je de cette relation?

- Que peut faire cette église pour moi?

- Pourquoi ont-ils fait cela ou ça pour moi?

- Comment est-ce que je n'ai rien?

- Malheons-je, personne ne s'en soucie?

Commencez à penser:

- Comment puis-je être une bénédiction ou une aide pour les autres?

- Comment Dieu peut-il m'utiliser pour répondre aux besoins des autres?

- Comment puis-je contribuer aux autres?

** Une partie de ma devise de l'école secondaire était: "pour faire de cet endroit un meilleur endroit pour avoir été ici!"

Cela a été un poste de guide dans ma vie; où j'ai pu aider les autres; comme écrire des blogs!

Donc, ne tournez pas les doigts vers d'autres personnes (à la recherche de la faute ou de la honte); cessez de penser "ils ne le méritent pas! parce que vous ne le faites pas, appelez-le même et commencez à essayer de donner aux autres!
Apprenez à servir les autres, ce qui vous bénira et à eux ... Demandez-vous comment être une bénédiction?

Dieu récompense les gens qui s'arrêtent pour aider les autres (le bon samaritain) parce que toutes ces bénédictions sont saintes!

Luc 10: 25-37 (NIV)La parabole du bon samaritain
25 Une fois, un expert de la loi s'est levé pour tester Jésus. «Maître», a-t-il demandé, que dois-je faire pour hériter de la vie éternelle?

26 «Qu'est-ce qui est écrit dans la loi?», Répond-il. "Comment le lisez-vous?"

27 Il a répondu: "Aime le Seigneur, votre Dieu, de tout votre cœur et de toute votre âme et de toutes vos forces et de toute votre esprit" [a]; et, "Aime ton prochain comme toi". [b] "

28 "Vous avez répondu correctement", a répondu Jésus. "Faites ceci et vous allez vivre".

29 Mais il voulait se justifier, alors il demanda à Jésus: "Et qui est mon voisin?"

30 En réponse, Jésus a dit: "Un homme descendait de Jérusalem à Jéricho, quand il était attaqué par des voleurs. Ils l'ont dépouillé de ses vêtements, l'ont battu et sont partis, l'ont laissé à demi mort.

31 Un prêtre descendait par la même route, et quand il vit l'homme, il passa de l'autre côté.

32 Un Lévite, quand il est venu à la place et l'a vu, est passé de l'autre côté.

33 Mais un Samaritain, en voyageant, est venu où était l'homme; et quand il l'a vu, il a eu pitié de lui.

34 Il est allé chez lui et a bandé ses blessures, versant de l'huile et du vin. Puis il a mis l'homme sur son propre âne, l'a amené dans une auberge et l'a pris soin.

35 Le lendemain, il sortit deux deniers [c] et les donna à l'aubergiste. «Cherchez-le, dit-il, et quand je reviens, je vous rembourserai toute dépense supplémentaire que vous pourriez avoir.

36 "Lequel de ces trois pensez-vous être un voisin de l'homme qui est tombé entre les mains de voleurs?"

37 L'expert de la loi répondit: «Celui qui a eu pitié de lui».
Jésus lui a dit: "Allez et faites de même". 

Notes de bas de page:

Luc 10:27 Deut. 6: 5
Luc 10:27 Lev. 19:18
Luc 10:35 Un denier était le salaire quotidien habituel d'un journalier (voir Matthieu 20: 2).

God's Love changes everything else...

 God's Love changes everything else...

 One of the best things that ever happened to me occurred when I laid "self " aside and then gave my time and efforts to others...

 It may not be popular or so what if they hate you as long as you stick with the truth and love God with all your heart; it does not really matter!  

 Because it is better to be blessed when you give rather than striving to get or receive all the time!   Then you are finding out that you are not the center of the universe; which actually can be fun!

 Many Americans have developed a welfare state of being!  Their entire existence is to see what they can get from others {Usually Government}...  They develop a welfare {spoiled} mentality!  Most of this group of people are self-centered brats {annoying self-serving, in caring}, who think that everyone owes them something!  Wrong answer; because no one really owes you anything once you become an adult; you should find for yourself!

 If you are capable of working then get a job!

Because if you can not provide for yourself better than government welfare, you have already got one foot in the grave!  Anyone who strives to support them self will find that God will show you how to beat welfare!  He can lead you to step by step toward a more prosperous and happy life!

Try it!

 Sorry if this ruffles your feathers, but God made you be a person who should be productive and learn to give not just sit back and receive!  Now we know that is some {very few} who are physically or mentally limited and need more help than they can muster! This is understandable...  Then there is the temporary case where people have some hardship come upon them or accident which requires some help for a limited {short as possible} who need help ...   But here in the USA we now have several generations of certain people who have settled down on the Welfare Plantation for the rest of their life!  Why?

 It is a sad state of affairs where any group of people expects to exist on the back or support of others for their existence!  You are not here just to live off the society!   Change your mindset!  Quit being so self-centered! Stop sitting around just soaking up other people's resources and start becoming productive!


 Self-centered people constantly think:

 - What do I get?

- What will I receive out of this relationship?

 - What can this church do for me?

 - Why had they done this or that for me?

 - How come I do not have anything?

 - Woe is me no one cares?

Start thinking:

 - How can I be a blessing or help to others?

 - How can God use me to meet other people's needs?

 - How can I contribute to others?

**  Part of my High School Motto was: " to make this a better place for my having been here!"

 This has been a guidepost in my life; where I have been able to help others; like writing blogs!

 So do not go around pointing fingers at others {looking to blame or shame}; quit thinking " they don't deserve it!  because truthfully you don't either;  just call it even and start attempting to out-give others!

Learn to serve others, which will Bless you and them...  Ask how can I be a Blessing?

God rewards people who stop to help others {the Good Samaritan} because of all these blessings are holy!

Luke 10:25-37  (NIV)
The Parable of the Good Samaritan

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]”

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 In reply, Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.

  31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.

 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.

  34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.

35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. 

‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”


Luke 10:27 Deut. 6:5 

Luke 10:27 Lev. 19:18 

Luke 10:35 A denarius was the usual daily wage of a day laborer (see Matt. 20:2).


Prières d'aide!

Prières d'aide!

Le Saint-Esprit devrait nous guider dans nos prières
- Romains 8: 26-27.

Priez avec humilité - Ezra 9: 5 / 2e Chronique 7:14.

Priez avec audace - Daniel 6:10.

Priez avec ferveur - Luc 22:44.

Rappelez-vous d'intercéder toujours pendant que vous priez
- Ephésiens 6:18.

Priez avec foi dans l'existence de Dieu
  - L'hébreu 11: 6.

Nous devons pardonner aux autres si nous voulons que Dieu réponde à nos prières - Mark 11:25.

Nous devons être obéissants à Dieu - 1er Jean 3:22.

Ne demandez pas pour le plaisir lubrique - James 4: 3.

Le Seigneur écoute les prières - Exode 2:23.

Nous devons prier dans le NOM DE JÉSUS - Jean 16:24.

au 23 janvier 2012
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Qu'est-ce qu'un Miracle?

Qu'est-ce qu'un Miracle?Dimanche 29 mai 2011Par kerminator

Des miracles et des bénédictions de Dieu!

Ce qui définit la différence entre les miracles et les bénédictions!Les miracles proviennent de la réponse d'urgence à une crise de vie! Malheureusement, beaucoup de personnes vivent dans un état de crise constant ... Elles vont du financier, du social, de la politique à la personnalité ... Certaines vivent dans des situations presque désespérées ... Au cours de ces moments, ils doivent généralement se ranger et demander de l'aide ...

C'est au cours de ces temps désespérés que les gens doivent faire un miracle!

Pourtant, les miracles ne sont que des événements temporaires dans cette vie terrestre!

La vraie question est de savoir pourquoi vous continuerez d'aller d'une crise à l'autre quand il y a une meilleure façon? Dieu a une prévision pour vous parce que tout le monde peut recevoir sa bénédiction qui couvre une myriade de situations ... Alors, comment cela fonctionne-t-il?

En réalité, les bénédictions sont plus importantes et durent pour toujours!

Les bénédictions de Dieu sont en cours, pas seulement un événement unique! Les bénédictions ne quittent pas! Les bénédictions continuent jusqu'à ce qu'une personne sort en dehors des lois de Dieu. Dieu a créé le monde et a prononcé beaucoup de Bénédictions, comme la Bénédiction qui permet à tous les êtres vivants de se reproduire ... Les bénédictions sont prononcées par les mots en prononçant des mots positifs.

Le pouvoir d'une Bénédiction est infiniment plus puissant que tout ce qui peut être utilisé contre elle! Une fois donné, une Bénédiction de Dieu est à jamais ... Une Bénédiction ne peut pas être révoquée!

Les bénédictions peuvent être entravées et obscures par le péché ... [Le péché est une action ou un choix contre les lois de Dieu!} ... Cela se produit quand nous, les humains décident d'accepter nos propres désirs personnels, puis nous poursuivons le péché dans le monde! C'est là que la plupart des gens ont perdu leurs bénédictions ... Ils choisissent leur chemin au lieu de chercher la Volonté de Dieu dans leur vie!

En regardant en arrière l'histoire d'Israël une fois qu'ils avaient été bénis dans la Terre promise par Dieu; Même si elles ont personnellement péché, la Bénédiction a eu lieu!Le pouvoir d'une Bénédiction est éternel, mais cela ne fonctionne que pour nous (vous) si, comme toutes les dispositions de Dieu, vous devez l'accepter et vous en croire vraiment.

Sans foi personnelle, il est impossible de recevoir les Bénédictions de Dieu dans votre vie!

Il dépend entièrement de votre foi (croyance) plutôt que de vos actions! Une fois que vous avez la foi, vous suivrez nécessairement vos actions pour prouver votre foi!

Vous manquez les bénédictions dans votre vie?Beaucoup de gens pensent que certaines choses ou bénédictions ne se passent que pour ceux qui vivent une vie sainte! Tout d'abord, il n'y a personne qui ait jamais vécu sur ce monde, qui a vécu une vie parfaite ou sainte à l'exception de Jésus! Donc, il n'y a aucune exigence particulière pour que vous puissiez appeler les Bénédictions de Dieu ...

La foi est la clé!

Pourtant, le seul ou le groupe qui peut arrêter une onction ou la Bénédiction de Dieu; est-ce le (s) même (s) auquel il affecte ... En d'autres termes, ils (vous) devraient apporter une malédiction ou une non-bénédiction sur eux-mêmes! D'autres ne peuvent vous faire perdre votre Bénédiction!

Cela signifie qu'une fois que vous recevez et acceptez le Seigneur Jésus; puis acceptez-le totalement comme dans les Dix Commandements:"Car je suis le Seigneur, ton Dieu, alors tu n'auras pas d'autres dieux devant moi!"

Cela se fait par l'incrédulité dans les paroles de Dieu dans votre vie lorsque vous habitez des péchés qui vous retirent de la Bénédiction de Dieu!Les bénédictions ne sont pas seulement des choses; plutôt les Bénédictions sont une faveur avec Dieu!

Peu importe ce qui se passe dans votre vie, une fois que vous avez décidé de suivre et de faire confiance à Dieu; vous pouvez prospérer par votre foi dans sa parole et sa bénédiction ...

Vous devez combattre le bon combat de la foi ...

"Heureux l'homme qui a perdu la tentation; car il a été approuvé, il recevra la couronne de la vie que le Seigneur a promise à ceux qui l'aiment. "Jacques 1:12

Dieu veut que vous prospiez; parce qu'il t'a béni!

La plupart des gens ont tendance à penser que les bénédictions de Dieu sont fondées sur leur comportement personnel. Pourtant, cela ne pouvait être plus loin de la vérité, les bénédictions de Dieu ne sont pas prononcées en fonction de vos actions ...

Beaucoup de gens ignorent les Bénédictions et la Grâce du Dieu Tout-Puissant, et il y en a beaucoup! C'est malheureux parce qu'ils se trouvent dans la Sainte Bible et à travers de nombreuses autres sources missionnaires dans le monde! La prière aidera si vous voulez vraiment chercher Dieu dans votre vie!

Le diable utilise le découragement pour vaincre et retenir des milliers d'otages ... Ensuite, il y a des milliards d'âmes dans le monde aujourd'hui, qui connaissent la Grâce et les Bénédictions de Dieu, mais ils ne se sentent pas dignes de les recevoir ...

C'est ici que Satan a vaincu de nombreux humains. Le pire est que chaque personne a le choix d'accepter ou de refuser les ruses du diable dans leur vie!
Satan est impuissant à faire n'importe qui faire n'importe quoi! C'est la personne qui cède le mal qui leur est présenté ... Bien que beaucoup ne reconnaissent pas les méchantes du Diable comme destructrices; en fait, ce sont simplement ces mensonges qui corrompent l'âme de l'humanité!

Vous êtes-vous rendu compte que le Diable est vaincu et que vous n'êtes pas soumis à ses mensonges et à sa déception! Alors commencez à vous lever et à prendre en charge votre vie -
au nom de Jésus-Christ qui est le seul Seigneur et Sauveur de ce monde! Quand tout le monde doit faire, il faut réclamer les Bénédictions par la prière et l'acceptation du Seigneur Jésus-Christ dans leur vie! La connaissance sans compréhension est une perte de temps et l'effort ... 

Rappelez-vous que la Vérité de Dieu est toujours là, mais vous devez la rechercher dans votre vie! Le pouvoir de Dieu est toujours sur; vous avez juste besoin de vous brancher et d'apprendre à changer votre vie misérable sur le péché ...

 Dieu transmet toujours - est-ce que vous recevez?

 BTW: nous sommes tous ou sommes des pécheurs, alors ne vous comparez à aucun humain, sauf le parfait - The Lord Jésus-Christ! Amen !!

What is a Miracle?

What is a Miracle?
Sunday 29th May, 2011
By kerminator

Miracles and Blessings of God!

What defines the difference between Miracles and Blessings!
Miracles come from emergency response to crisis in life! Unfortunately many people live in a constant state of crisis… These ranges from financial, social, political, to very personal… Some live in almost desperate situations daily… During these times they generally have to grovel and beg for help… 

It is during these desperate times people must seek a miracle happening!

Yet miracles are only temporary occurrences in this earthly life!

The real question is why would you just continue going from one crisis to another when there is a better way? God has prevision for you because anyone can receive His Blessing(s) which covers a myriad of situations… So just how does this work?

Actually Blessings are more important and last forever!

Blessings of God are ongoing, not just a onetime event! Blessings do not quit! Blessings continue until a person steps outside of laws of God. God created the world and pronounced many Blessings, like the Blessing which allows all living things to reproduce… Blessings are pronounced by words by speaking positive words.

The power of a Blessing is infinitely more powerful than anything that can be used against it! Once given a Blessing of God stands forever… A Blessing cannot be revoked!

Blessings can be hampered and obscured by sin… {Sin is any action or choice against the laws of God!}… This happens when we, humans decide to accept our own personal desires and then chase after the sin in the world! This is where most people have lost their blessings… They choose their way instead of seeking the Will of God in their life!

Looking back at the history of Israel once they had been blessed going into the Promised Land by God; even though they personally sinned, the Blessing held!!
The power of a Blessing is Eternal; but it only works for us (you) if like all of God’s Provisions you must accept it and truly believe it! 

Without personal Faith it is impossible to receive the Blessings of God in your life!

It is completely dependent upon your faith (belief) rather than your actions! Once you have the faith, then you will necessarily follow with your actions to prove your faith!

Are you missing the Blessings in your life?
Many people think that certain things or blessing only happen to those who live a holy life! First there is no person who has ever lived upon this world, who has lived a perfect or holy life with the exception of Jesus! So there is no special requirement for you to call down the Blessings of God… 

Faith is the key!

Yet the only one or group who can stop an anointing or Blessing of God; is the very one(s) whom it affects… In other words they (you) would have to bring a curse or non Blessing upon themselves! Others can not cause you to lose your Blessing!

This means that once you receive and accept the Lord Jesus; then totally accept Him as found in the Ten Commandments:
“For I Am the Lord thy God, then you shall have no other Gods before Me!”

This is done through unbelief in the words of God in your life, when you dwell into sin(s) which remove you from the Blessing {protection} of God!
Blessings are not just things; rather Blessings are favor with God!

 No matter what happens in your life once you have decided to follow and trust God; you can prosper through your faith in His Word and Blessing…

You need to fight the good fight of faith…

“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12

God wants you to prosper; because He has blessed you!

Most people tend to thank that God’s blessings are based upon their personal behavior. Yet, this could not be any further from the truth, God’s Blessings are not pronounced based your actions…

Many people are ignorant of the Blessings and Grace of Almighty God; and there are many! This is unfortunate because they are found in the Holy Bible, and through many other missionary sources in the world! Prayer will help if you truly want to seek God in your life!

The Devil uses discouragement to defeat and hold billions of people hostages… Then there are billions of souls in the world today, who know about the Grace and Blessings of God, yet they do not feel worthy to receive them… 

Here is where Satan has defeated many humans.. The worst part is that each person has the choice to accept or refuse the wiles of the Devil in their life! 
Satan is powerless to make any one do anything! It is the person themselves giving in to the evil presented to them… While many do not recognize the wiles of the Devil as evil; in fact they are just that lies which corrupt the soul of mankind!

Have you come to realize that the Devil is defeated and you are not subject to his lies and deception! So start to stand up and take charge of your eternal soul friend; in the name of Jesus Christ who is the only Lord and Savior of this world!
When all people have to do is claim the Blessings through prayer and the acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ in their life!

Knowledge without understanding is a waste of both time and effort…

Remember the Truth of God is always there, but you must seek it in your life!
The power of God is always on; you just need to plug into it and learn to change your miserable sin filled life… God is always transmitting - are you receiving?

BTW: we all are or were sinners, so do not compare yourself to any human except the perfect one – The Lord Jesus Christ!

The Star Spangled Banner

The Star Spangled Banner
Find all things patriotic at
Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars thru the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say does that starspangled
banner yet wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
‘Tis the starspangled
banner! Oh long may it wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country should leave us no more!
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the starspangled
banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the starspangled
banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave

정확히 무엇을 주셨습니까?

정확히 무엇을 주셨습니까?
마가 복음 12 : 41-42 "예수 께서 보물에 앉으 사 백성이 보물에 돈을 던지시고 부자가 많이 던져 버리매 한 가난한 과부가 나서 두 마리의 진드기를 던지 셨다. 화를 낸다. "
여기에서 말한 재무부는 성전 복합 단지에 있었지만 성전 자체의 일부가 아닌 여성 법원에 위치한 장소입니다. 여자는 성전에서 허용되지 않았으므로,이 미망인이 헌금을 재무부에 맡기고 있다는 사실이 재무부의 위치를 ​​확인합니다.
예수께서는이 예를 통해 제자들에게 매우 중요한 교훈을 가르치 셨습니다. 그는이 과부에게 이런 일을 개인적으로 말하지 않았습니다. 기부에 관한 하나님의 약속은이 생의회에서이 제물이이 여인에게 복이되었다는 확신을 주지만 과부는 그의 표창을 듣지 못했습니다. 이 가난한 과부는 누군가가 그녀의 희생의 정도를 인식했다는 것을 알지 못했다.
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Что именно вы дали?

Что именно вы дали?
Марк 12: 41-42 «Иисус сел над сокровищницей и увидел, как люди бросают деньги в сокровищницу: и многие из которых были богаты, и многие пришли к ним, и наступила бедная вдова, и она бросила две клещей, которые делают фартинг ».
Казначейство, о котором говорится здесь, - это место, расположенное в Женском дворе, которое находилось в храмовом комплексе, но не было частью самого храма. Женщинам не разрешалось в храме, поэтому тот факт, что эта вдова бросала ее предложение в казну, проверяет местоположение казны.
Иисус использовал этот пример, чтобы научить Своих учеников очень важному уроку. Он не сказал об этом этой вдове лично. Божьи обещания относительно дарования дают нам уверенность, что это приношение было благословлено этой женщине в этой жизни, но вдова не услышала Его похвалы. Нет никаких указаний на то, что эта бедная вдова когда-либо знала, что кто-то признает степень ее жертвы.
Точно так же бывают времена, когда мы можем почувствовать, что никто не знает и не ценит наши жертвы. Однако, точно так же, как Иисус увидел, что эта женщина дала и знала о жертве, Бог обращает внимание на наши самые маленькие дела и однажды, будет вознаграждать нас открыто.
Господь не судит о размерах наших даров, сколько мы даем, а скорее о том, сколько мы оставили после того, как мы даем. Мужчины склонны сравнивать себя друг с другом, но Господь не судит о том, что дает нам то, что дают другие. Он судит наши дары тем, что мы должны дать. Господь смотрит на сердце дарителя больше, чем на дар. Господь весит дарителя больше, чем дар.
Когда мы стоим перед Господом, все наши дела, а не только наши дары, будут судимы, чтобы определить, какого рода - не того размера.


You Were Created for a Purpose!

This like an open book exam - the answers are here you just have to stop study and seek the Truth!

*** Join me as we explore the wonderful truths of God’s incredible love for us, and His desire to see us live a healthy life. ***

Date:   1/17/2016 19:59:41 

You Were Created for a Purpose!

O LORD, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.

 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it - in star-space

Where shall I go from your Spirit? 

Or where shall I flee from your presence? 
If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

 King David in Psalm 139 is committed to communicating the truth that we are created by God, in His image, and that His intention for our lives is to live in health. What a wonderful truth that God has personally created me for a purpose, and is interested in every single day of my life!   The above quote by King David is one of the most eloquent statements of that truth.

So what is “health?” 

It is a common word in the English language, but its exact meaning can be a bit difficult to pin down. Ask 10 different people on the street what they think “health” means, and you will probably get 10 different answers. 

Often we can define a word by stating its opposite. The opposite of health would be “sick” or “sickness.” This word is probably more easily defined, and most would define it in terms of not having diseases and physical maladies.

But is health simply the just the absence of physical sickness? 

The history of man as unfolded in the pages of the Bible, the best selling book of all time, sees health and sickness as primarily spiritual issues – as opposed to primarily physical health, as our modern culture does. 
Health in Biblical culture is measured by man’s relationship to his Creator. You very seldom see people in Biblical times going to doctors to purchase “health”, and in the few instances where they do, the result is often disastrous.
{Modern Medical Practice seems to be geared toward keeping clients coming - rather than to treat and release back to a normal healthy state!}

(See 2 Chronicles 16:12-13 and Mark 5:25-26 for examples.) Instead, you see people who had a relationship with God and believed in Him as their Creator turn to spiritual leaders for guidance in health. In the Old Testament times you would go to the priests if you were sick, and in the New Testament we have story after story of people seeking out Jesus and His disciples in their sickness and being healed:
“Jesus…healed them all.” (Matthew 12:15).

Have times really changed today?
Has science and technology along with the modern-day medical system replaced our need to know God and seek Him out to achieve health?
Few would agree today that our current medical system solves all our health needs. Many may turn to God when all else fails, in desperation, especially when the medical system has no answers for us and we don’t know where else to look.

Well I am here to proclaim that God is just as interested in giving you true health today as He has been at any other point in history.
In fact, His power to help us reach our true purpose in life is more available today than it ever has been! You don’t need to wait until you are in a desperate crisis to cry out to God. You can start your journey to healthy living right now!

Join me as we explore the wonderful truths of God’s incredible love for us, and His desire to see us live a healthy life.

Brian Shilhavy

How I found Peace with God
- See more at:

Exactement ce que vous avez donné?

Exactement ce que vous avez donné?
Marc 12: 41-42 "Et Jésus s'assit contre le trésor, et vit comment les gens jetèrent de l'argent dans le trésor, et beaucoup de riches ont été enlevés. Et il y avait une certaine veuve pauvre, et elle a jeté deux acariens, qui font un farthing. "
Le trésor dont on parle ici est un endroit situé dans la Cour des femmes qui se trouvait dans le complexe du temple, mais ne faisait pas partie du temple lui-même. Les femmes n'étaient pas autorisées dans le temple, donc le fait que cette veuve faisait son offre au trésor vérifie l'emplacement du trésor.
Jésus a utilisé cette instance pour enseigner à ses disciples une leçon très importante. Il n'a pas dit ces choses à cette veuve personnellement. Les promesses de Dieu concernant le don nous donnent l'assurance que cette offre a été bénie à cette femme dans cette vie, mais la veuve n'a pas entendu son éloge. Il n'y a aucune indication que cette pauvre veuve ait jamais su que quelqu'un a reconnu l'ampleur de son sacrifice.
De même, il arrive que nous sachions que personne ne connaît ou n'éprouve nos sacrifices. Cependant, tout aussi sûrement que Jésus a vu les dons de cette femme et connaissait le sacrifice impliqué, Dieu prend note de nos plus petits actes et un jour, nous récompensera ouvertement.
Le Seigneur ne juge pas la taille de nos dons par combien nous donnons, mais plutôt par combien nous avons laissé après avoir donné. Les hommes ont tendance à se comparer entre eux, mais le Seigneur ne juge pas notre don par ce que les autres donnent. Il juge nos dons par ce que nous devons donner. Le Seigneur regarde le cœur du donneur plus que le cadeau. Le Seigneur pèse le donneur plus que le cadeau.
Quand nous nous tiendrons devant le Seigneur, toutes nos œuvres, non seulement notre donation, seront essayées pour déterminer quel genre - pas quelle taille ils sont.


To what extent were they given?

Mark 12:41-42 "And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing."

The treasury that is spoken of here is a place located in the Women's Court that was in the temple complex but was not part of the temple itself. Women were not allowed in the temple, so the fact that this widow was casting her offering into the treasury verifies the location of the treasury.

Jesus used this instance to teach His disciples a very important lesson. He did not say these things to this widow personally. God's promises concerning giving give us an assurance that this offering was blessed back to this woman in this life, but the widow did not hear His commendation. There is no indication that this poor widow ever knew that anyone recognized the extent of her sacrifice.

Likewise, there are times when we may feel that no one knows or appreciates our sacrifices. However, just as surely as Jesus saw this woman's giving and knew of the sacrifice involved, God takes note of our smallest deeds and one day, will reward us openly.

The Lord does not judge the size of our gifts by how much we give, but rather by how much we have left over after we give. Men tend to compare themselves with each other but the Lord doesn't judge our giving by what others give. He judges our gifts by what we have to give. The Lord looks at the heart of the giver more than at the gift. The Lord weighs the giver more than the gift.

When we stand before the Lord, all of our works, not only our giving, will be tried to determine what sort - not what size they are.

ACV and Me - or U?

*** (CNN) - Amanda Haughman, a student at Cornell University, was able to drop 37lbs off her waist in 1 month without ever using a dime of her own money. Amanda is studying nutrition sciences at Cornell, and for a required research project Amanda thought it would be perfect to use university funds to find out how to 'hack' her weight loss. ***

Date:   12/30/2016 9:44:28 PM   ( 5 d ) ... viewed 71 times

ACV and U may work?

Student from Cornell University Cuts 37lbs On University Budget!

by Suzanne Pischner Friday, December 30, 2016

(CNN) - Amanda Haughman, a student at Cornell University, was able to drop 37lbs off her waist in 1 month without ever using a dime of her own money. Amanda is studying nutrition sciences at Cornell, and for a required research project Amanda thought it would be perfect to use university funds to find out how to 'hack' her weight loss. According to Amanda, "the most expensive piece of it all was actually finding what worked. But the actual solution only cost about $5."

"I had struggled with my weight my whole life. I tried things like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, which just didn't work as good as they promised. I am a single Mom with a kid at home and I am also working towards my degree, so I don't have any time to be at the gym. When I was assigned this big research project, I saw it as a perfect opportunity to get a deeper look at the natural weight loss opportunities that are out there, and that is when I found out about combining Garcinia Shaping Pro and apple cider vinegar. The best part of it all, I can tell that my daughter is proud of me." - Amanda Haughman
Since the study, Amanda shared the Garcinia Shaping Pro and apple cider vinegar combination with her close friend, Mark, who had also been struggling with his weight. Mark's results are even more impressive than Amanda.

Mark lost over 130lbs in under 3 months with Amanda's help

We sat down with Amanda to ask her more about how she found out about Garcinia Shaping Pro and whether or not that is all that she used to lose 37 lbs so quickly.
CNN: Tell us, how did you know where to start?

Amanda: To be honest, I really didn't. I was given a budget for the project by the university, and I spent nearly all of it researching everything under the sun. I looked into other previous research, case studies, and even successful weight loss stories of others.
CNN: So, how did you find out about Garcinia Shaping Pro and apple cider vinegar?
Amanda: It's sort of funny. I am a big fan of Melissa McCarthy, and while I was looking into weight loss stories of others I decided to see if I could find out more about how McCarthy was able to lose so much weight so quickly. Surprisingly, even with all of the tabloids, it was pretty challenging to find concrete information on exactly how she did it. However, I was able to find a radio interview where McCarthy credited her entire weight loss to combining Garcinia Shaping Pro with apple cider vinegar.

CNN: Was it expensive to get Garcinia Shaping Pro?

Amanda: It actually was not very expensive at all, and thankfully so. By the time I had found out about Garcinia Shaping Pro and apple cider vinegar, I had about $13 left in my project budget. Since Garcinia Shaping Pro is a completely natural formula, the supplier doesn't spend a lot to manufacture it. Additionally, they actually provided me with a free 1 month sample and I just paid for shipping! So I got Garcinia Shaping Pro for $5 and picked up a bottle of apple cider vinegar for $6 from a local grocery store, and I still had $2 left in my budget!

CNN: That's impressive! Could you explain how it works?

Amanda: There isn't much to it, and that is the appeal of it all. Every morning, I made tea with 1 - 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and took Garcinia Shaping Pro with it. Other than that, I didn't change a single thing in my daily routine. 30 days later, I am 37 lbs off the waist and in better shape than ever before!

Since helping her friend Mark, Amanda has gone on to share the Garcinia Shaping Pro and apple cider vinegar recipe with many others!

Why is Garcinia Shaping Pro so effective?

Garcinia Shaping Pro contains the naturally occurring ingredient, hydroxycitric acid, which boosts weight loss by blocking excess body fat production while increasing resting metabolism by more than 130%. This combination makes the body go from a fat-gain to fat-loss state while resting.
Garcinia Shaping Pro with apple cider vinegar has been clinically proven to:
Increase Resting Metabolism More Than 130%
Flush Out Harmful Toxins
Boosts Energy Levels and Increase Mood
Block Excess Fat Production

For our readers, Amanda Haughman has provided the week by week breakdown of her weight loss, the apple cider vinegar recipe she used, and the link to get a free 1 month sample of Garcinia Shaping Pro.
Results - Amanda lost 37 lbs of pure body fat in just 1 month using Garcinia Shaping Pro

1. Mix in a glass, 1-2 teaspoons of organic Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water.

2. In the morning, take one Garcinia Shaping Pro capsule with your drink.

Week One:
One week after combining Garcinia Shaping Pro with apple cider vinegar every morning I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn't even hungry. A welcomed side effect of Garcinia Shaping Pro is its power to curb the appetite.
Best of all, I didn't even change anything about my daily routine. On Day 7, I got on the scale and couldn't believe my eyes. I had lost 9.5lbs. But I still wasn't convinced, since they say you lose a lot of water weight at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks.

Week Three:
After 3 weeks, all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I am down 2 pant sizes after losing another 16.5lbs. And I still have a ton of energy. Quite often, around the third week of other diets, I would tend to run out of steam. But with Garcinia Shaping Pro my energy levels didn't dip, instead they remain steady throughout the day.

Week Four:
After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 37lbs since starting with apple cider vinegar and Garcinia Shaping Pro! I feel blessed to share this with other people who are struggling with their weight as well. Using Garcinia Shaping Pro in week 4, I lost an additional 11 lbs.


 You can use any ACV  -  I like  Bragg's Organic - ACV   

29 September 2017

Jumalan armo

Jumalan armo
Matteuksen 23:23 "Voi teitä, kirjanoppineet ja fariseukset, te ulkokullatut, sillä te maksatte kymmenykset mintun, anis ja cummin, ja jättäkäät lain, tuomion, laupeuden ja uskon painoisimmat asiat: nämä teidän olisi pitänyt tehdä, ja ei jätä muuta kumoa. "

Yksi tapa jolla Jumalan hyvyys paljastuu on Hänen armonsa. Voimme kuvata armoa Jumalan valmiutena keventää kuolleiden olentojen kurjuutta. Monta kertaa, armoa kutsutaan myötätuntoa tai rakastavaa ystävällisyyttä. Se ilmaistaan kohti syntistä, koska synti on tuonut hänelle kurjuutta.

Jumalan armo uskovaiselle paljastaa Jumala, joka ottaa pois synnin seurausten kurjuuden Vapahtajamme, Herran Jeesuksen Kristuksen, uudesta liitosta. Armo ei ole jotain ansiota eikä ansainnut, vaan lahja, kuten apostoli Paavali sanoo, "ei vanhurskauden tekoilla, joita me olemme tehneet, vaan Hänen pelastuksensa mukaan hän pelasti meidät" (Ti 3: 5).

Paavali puhuu taivaallista Isää nimellä "armon Isä". Sanaa isä käytetään monesti pyhiin kirjoihin alkuunpanijana tai lähteenä jotain. Esimerkiksi paholaista on nimeltään valheen isä (Joh. 8:44), eli hän on laiskan tekijä ja aloittelija. Samoin taivaallinen Isämme on kaiken armon tekijä, aloittelija ja lähde. Joka kerta, kun ihmiskunta huusi uskon kautta, Jumalan armo saavutti ja täytti heidän tarpeensa.

Jumalalle on sanottu olevan runsaasti armoa sen suuren rakkauden tähden, jonka kautta hän rakasti meitä (Ef 2: 4), ja että meillä on valtaistuimelle kutsuttu armo, jonka avulla voimme tulla ja saada armoa. Jumala ei ollut motivoitunut pelastamaan meidät säälien tai velvollisuutensa kautta, kuten Luojamme. Häntä motivoi vain rakkaus. Jumala rakastaa meitä.

Божья милость

Божья милость
Матфея 23:23 «Горе вам, книжники и фарисеи, лицемеры, ибо вы платите десятину монетного двора, аниса и куммина и опускаете более веские вопросы закона, суда, милосердия и веры: это вы должны были сделать и не оставлять другого незавершенным ».

Одним из способов, которыми открывается Божья доброта, является Его милость. Мы можем описать милосердие, как готовность Бога облегчить страдание падших существ. Много раз милосердие называется состраданием или любящей добротой. Это выражается в отношении грешника из-за страданий, которые грех навлек на него.

Божья милость к верующему раскрывается Богом, убирающим страдание греховных последствий через Новый Завет нашего Спасителя, Господа Иисуса Христа. Милосердие не является чем-то заслуженным или заработанным, а даром, как утверждает апостол Павел: «Не делами праведности, которые мы совершили, но согласно ЕГО МЕРСУ, Он спас нас» (Ти. 3: 5).

Павел говорит о Небесном Отце как о «Отце милосердия». Слово «отец» используется много раз в Писании как источник или источник чего-то. Например, дьявол называется отцом лжи (Иоанна 8:44), т. Е. Он является автором и создателем лжи. Подобным же образом наш небесный Отец является автором, источником и источником всей милости. Каждый раз, когда человечество взывало в вере, Божья милость достигла удовлетворения и удовлетворения их потребностей.

Говорят, что Бог богат милостью из-за Его великой любви, которою Он возлюбил нас (Еф.2: 4), и иметь престол, называемый благодатью, посредством которого мы можем прийти и получить милость. Бог не был мотивирован, чтобы спасти нас через жалость или чувство долга как нашего Создателя. Он был мотивирован исключительно любовью. Бог любит нас.

하느님의 자비

하느님의 자비
Matthew 23:23 "율법학과 바리새인 들아 위선자 들아, 너희는 화씨와 아니스와 잔치를 십일조로 바치고 율법과 심판과 자비와 신앙의 더 중대한 문제를 생략 하였으니 이는 너희가 행한 것이 니라. 다른 사람을 떠나지 말라. "

하나님의 선하심이 드러나는 길 중 하나는 그분의 자비에 의한 것입니다. 우리는 타락한 피조물의 불행을 해소하기 위해 자비를 하나님의 준비로 묘사 할 수 있습니다. 여러 번, 자비는 연민이나 사랑의 친절이라고합니다. 죄가 그에게 가져온 비참함 때문에 죄인을 향해 표현됩니다.

신자에 대한 하나님의 자비는 하나님 께서 우리의 구세주 인 주 예수 그리스도의 새 언약을 통해 죄의 결과에 대한 불행을 없애 주신 것으로 드러납니다. 자비는 공로가있는 것이 아니고, 사도 바울이 말한 것처럼 "우리가 행한 의의 행위가 아니라 예수 께서 우리를 구원 하셨다"(고후 3 : 5)는 선물입니다.

바울은 하늘 아버지를 "자비의 아버지"라고 말합니다. 아버지라는 단어는 성경에서 창세자 또는 무언가의 근원으로 여러 번 사용됩니다. 예를 들어, 마귀는 거짓의 아비라고 불리며 (요 8:44), 즉 그는 거짓말의 저자이자 창시자입니다. 마찬가지로 하늘에 계신 우리 아버지는 모든 자비의 저자, ​​창조주, 근원 이십니다. 인류가 믿음으로 부르짖을 때마다 하나님의 자비가 다해 그들의 필요를 채웠습니다.

하나님은 그가 우리를 사랑 하셨던 그 위대한 사랑 때문에 자비가 풍부하다고 말하고 (엡 2 : 4), 우리가 와서 자비를 얻을 수있는 은혜라고하는 보좌를 얻으려고합니다. 하나님은 우리의 창조주로서의 동정이나 의무감을 통해 우리를 구원하시기 위해 동기를 부여받지 않으 셨습니다. 그는 사랑에 의해서만 동기 부여를 받았다. 하나님은 우리를 사랑하십니다.

La miséricorde de Dieu

La miséricorde de Dieu
Matthieu 23:23 «Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens, hypocrites, car vous payez la dîme de la menthe, de l'anis et du cummin, et avez omis les questions les plus importantes de la loi, du jugement, de la miséricorde et de la foi: vous devriez avoir fait, et de ne pas laisser l'autre défait ".

L'une des façons dont la bonté de Dieu est révélée est par sa miséricorde. Nous pouvons décrire la miséricorde comme la volonté de Dieu pour soulager la misère des créatures tombées. Plusieurs fois, la miséricorde s'appelle la compassion ou la bonté. Il est exprimé au pécheur à cause de la misère que le péché lui a apportée.

La miséricorde de Dieu envers le croyant est révélée par Dieu enlevant la misère des conséquences du péché par la nouvelle alliance de notre Sauveur, le Seigneur Jésus-Christ. La miséricorde n'est pas quelque chose de mérité ou gagné, mais un don, comme le dit l'apôtre Paul: «Ce n'est pas par des œuvres de justice que nous avons faites, mais selon sa MERCÉE Il nous a sauvé» (Ti 3: 5).

Paul parle du Père céleste comme «Le Père des miséricordes». Le mot père est utilisé à plusieurs reprises dans l'Écriture comme un créateur ou comme source de quelque chose. Par exemple, le diable est appelé le père du mensonge (Jn 8:44), c'est-à-dire qu'il est l'auteur et l'auteur du mensonge. De même, notre Père céleste est l'auteur, l'auteur et la source de toute miséricorde. Chaque fois que l'humanité a crié dans la foi, la miséricorde de Dieu a atteint et a répondu à leurs besoins.

Dieu est dit être riche en pitié à cause de son grand amour avec lequel il nous a aimés (Ephésiens 2: 4), et d'avoir un trône appelé grâce, afin que nous puissions venir et obtenir de la miséricorde. Dieu n'a pas été motivé pour nous sauver par la pitié ou un sentiment d'obligation comme notre Créateur. Il était motivé uniquement par l'amour. Dieu nous aime.

Another reason or proof that Israel is of God!

The Israeli Source of the Pathan Tribes

From the book, Lost Tribes from Assyria, by A Avihail and A Brin, 1978, in Hebrew
by Issachar Katzir

As children, we heard from our parents, who come from Afghanistan, stories about the Ten Tribes who were lost during the destruction of the Temple, about meetings with the country people with whom they had contact in trade matters, about Jewish customs and names – and it all sounded inconceivable and fascinating. Like all children, we enjoyed hearing about tribes of Israel preserving their forefathers’ tradition, bearing arms and awaiting the day of redemption.
From Mr Yisrael Mishal, who lived in Afulah and was formerly President of the Afghanistan Jewish community, I often heard unusually fascinating quotations and stories uttered repeatedly and Mr Mishal gave live examples of his meetings with Pathans who dwell on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Who are the Pathans?
 They are also called Afghans or Pishtus after their language. They identify themselves with their former name ‘sons of Israel’, even though nowadays they live as Muslims. In Afghanistan they are said to number six to seven million, and in Pakistan seven to eight million. Two million of them live as beduins. Outwardly, the Pathans are similar to the Jews.

From their ancient customs, one can point to a connection between the Pathans and the Jewish people. They make up about half of the population of Afghanistan, in the region called Pushtunistan, on the eastern border of Afghanistan. Over ninety per cent of the inhabitants are Sunni Muslims. Later modernisation has penetrated into this State, and even less in the hilly areas near the border. In these places, the Pathans continue to live in the tribal framework as their fathers and forefathers did. The legal system operates according to the Pashtunwali," the Pashtun Laws, parts of which are similar to the laws of the Torah.

The Pathans are known for their physical strength. They are tall, light-coloured and handsome, good soldiers and for the most part bear arms from a young age. They are diligent and intelligent, faithful to an exemplary degree and are known in the world as outstanding hosts.

What is the Ethnic Origin of the Panthim?

The Panthim are not similar in their outward appearance or in their character to any of the ethnic groups which populate this environment: the Indian group-Iranians, Mongolians, Turks or Persians. Most of the researchers are of the opinion that the origin of the Pathans is indeed Israeli. The aliyah to Israel of Afghanistan Jews and the volume of evidence heard from them on this subject about the customs of the Pathans corroborate this idea.

Relationship to the Tribes of Israel

There is interesting evidence about the preservation among the tribes of family trees on their origin, and on their relationship to the fathers of the Israeli people. These family trees are well preserved. Some of them are penned in golden lettering on deerskin. The names of the tribes speak for themselves: the tribe of Harabni (in the Afghan tongue) is the tribe of Reuben, the shinwari is Shimeon, the Levani – Levi, Daftani – Naftali, Jaji – Gad, Ashuri – Asher, Yusuf Su, sons of Josef, Afridi – Ephraim, and so on.

The former monarchy in Afghanistan has a widely-spread tradition according to which their origin was from the tribe of Benjamin and the family of King Saul. According to this tradition, Saul had a son called Jeremia and he in turn had a son called Afghana. Jeremia died at about the same time as Saul and the son Afghana was raised by King David and remained in the royal palace during the reign of Solomon too. About 400 years later, in the days of Nebuchadnezer, the Afghana family fled to the Gur region (Jat in our times). 

This is in central Afghanistan and here the family settled down and traded with the people of the area. In the year 622, with the appearance of Islam, Muhammed sent Khaled ibn Waleed to the ‘sons of Ishrail’ to spread the word of Islam among the Afghanistan tribes. He succeeded in his mission, returned to Muhammed with seven representatives of the residents of Afghanistan and with 76 supporters. The leader of these people was ‘Kish’ (the name of the father of Solomon). According to the tradition, the emissaries succeeded in their assignment and Muhammed praised them for this.

The Place of the Assyrian Exile

According to the Bible (the second Book of Kings, Chronicles 1 and 2), the ten tribes were exiled to Halah and Havor and the river Gozan and to the cities of Maday. According to the tradition of the Jews of Afghanistan, the river gozan is ‘rod jichan’ (river in Persian is rod), one of the tributaries of the Emo-daria, which descends in the vicinity of the town of Maimane. The city of Havor is, they say, peh-Shauor (Pash-Havor’) which means ‘Over Havor’ in Afghanistan, and today serves as the centre of the Pathans on the Pakistan that the whole area populated the ancient Assyrian Exile. There are researchers who claim that all the Jews living in southern U.S.S.R. along the Emor-daria’ are the descendants of the ten tribes - the Bucharins, Georgians, etc. As we know, a group of ‘‘B’nei Yisrael’ some of whom settled in Israel, is also found in India and Afghanistan. The existence of the Pathan tribes is therefore in the heart of the area in which the ten tribes are found.

The Similarity of the Pathans to the Jews

The British, who ruled Afghanistan for a long time, found it difficult to distinguish between the Pathans and the Jews, and called the Pathans ‘Juz’ - Jews. The Jews, too found it hard to distinguish between themselves and the Pathans when the latter are not wearing traditional dress. Afghanistan has about 21 peoples and languages and only the Pathans, apart from the Jews, look clearly Semitic; their countenance is lighter than that of other peoples and their nose is long. Some of them also have blue eyes. Since most of them grow beards and sidelocks like Jews, this also adds difficulty to an attempt to distinguish between them and the Jews.

Jewish Customs

Even though the Pathans accepted Islam voluntarily and forcibly, they maintain Jewish customs preserved from the recesses of their past. The book contains considerable evidence taken from Jews of Afghanistan who lived in the neighbourhoods of the Pathans and had contact with them. The evidence doesn’t relate to all the Pathans or to all the tribes and places. However, it does prove the existence of Jewish customs among the Pathans. The research on this subject still requires completion, both quantitative and qualitative.

 Let us note the customs in headline form only: sidelock, circumcision within eight days, a Talith (prayer shawl) and four fringes (Tsitsit), a Jewish wedding (Hupah and ring), women’s customs (immersion in a river or spring), levirate marriage (Yibum), honouring the father, forbidden foods (horse and camel food), refraining from cooking meat and milk, a tradition of clean and unclean poultry, the Shabbat (preparation of 12 Hallah loaves, refraining from work), lighting a candle in honour of the Shabbat, the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) prayer (some of them pray turned in the direction of Jerusalem), blood on the threshold and on the two Mezzuzot (in times of plague or trouble), a scapegoat, curing the ill with the help of the Book of Psalms (placing the Book under the patient’s head), a Hebrew amulet (Kamia), Hebrew names (also. for neighbourhoods and villages), Holy Books (they especially honour ‘the Law of Sharif’ which is the Law of Moses), and rising when the name of Moshe is mentioned.

As for the Pathan law, they have laws similar to the Jewish law. The Magen David symbol is found in almost every Pathan house on an island in the Pehshauor district. The rich make it of expensive metals, the poor from simple wood. The Magen David can be seen on the towers of schools and on tools and ornaments.

Archaeological and Other Evidence

Apart from synagogues, Sifrei Torah, Hebrew placenames and tribal family trees, there also exists evidence on important archeological finds: near the town of Herat in Tchcharan, old graves were found on which the writing was in Persian and in the Hebrew language. The graves date from the 11th to the 13th centuries. In an opposite fashion, so it seems, there are a number of inscriptions engraved on rocks in ancient Hebrew script near the town of Netchaset.

In the ‘Dar el amman’ museum in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, there is a black stone found in Kandahar, on which is written in Hebrew.

It would be appropriate to end this article with one of the pieces of evidence. Mr Chiya Zorov of Tel Aviv notes: When the Bolsheviks rose to power in Russia, they divided the large area of the southern part of central Russia into smaller districts such as Tanjekistan, Turkemanistan, Kazchastan, etc. In Tanjekistan, which is in northern Afghanistan, there was a village by the name of Dushme. When Stalin gained power, he called the village in his name, Stalinabad. It started to develop and grow and many Jews then began to stream into Tangekistan. They found that the Tanyakis light candles on Friday evening. When the Jews went to visit them, they revealed that they eat a dish made of meat stuffed with rice called Pacha, which is characteristic of the Bucharian Jews and is eaten on Friday night. When they asked them what it was, the Tajiks replied that this is an ancient traditional food of theirs and its name is Pacha. They also said that they have a tradition that they were once Jews.
Rabbi Saadia Gaon discussed at length with the Hacham Hivay Habalchi and in the opinion of the speaker, in that period (10th century) the Jews were inclined to assimilate into Islam and it was about this that they were arguing.

The scholar Ibn Sina, born in Buchara, also lived at the time. The teacher Tajiki said that he, too, belongs to the Jews who were forced to convert, assimilated into Islam and are called Tchale. As recounted, the meaning of his name is Even Sina – son of sinal (and up to this day in many languages, and also in Hebrew, the words are similarly pronounced – Sinai, Sin Sina) and perhaps this is why he called himself Ben Sinai, in other words, son of the Torah which came forth from Sinai.

The Maharaja of Mardan was a scholar who completed his studies at the University of London and would often visit the converts of Mishhad who lived in Pehshaurf. He also visited a Jew called Carmeli, who told Mr Hiya Zorov that the Maharaja always said the day would come when they would learn to distinguish the origins of all people and then they would know that all the peoples in the vicinity of Afghanistan were once Jews. The Maharaja published a book in English and wrote of this in the introduction to the book. But the book was lost. There was a time when the author Hiya Zorov, with late President Ben-Tsvi, who considered it of great importance, tried to find the book, but in vain.

Some of the Bucharian Jews have a tradition that they are among the people of the First Temple possibly from the Ten Tribes, but he doesn’t know about this and afterwards they were joined by Jews from the Second Temple Exile.

Pakistani Cricketer Imran Khan who married Jemima Goldsmith is a Pathan.

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