am a firm believer in ‘keep your history before you’ and so I don’t
actually want to rename things that were named for slave owners,” she
said Monday on Fox News.
“I want us to have to look at those names and recognize what they
did and to be able to tell our kids what they did and for them to have a
sense of their own history. When you start wiping out your history,
sanitizing your history to make you feel better it’s a bad thing,” she
Condoleezza Rice tells it like it is
an old saying, “those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat
That is something that people haven’t been paying attention to in a long time, especially Democrats.
Democrats typically repeat history over and over and over again, hoping the same failed policy or idea will work for the gazillionth time even though it’s never worked anywhere in the history of the world.
The same can be said about those who want to remove historical monuments. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like what a monument represents; it’s a time in history that must not be forgotten.
Condoleezza Rice responds. In light of all of the
lunacy going around where some states are removing history, Rice
responded as to why she believes it is important to keep them up. From
The Washington Examiner:
This is just an example of the modern rush to sanitize history to suit the false beliefs of many of the so called Liberal minds... What it comes down to is what exactly is the truth?
History is what happened - like it or not! I too have not liked all that was done in history; but I also know that whatever it was is the truth!
By attempting to change the truth is foolish and dangerous thing to engage in! Because only the truth is... Any other variation of it is a falsehood or else is a lie! You can never actually change the truth; all one can do is to make false accusations and spread rumors {Which are false information}and confuse the issue. This seems to have been the way things have been done in recent history!
Take a look at some items of recent history:
1) Remover all reference to or about the Confederacy!
2) Deny that the Holocaust ever happened.
3) Blame many of the currant world problems on the false - none existent Global warming issue.
That is something that people haven’t been paying attention to in a long time, especially Democrats.
Democrats typically repeat history over and over and over again, hoping the same failed policy or idea will work for the gazillionth time even though it’s never worked anywhere in the history of the world.
The same can be said about those who want to remove historical monuments. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like what a monument represents; it’s a time in history that must not be forgotten.
“I am a firm believer in ‘keep your history before you’ and so I don’t actually want to rename things that were named for slave owners,” she said Monday on Fox News.==================
“I want us to have to look at those names and recognize what they did and to be able to tell our kids what they did and for them to have a sense of their own history. When you start wiping out your history, sanitizing your history to make you feel better it’s a bad thing,” she said.
This is just an example of the modern rush to sanitize history to suit the false beliefs of many of the so called Liberal minds... What it comes down to is what exactly is the truth?
History is what happened - like it or not! I too have not liked all that was done in history; but I also know that whatever it was is the truth!
By attempting to change the truth is foolish and dangerous thing to engage in! Because only the truth is... Any other variation of it is a falsehood or else is a lie! You can never actually change the truth; all one can do is to make false accusations and spread rumors {Which are false information}and confuse the issue. This seems to have been the way things have been done in recent history!
Take a look at some items of recent history:
1) Remover all reference to or about the Confederacy!
2) Deny that the Holocaust ever happened.
3) Blame many of the currant world problems on the false - none existent Global warming issue.
4) Make up or control the news to get certain Liberal programs out front to force Government to respond to made up problems.
5) Take God and the Bible out of the Public Schools.
6) Put many social programs into action to the point where no one can really uderstan exactly what is happening or why.
7) Make race and other social hot points the subject of correcting the world problems - but do not actually seek the whole truth in any form.
8) Find ways to attack most of the institutions in the civilized world to cause hate and discontent - therefore making change {which is not always need} appear necessary!
9) Confuse the lines of personal understand to include confusion and doubt as to what is really true and important.
10) Push all the boundaries or limits in the world to press for more change {most of which is not needed or of much is any value} to further the Socialist Liberal mind set!
These are just some of our present day push to force lies and falsehoods upon the world in order to gain total control ...
Will follow up with more diversified views on how this has been used to destroy the good in the world and make it seem like only the " new " lies are true!
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