Blog Archive

31 May 2017


Dimanche matin vers 05h30, l'éclairage a frappé un grand arbre à environ 100 pieds du front droit de notre maison. Il a voyagé le long de la clôture de la chaîne entrant dans la maison sur le câble du téléphone - soufflant de nombreux éléments ... C'est donc la première fois pour revenir au blog mercredi après-midi en utilisant l'un de nos fils internet ...

Ce qui me frappe, c'est que beaucoup d'entre nous considèrent combien nous sommes heureux sous le pouvoir et la protection de Dieu dans nos vies ... Quand je regarde en arrière et je considère tous les appels rapprochés que j'ai connus - c'est une bénédiction à voir Dieu au travail dans nos vies chaque jour, nous vivons!

Prenez le temps de faire une pause et de constater comment Dieu a travaillé dans votre vie?

Nous sommes tous bénis tous les jours ... Amen!

~ My life score

Your Overall Score is 247 out of a possible 300
Your Scaled Score is +5 on a scale of -10 to +10
Life is good - most of the time! You do more than just cope and get by. You are living your life with love, joy, and peace - not all of the time, but regularly. You have your struggles, but you usually deal with them effectively. You are a positive influence on those around you. Life to you is not just about coping - it's about being your best. There may be a couple of areas that have held you back. By healing the issues of your heart, you can reach the top of the mountain!

In the area of Forgiveness, you scored 19
Your Scaled Score is +4 on a scale of -10 to +10
You realize that forgiveness of past hurts and losses sets you free to enjoy the present and build a bright future. You choose to focus on seeing the best in yourself and others.

In the area of Healthy Actions, you scored 21
Your Scaled Score is +6 on a scale of -10 to +10
You make choices based in love and truth and your heart and integrity line up with your desires and actions. You are content to be seen as who you truly are.

In the area of Transforming Beliefs, you scored 21
Your Scaled Score is +6 on a scale of -10 to +10
You have few negative beliefs blocking your success. You resonate hope, confidence, peace and joy.

In the area of Love, you scored 24
Your Scaled Score is +9 on a scale of -10 to +10
You understand that the love that builds success is altruistic, honest, generous and compassionate. You believe in yourself and care about others.

In the area of Joy, you scored 24
Your Scaled Score is +9 on a scale of -10 to +10
You have found that joy flows from a sense of hope, gratitude and the possibility of everyday miracles. You know that you are a person of worth regardless of outside circumstances.

In the area of Peace, you scored 23
Your Scaled Score is +8 on a scale of -10 to +10
You have a sense of peace and well-being. You trust that your future can bring wonderful things as you let go of old harmful memories and actions.

In the area of Patience, you scored 15
Your Scaled Score is 0 on a scale of -10 to +10
You may sometimes get frustrated and angry that you are not successful enough. You may have trouble waiting patiently for things to happen. You can learn to set true love goals and find peace and joy in your life.

In the area of Kindness, you scored 18
Your Scaled Score is +3 on a scale of -10 to +10
You may feel sensitive to perceived rejection from others and have some difficulty either being kind to yourself or others. This can bring a sense of emptiness to any success you experience You might feel that you don't have much value to offer the world. As you let go of the old painful memories and bring peace and love into your heart you can accept people as they are and be kind to yourself and others.

In the area of Goodness, you scored 22
Your Scaled Score is +7 on a scale of -10 to +10
You easily feel gratitude for what is in your life and know that you bring value to the world. You look for the goodness in others and in circumstances and are appreciative all that life has to offer.

In the area of Trust, you scored 18
Your Scaled Score is +3 on a scale of -10 to +10
You may believe that life is not fair and that it is not safe to trust others. You may have a need to control others and situations. As you release old hurtful memories you can build your confidence in yourself and your ability to trust others.

In the area of Humility, you scored 18
Your Scaled Score is +3 on a scale of -10 to +10
You may be comparing yourself either positively or negatively to others. You may believe you have to manipulate others to be successful. You might not believe that you are OK unless other people think that you are. You can achieve success when you let go of the guilt, shame or wrongful pride that are caused by old negative cellular memories.

In the area of Self Control, you scored 24
Your Scaled Score is +9 on a scale of -10 to +10
You live a life of balance, feeling confident in your value and your choices. You believe in yourself and others.

The Internal States score is 25 out of a possible score of 30
Your Scaled Score is +7 on a scale of -10 to +10
You are usually aware of your emotions and how you might be responding to situations in the outside world, but you don't blame your emotions on others or situations. You can manage your emotions most of the time and are quick to seek balance. You value the information that your emotions can give you.

You appreciate the dynamic nature of life, internal and external. As you manage the 'give and take' of energy that is required to cause the effects you want, you are developing resilience and respect for yourself and others.

Using the Success Codes Program can help you be in the positive states of forgiveness, love, joy and peace more of the time.

The External Focus score is 25 out of a possible score of 30
Your Scaled Score is +7 on a scale of -10 to +10
You may understand that it is not your external circumstances that determine how you feel. Although you desire to be more successful you don't believe that it is just luck and circumstances that affect success. You believe that you can influence your life and that your internal states are more important than your external circumstances.

You are becoming aware that you, yourself, are your greatest asset. Without you-- the asset-- there will be no success, no happiness. You are starting to appreciate that what is 'out there' is out there, but what is 'in here', in you, is key.

The Success Codes Program can help you focus on the internal states of love, peace and joy that often influence our success.

The Goal Setting Score is 29 out of a possible score of 30
Your Scaled Score is +10 on a scale of -10 to +10
You find it easy to set goals and to imagine achieving them. Your goal setting often includes the internal states of peace and happiness as you focus on goals that are within your control.

Your goals tend to be internal. You frequently achieve them, and they satisfy you. What's more, the power of the positive inward state tends to produce positive circumstances in your life.

You are aware of the good feelings possible from using yourself and your talents to solve problems, help others, and improve situations. You know those particular types of peace and contentment that can come from focusing on the needs of others rather than just yourself.

You can use the Success Codes Program to learn how to remove the blocks to setting TruLove Goals and achieving success in all areas of your life.

The Success Orientation Score is 28 out of a possible score of 30
Your Scaled Score is +9 on a scale of -10 to +10
You usually believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. You know that you can overcome past situations in which you were not successful. You believe you can do what it takes to be successful again.

High vibrational images of you as successful come forward more easily from your inventory of mental-emotional images. You are becoming skillful at choosing what to focus on regarding you, success and what you can be doing. You know your ability to direct your attention and intention while maintaining your equilibrium has gotten better. As they improve still more, you are guaranteed greater levels of success.

You can use the Success Codes Program to remove the blocks caused by old memories and beliefs that may interfere with your success.

Unforgiveness and forgiveness may be the most critical issues in anyone's life. Dr. Alex Loyd, the founder of the Healing Codes, says that in all the years that he was lecturing and counseling he had never seen a significant health issue where there was not an unforgiveness problem. Then he met Dr. Ben Johnson, who had been lecturing all over the world on cancer, and Dr. Ben said that he'd never seen cancer where there was not an unforgiveness problem. Dr. Alex and Dr. Ben note that they have talked to ministers, doctors, therapists, and Practitioners of all types who also shared that they have seen unforgiveness at the root of just about every problem they've ever experienced.

Now here's a secret about unforgiveness: it often hides behind anger, fear, sadness, and other things like that. So if you think you don't have unforgiveness issues ask yourself, "Who do I feel some anger related to, or sadness, or fear?" You'll usually find unforgiveness at the bottom of those things. Unforgiveness issues can be toward self.

They can be toward other people. They can be toward God. Or, they can be in reverse of that. They can be feeling like God has not or will not forgive you. Feeling like other people have not forgiven you whether they have or not. Any of those can be the crucial cellular memory that blocks our health or blocks our success. This unforgiveness and the memories that contain this unforgiveness block our healing. They block our success. Why? Because they are destructive memories that are not truth and love. They are lies and selfishness.

It's interesting too, that the actual word "forgiveness" if you look back to the original language means to "cut the rope" or "untie the rope." So unforgiveness means we are literally tied to the thing or the person that we refuse to forgive. Even if the person is not willing to forgive us, we can cut that rope. The Unforgiveness Category can be absolutely huge.

The foundation for an abundant life of love, joy and peace is forgiveness. Healing unforgiveness is absolutely essential for healing and for success.
Healthy Actions
Harmful Actions are desires and behaviors we continue to repeat even though they take us further away from what we want in life. What determines whether an action is healthy or not is the reason why we do it. If our success goals are motivated by selfishness or fear, it will be difficult, if not impossible for us to find lasting joy and fulfillment in success.

Establishing a foundation of healthy actions based on healthy goals and healthy choices leads to living your life in truth and love and thus there is no limit to the success you can achieve and the abundance you can attract.
Transforming beliefs
If you are familiar with the Healing Codes, you know that we believe that stress causes illness and disease as Dr. Bruce Lipton, cellular biologist at Stanford University found. He also found that the thing that always causes stress is a wrong belief. Now those wrong beliefs are embedded in our cellular memories. Dr. Lipton goes on to say that if you can heal that wrong belief, the stress goes away and the immune system in the body can heal everything even genetic illnesses and disease. We also believe that when you heal the stress of wrong beliefs and replace them with Transforming Beliefs, then you also heal the thing that is blocking the success and prosperity in life. Why? Because stress drains your energy and it dumbs you down and it causes you to come at everything from a negative perspective. Well, how in the world are you going to be successful when you can't think straight, you don't have any energy and you're coming at everything from a negative perspective? Every negative thing flows from fear.

And the wrong belief, according to Dr. Lipton's research, causes us to be afraid when we should not be afraid. So what comes from fear? Anger, sadness, depression, manipulation, dishonesty, every crime that is ever committed., as well as fear of success, fear of failure, fear of other things. So this category can absolutely change your life.

Some of the unhealthy beliefs are: "I'm unlovable. I'm insignificant. I'm flawed. I'm hopeless. I'm worthless. Something bad is going to happen. Something must change right now for me to be okay. People are going to take advantage of me. I am bad. I'm not good enough. I'm unforgivable. People are out to get me. I must be in control. It's not fair. People must think well of me for me to be okay. I can't do it. I'm not capable. Others should do it for me."

Those are the unhealthy beliefs that block us from living the life we want to live. And that, when they are healed, can change our lives forever. Because those wrong beliefs create stress that causes every problem that we have: illness and disease, failure, lack of finances, poor relationships, you name it.

Let's look at the Transforming beliefs. I am lovable. I am significant. I'm whole. I'm a person of worth regardless of my circumstances or what anybody else thinks. I have unbounded hope for the future. Wonderful things are in store for me. My future is not tied to the past. I am free. I am always okay. Even though I'm always learning, growing and getting better, I am satisfied and content right now. I love everyone. Everyone is different, but all have worth and value. I will receive all good things by surrendering to love and truth. I can lay down control. I don't have to try to be someone I'm not in order to be loved. I will believe and live the truth of who I am. I am capable. I can do it. I don't have to get others to do it for me. I have a say over my life.

Which of these beliefs would you rather hold? How would you rather live? Well, that is why we want to heal those destructive beliefs, and to infuse the healthy ones. We promise you, if you do that in just this category, you will never, ever, ever be the same.
Success Foundation Codes and Success Building Codes
The first three facets of the Success Codes are called the Foundations for Success because they are the foundation for building a life based on love, joy and peace. They are Forgiveness, Healthy Actions, and Transforming Beliefs.

The nine Success Building Codes are aimed at helping you bring your every goal and dream into harmony as you operate from integrity.
The Love that builds success is altruistic, honest, generous and compassionate. At the base is love for yourself and then building relationships based in compassion and respect.

In this category are the negative experiences of unforgiveness, a feeling of insignificance and resentment.

The damaging action is selfishness (which is not the same as loving yourself).

The limiting beliefs are: I am unlovable. I am insignificant. I am flawed.

When you use the Block Breaker Code you can focus on the experiences, actions and ideas that correct the negative issues you've identified.

The positive experiences are: forgiveness, significance, compassion and empathy.

The transforming beliefs are: I am lovable. I am significant. I am whole.

The healthy actions are: Loving myself and others, and being committed to the truth.

We want to get rid of the negatives and infuse the positives so that we can live lives filled with love, and truth.
Joy may include happiness, but it is much more than happiness. Happiness often depends on external circumstances, whereas joy is an internal state. The positive energy of joy attracts positive people and circumstances to it.

The negative experiences are: sadness, depression, feeling inferior, worthless, and flawed.

The limiting beliefs: I am hopeless. I am worthless. Life is hopeless.

The positive experiences are: happiness, excitement, exhilaration, confidence, strength, wholeness and self-worth.

The healthy actions are: Being motivated by truth and love in everything I do. Believing in my power to start each day anew.

The transforming beliefs are: I am a person of worth regardless of any circumstances. I have unbounded hope for the future.

So the negative experiences and limiting beliefs are what The Block Breaker Codes work on in this category to remove stress and destructive memories in those areas. The Success Code infuses the positive energy of joy with the sense of hope, gratitude and the possibility of everyday miracles.
Of all the positive aspects of The Codes: Forgiveness, Healthy Beliefs, Joy, Love, Patience, etc, peace is the only one that you really can't manufacture by your own will power. Peace is the test. Peace is the indicator of whether you have destructive memories or healthy ones or both about any issue. Try it. Think about almost any issue in your life and judge by the peace that you feel whether you have negative or positive stuff about that. It absolutely works.

The opposite of peace is anxiety, fear, or worry. Tom Brokaw, a former televisions news announcer once said, "Anxiety is the issue of our age." This category is designed to heal those cellular memories and the stress that create anxiety, worry, and fear.

The negative experiences are: anxiety, and worry.

The limiting beliefs are: Something bad is going to happen. The future will be like the past. I am not okay.

The positive experiences are: a sense of peace and restfulness; that indescribable feeling that everything is OK, just the way it should be.

The transforming beliefs are: Wonderful things are in store for me. My future is not tied to the past. I am free. I am always okay.

The positive aspects: that wonderful feeling that all is okay. Wow, don't we all wish we had that day in and day out? Well, you can. Restfulness. The healthy actions of seeking win/win situations in my relationships and all my dealings. Focusing on good things that are related to the future, not the bad things of the past. Focusing on the present. Pay attention to Peace as an indicator of where you are in not only this category but any category. It's a wonderful, wonderful tool. It's kind of like the flashing light on your dashboard that tells you "Oh oh! I've got destructive memories about this because my peace is gone." You can use that as a very helpful tool.
This is a crucial category because the body system that is affected by the non-physical cellular memories and stress in this category is the immune system. And if you've heard Dr. Ben Johnson and Dr. Loyd speak you know that the key to healing anything, including success issues or relationship issues, is that the immune system is working the way it's supposed to. Patience issues tend to directly impact the immune system in our experience.

Patience really tells us a lot of times if we have good goals or bad goals. Here's how. The evidence that you have a wrong goal is anger. Where does anger come from? Impatience. That's the number one emotion related to this category. What's a good goal and what's a bad goal? A good goal is one that is rooted in truth and love. A bad goal is one that rooted in selfishness, fear and deception.

Here's how this all ties together. If your goal is based in truth and love and it doesn't happen, you're not going to be angry because the whole thing was about truth and love. You may say it's about truth and love when really it's not. It's really about selfishness and fear and deception. Then, if that goal becomes blocked, you will get angry. If it's truly focused in truth and love, you weren't in it for the result anyway because truth and love it not about results. Truth and love is about the process. It's about doing what is truthful, loving myself and the people around me right now, not about the result. Impatience, and the thing that comes from impatience, anger is a pretty good indicator of having a wrong goal in the first place. I become angry or impatient when that goal is blocked.

Patient people know that achieving a goal can take time. A block in this area can make it difficult to pay attention to detail.

The negative experiences are: impatience, anger, frustration, insecurity, desire for love substitutes. Love substitute is something we settle for because we don't believe we're going to get what we really want right now which is love. A love substitute can be anything; reading a book, eating an ice-cream cone. Those things aren't bad, but if they're done for a love substitute they're bad.

The limiting belief is: Something has to change right now for me to be okay.

The positive experiences: contentment, satisfaction, security.

The healthy actions content to wait for something better and be able to wait in peace.

The transforming belief: Even though I'm always growing, learning and getting better I am satisfied and content right now.

Healing the destructive memories in this category means that you don't have to wait for tomorrow in order to be okay. You don't have to have this or that in order to be okay. You're okay right now. In order to live that we've got to get rid of those negative things we're believing that are lies and fear based and selfish and infuse the love and truthful positive.
The biggest issues of our life that drive everything else either in a good way or in a bad way are our identity issues; who we believe we are. Am I good? Am I bad? Can I do it? Can I not do it? Are other people going to love me? Are they not? Am I attractive, unattractive? All of those "I am.." things and a lot of "Others are.." things and how those two interact are the focus of this category.

Kindness and the next category, Goodness are the two identity categories. As these two categories go, very often that's how you go. People with abusive situations who have grown up in very difficult, traumatic situations, many times need to spend a mountain of time in the Kindness category because that's where rejection is. Rejection, in our opinion, is the single biggest issue any of us have in our life. The thing we need most is love and the thing that makes us most feel unloved and unlovable is rejection and perceived rejection. You can't control what happened when you were younger. But we can still heal that and you have the life you would have had if you had been treated in that wonderful, kind way. Take time to take care of yourself and value others. So these are critical categories.

The negative experiences of this category: rejection, hurt, fear (fear comes from hurt and rejection).

The limiting beliefs: People will take advantage of me, if you have been rejected. People are too sensitive, if you are the one who rejects others.

The positive experiences: Total and unconditional acceptance of myself and others.

The healthy actions: A smiling face.

The transforming beliefs: I love everyone. Everyone is different but all have worth and value. I want more truth and love relationships.

It is very important to clear out these destructive cellular memories. We need to defuse our destructive identities and infuse loving, truthful, healthy identities that help us heal help us achieve the success we want in life.
This is the second category of the two identity categories of The Codes. This one, if you have a problem with category number 7, Kindness, which is also the rejection category, you're almost certainly going to have a problem in this category which is Goodness. Almost everyone who has been rejected believes they are bad or that they are not good enough.

Dr, Loyd says: "Tracey, my wife, who was clinically depressed for twelve years, is one of the best people I have ever known and just about everybody that knows her says that too. But she felt bad, like she had her whole life because the message she got growing up was that if she was not perfect, then she wouldn't be loved. So one little tiny thing for her made her feel like she was bad. And of course that's not the truth." We need to clear away those cellular memories and that stress that they cause.

The negative experiences are: fear, and shame.

The limiting beliefs are: I am bad or I am not good enough. I am unforgivable.

The positive experiences are: thankfulness and gratitude.

The healthy actions: Looking for the good-always.

The transforming beliefs are: I am good, forgiven, clean, and built for love.

These are two huge categories, Kindness and Goodness. If we're going to make any headway with our success and with our health, we have to heal our identity. We have to believe the truth about who we are instead of the lies from our faulty programming.
This category is critical for so many reasons. It is the category of belief. Anything is possible if you believe. We always do what we believe 100% of the time. In our opinion there are three aspects of belief: faith, trust and hope.

Faith is based on what has happened in the past. It affects whether we're going to have faith in ourselves, in other people, in circumstances, in God, in government. We base so many things on our past experiences. Those experiences have great control over what we do now and what we plan for the future because they are based on what's happened in the past.

Trust is what we believe about what's happening in our lives right now. "Am I safe? Am I not safe? Am I happy? Am I at peace? Am I in danger? What do I need to be doing now? Can I do it?"

Hope is the third aspect of belief. It is focused in the future. All of these work together. We can't have hope if we don't have faith. If our past is all messed up and is all negative and full of trauma and depression and anxiety and all that sort of thing, then we're not going to be very hopeful about the future. We're going to tend to think that our future will be like the past.

Healing these beliefs affects all three. It affects faith, trust and hope. It affects your past, your present and your future. As we're defusing our destructive memories, deprogramming, reprogramming our destructive memories, we're actually changing our past. You've heard the thing, "Perception is everything." We believe that to a point. All our memories are perceptions. A lot of our memories are not true. They're full of lies. What we remember as truth may not even be what happened. We don't believe that perception is everything because there is truth. There is something that actually happened. The sun is either out today or it's not. I'm either here or I'm not. Yes, perception is huge and reality is huge, too.

The negative experiences of this category: distrust and being judgmental.

The damaging action: attempts to pull others down.

The limiting beliefs are: People are out to get me. I must be in control. It's not fair.

The positive experiences are: faith in the past, trust in the present and hope in the future.

The healthy actions: Believing in truth and love always. Being non-judgmental.

The transforming beliefs are: I will receive all good things by surrendering to love and truth. I can lay down control.

A note on control: Is some control good? Yes. There are some areas that are really good for us to control. But, we are supposed to be trusting people as far as our relationships. You can't love without trust. If you can't trust, you probably can't love either. They go hand in hand. A controlling person is not a loving one. It's one that will rub other people the wrong way almost 100% of the time given enough time. We want to love, not control at least in the unhealthy way.

If you can master this category, heal the negative, and instill the positive, the trust, belief, faith and hope, this can release tremendous power in your life for success and health. You might consider this one of the major power categories. We all want power which leads to results. This is a power category.
We believe that Humility is one of the most misunderstood things in life. We tend to think that it's someone who always has their head bowed down, who doesn't stick up for themselves. We do not believe that's what humility is. We believe that humility really is about believing the truth about who you are. In other words it's a direct result of the Kindness and Goodness categories that are the identity categories. As those two categories go, so will Humility. Humility is not being arrogant and conceited and always trying to force my way and stuff like that. We always think of that. Also, it's not believing that I'm inferior and that you're better than me or that I can't do what you can do. I can't succeed and be successful. Being humble does not mean I can't be a performer or someone that does stuff up front. Humility means that I believe exactly the truth about who I am. I'm not better than anybody else. I'm not worse than anybody else. I can do anything that I'm called to do in truth and love. Humility is believing the truth that you are a person of value and worth and you can do great things in your life, whatever those great things are that you are called to, that you are not inferior to anybody but also that you are not superior. So you should embrace everyone in love and truth. That's what humility really is. If we have true humility, which means believing the truth about who I am, the next category Self Control, becomes easy. This is the key to the next category.

The negative experiences are: guilt, shame, wrongful pride.

The damaging actions: Taking whatever means are necessary to get people to think a certain way about me; manipulating people to get what I want and need.

The limiting belief: People must think well of me for me to be okay.

The positive experiences are: My belief in the true identity of myself and others. I believe the truth about myself and that allows me to love.

The healthy actions: Loving people and seeking the truth.

The transforming belief: I don't have to try to be someone I'm not in order to be loved. I will believe and live the truth of who I am.

If I'm really living in the Humility category the way I should be, it doesn't matter what anybody thinks of me. Yea, sure, it's nice if they think good stuff. I don't care. That's not what is motivating and driving me. I just want to live in truth and love and do what I need to do in my life.
This one is an issue for almost everybody. We want to have self control and we have to have self control to accomplish just about anything in our life as far as success and healing. Here's the ironic part. The self control flows naturally out of giving up control.

It is doing what we want to do and what takes us toward love, and our goals, and our dreams, and our visions, and not doing the things that we shouldn't do that will keep us from those goals and dreams.

The virtue obviously is self-control but it can be either side. Self-control means balance. It doesn't mean what we think of when we normally think of self-control, which is, "Ok, I'm going to pull myself up by my bootstraps and I'm going to…" That's really not what it means. The healthier place is to give up control and go into trust, but there are things that we have to do and things that we don't do. The key is where is it flowing from? If it's flowing from the right place, which is truth and love and belief, and the power that comes from those things, then the self-control will be easy. It will flow; it will not be onerous or burdensome kind of thing. It will be natural and will feel right and will not be like pushing a rock up hill. However, if we are coming from a place of fear and believing untruths about our self and our world and our circumstances, then trying to have appropriate balance and self-control will be very difficult, and it will be like pushing a rock up hill and we'll usually push it so far up hill and that rock will roll back down the hill and it will roll over us right at the first on the way down. We will be frustrated and bloodied and bruised and our natural inclination will be, "Boy, I sure don't want to do that again." Self-control means balance, coming from a place of love and truth and belief.

The negative experiences are: laziness, entitlement, and helplessness.

The damaging actions: manipulation, deceit, giving up.

The limiting beliefs: I can't do it, I'm not capable, others should do it for me, and it's not fair.

The positive experiences: Quiet confidence.

The healthy actions are: positive actions empowered by truth and love and my calling in life.

The transforming beliefs are: I am capable. I can do it. I don't have to get others to do it for me. I have a say over my life.

Dr. Loyd comments on the two aspects of self-control: "Tracey, my wife, grew up believing, "I can't do it, and I'm not capable." I grew up more with the "others should do it for me," the entitlement. But both of those are paralyzing. So Tracey's natural tendency was to be a perfectionist out of that, to try to do it all perfectly in order to get love, even though she didn't believe that she could. I would tend to be lazy and try to get others to do it for me. But those are both manifestations of the same self-control problem, but the self-control itself is a symptom that tells what is going on in our life. That's coming out of believing the truth about myself and my life and my world and coming from a place of love, and joy, and peace, and truth. If I'm not doing self-control things in balance it means I'm coming from the place of fear and untruth.
Internal States
Many success programs focus mainly on the "external trappings" of success: wealth, possessions, social approval, status, etc., and neglect the internal states that are the true movers to and measures of success. To us, relying on external factors is like spending all our time polishing the outside of a vehicle hoping that will get us what we want. That time and effort would be better spent on the 'engine' that propels us forward and closes the gap between us and our success. The Success Codes Program can help you focus on the internal states of love, peace and joy that often influence our success.

As Dr. Loyd says, "For 3 years, I searched all over to find a success program to refer our Healing Code clients to because so many were asking for that after their health issue healed. I couldn't find a single one that worked consistently. I then discovered why. According to research out of Stanford Medical School (Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.), if you are trying to heal old negative cycles in your life through willpower, your odds of success are approximately one in a million. Research from Harvard (Dan Gilbert, Ph.D.) found that "expectations are a happiness killer, because the instant you focus on external expectations as your goal, you have just put yourself into a chronic state of stress, until you achieve that thing or not." Virtually every program I could find instructed people to do one or both of these things in order to become successful – to have external expectations, and use willpower to make them happen. So, I was then not surprised to learn from industry experts and insiders that there is an approximate 97% failure rate in the success/self-help industry. They are literally teaching people how to fail, not how to succeed."

In contrast, true success requires 3 things every time. 1. You must deprogram failure routines (much like computer viruses, but inside the person). 2. You must reprogram (similar to computer software) for success. Both 1 and 2 have to be done "automatically" in the unconscious and subconscious. They cannot usually be done by willpower. Both 1 and 2 are focused on the internal state, from which true success comes, not external expectations, which produce failure. 3. You must overlay a conscious blueprint that is based on what Dr. Loyd calls the "Spiritual Laws of Nature" (these are not religious laws), which you cannot violate and get away with it any more than you can violate gravity by jumping off a building and get away with it.

If you successfully accomplish all 3, success happens virtually every time. In fact, you will tend to become successful even if you try not to because you are now "programmed for success". This brand of success, in our experience, is typically beyond and better than what the person had imagined – it is the perfect success for that person.

Success is a journey rather than a single point destination. To us, enjoying the journey makes embarking on more journeys possible and attractive. Improving the conditions of our internal states is like having a vehicle that will function well as the environments change, as they inevitably do in daily life. None of us wants our internal states to be 'slamming on the brakes', urging us to go off-track, giving us wrong directions or telling us to quit because we just don't have what it takes to be successful.

In the Success Codes Program you will find that we believe that success is the internal states of love, joy, peace, goodness, trust, etc. The Success Codes Program can help you remove the blocks to success and enhance these positive internal states.

We believe that the reason why many traditional goal setting processes fail is because they fail to consider the most important parts of goal setting. The Success Codes Program asks you to consider whether your goals are based in love, in truth and under your control.

While it is easier to see material objects—'stuff'—and, of course, because 'stuff' is promoted and marketed as the keys to success, we recognize that 'unseen' items are what we really desire. Being able to design goals whose pursuit and achievement produce a sense of increasing effectiveness, inspire us to add our value to situations to make things better, to support and protect our families and associates, to create work all, etc., add a level of worth to our lives that 'stuff' could never match.

The Success Codes Program teaches you how to determine these and how to set what we call TruLove goals.
External Focus
You may have heard Dr. Loyd and others talk about the success rate of generic success programs. We at the Success Codes believe that many of those programs discount the importance of our internal states. Some of these other programs teach that you will be happy once you have achieved the external manifestations of success such as wealth, possessions, social approval and status.

Groundbreaking research by Dan Gilbert, Ph.D. (a professor at Harvard University) concludes that expectations are a "happiness killer" - these are primarily your external circumstances. They are a happiness killer because they put you into an immediate and chronic state of stress. This means that they are also a "success killer", because stress makes it almost impossible to become holistically successful (finances, health, happiness and great relationships). On the other hand, an internal focus, giving up expectations, causes stress to melt away and success becomes almost inevitable. You are now in a state of flow, harmony, love, peace, etc. This is the internal power that produces external results.

Trying to achieve the external results without the internal power just won't work. It would be similar to vacuuming the rug without the vacuum cleaner being plugged in - lots of activity and work, but with little or no results. Professor William Tiller (Stanford University physicist) says that the unseen internal is ALWAYS the parent of the seen external - no exceptions. However, most success and self-help programs teach an external focus for success. Based on the research, this is literally teaching failure. It's no wonder that these types of programs have a failure rate of approximately 97%, according to industry insiders and experts.

We have found that virtually every program that taught an external goal focus also taught that the way to do this correctly is through willpower. However, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. (Stanford Medical School cellular biologist) in his best-selling book, "The Biology of Belief", states that the odds of trying to change the unconscious and subconscious beliefs that are keeping us from being successful by willpower are roughly a million to one. According to Dr. Lipton, you almost have to have a literal mechanism that can find and fix that negative programming (much like a computer antivirus program would remove computer viruses). It just doesn't happen through willpower. So, in order to become truly successful or more successful, your success must come through your internal focus, not dependent on willpower. Voila, this is a great description of the Success Codes.
Goal Setting
Setting goals is an important part of any Success Program however we at the Success Codes believe that the reason why many traditional goal setting processes often fail they fail to take into consideration the most important part of goal setting. The Success Codes Program asks you to consider whether your goals are based in love, in truth and under your control.

While it is easier to see material objects—'stuff'—and, of course, because 'stuff' is promoted and marketed as the keys to success, we recognize that 'unseen' items are what we really desire. Being able to design goals whose pursuit and achievement produce a sense of increasing effectiveness, inspire us to add our value to situations to make things better, to support and protect our families and associates, to create work all, etc., add a level of worth to our lives that 'stuff' could never match.

The Success Codes Program teaches you how to determine these and how to set what we call TruLove goals.
Success Orientation
We at the Success Codes believe that it is important to have a success orientation in order to be successful. Often past experiences of failure or not achieving success are stronger than our beliefs in the possibility of our success. Belief in yourself and your abilities to achieve your goals and dreams are important components of success.

We need to be able to look at our past experiences as the education necessary for our success today. If we do, this will allow us to drop the guilt, regret, and self-rejection. Gaining value from the past strengthens and supports our next steps on the success journey, a journey that continues until our last physical breath.

If we don't effectively use the experiences we have had, we will be dragging our past like so much unfortunate baggage, handicapping ourselves, draining our own energy, and weakening our resolve to be successful.

The Success Codes Program can help you increase your Success orientation.
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The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

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What are we doing?

 Sunday morning about 0530- lighting struck a large tree about 100 feet from the right front of our house. It traveled along the chain link fence entering the house on the phone cable  - blowing many elements ...   So this is the first time to get back to blog on Wednesday afternoon using one of our son's internet... 

What strikes me is that so many of us consider how fortunate we are under the power and protection of God in our lives...   When I look back and consider all the close calls I have had and known about -  it is a blessing to see God at work in our lives each day we live!

Take time to pause and notice how God has worked in your life?

We are all Blessed each and every day....  Amen !

Discipleship - Leçon 4 sur 48 en français

Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 4 of 48**La permission est accordée de reproduire ou de reproduire à des fins de disciples à condition qu'elle soit distribuée gratuitement. **
Date: 13/10/2015 6:13:19 PM (19 lun.) ... vue 326 fois** La chose la plus importante à retenir dans n'importe quelle relation est comment vous interagissez avec cette personne?Pour beaucoup d'une relation, c'est plus une rue à sens unique pour obtenir un gain personnel et utiliser d'autres ... Si c'est votre Modus Operandi, vous avez échoué dans la relation 101!Modus operandi (plural modi operandi) est une expression latine, traduite approximativement comme "méthode d'opération".Le terme est utilisé pour décrire les habitudes de travail de quelqu'un, en particulier dans le cadre d'enquêtes commerciales ou criminelles.En anglais, il est souvent raccourci à M.O.La vraie question clé dans votre vie est; Comment reliez-vous au Dieu Tout-Puissant de Dieu, votre Eternel Père céleste?Jusqu'à ce que vous venez d'aimer et de faire confiance au Seigneur Dieu avec tout votre cœur, votre âme et votre force, vous ne pourrez pas trouver le véritable but de votre existence terrestre!
**********************************NIVEAU 1LEÇON 4RELATION AVEC DIEUPar Andrew Wommack
L'une des choses les plus importantes à propos de la relation consiste à comprendre la personne avec qui vous allez avoir des relations, et cela s'applique également spécifiquement à Dieu.Vous devez comprendre la nature fondamentale et le caractère de Dieu pour avoir une relation saine avec Lui.Malentendu Son caractère et sa nature sont l'une des raisons pour lesquelles beaucoup de gens n'ont pas de relation positive avec Lui. C'est exactement ce qui s'est passé dans le jardin d'Eden quand Adam et Eve ont été tentés par le serpent. Ils sont entrés dans la tentation, ont finalement désobéi à Dieu et ont plongé toute la race humaine dans le péché. Leur manque de compréhension de la nature de Dieu était en fait une partie de la tentation.
L'histoire de Genèse 3: 1-5 est familière à la plupart des gens: "Maintenant, le serpent était la plus supeuse que toute bête du champ que le Seigneur Dieu avait fait. Et il dit à la femme: Oui, Dieu a-t-il dit: Vous ne mangerez pas de chaque arbre dans le jardin?Et la femme a dit au serpent: Nous pouvons manger du fruit des arbres du jardin; mais du fruit de l'arbre qui est au milieu du jardin, Dieu a dit: Vous ne le mangerez pas, et ne le ferez pas Vous le touchez, de peur que vous ne mouriez. Et le serpent dit à la femme: Tu ne mourras sûrement pas; car Dieu sait que, au jour où vous le mangerez, vos yeux seront ouverts, et vous serez comme dieux [Dieu], connaissant le bien et le mal "(parenthèses mien).
Il y a une déclaration subtile de Satan ici que Dieu n'est vraiment pas un bon Dieu ... qu'il essayait de retenir quelque chose d'Adam et Eve ... qu'il ne voulait pas qu'ils atteignent leur plein potentiel ... qu'il ne les voulait pas Être comme lui ... et que la raison pour laquelle il a fait la règle de ne pas manger de l'arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal était de les entraver ou de les blesser. En un sens, Satan est venu contre la nature même et le caractère de Dieu quand il l'a calmé en disant que Dieu ne voulait pas le meilleur pour eux. La même chose est exactement ce qui arrive à la plupart des gens aujourd'hui.
Satan leur dit: «Si vous suivez Dieu et n'éprouvez pas toutes ces choses qui sont contraires à sa Parole, vous ne rencontrerez jamais le vrai bonheur. La vie sera ennuyante ... morte. "
Le fait triste est que les gens éprouvent après le fait que les drogues, l'alcool, le sexe, la rébellion, l'indulgence de soi, le succès dans les emplois et toutes les autres choses qu'ils ont essayées ne les satisfaisaient pas. Au moment où ils se rendent compte, ils ont déjà détruit leur vie, leurs familles et leur santé.La vérité est que Dieu est un bon Dieu, et sa volonté pour nous n'est que bonne.Mais Satan utilise les mêmes tentations sur nous aujourd'hui qui sont venues contre Adam et Eve dans le jardin d'Eden, impliquant essentiellement que Dieu n'est pas un bon dieu.
Ceux qui ont seulement une petite compréhension de la Bible pourraient avoir cette impression parce qu'il y a des cas dans la Parole où Il a traité les gens de manière sévère et cruelle.Dans Numbers 15: 32-36, un homme a ramassé des bâtons le jour du sabbat et a été condamné à mort pour avoir omis d'observer le Sabbat. Cela semble dur, mais il y a eu un but derrière de tels châtiments, mais il n'est pas évident pour la plupart des gens dans une lecture occasionnelle de l'Écriture.
Une étude attentive révèle que le droit de l'Ancien Testament a été donné pour rendre le péché que nous avons commis devient extrêmement pécheresse, comme le dit Paul dans Romains 7:13.Le but était que la plupart des gens ne se rendirent pas compte de la gravité de leurs transgressions et qu'ils étaient une offense contre Dieu. Ils ont fait l'erreur de comparer entre eux et de mesurer leurs actions par ce que les autres faisaient.Si quelqu'un commettait un péché et n'était pas frappé mort, ils pensaient que le péché ne devait pas être si mauvais, et ils ont abaissé leurs normes. Ils avaient perdu la vraie perspective sur ce qui était le problème. Dieu a dû ramener l'humanité à une ligne de plomb, une norme appropriée de ce qu'était la bonne vie.

Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 4 of 48

Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 4 of 48
Permission is granted to duplicate or reproduce for discipleship purposes on the condition that it is distributed free of charge. **

Date:   10/13/2015 6:13:19 PM   ( 19 mon ) ... viewed 326 times

** The most important thing to remember in any relationship is how do you interface with that person?

For many a relationship it is more a one way street of getting personal gain and using others... If this is your Modus Operandi then you have failed in relationship 101!

Modus operandi (plural modi operandi) is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as "method of operation".
The term is used to describe someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations.
In English, it is often shortened to M.O.

The real key question in your life is; how do you relate to the Lord Almighty God your Eternal Heavenly Father?

Until you come to love and trust the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and and strength - you will fail to find the real purpose of your earthly existence!





By Andrew Wommack

One of the most important things about relationship is to come to understand the person with whom you’re going to have relationship, and that also applies specifically to God.

You need to understand the basic nature and character of God in order to have a healthy relationship with Him.

Misunderstanding His character and nature is one of the reasons many people don’t have a positive relationship with Him. This is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve were tempted by the serpent. They entered into temptation, ultimately disobeyed God, and plunged the whole human race into sin. Their lack of understanding God’s nature was actually a part of the temptation.

The story in Genesis 3:1-5 is familiar to most people: “Now the serpent was most {subtle} cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?

And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods [God], knowing good and evil” (brackets mine).

There is a subtle statement by Satan here that God is really not a good God… that He was trying to withhold something from Adam and Eve…that He didn’t want them to reach their full potential…that He didn’t want them to be like Himself… and that the reason He made the rule about not eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was to hinder or hurt them. In a sense, Satan came against the very nature and character of God when he maligned Him by saying God did not want the best for them. The same thing is exactly what’s happening to most people today.

Satan tells them, “If you follow God and don’t experiment with all these things that are contrary to His Word, you’ll never experience true happiness. Life will be boring…dead.”

The sad fact is that people experience after the fact that the drugs, alcohol, sex, rebellion, indulgence of self, success in jobs, and all the other things they tried didn’t satisfy them. By the time they realize it, they’ve already destroyed their lives, their families, and their health.

The truth is that God is a good God, and His will for us is only good.
But Satan uses the same temptations on us today that came against Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, basically implying that God is not a good God.

Those who have only a little understanding of the Bible could get that impression because there are instances in the Word where He treated people in harsh, cruel ways.
In Numbers 15:32-36, a man picked up sticks on the Sabbath Day and was stoned to death for failing to observe the Sabbath. That sounds harsh, but there was a purpose behind such punishments, though it’s not obvious to most people in a casual reading of Scripture.

Careful study reveals that Old Testament Law was given to make the sin that we’ve committed become exceedingly sinful, as Paul says in Romans 7:13.
The purpose was that most people didn’t realize how deadly their transgressions were and that they were an offense against God. They made the mistake of comparing among themselves and measuring their actions by what other people were doing.

If someone committed a sin and wasn’t struck dead, they thought sin must not be so bad,and they lowered their standards. They had lost the true perspective on what right and wrong was. God had to bring mankind back to a plumb line, a proper standard of what right living was, so they would reject the devil and his temptations and recognize what the end result of wrong choices would be. Then when He did that, He had to enforce the Law He gave.

God did not give the Old Testament commandments for the purpose of saying, “Until you do all these things, I can’t accept you or love you.”
That was not His nature or character. Rather, He gave them to make our sense of right and wrong more acute and to bring us back to the fact that we need a Savior.

The problem has been that people thought God was demanding perfection before He could love them, which led to the attitude many have that His love for them is directly proportional to their performance. They feel that until they try to do everything exactly right, they will not be accepted by God, and that is not the message of the Bible.

God’s heart is to reconcile mankind to Himself not to judge them…not to impute their sins…not to hold their sins against them. That’s the heart of God for people in the Bible and also His heart for you today.

You need to understand His real heart, that “God is love” (1 John 4:8).
He seeks to take away your sins and anything that would separate you from Him. He’s already done it through Jesus, and He’s offering you relationship today, not based on your performance but on your faith and acceptance of Jesus bearing your sins. You can have relationship with God today regardless of the failures in your life.
All He asks is that you put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. Read Genesis 3:1.
What question did Satan ask Eve?

2. Read Genesis 2:17 and 3:3.
What word or words did Eve add to what God actually said to Adam?

3. Read Genesis 3:6.
Once Satan was able to instill doubt into Eve’s mind regarding the Word of God, what did she do in this verse?

4. Read Genesis 3:9-10.
After Adam and Eve sinned, did God still communicate and pursue a relationship with them?

Now the serpent was more sutial than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

GENESIS 2:17 –
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eat thereof thou shalt surely die.

But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

GENESIS 3:6 – And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

GENESIS 3:9-10 –
And the LORD God called unto Adam,
and said unto him, Where art thou? [10] And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.

5. Read Genesis 3:22-24.
Why did God drive Adam and Eve from the Garden?

6. Can you see that this was an act of mercy by God rather than a punishment?

7. Read Romans 5:17.
How do we attain God’s abundance of grace and gift of righteousness?

A. Buy it

B. Earn it

C. Receive it

8. Read Romans 6:23.
What do we really deserve if we sin?

9. By grace, what does God give us instead?

10. Read Romans 10:3.
If we try to establish our own
righteousness before God, what do we fail to do?


GENESIS 3:22-24 –
[22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
[23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. [24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim s, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

ROMANS 5:17 –
For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

ROMANS 6:23 –
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

ROMANS 10:3 –
For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

11. Read 1 John 1:9 and Romans 4:3.

What does God promise to do with ALL our sins and iniquities against Him if we would only believe?

12. What does this tell you about the character of God?


1 JOHN 1:9 –
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

ROMANS 4:3 –
For what saith the scripture?

Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.

1. Read Genesis 3:1.
What question did Satan ask Eve?

“Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden?”

2. Read Genesis 2:17 and Genesis 3:3. What word or words did Eve add to what God actually said to Adam?

That they shouldn’t touch it

3. Read Genesis 3:6.
Once Satan was able to instill doubt into Eve’s mind regarding the

Word of God, what did she do in this verse?

Took and ate of the Tree

4. Read Genesis 3:9-10.
After Adam and Eve sinned, did God still communicate and pursue a relationship with them?


5. Read Genesis 3:22-24.
Why did God drive Adam and Eve from the Garden?

So they wouldn’t eat from the tree of life and live forever in a sinful state

6. Can you see that this was an act of mercy by God rather than a punishment?


7. Read Romans 5:17.
How do we attain God’s abundance of grace and gift of righteousness?

C. Receive it

8. Read Romans 6:23.
What do we really deserve if we sin?


9. By grace, what does God give us instead?

Eternal life in Jesus

10. Read Romans 10:3.
If we try to establish our own righteousness before God, what do we fail to do?

Submit to Jesus as our righteousness

11. Read 1 John 1:9 and Romans 4:3.
What does God promise to do with ALL our sins and iniquities against Him if we would only believe?

Remove them, forget them, and forgive them

12. What does this tell you about the character of God?

That He is merciful and loving

Copyright © 2012, Andrew Wommack

Permission is granted to duplicate or reproduce for discipleship purposes on the condition that it is distributed free of charge.

27 May 2017


Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 3 of 48** Alors, lorsque nous adorons Dieu en vérité, nous l'adorons comme il l'est vraiment et non selon un homme construit ou une forme religieuse qu'on nous a enseigné. **Date: 10/3/2015 8:25:20 PM (19 lun.) ... vue 314 fois
Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 3La raison de Righteousness by Grace -Comprenez-vous que le Seigneur Jésus-Christ {Yeshua ha Mashiach} a fait pour nous ce que nous ne pourrions jamais faire pour nous-mêmes!L'une des façons d'interpréter ce passage est de considérer ce que signifie être né de nouveau par le Saint-Esprit. Le Saint-Esprit donne vie à nos esprits et il nous enseigne tout et il connaît les choses profondes de Dieu.Donc, lorsque nous adorons Dieu en vérité, nous l'adorons comme il l'est vraiment et non selon un homme construit ou une forme religieuse qu'on nous a enseigné. Nous l'adorons par notre esprit qui s'est accru par la régénération de son Saint-Esprit.Nous ne pouvons pas l'adorer en exécutant des rituels religieux mécaniques ou en pensant qu'en parcourant les mouvements comme si nous plaisions à un «dieu» lointain qui se soucie uniquement des choses extérieures que les gens peuvent voir, mais pas de ce qui se passe réellement dans notre Les cœurs et les esprits. Amen!=======================================NIVEAU 1LECON 3LA JUSTICE PAR GRACE 

Par Don KrowAujourd'hui, nous allons regarder le sujet de la justice par grâce.Romains 3: 21-23 (KJV) dit:"Mais maintenant, la justice de Dieu sans la loi se manifeste, étant témoin de la loi et des prophètes; Même la justice de Dieu qui est par la foi de Jésus-Christ pour tous et sur tous ceux qui croient; car il n'y a pas de distinction [distinction]: Car tous ont péché et sont tombés en deçà de la gloire de Dieu "(parenthèses miennes ).

Justice par la foi (NIV)21 Mais maintenant, en dehors de la loi, la justice de Dieu a été connue, à laquelle la Loi et les Prophètes témoignent. 22 Cette justice est donnée par la foi en Jésus-Christ à tous ceux qui croient. Il n'y a pas de différence entre Juif et Gentil, 23 car tous ont péché et sont en deçà de la gloire de Dieu,

Notez que cette écriture dit:"Mais maintenant, la justice de Dieu sans la loi se manifeste". J'ai demandé une fois à un homme,"Que pensez-vous que vous devez faire pour aller au paradis?"Il a répondu qu'il devait garder les Dix Commandements, être fidèle à sa femme, vivre une moraleLa vie, plus un certain nombre d'autres choses.J'ai dit: «Savez-vous ce que vous devez faire pour aller au paradis, être en présence de Dieu ou dans son royaume?Ensuite, il a ajouté: «Vous devriez avoir une justice qui équivaut à la justice de Dieu»."Il a dit," je vous demande pardonIl n'y a personne qui puisse avoir une justice qui soit égale à celle de Dieu. Un seul homme avait une telle droiture, et c'était Jésus-Christ! "J'ai dit: "Tu as le but! C'est juste! "

Aucun de nous en soi n'a jamais gardé la Loi ou les commandements parfaitement, extérieurement ou intérieurement, mais nous avons besoin d'une justice qui soit égale à celle de Dieu pour être acceptable devant Lui ".

C'est exactement ce qui est dit dans les versets 21-22, "Mais maintenant, la droiture de DieuSans que la loi se manifeste ... même la justice de Dieu qui est par la foi de JésusChrist à tous et à tous ceux qui croient."La sorte de justice que Dieu vous offre et moi est une justice qui est" par la foi en Jésus-Christ ", et c'est à tous et à tous ceux qui croient.Il y a deux sortes de droiture: la justice de l'homme et la justice de Dieu.La droiture de l'homme est le meilleur comportement d'une personne et les bonnes œuvres, mais cela ne peut vous rendre acceptable devant Dieu. Vous avez besoin d'une justice qui soit égale à celle de Dieu, et il vous l'offre; La droiture de Dieu qui est sans loi.

Dans le grec, il n'y a pas d'article défini, ce qui signifie que ce texte dit vraimentDieu offre sa propre justice sans loi.Une justice qui est selon la loi est une droiture de faire, de gagner et d'accomplir pour être acceptée devant Dieu.Toutes les religions du monde pensent aujourd'hui que vous devez faire, gagner et réaliser pour que Dieu acceptetoi.Le mot «Évangile» signifie «bonne nouvelle», et la bonne nouvelle de l'Évangile est que Dieu estOffrant sa propre justice et acceptation à tous ceux qui croient en ce que Jésus-Christà condition de.Sa mort sur la croix pour nos péchés, nous imputant la droiture qui équivaut àLoi. C'est la droiture de Dieu qui se distingue de la Loi, sans que nous fassions, gagnions etRéalisation; Et cela vient par la foi en Jésus-Christ.Notez au verset 22 que c'est la justice de Dieu qui est par la foi en Jésus-ChristÀ tous et à tous. Alors pourquoi Dieu offre-t-il sa justice à tous?"Car il n'y a pas de différence [sans distinction]: Car tous ont péché et sont en deçà de la gloire de Dieu" (parenthèses). Vous avez péché, j'ai péché, et nous sommes tous en deçà de la norme ou de la perfection de Dieu.En raison du péché, ce dont nous avons besoin, c'est l'acceptation, la bonne relation avec Dieu.

Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 3 of 48

Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 3 of 48
** So when we worship God in truth, we worship Him as He truly is and not according to some man made construct or religious form that we have been taught. **

Date:   10/3/2015 8:25:20 PM   ( 19 mon ) ... viewed 314 times

Discipleship Evangelism Lesson - 3

The reason for Righteousness by Grace -
Do you understand that the Lord Jesus Christ { Yeshua ha Mashiach } did for us what we could never do for our self!
One way of interpreting that passage is to consider what it means to be born again by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives life to our spirits and He teaches us all things and He knows the deep things of God.

So when we worship God in truth, we worship Him as He truly is and not according to some man made construct or religious form that we have been taught. We worship Him through our spirit that have come alive by the regeneration of his Holy Spirit.

We can't worship Him by performing mechanical religious rituals or thinking that by going through the motions as if we are pleasing some distant "god" who only cares about the external things which people can see but not about what is really going on in our hearts and minds. Amen!


By Don Krow

Today we are going to look at the subject of righteousness by grace.

Romans 3:21-23 (KJV) says,

“But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference [distinction]: For all have sinned, and come [fall] short of the glory of God” (brackets mine).

Righteousness Through Faith (NIV)
21 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Notice that this scripture says,
“But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested.” I once asked a man,
“What do you think you have to do in order to go to heaven?”
He responded that he should keep the Ten Commandments, be faithful to his wife, live a moral
life, plus a number of other things.
I said, “Do you know what you have to do in order to go to heaven, to be in God’s presence or in His kingdom?
Then added " You would have to have a righteousness that equals God’s righteousness."
” He said, “I beg your pardon?
There is no one who can have a righteousness that equals God’s. Only one man had such righteousness, and that was Jesus Christ!”
I said, “You have the point! That is exactly right!"

None of us in our own selves have ever kept the Law or commandments perfectly, outwardly or inwardly, but we need a righteousness that equals God’s in order to be acceptable before Him.”

That is exactly what is said in verses 21-22, “But now the righteousness of God
without the law is manifested…even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus
Christ unto all and upon all them that believe.
” The kind of righteousness that God offers you and me is a righteousness that is “through faith in Jesus Christ,” and it’s unto all and upon all who believe.

There are two kinds of righteousness : the righteousness of man and the righteousness of God.
The righteousness of man is a person’s very best behavior and the good works they do, but that can’t make you acceptable before God. You need a righteousness that equals God’s, and He is offering it to you; the righteousness of God that is without the law.


In the Greek, there is no definite article, which means that this text is really saying
God is offering His own righteousness without Law.
A righteousness that is according to Law is a righteousness of doing, earning, and achieving in order to be accepted before God.
All the world religions today think you have to do, earn, and achieve in order for God to accept
The word “Gospel” means “good news,” and the good news of the Gospel is that God is
offering His very own righteousness and acceptance to all who will believe in what Jesus Christ

His death on the cross for our sins, imputing to us the righteousness that equals the
Law. This is the righteousness of God that is apart from the Law, without us doing, earning, and
achieving; and it comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

Notice in verse 22, that it is the righteousness of God that is through faith in Jesus Christ
unto all and upon all. So why is God offering His righteousness to everyone?

“For there is no difference [no distinction]: For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (brackets mine). You have sinned, I have sinned, and we all come short of God’s standard or perfection.

Because of our sin, the greatest thing we need is acceptance, right relationship, and right
standing with God…and God has offered this not through the works of the Law but through
faith in Jesus Christ. The righteousness of God doesn’t come by your working, your trying, your
earning, or your attempts to achieve; it comes through faith, dependence, and reliance upon the
Lord Jesus Christ.

How was Abraham (the Jewish forefather) saved?
The Bible says he believed God and believed the promise God gave him and then righteousness was imputed to his account. The fact that Abraham was declared righteous before God through his faith was not just for him alone.

We read in Romans 3:21-22 that a man is declared righteous through his faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that because of the payment Christ made on the cross when He shed His blood for our sin, righteousness (right standing) will be imputed to any person’s account who simply believes upon Christ.

Romans 5:17 says, “For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more that
which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus
Christ” (emphasis mine).

God is offering you a gift of righteousness, a gift of right standing before Him. A gift does cost something but not to the person who receives it.

If you gave me a gift and asked me to pay for it, it wouldn’t be a gift, but it did cost you something. God made righteousness available to you and me as a gift, and this gift of righteousness, acquittal, and right standing before God comes through faith in Jesus Christ.


1. Read Titus 3:5. Is the righteousness that we need a
righteousness that we can produce?

2. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. What kind of righteousness
do we need?

3. Read Romans 3:22. How do we receive this righteousness?

4. Read Philippians 3:9. What is the righteousness of
the Law?

5. Read Galatians 2:21. How could we frustrate God’s grace?

6. Read Romans 5:17. The righteousness of God is
received as what?


TITUS 3:5 – Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to
his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 – For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

ROMANS 3:22 – Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all
and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference.

PHILIPPIANS 3:9 – And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is
of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God
by faith.

GALATIANS 2:21 – I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law,
then Christ is dead in vain.

ROMANS 5:17 – For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more
that which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life
by one, Jesus Christ.

1. Read Titus 3:5. Is the righteousness that we need a righteousness that we can produce?

2. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. What kind of righteousness do we need?
The righteousness of God (that comes through Christ)

3. Read Romans 3:22. How do we receive this righteousness?
Through faith in Jesus Christ

4. Read Philippians 3:9. What is the righteousness of the Law?
A righteousness belonging to me—a works righteousness that I can produce

5. Read Galatians 2:21. How could we frustrate God’s grace?
We could frustrate God’s grace by trying to be saved by our own good works instead of
trusting Christ and His death for us for our salvation

6. Read Romans 5:17. The righteousness of God is received as what?
A gift

Copyright © 2012, Andrew Wommack

Permission is granted to duplicate or reproduce for discipleship purposes on the
condition that it is distributed free of charge.

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