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11 October 2017

When will they ever learn???

When will they ever learn??? 

Looking at the present situation of the 30 year old and under in Nigeria from a college Professor.
At  Kano University of science and technology - Kano state Nigeria

Making a comparison with the BLM crowd in the USA.
{The BLM - Libs are living in the modern " pretend  " fad world - which leads to nowhere and only destroys people's lives.  They are living in a false dream!} Here is where many of the under 30 year old's lost in the evil doldrums of ignorance and falsehoods..
Remember you can never win an argument with a fool!

Blogger -



Why is it that almost all this age bracket is today still sleeping in 3-seater chairs in their parents’ homes?

Why is it that this age bracket is today still collecting pocket money from their parents?

Why is it that this age bracket is today still writing JAMB?

Why is it that this age bracket today still 'sagg' their trousers?

Why is it that this age bracket is today still searching for jobs and not yet married?

Why is it that this age bracket is today no longer qualified to even be leaders of youth wings of political parties?

Why is it that this age bracket is today so docile?

Why is this age bracket today incapable of feeding itself?

Why is it that this age bracket is today barred from even aspiring to certain political offices?

Why is it that this age bracket is today incapacitated, unwilling, unable and incapable of asking questions?


"From Prof Wole Soyinka.
This is real Food for Thought!

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