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08 October 2017

REAL Mount Sinai

The Blackened Peak of the REAL Mount Sinai
found by Ron Wyatt

Above:  Watch 17 minute segment on Mt. Sinai from our DVD

The traditional location of Mt. Sinia in the Sinai Peninsula is based upon tradition that was started by Constantine or his mother, both of whom claimed to have dreams of where biblical sites were located. 
"There is no Jewish tradition of the geographical location of Mt. Sinai; it seems that its exact location was obscure already in the time of the monarchy....The Christian hermits and monks, mostly from Egypt, who settled in Southern Sinai from the second century C.E. on, made repeated efforts to identify the locality of the Exodus with actual places to which the believers could make their way as pilgrims. The identification of Mt. Sinai either with Jebel Sirbal near the oasis of Firan (Paran; Nilus, Cosmos Indicopleustes), or with Jebel Musa, can be traced back as far as the fourth century C.E.  [TO CONSTANTINE'S TIME]."  Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 14, p. 1599

Above:  The actual route of the exodus from Egypt as discovered by Ron Wyatt
Since Ron Wyatt found the Red Sea crossing, we know Mt. Sinai
 must be EAST of the Gulf of Aqaba
"This location of Midian EAST of the Gulf of Aqaba is verified by many other scholars. "The Biblical references connecting SINAI with Mount Seir, Edom and the LAND OF MIDIAN seem clearly to indicate this region EAST OF THE AELANITIC GULF (g. of AKABA) as pointed out by Beke (1834), Wallhausen (1886), Sayce (1894), Moore (1895), Shede (1897), Gall (1898), Gunkel (1903), Edward Meyer (1906), Schmidt (1908), Gressmann (1913), Haupt (1914) and by Alois Musil in 'The Northern Hegaz' (1911)" (On the Track of the Exodus, p. 87).
Bible Texts Locate the Real Mount Sinai
Mt. Sinai has to be in Midian:
  • "Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well"  Ex. 2:15 NKJV.   Maps indicate Midian is east of the Gulf of Aqaba in Northwest Saudi Arabia, in the area shown on the map above.
Moses fled to a foreign land, not to the Sinai peninsula:
  • "And she [Zipporah] bore him a son, and he called his name Gershom; for he said, "I have been a stranger in a foreign land"  Ex. 2:22.  Moses was in a different country, away from any Egyptians in Saudi Arabia.  He could not have been in the Sinai Peninsula, as that area was Egyptian controlled territory, full of Egyptian mines and communication towers.  Moses would have been easily captured in that area.
Midian and Horeb are in the same location:
  • "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian.  And he led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God"  Ex. 3:1.  Jethro lived in the vicinity of Mount Sinai.  Jethro was the leader of the Midianites who were found in this area, "East of the Gulf of Aqaba in the northwestern regions of the Arabian Desert" Britanica.  When researching the location of Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia that Mr. Wyatt proposed, I went to the East Tennessee State University Library and found two extremely detailed maps of Saudi Arabia.  On BOTH maps I found the name "Jethro" next to the town of Al Bad, which is near Jebel el Lawz, the correct Mt. Sinai!  See maps below.  Jethro was Moses' father-in-law as we saw in the texts above.  He was from the town of Al Bad, according to the local people who live there today, which is only about 15 miles from Jebel el Lawz.  The local people there today told Ron Wyatt that Jethro was from that area.   
    albadmap3.jpg (149509 bytes) Second map
    Above:  Magha'Ir Shuayb means the caves of Jethro.
Above:  One of the caves of Jethro or Moses' cave near Al Bad
Above:  Dr. Kim standing in the entrance to the cave.

  • "So He [God] said, 'I will certainly be with you.  And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you:  When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain'" Exodus 3:12.  Moses was to bring the children of Israel from Egypt to this same mountain in Midian, near Jethro's home, in a foreign land.
  • "For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia"  Galatians 4:25.  Here we are clearly told where the mountain should be located, in Arabia.  But where is Arabia?  "...It is bordered on the W by the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea" Britanica.  This clearly rules out the Sinai Peninsula, but it does include Saudi Arabia of course.
  • "Then, at this saying, Moses fled and became a sojourner in the land of Midian, where he had two sons.  And when forty years had passed, an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire in a bush, in the wilderness of Mount Sinai."  Acts 7:29,30.  All historically accurate maps, such as some produced by secular companies like National Geographic (see map at top of page), show Midian in Saudi Arabia.  Unfortunately, maps placed in Bibles by the publishers may have Midian in the Sinai Peninsula in order to fit tradition, but not the Bible or the historical record.

Above:  On the way to Mt. Sinai, Moses was in Elim in Saudi Arabia in the
 Midian Region, with 12 wells as mentioned in the Bible.  On the pathway to Mt. Sinai in Arabia.
The Rock which Flowed Forth Water

On the western or back side of the mountain is Rephidim where Moses and the Children of Israel first encamped before reaching Mt. Sinai.  It was here that Moses struck the rock, above, which gushed forth large quantities of water.  The giant 60 foot rock is on a 300 foot tall hill, and has obvious signs of water erosion, yet it is located in this desert region.  The fissure in the rock is so large that you can walk easily through it.  A square 20 foot altar is also at this site, which was built after the Children of Israel defeated the Amalakites.  The Amalakite territory covered "south of Judah and probably extended into northern Arabia" Britanica.

Above - Giant split rock which God provided for the Children of Israel. 

Above - Aaron Sen stands in the split of this giant rock.  Notice the obvious signs of erosion,
in this desert region.

Josephus Said It Was the Highest Mountain
Josephus said that Mt. Sinai "was the highest of mountains in the city of Madian" which is just outside the town of Al Bad.  Jebel el Lawz is the highest mountain in the upper two thirds of the country.  Also, Philo said Mt. Sinai was located east of the Sinai Peninsula and south of Palestine. 
Mount Sinai in Arabia
Above:  On Google Earth you can see the peak of Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia. 
Encampment is to the right of peak.

Others have come along claiming to have found this mountain, but Ron Wyatt was the first.  Mr. Wyatt first went out to the mountain in 1984, and he told David Fasold about the discovery, who then told two men, Cornuke and Williams, who claim they went out in 1988, to see the mountain, but there is no documented proof they actually ever were in Saudi Arabia.

Above - Aaron Sen stands in the encampment area of Mt. Sinai with the blackened peak in the distance.

Layout of Mountain & Artifacts
Mr. Wyatt is the original modern-day discoverer of the real Mount Sinai.  The upper 200 feet of Jebel el Lawz is burned black, as we have seen in previous photos above.  The Saudi Government will confiscate any photographs of the mountain and will not allow any tourists into the country, but U.S. Government satellite photos and a few private photos smuggled out of the country reveal the secret mountain by its unique blackened peak.  Unlike the traditional site, there are thousands of acres in which to encamp at the base of this mountain, while clearly being visible from the mountain top.
Documentary coming out soon on this discovery and the Red Sea Crossing!
  Multi-million dollar production by Mahoney Media: 
View their video library!
Currently being shown in film festivals across the USA in 2014

Tree Between Two Boulders
Above:  Top portion of photo shows a solitary tree between two boulders.
Above:  Guard house, government sign, and fence around the front of Jebel el Lawz

The Altar of the Golden Calf 
Above:  The base of which the golden calf altar was placed atop.  Notice inscriptions of bulls.
This is located in the encampment area at Mt. Sinai in Arabia and in Midian.

Above left - A dozen giant boulders are stacked in the encampment area and reveal 12 ancient Egyptian petroglyphs of bulls.  It is believed the golden calf was placed upon these rocks.  Large altars are found on the east and west sides of the mountain.     (two lower photos courtesy Aaron Sen).
Above:  Using Google Earth you can see the fence around these large rocks, out in the encampment area.
Rocks:   28 34' 52.78" N   35 23' 46.06" E
Guard house & fence:  28 35' 12.50" N   35 23' 08.36" E
Government Acknowledges Archaeological Significance

Above - Aaron Sen stands next to government sign at base of Mt. Sinai
acknowledging this archaeological area.  Photo Aaron Sen
After Mr Wyatt found this site in 1984, and visited it again a year later, the Saudi government erected a fence and a guard house preventing access to the Holy Precinct area at the foot of the mountain on the eastern side.  The sign above states, "Archaeological area...unlawful to trespass, subject to penalty."  When Ron and his two sons made their fist trip into Saudi Arabia, they were accused of being spies and were held prisoner for two months, awaiting execution.  After Ron helped to heal many sick prisoners, the authorities listened to his story and accompanied him to the column at the Saudi beach, then to Mt. Sinai. It was then they believed him, but they had to confiscate his photographs before letting him go.

Above - Aaron Sen stands at base of Mt. Sinai with a broken column.

Aaron Sen and Mahoney Media camp overnight in the same spot where
Moses and the Children of Israel lived for a year at Mt. Sinai. 
Above:  The amazing collection of artifacts found by Dr. Kim from his 12 trips out to Jebel el Lawz. 
Above: Dr. Kim next to drawings in the encampment area.  Dr. Kim was a personal physician
 to a prince in Saudi Arabia and to the king.  He lived in Saudi for around 15 years.
Above: In the encampment area, Dr. Kim pointing to the oldest image of the golden oil lamp stand ever found. 
This was where the golden lamp stand was first made.

Hershel Shanks, editor of Biblical Archaeology Review was quoted in Newsweek saying "Jebel el Lawz is the most likely site for Mount Sinai."
Ron was on CBS News on April 17, 1984, telling about his trip to see the mountain and what he found there.  He had entered the country without a visa and was thought to be a spy.  He and is sons spent 76 days in prison and could have been executed, but God delivered them.  Ron made these comments on air:  "We found some chariot parts that looked like the chariots found in King Tut's tomb in the Gulf of Aqaba, WEST OF THIS JABEL EL LAWZ. Now, we found these at depths from 60 feet out to 200 feet and over a stretch of about a mile and a half. And we believe that was the crossing site, so in the Biblical narrative, they arrived at Mt. Sinai after crossing the Red Sea. The language in the Bible indicated that they stayed 'IN' A MOUNTAIN; ENCLOSED IN A MOUNTAIN. So, an aerial map showed that this JABEL EL LAWZ HAD A LARGE VALLEY ENCLOSED IN THE RIM OF AN ANCIENT VOLCANO. There's about 5,000 acres in there. We felt this was the place. And, in Exodus 24:4 and Leviticus 6:28, 11:33 and 15:12, it tells of SOME ARTIFACTS that were to be found. There would be TWELVE PILLARS OF STONE AND AN ALTAR AND SOME POTTERY, and so this is why we looked at that particular mountain."

The British author and archaeologist H. St. John Philby spent a significant portion of his life exploring the wadis and mountains of northwest Arabia -- the biblical land of Midian. In the book he wrote following his exploration of Midian, Philby outlines his adventures in the mountainous land:
"From here my guide and I climbed up the cliff to visit THE 'CIRCLES' OF JETHRO on the summit of Musalla ridge, from which we climbed down quite easily to our camp on the far side. [Alois] Musil tells us that he had to fetch a circuit of two kilometres to approach the ridge from the north; but the more direct approach presented no difficulty. A cairn marked the spot where JETHRO IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE PRAYED, and all round it are numerous circles, the significance of which is difficult to guess: presumably some stance marked out for the benefit of pilgrims visiting the scene of Jethro's argument with the Midianites. from here I had a magnificent view of the WHOLE OF THE MIDIAN MOUNTAIN RANGE: with LAUZ and its sister peaks in the northeast and Maqla' a very little north of east, with the valley of al-Numair separating the latter from the long low RIDGE OF ALL MARRA, extending from east to south-east, where the TWO PEAKS OF HURAB stood out in front of the great range of Zuhd, which runs down to a point not far from the sea to our southward...the spot that held my imagination was the smooth, double-headed, granite boss of HURAB (pronounced HRUB by 'Id), AN OBVIOUS CANDIDATE FOR IDENTIFICATION WITH THE MOUNT HOREB OF THE EXODUS, with the burning bush and the tablets of the Law: THE ONLY CANDIDATE FOR THE HONOUR WHICH CAN CLAIM TO HAVE PRESERVED THE NAME.
"So far as I am aware the existence of THIS HILL IN MIDIAN HAD NEVER BEEN NOTED BEFORE; and naturally I was anxious to explore it and its surroundings....A couple of miles brought us to the edge of a wide chasm, with forty-foot cliffs of sandstone and silt along the left bank, and an easier rise on our side, strewn liberally with large granite and basalt boulders from the steep flank of HURAB just ahead of us. The Land-Rover could go no farther, and I made my inspection of the valley and the edge of the mountain on foot. The massif is granite, with dykes of basalt at intervals, running from south-west to north-east at an angle of thirty degrees. I did not attempt to emulate Moses' feat of climbing it, if indeed he did; but I made a careful search in the valley and its sandstone cliffs in the hope of finding a few Badawin wasms, but the channel itself, 100 yards wide and thickly covered with acacia bushes and trees, and the deep gorge of the mountain from which it emerges, were quite impressive....According to Hasballah, the name of Hurab applies primarily to the wadi, while he called the mountain itself Al Manifa (which simply means 'the lofty')." -- Forty Years in the Wilderness. Ernest Benn Ltd., London. 1957, pp. 222-224.
Philby never saw the blackened peak of Jebel el Lawz from what we can tell it was snow covered at the time.  So others in the past knew about this mountain but the evidence was never brought out for the world to see.

Some Television Coverage....
  Dateline NBC has featured Jebel el Lawz in its program
and this has aired multiple times. 

The 700 Club has featured Jebel el Lawz also. 

The Exodus Case book
A wonderful book is available covering the real Mt. Sinai in Saudi Arabia called The Exodus Case.  You may order it from   Written by a Swedish scientist, Dr. Lennart Moller, who has extensively researched the material first-hand.  The book has over 550 color illustrations including topics of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Red Sea Crossing, the real Mount Sinai, and Joseph's grain storage complex.

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