Where many governments are today - holding total control to manipulate the people!
Many are out make everyone a vertial slave and provide all the necessary money to control all.
** Here are some things either under consideration or in all ready in force:
1. Euthanasia has become legal and mainstream in several states.
2. Satanism is now regarded as a legit religion.
3. Prayer and the Bible were removed from School, Only to be replaced with Islam and the Quran.
4. Rather than kids being taught to embrace their individuality they are taught to conform.
5. The Homosexual lifestyle is taught and honored in schools more than natural heterosexuality.
6. Schools now teach children to honor the state not their parents!
7. The government gives convicted child molesters new identities, so they can start over after they do their time in prison.
8. Schools hardly do any kind of background check upon new staff, this is why both male and female child predators become teachers!
9. The government now admits they produce propaganda, in order to change the hearts and minds of the people to accomplish an agenda.
10. Not all but at least half of all cops are no better than thugs!
11. Churches once understood the Catholic church was the enemy, Now they have turned back to Rome and it's pope.
12. Schools and Universities were once institutions of free thought and speech. Now they are nothing more than indoctrination institutions.
13. Once upon a time a man's word stood for something, now 99% are liars!
14. Many women and men of today treat one another as if they are expendable and can be replaced at the drop of a hat.
15. People are actually seeking to give up their free speech and right to defend themselves and their families!
16. Our government steals our money to give it to corporations, foreign governments that hate us, and the elite.
17. We pay a private bank to print our money, and you wonder why we are in debt!
18. We are involved with the UN and that whole satanic organization and you wonder why the world is going to hell?
19. Racism in this nation was all but stamped out until it made a come back within the minority communities.
20.People honor God with their mouths yet not with their hearts or actions!
21. It used to be men and women of good character were seen as heroes, Now you have people without character, who act like lunatics paying sports, and staring in movies as heroes.
22. Today doctors sell out their clients to big pharma, putting their clients lives in danger with drugs, that do more harm than good all for the sake of a bigger paycheck.
23. Today so called preachers gain riches by feeding off of the money of the poor. This is unacceptable and wrong!
24. Professional liars get paid huge bucks to get criminals off of charges.
With this I'll end this rant.
Most people bring most problems on themselves through Greed and self centeredness!
But there is a better way:
Yes people are flawed, yes people suffer.
However how much of that do we bring upon ourselves because we refuse to shut out the immoral?
How much better would things be if we would get our own lives straight and stop listening to the insane?
Stop allowing social media, National and cable media, and the government to dictate to us our conscience!
Stop, be still, and take a moment to speak with God!
Earnestly seek him for guidance and wisdom!
You do not need a pope, nor a priest, nor any man who gets rich off of the backs of people to tell you you are right with God!
All you need is to read scripture, pray for forgiveness, Ask Jesus to change your heart and life, and turn away from those things which you know to be evil or wrong!
Seek out other like minded Christians gather yourselves together, and understand, That the one true
God of heaven is not the author of confusion!
Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims, Pagans, New Age, etc. Do not worship the same God We alone worship him they too need Christ and without him they are doomed as well.
Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life no one comes to the Father but by me!
Jesus alone is the way to heaven and eternal life!
I challenge you to read this, like this, and share this!
I pray for you all, and ask you do the same for me.
God Bless!
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