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24 March 2016

Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

***   More truth from the " Truth Barometer "  :


Our nation was wise enough in the last century to see the evil of the supernationalist agenda, which rose to power in Germany. And going against our previously entrenched traditionally provincial mentality, we bravely jumped into the fray during the First and Second World Wars.

But, we in the west are now being hoodwinked into accepting one of two, equally destructive, worldviews- 1-collectivism, disguised as progressivism or socialism or 2-supernationalism, disguised in religious veneer (Islam). In both these extremes, the freedom and dignity of the human being is also vanquished for the profit of the elite in power.

Greed is the underlying cause of this calamity, which supplants the God given value of each individual and brings tyranny to our human family. Will we be wise enough to discern these new threats to global peace?

It is the wickedness of greed that inevitably spawns the human tragedy of war. How sad that man can stoop to such a level and justify the senseless slaughter of human beings in order to attain some selfish material goal. War is but the end result of selfishness and the inevitable product of rebellion to the Way of God.

And yet, sometimes war is the only way to stem the tide of totalitarianism and oppression. We must have the courage to stand firm and unflinching when all other venues have been exhausted. We must have the foresight to exercise the wisdom to use force against evil.
Evil must be confronted. It cannot be left unchecked! For, if it is not opposed, it will expand like cancer and consume the whole. But, our opposition must exhaust all peaceful means before resorting to guns and bullets as a defensive measure. We must battle for the minds of men.

Humanity must learn to sift through the clever smokescreens of tyrants. We must not allow our leaders to bring us to the battlefield in search of plunder and economic gain, touting the banner of supernationalism. Our citizenship is first to heaven and we are to elevate God’s principles that bring justice above all else.

Our nationalism must never come into conflict with true justice. For then, it has become profaned. It is our greed that ever brings us to the sound of the gun. It was greed that brought upon us the first global war, which we naively thought to be the
“War to End All Wars”.

The War to End All Wars?
Shattered tree stumps in a misty gray hue
Fields of mud, rotting corpses black and blue
Now the callous call to charge comes through
As mindless men do trample morning dew
Running headlong, heedless into mowing walls
Of bullets tearing flesh amidst No Man’s Hall
How could man, so blind, so trivial be
To fight for things, which you can see
Falling, screaming into muddy sea
Broken, bleeding, yet they cannot flee
There amidst the corpses do their bloods get mixed
With soil and rock and bayonets fixed
Whizzing death over heads declares
None should lift a head or dare
So many brilliant minds now shattered
Blown to fragments; what senseless splatter
Futures stolen from the bright and young
For the glory and the greed of those beyond
Warm and cozy in their smoked filled rooms
Far from danger and this morbid gloom
When will sense rule man’s minds?
When will nations learn to be more kind?
Alas, our hopes of peace seem almost gone
Amidst the roaring and the smell of guns
And yet our hope and faith still clings
Our hearts in hopeful chorus sings
For Shiloh’ll come to bring us peace
And sin and war will one day cease.

It was greed that brought upon us both the First and Second World Wars. And it shall be the reason mankind shall be brought into the wars that shall usher in the global government of the Antichrist. We must uphold justice no matter the power of the forces arrayed against us. Here, the true courage of a man is tested. Can he stand with integrity and resist evil, even at the cost of his life?

Many men have chosen this path less trodden in human history and they have paid dearly for their bravery. Some have lost all that they had worked for their entire life. Others have lost their families. Some have been tortured and imprisoned.

And yet, when their bodies have been fully manacled, and to all outward appearances they have been utterly defeated, their hearts have been freed. For as Solzhenitsyn so insightfully explained, tyrants rarely understand that when all has been taken from a man, their power over them ceases for they are free once again. In a fallen world, this is the unfortunate price of freedom.

For now, terror is the norm of life in our fastly wilting planet. But, the time will come when nations shall be judged and expunged from the face of our planet. And in that blessed day, man shall not cause terror anymore.

“The Lord is King forever and ever; nations have perished from His land.
O Lord, Thou hast heard the desire of the humble; Thou wilt strengthen their heart. Thou wilt incline Thine ear to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed, that man, who is on the earth, may cause terror no more.” (Psalms 10: 16-18)
Uncle Sam's Misguided Children
*NOTE* If you are on a PC, please click the "HD" option for optimal video quality.
This video appeared on YouTube a number of years ago and became hard to find over time. Communism is supposed to be simple: declare what you need to live to be your right, take it from whoever has it and then voluntarily submit yourself to a state that will arrange for you to contribute to the collective in exchange. But nearly a century of communism has been available for observation. Apparently communism isn't as simple as it was originally intended.
Price discovery is a powerful force. Without free enterprise, that process never takes place and the producer (the state) will never know if productivity is being wasted. There is no incentive to strive for higher quality or greater quantity. Food becomes scarce, housing diminishes, and people die.

Don't do communism. Do the right thing - the exact opposite of communism.

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