Blog Archive

03 March 2016

Lessons from Joseph

March 2016 Newsletter
Lessons From Joseph
Lessons from Joseph
Dreams and Trials
The sum total of your life is shaped by the choices you make. You may think that isn't
true. Joseph from the Bible certainly had things happen to him that weren't a direct
result of his choices. But you have a choice whether to become bitter or better, to be
afraid or to overcome-just like Joseph.

We can learn from our own problems and through the things that come our way, but
we don't have to. As a matter of fact, there is a better way to learn: We can learn from
other people's examples. The lives of those recorded in the Bible were written for our
example so that we could profit and learn from them (1 Cor. 10:6).

Joseph was seventeen years old when God gave him a dream for his life and began
the process of showing him how he was going to be used. Yet for the next thirteen years,
everything that happened to him was contrary to what God had told him. Joseph was
thirty years old when he finally stood before Pharaoh (Gen. 41:46). Then it was nine years
after he was promoted to be the ruler over all of Egypt that his brethren came, and he
saw his dreams actually come to pass. I can relate to this process.

Back when the Lord first touched my life on March 23, 1968, I was eighteen years old.
Yet for a number of years, everything in my life looked like it was not going well. I had
a lot of negative things happen. I was speaking forth my faith and saying that God had
called me to minister and that I was going to have a worldwide ministry, but everything
in my life looked contrary to that. I'm telling you, Joseph's story was one of the things
that God used to keep me focused. Everybody else was telling me my vision was foolish,
that I needed to quit and go do something else.

There were times that I felt that way myself. Yet I'd go to the Word and see God use
people like Joseph miraculously. These are the things that have changed me, and I
believe that this has the potential of changing you.

Has God given you a dream? It could be about healing. Maybe it's about prosperity.
Or it might be about your marriage or relationships. You feel you've got promises from
God, yet your circumstances don't seem to line up. Take a lesson from Joseph.
Lessons from Joseph DVD
Lessons from Joseph

This month, we are offering Lessons from Joseph available as a CD or As-Seen-on-
TV DVD series for a suggested donation of $35 for either one. How to Find, Follow, and
Fulfill God's Will is an excellent companion to this teaching as you're discovering God's
dreams for your life. This book is offered for a suggested donation of $15. To order, go
to or call our Helpline at: 719-635-1111. If you will receive these things I share about Joseph, this could change your
life. It sure changed mine.

How To Find, Follow, and Fulfill God's Will Book
How to Find, Follow, and Fulfill

Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives. Many even believe you just can't know God's will - that in His sovereignty, He will make is happen regardless of what you do. Too long this viewpoint has kept Christians from knowing the full potential He planned for them. But no more. God created you with a specific purpose, and the good news is, He wants you to find it.

Learn More
God With Us
God With Us
March 17-20, 2016

Join us for God with Us, coming Easter 2016 to The Sanctuary in Woodland Park, Colorado. Mark your calendars for March 17-20, 2016, and don't miss next month's life-changing event! God with Us is a story so inspirational, it will make you laugh, smile, and cry, and it will put into perspective the reason we are saved. Go to to find out more!

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