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17 March 2016

Study of Acts Chap 1


Lesson 1 - Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven - Acts 1:1-11

Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Then discuss the questions that follow.

Questions should be studied by each individual before your discussion group meets.

Materials may be copied and used for Bible study purposes.  Never sold.


Dear Theophilus:
In my first report* to you about the amazing happenings here, I wrote about
all that Jesus both did and taught from the very beginning of His ministry until the
day He was taken up into Heaven.

*Acts 1:1 – “In my first report.”* Luke’s first report was the third Gospel
(the Gospel of Luke). In writing the book of Acts to Theophilus, Luke himself was an eyewitness of many of the events he is recording. Little is known of Theophilus, but he is thought to have been a Roman official.

2) But before He was taken up, He gave strict instructions (through the help of the
Holy Spirit) to the men He had chosen as His apostles.*
*Acts 1:2 – “His apostles.”

* Apostle means ‘a sent one.’ This term is applied to some 20 different persons in the New Testament. In this passage it refers to the original 12 (exclusive of Judas).

3) Yes, they saw Him alive again after He had suffered for our sins and died,
because He revealed Himself to them several times over a period of 40 days. He
spoke to them about the Kingdom of God,* and proved to them beyond any doubt
that He was indeed alive again.

*Acts 1:3 – “The Kingdom of God.”* The Greek word for kingdom is basileia and means primarily the rule of God and secondly the realm over which the rule and reign is exercised.

* The Promise of the Holy Spirit

4) The last time He was with them, He ordered them not to leave Jerusalem. “You
must wait here now,”
He said, “until you receive the gift I told you about, the gift
My Father promised you.

5)  “It’s true that John baptized the people in water, but in a few days you will be
baptized in the Holy Spirit!”

**Acts 1:5 – “Baptized in the Holy Spirit.”
* See Acts 2:1-4; Acts 8:14-16; Acts 10:45-46; Acts 11:15-18; Acts 19:1-7.

6) And while they were together there, they asked Him, “Lord, is this the time when You will free us from Rome and give the Kingdom back to Israel?”

7) “It is not for you to know the dates and periods of time that God has set. He alone has the right to decide such matters,” He replied.

8) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you will then be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and throughout all Judea and Samaria, and even to the most remote parts of the earth.”

* Jesus Taken up into Heaven

9) Immediately after He had spoken those words, while they were still standing there looking at Him, He began to rise from the earth! And He continued rising into the sky until a cloud hid Him from their view.

10) As they were staring into the sky to get another glimpse of Him going up, all of a sudden two men in white clothing were standing beside them.

11) “Why are you men from Galilee standing here staring into the sky?” they questioned. “This Jesus, who has just been taken from you into Heaven, will return in the very same way that you’ve just seen Him go into Heaven.”


Lesson 1 - Jesus Taken Up Into Heaven - Acts 1:1-11

1. To what "former book" was Luke referring? (1:1)

2. Who was Theophilus? (1:1)

3. What did Luke write about? (1:1-2)

4. After His resurrection, how did Jesus spend His time with the apostles? (1:3-5)

5. What specific commands did Jesus give the apostles? (1:4)

6. What gift did Jesus promise to the apostles? (1:4-5)

7. What did the apostles misunderstand? (1:6)

8. How did Jesus answer the apostles’ question? (1:7-8)

9. What task did Jesus assign the apostles? (1:8)

10. Who would help the apostles get their job done? (1:8)

11. How would the apostles be able to carry out the task Jesus gave them? (1:8)

12. After speaking to the apostles, where did Jesus go? (1:9-11)

13. How did the apostles react to Jesus’ departure? (1:10)

14. Who were the figures in white? (1:10)

15. How did the men in white encourage the apostles? (1:11)

16. How will Jesus’ return be like His ascension? (1:11)


* Lesson 2 - Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas - Acts 1:12-26

12) So they immediately left the hill where they were, called the Mount of Olives, which is about half a mile from Jerusalem, and returned to the city.

13) When they arrived, they went upstairs into the room where they were staying. This included Peter, James, John and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Apphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son* of James.

*Acts 1:13 – “Judas the son* of James.” Literally Judas of James, so we don’t know whether he was a son or brother of James.

14) They were all of one mind, and devoted themselves to unwavering, continuous prayer and earnest pleading. Several women were with them, including Mary, Jesus’ mother. His brothers were also there.

Matthew Chosen to Replace Judas

15)  One day, when about 120 of the Lord’s followers were gathered together, Peter stood up and said,

16) “Brothers and sisters, the prophecy in Scripture about Judas, who guided the mob that arrested Jesus, was bound to come true. This was foretold by the Holy Spirit, speaking through David.

17)  “Because he was one of us, and had a part in this ministry.”

18)  This man actually bought a field * with the money he got as the reward for his evil deed. Then he committed suicide, falling headlong, so that his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.
*Acts 1:18 – “Bought a field.”* See Matthew 27:3-10.

19)  Everyone in Jerusalem has heard about this. So they’ve named that field Akel Dama in their language, meaning, (the Field of Blood.)

20) “Now in the book of Psalms it is written,” Peter continued,
‘Let his property be desolate. Let no one live there.’ (Psalm 69:25) And let someone else take his place. (Psalm 109:8)

21) “So it is necessary that from among those who have been with us all the time our Lord Jesus lived with us,

22) from His baptism by John until the day He was taken from us up into Heaven, one of these needs to become a witness with us to testify about the truth of His resurrection.”

23) Two men were nominated: Joseph (also called Barsabas) whose last name was Justus, and Matthias.

24) Then they prayed, “Dear Lord, You know what’s in the heart of everyone. Show us which of these two You have chosen

25) to take over this apostolic ministry which Judas turned down* to go where he belongs.”
*Acts 1:25 – “Which Judas turned down,”  * that is, by transgression fell.

26) Then they drew lots, and Matthias was chosen. Following that he was counted as an apostle, with the other eleven.


Lesson 2 - Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas - Acts 1:12-26

17. Where did the ascension of Jesus take place? (1:12)

18. How did the apostles show that they were following Jesus’ orders? (1:12-13)

19. How many apostles were still following Christ after His death and resurrection? (1:13)

20. Who was present at the meeting of eleven apostles? (1:14)

21. What did the group of eleven apostles do when they got together? (1:14)

22. Who took the leadership among the early Christians? (1:15)

23. How did Peter take leadership of the early Christians after Jesus’ ascension? (1:15-17)

24. How did Peter show high regard for the Scriptures? (1:16-17)

25. How did Judas betray both Jesus and the other disciples? (1:16-17)

26. What happened as a result of Judas’s treachery? (1:18-20)

27. What did Peter propose to do about the vacancy left by Judas? (1:21-22)

28. Who was named to replace Judas? (1:23)

29. What did the apostles do to select the right candidate to succeed Judas? (1:24-26)

30. How did the apostles choose Judas’s successor? (1:24-26)

31. Who was selected to be the twelfth apostle? (1:26)

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