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04 March 2016

spring is in the air (well, almost!)

Ready or not?

Along with eating more vegetables, getting enough exercise is the next most popular bit of advice out there.

Well, here's something that may have you take that tip to heart.

People who regularly exercise have a lower risk of getting cancer.

And a new study from scientists at Denmark's University of Copenhagen has provided proof of just how exercise can help keep cancer away.

The researchers implanted melanoma cells into a bunch of laboratory mice, ones who naturally love to run. They were then divided into two groups -- one provided with running wheels in their cages and one not (I guess the mouse version of being a couch potato).

After a month of spinning their wheels, those active mice had far fewer cancers. And even the ones who did develop cancer were less apt to have had it spread, even when cancer cells were injected into their lungs.

The scientists then took blood samples, which revealed some of the secret sauce behind the health benefits of exercise.

It seems that despite the fact that exercise can cause short-term inflammation, it also sets processes in motion that help arm the immune system against the growth of cancer cells.

In addition to increased levels of adrenaline, the active mice also had high levels of a substance called interleukin-6, something released by muscles that can fight inflammation. The mice who spent their time on a wheel also had far higher amounts of natural "killer cells" in their blood. Those are immune cells capable of zapping cancer cells.

The researchers even did a reverse check on the results of their experiment, by blocking adrenaline in the active mice. And that showed the original results were right on target.

Of course, there are obvious biological differences between mice and men. But the scientists behind this study also point out that increases in adrenaline and natural killer cells have been observed in people after exercising as well.

All of which should be as good a reason as any to get yourself moving more.

And now that spring is in the air (well, almost!) there's no excuse not to.

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