Blog Archive

06 March 2016

The Spirit of the Law vs The letter of the Law

When voting this week had this discussion with a Law Student @ the polling place...

There are (2) two parts to each of the laws put upon people in this world. 
While there are many will argue against this fact  - never the less it is true!
The " Letter " of the Law; and the " Spirit" of the Law!

Most of the lawyers or law makers {this includes Kings, Ministers, and of course more recently Presidents} in history have used laws to restrict and or control people!
Some believe that just passing or decreeing a law some how - makes people just snap to and start obeying said law.   Nothing could be further from the truth!  It does not and has not ever worked successfully in all of history!
Example:  There have been laws against Prostitution, murder, robbery, thief, rape, Selling Dope and even Bank Robbery - yet it has not stooped happening...   Funny?

There fore the law(s) do not nor have not stopped said actions....  WHY?

The real truth is that people are weak, and venerable to crime, greed, lust and selfishness  {ETC} therefore - act out of personal desires and not what some law states....

Even God, who gave mankind the 10 Commandments knew that people could not - nor would not be able to obey all of them perfectly in this earthly existence!

That is why The Lord Jesus Christ came living as a mere mortal man and thus was hunted , ridiculed and killed- to show that the only way to survive this legalistic life.  He came to show that it was necessary to have a Mediator - Savior who was the only one able to live a   justified life.  He lived the Law perfectly thus becoming a personal substitute for the wayward  - lost people!  He did for us what we could not do for ourselves...

Humans can not live perfectly under any law system - because of the activity of evil in this world;  which misdirects and confuses all of mankind even to the present day!
 While you may be able to live close to perfect - there is no real human perfection in this life!

Laws do not ever make for a perfect scenario in human life! 

It is necessary to get people convinced that they must come t accept the overview of commandments, laws, and directions from God to live a better supportive life!
i.e. Love thy Neighbor!


Laws do not stop people from their actions in this earthly life and never will...
What is needed is for changes to be made in the hearts and minds of people to not want to live an life of crime and evil action...

This is where we must stop and understand that laws can at best only help direct people toward avoiding criminal and moral constructive dilemmas in their lives...

Therefore we must understand the difference between the " Letter " of the Law, as it is prescribed in some legal penal code - vs. the " Spirit" of the Law as it is to be applied and used by the people!

First we will look at how laws are made and used by the people!

Let's look at a simple traffic law - Stop Signs.

The intent is to get people to not strike or run into another vehicle at certain intercessions.

The " Letter " of the Law states such as each vehicle must stop at each posted stop sign; no matter wither there is another vehicle at that intersection or not!
 Therefore police - law enforcement issue citations with fines for those which did not come to a complete stop - even when there was not any other vehicle at that intersection!

While the " Spirit " of the Law - implies that in actually - what is called for is for people to prevent any collision at intersections by merely yielding to the vehicle according to set arrival arrangement in most present laws - first to intercession has right away or the vehicle on the right has right away!  Learn to yield and merge in traffic for the best over all results.

There is not any real need to stop at an intersection where no other vehicle traffic is present or within any perceivable safe distance! Therefore proper yielding would  be the real spirit of the law.

Example:  Have driven over a million a windshield miles - there were times when I came to a stop sign  or red traffic lite and could see there was no one in any direction foe great distances - there why stop?  The Spirit of the Law is to prevent collisions and allow a good traffic flow - not just waste people's time waiting for something that is not necessary...  


Another example has to do with in driving on the right hand side countries; at signaled intercessions there are Left turn signals, to allow turns against on coming traffic.  Yet while these the turn arrows are very helpful , there are times when people must sit and not turn even though there is no on coming traffic or there is a very good distance to safely make the left turn.   Yet where there are only red left turn arrows -  therefore the " Letter " of the Law does not allow for any safe left turns at that intercession!

While the " Spirit" of the Law allows people to make the determination as to making a Left turn when it is safe to do so {Actually yielding to on coming traffic}.

The Spirit of the Law allows for personal choice and free exercise of our God Given intelligence!  

The Letter of the Law does not allow any free choice only blind obedience and a firm control much like total Slavery!  


***  we will pick this up on a later blog post!  

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