Here is a product which we bought and use regularly - it works!

My name is Michael Tyrrell, and I've got a fascinating story for you that will tie this all together."
In my "former life" I was a jet-setting rock star living a life most would dream about - until they lived it.
Under the fame and glory were the crazy 16 hour days, endless travel, stress and pressure to perform. Every waking moment was like living under a microscope.
There is only so far we can push our body, our mind and our spirit. And, sure enough, I crashed. I just couldn't handle the stress of the road and the constant self-medication.
My mind was in a constant state of turmoil - wracked with anxiety one minute, in the depths of depression the next. And all I had to do was reach for a pill to fix it.
I knew there had to be a better way.
For me, the journey to freedom took years of struggle. Through it all I kept coming back to the one thing that soothed my tortured soul - the music.
All I had to do was hit the right note... strike the right melody and my anxiousness would disappear... my depression would lift and my spirits would soar on the wings of eagles.
I met a piano player named David at a coffee house in Jerusalem who changed my life
I was sitting in a little coffee shop in old town listening to
what I thought was a regular "run of the mill" piano player. He played
the usual - popular songs, neighborhood favorites, special songs for the
"regulars". But then something happened.
In between songs he must have had inspiration strike because what he played was like it was from another world. I was instantly transported to that place I thought only existed for me! The coffee shop melted away and I was... at peace, calm, and... happy.
It was as if the pianist and I were connected somehow. He noticed that I was aware of what he was doing ... and smiled at me – he knew I knew something was different.
What happened next changed my life forever...
On a break, he ran to his car, came back, and sat down next to me and introduced himself.
My new friend, David, was an expert in the ancient music of Israel...
After a shockingly brief conversation, he handed me manuscript copies of some of the most ancient music he could get his hands on. (some were rumored to be original compositions of King David)
He then said – "These are for you ... I took one look at your face and knew you would know what to do with them."
What could I say but "Thank you." It sends chills up my spine to think back at what David had handed to me on a silver platter...
I'm almost ashamed to say it took me a while to actually crack open the books. You know what it's like, you're home from travelling and life takes over...
Anyway, when I finally dug into the music, I could tell something was "off". The songs that took me to another world in Jerusalem were falling flat.
Sonically – this simply didn't work.
So I reflected on our conversation that night in Jerusalem ... "You would know what to do with them," my mysterious friend told me...
The manuscript of healing
Suddenly...the light came on... I DID know what to do!
I noticed the original manuscript was in a different key ... according to legend, King David tuned his instruments higher than what we know as the modern musical tuning system. Many of the Bible experts I talked to thought this method of tuning was how David soothed King Saul’s depression...
So, I decided to experiment. I dug into ancient texts... I talked to experts about our modern tuning methods and compared them to ancient times...
The ancient musical texts made a big deal out of the "key" a piece of music was tuned to. Which didn't make sense - until I discovered ancient healers and priests didn't tune their instruments like we do today. There was a different "key"...
And then, as I happened to be flipping through the Bible, everything came together in an instant...
and I knew...
So I quickly grabbed my guitar and tuned it up to 444 hertz.
Remember: hertz measures sound as 1 vibrational cycle per second – these are frequencies...
All this means is that each sound vibrates 444 times per second.
Once I re-tuned, I discovered that most of these ancient tools of emotional and spiritual healing were now right under my fingers.
Next, I had to figure out if anyone else had made this same incredible discovery.
They had.
I went to Google, and it didn't take long before I made another shocking discovery...
It's a joke, really.
They simply run a loop of a single sound. Truthfully I was bored out of my chair when I heard it! Even gave me a little headache.
And I thought that a more enjoyable, powerful listening experience would come from hearing warm, enveloping songs tuned to the frequencies of the ancients.
This is what led me to conceive Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project.
These are actual songs and so much more than the "binaural frequencies" you'll find on YouTube ... Songs played by actual professional musicians. Composed using what we're calling the "Key of David”... a key that will quickly become the soundtrack to your life.
I'm so sure of it, I can guarantee you'll love what you hear...
Here's why...
The world-renowned research group at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center was, for the first time, looking for a cure so desperately needed by returning Veterans and their families.
A way out of constant anxiety, depression, and stress.
The stated goal of the study was to understand if “music presented according to a specific plan influenced recovery among service members with mental and emotional disorders." These doctors left nothing to chance. There were 4 different groups based on symptoms and the type of music the participants wanted to use.
Plus, the study was designed to be as scientifically accurate as possible. There were "control cases" that the doctors and scientists could compare results with. That way the doctors could be sure the results were actually from the music and not something else.
After reading the mountain of research (and doing some of my
own experiments) I knew I just had to combine my "key" with that same
music that took me out of this world...
What you're hearing right now (if your speakers are on) are samples of the very same songs you'll get with your Wholetones Healing Frequency Music Project package... songs tuned to the healing frequencies of the ancients that, I believe, will enhance your experience, your joy, and your spiritual release.
The music flowed effortlessly in the studio
Truthfully we had no idea what we were going to play when we went into the studio...
We used the best gear we could find. We recorded the music with analog technology where possible with minimal digital sampling. That way we could keep the natural harmonics intact.
Even the drums were tuned to the right frequency!
What you're going to hear on every song is as clean as we could
make it so you can feel the raw power of the frequencies come through
each track.
We used the finest instruments ... crafted from the finest materials.
In the end, the studies show it's the music that matters and we want you to experience the music in the most impactful way possible.
Unlike the boring, headache-inducing straight tones you'll find on the internet, these are real songs. Recorded by real, world-class musicians. In the finest recording facility available.
Under the fame and glory were the crazy 16 hour days, endless travel, stress and pressure to perform. Every waking moment was like living under a microscope.
I'm not proud to admit I gave in to the influence of drugs and alcohol... to cope... to hide... to fit in...
During my peak I was doing 100 shows a year all over the world with my band, but I was destroying my life and soul. As corny as it may sound, it was the music that pulled me through... the music that gave me hope for a better future "one day".There is only so far we can push our body, our mind and our spirit. And, sure enough, I crashed. I just couldn't handle the stress of the road and the constant self-medication.
My mind was in a constant state of turmoil - wracked with anxiety one minute, in the depths of depression the next. And all I had to do was reach for a pill to fix it.
I knew there had to be a better way.
For me, the journey to freedom took years of struggle. Through it all I kept coming back to the one thing that soothed my tortured soul - the music.
All I had to do was hit the right note... strike the right melody and my anxiousness would disappear... my depression would lift and my spirits would soar on the wings of eagles.
But it wasn't until I had a chance encounter in Jerusalem (of all places) that everything would come together.

I met a piano player named David at a coffee house in Jerusalem who changed my life
In between songs he must have had inspiration strike because what he played was like it was from another world. I was instantly transported to that place I thought only existed for me! The coffee shop melted away and I was... at peace, calm, and... happy.
It was as if the pianist and I were connected somehow. He noticed that I was aware of what he was doing ... and smiled at me – he knew I knew something was different.
What happened next changed my life forever...
On a break, he ran to his car, came back, and sat down next to me and introduced himself.
My new friend, David, was an expert in the ancient music of Israel...
After a shockingly brief conversation, he handed me manuscript copies of some of the most ancient music he could get his hands on. (some were rumored to be original compositions of King David)
He then said – "These are for you ... I took one look at your face and knew you would know what to do with them."
What could I say but "Thank you." It sends chills up my spine to think back at what David had handed to me on a silver platter...
I'm almost ashamed to say it took me a while to actually crack open the books. You know what it's like, you're home from travelling and life takes over...
Anyway, when I finally dug into the music, I could tell something was "off". The songs that took me to another world in Jerusalem were falling flat.
Sonically – this simply didn't work.
So I reflected on our conversation that night in Jerusalem ... "You would know what to do with them," my mysterious friend told me...

The manuscript of healing
I noticed the original manuscript was in a different key ... according to legend, King David tuned his instruments higher than what we know as the modern musical tuning system. Many of the Bible experts I talked to thought this method of tuning was how David soothed King Saul’s depression...
So, I decided to experiment. I dug into ancient texts... I talked to experts about our modern tuning methods and compared them to ancient times...
The ancient musical texts made a big deal out of the "key" a piece of music was tuned to. Which didn't make sense - until I discovered ancient healers and priests didn't tune their instruments like we do today. There was a different "key"...
And then, as I happened to be flipping through the Bible, everything came together in an instant...
and I knew...
I just discovered the lost "key" of King David

Remember: hertz measures sound as 1 vibrational cycle per second – these are frequencies...
All this means is that each sound vibrates 444 times per second.
Once I re-tuned, I discovered that most of these ancient tools of emotional and spiritual healing were now right under my fingers.
Next, I had to figure out if anyone else had made this same incredible discovery.
They had.
I went to Google, and it didn't take long before I made another shocking discovery...
These ancient frequencies are available on YouTube FREE of charge ... but...
They're not going viral any time soon!It's a joke, really.
They simply run a loop of a single sound. Truthfully I was bored out of my chair when I heard it! Even gave me a little headache.
And I thought that a more enjoyable, powerful listening experience would come from hearing warm, enveloping songs tuned to the frequencies of the ancients.
This is what led me to conceive Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project.
These are actual songs and so much more than the "binaural frequencies" you'll find on YouTube ... Songs played by actual professional musicians. Composed using what we're calling the "Key of David”... a key that will quickly become the soundtrack to your life.
I'm so sure of it, I can guarantee you'll love what you hear...
Here's why...
The Music Therapy Study That Changed Everything...
Remember that "day in 2012?" The revolutionary medical study?The world-renowned research group at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center was, for the first time, looking for a cure so desperately needed by returning Veterans and their families.
A way out of constant anxiety, depression, and stress.
The stated goal of the study was to understand if “music presented according to a specific plan influenced recovery among service members with mental and emotional disorders." These doctors left nothing to chance. There were 4 different groups based on symptoms and the type of music the participants wanted to use.
Plus, the study was designed to be as scientifically accurate as possible. There were "control cases" that the doctors and scientists could compare results with. That way the doctors could be sure the results were actually from the music and not something else.
So what have the doctors at the many research hospitals and study centers found?
Results that are nothing short of amazing...
- Participants with brain injury demonstrated improvements in "executive function" (that's better memory, better reasoning and better problem solving for us non-medical types)
- Kids had less anger, decreased aggression, lower depression, and increased self-esteem, all of which held through a 9-month program!
- Cancer patients had positive effects on anxiety, pain, mood, and quality of life.
- Burn victims had less Anxiety and pain during dressing changes with self-selected music.
- Patients needed fewer drugs for chronic pain when they used music distraction and relaxation.
- Reduced "stress peaks" through music and music-assisted relaxation.
- Tense, stressed muscles were relaxed with music-assisted progressive muscle relaxation and...
- Even people in a coma were able to improve through the use of music.
What you're hearing right now (if your speakers are on) are samples of the very same songs you'll get with your Wholetones Healing Frequency Music Project package... songs tuned to the healing frequencies of the ancients that, I believe, will enhance your experience, your joy, and your spiritual release.

The music flowed effortlessly in the studio
We used the best gear we could find. We recorded the music with analog technology where possible with minimal digital sampling. That way we could keep the natural harmonics intact.

Even the drums were tuned to the right frequency!
We used the finest instruments ... crafted from the finest materials.
In the end, the studies show it's the music that matters and we want you to experience the music in the most impactful way possible.
Unlike the boring, headache-inducing straight tones you'll find on the internet, these are real songs. Recorded by real, world-class musicians. In the finest recording facility available.
Here's where you can listen to samples of the healing power of this incredible collection, right now:
396 Hz
Listen to a sample

417 Hz
Listen to a sample

444 Hz
Listen to a sample

528 Hz
Listen to a sample

639 Hz
Listen to a sample

741 Hz
Listen to a sample

852 Hz
Listen to a sample

Having trouble playing the samples? Play the video below.
Here’s what’s in Wholetones and 7 songs in the Healing Frequency Project:
- Open Door (396Hz) – This beautiful piece literally opens you up to receive the healing. Supports relaxation, and helps your body to lower “stress markers”. Close your eyes and the tension leaves your body. Used for blood, liver function, bones, brain health and kidney function.
- Desert Sojourn (417Hz) – Increased energy has been reported as well as productivity and creativity... Perfect for playing in the background at the office… in the classroom... or in the study. Used for issues of the stomach – especially digestion. Also used for gallbladder, metabolism, headaches, and lower back pain.
- The Key of David (444Hz) – The master key with multiple health benefits. Establishes peace amid chaos. Hint – listen to this when you're feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Used for soothing your muscles, circulatory, and lymphatic systems.
- Transformation (528Hz) – Restores your sound, peaceful sleep... With better sleep you’ll restore health, balance your hormones, and give your body the rest it needs to repair and regenerate… all from gentle, alluring musical vibrations.
- The Bridge (639Hz) – Fosters forgiveness and peace in your relationships which can contribute to a stronger immune system, less stress on your adrenal glands, and even stop that “anxious stomach”
- Great Awakening (741Hz) – Provides you with deep spiritual and emotional healing. Become aware of your spirit within.
- The Majestic (852Hz) – Purely spiritual this magnificent piece is a celebration of the King of Kings. Join us in sharing His love for humankind and those who await his grand return.

The angelic sound of the violin
Video Library

Best of all, this complete package is available for instant
download right now so you and your loved ones can begin listening,
enjoying, and healing right away.
Now – can you truly say you're committed to your health and the health of those you care most about?
If you answered "yes" then you automatically qualify to get your hands on this divine collection of healing music.
Amazed at how God brought these sounds out of us
This is truly an amazing package when you consider all it's capable of doing for you.
And I also have a very special, exclusive, incredible offer so you can get your copy of this material and begin using it immediately.
You can have all 7 songs I told you about and all their healing power for just $49 digital, or $149 $99 physical AND digital.
And check this out – you get the full 22 minute, 22 second songs – not some sampler that forces you to pay more for the rest...
And as an added bonus, I'm also including my brand new book –Wholetones: The Sound of Healing.
It's 142 pages of life changing personal revelation... a virtual key to unlock your hidden potential.
This book is the perfect companion to accompany the music as it
demystifies the science behind the frequencies and explains how to get
the most out of your listening experience.
There is even a chapter that shows musicians how to calibrate their instruments to play in the 7 healing frequencies. And of course, plenty of historical information concerning the healing tones. (I personally believe historians will prove these frequencies were actually given to King David by God Himself!) Truly an inspirational journey into the spiritual realm of healing and much, much more...
Both the book and the audio files are available for you to download instantly to your computer or mobile device - so you can start enjoying their divine benefits immediately.
And you also get physical copies delivered right to your door.
That's right – the songs come as downloadable files plus you get 7 mastered CDs, along with a digital PDF copy of the book PLUS the physical copy sent to your home.
All yours for just $149 $99.
Don't want the high quality, mastered CDs or the hardcopy book?
No problem.
Get the downloadable versions of both for one easy payment of only $49.
So give it shot – you have nothing to lose...and so very much to gain!
Here's what to do right now...
Click add to cart and you'll be taken to a private, secure order page where with just a few clicks you can order your package and let the healing begin.
Now – can you truly say you're committed to your health and the health of those you care most about?
If you answered "yes" then you automatically qualify to get your hands on this divine collection of healing music.
Now you get every beautiful song ... in one convenient package

Amazed at how God brought these sounds out of us
And I also have a very special, exclusive, incredible offer so you can get your copy of this material and begin using it immediately.
You can have all 7 songs I told you about and all their healing power for just $49 digital, or $149 $99 physical AND digital.
And check this out – you get the full 22 minute, 22 second songs – not some sampler that forces you to pay more for the rest...
And as an added bonus, I'm also including my brand new book –Wholetones: The Sound of Healing.
It's 142 pages of life changing personal revelation... a virtual key to unlock your hidden potential.

There is even a chapter that shows musicians how to calibrate their instruments to play in the 7 healing frequencies. And of course, plenty of historical information concerning the healing tones. (I personally believe historians will prove these frequencies were actually given to King David by God Himself!) Truly an inspirational journey into the spiritual realm of healing and much, much more...
Both the book and the audio files are available for you to download instantly to your computer or mobile device - so you can start enjoying their divine benefits immediately.
And you also get physical copies delivered right to your door.
That's right – the songs come as downloadable files plus you get 7 mastered CDs, along with a digital PDF copy of the book PLUS the physical copy sent to your home.
All yours for just $149 $99.
Don't want the high quality, mastered CDs or the hardcopy book?
No problem.
Get the downloadable versions of both for one easy payment of only $49.
And this is important - your purchase today is guaranteed for a full 365-days ... with our ironclad, money back guarantee.
That's right - I know you'll love Wholetones, but feel free to
put it to the test! Buy it, play it, listen to it, or use it as a
paperweight ... If you're not thrilled with your purchase at anytime,
we'll give you 100% of your money back, for up to 365 days after you
receive it!So give it shot – you have nothing to lose...and so very much to gain!
Here's what to do right now...
Click add to cart and you'll be taken to a private, secure order page where with just a few clicks you can order your package and let the healing begin.
Don't decide now... Take all the time you need to try WHOLETONES for a full 365 days.
If you're not satisfied, you can get a full refund within 365 days.

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