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25 June 2016

5 Positive Steps Toward Powerful Memory

5 Positive Steps Toward Powerful Memory

There is no way to completely eliminate every bad thing that will ever happen to us, but the way we react to those bad things is always completely under our control. Here are 5 ways you can really make the best of a bad situation.
  1. Change Your Focus: When something bad happens, it is an almost automatic response for us to dwell on what we did wrong in that bad experience. This can lead to a really negative feedback loop in which we can find ourselves stuck. Instead, reframe the experience by focusing on everything you did right. You can even make two lists – one for all the things you did wrong, and one for all the things you did right. I’ll bet you anything, that you did way more right things than you did wrong. After all, who ever set out with the intention of doing wrong things?
  2. Be Thankful: Now, I realize that it may be hard to turn away from a negative experience with a feeling of gratitude, but think about it. Shouldn’t you be thankful? What did the negative experience teach you about yourself? I’m willing to guess that you found yourself to be much stronger than you thought you were. I’ll even go so far as to say that you probably gained a better understanding of what you want out of life. Who wouldn’t be grateful for that?
  3. Walk it Off: One of the worst things we can do when something bad happens is sit still. Sitting still keeps you locked in the moment and gives the moment the power to take you down with it. So, get up! You don’t have to go for a run, or a swim, or boxing ring, just get out of the situation and keep moving. Getting yourself going will release endorphins into your body, and these endorphins will naturally work to make you feel happier.
  4. Reach Out: This one has two sides. Obviously, when something bad happens, we look for people to comfort us, but it is also an opportunity for you to comfort others. There’s a whole world out there filled with people who are having a bad day – smile at them, compliment them, offer them your place in line. You’ll see that these small gestures will not only make their day, they’ll make your day too.
  5. Meditate: If all else fails, one of the best things you can do is just take a little time for yourself. Just let yourself breathe without letting what’s getting you down really get you down. There are a number of ways to do this, but one that we recommend is Sonic Wave Relaxation Therapy. In just 10-15 minutes per day, this method has been shown to destress and relax even the most overwhelmed people - and these results are medically proven... Click Here and see for yourself.
Once you master these ways of improving your frame of mind, you’ll find that your memory of negative events will be filled with positive emotions. And because you will have a well of positive memories to draw on, your memory will be stronger and, what’s more, you will be happier.

If you’re looking for more natural ways improve both your memory and your state of mind, try our new CogniForce formula. Not only can it help jump start your memory, but it contains folic acid which has been known to support a more positive outlook - If you want to help support your brain health, I highly reccommend try it today.

We hope that even if this hasn’t been a good day, we helped to make it just a little better.
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