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24 August 2016

The Good Bad and the ugly!

If Cancer Scares You, Do Not Miss This...

Over 20,000 people die each day from cancer. So if it scares you, that’s understandable.
However… whether you’re trying to avoid cancer or beat it if you’ve got it, there is one very powerful antidote to the fear, and to the disease itself: knowledge.
In “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” you’ll discover the most powerful ways to prevent, treat, heal from, and beat the disease. Though you haven’t heard of most of these ways, you deserve to, so…

About Ty Bollinger

Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, best-selling author, medical researcher, talk radio host, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder and also a certified public accountant. After losing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. Ty has now made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases (including cancer) can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery. Ty speaks frequently to health groups, at seminars, expos, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites. Speaking from personal experience and extensive research, Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world.

Reader Interactions


    • Yes, but with cancer some statins actually hit important pathways to block tumors. Livastatin showed anti cancer properties with cancer patients but it is not preventive. Prof Flavin.
  1. Thank you, Ty, for laying all this out for us. I remember when statins came out and Dr. Timothy Johnson was on a morning show talking about the drug and what it would mean for millions of people with high cholesterol. I thought to myself, another push for the drug pushers. This was before so many drug commercials were on TV. The long growing tentacles of the Drug Companies remind me of something out of a Stephen King novel. Their tentacles will wrap around you and slowly strangle and smother you to death, or BAM they’ll just flat out kill you right off the bat!
    We all need to print off this fabulous article and keep a notebook that we take to the Dr. should we ever need to go. Lay some knowledge on them! I’ve told a Dr before that I just don’t know how I would be able to prescribe some of these drugs knowing the side effects. He said, it’s a fine line. I didn’t really know what he meant by that!
    • My doctor says your dead wrong!! Who knows what the hell to believe anymore!! I feel like we should all being suing our doctors for negligence and fraud!! What do u think??
  2. Eating plenty of vegies, fruits, nuts, and organic whole grains which are the leading providers of phytosterols to me is better than counting on some pill to have what you need. I don’t remember ever hearing of anyone dieing of eating too many vegetables.
    • Forget the whole grains! Went on a HIGH FAT low carbohydrate diet. Lost weight and all my lipid numbers, including cholesterol, went DOWN. So did my fasting blood sugar. Feel GREAT!
    • With Monsanto changing the way we eat will be a totally different story. Better be growing your own food organically.
      • I haven’t been to a ‘doctor’ in about 30 years! Why would anyone with a WORKING BRAIN support the MEDICAL MAFIA that is MURDERING us! I NEVER get sick bc I eat a mostly RAW 100% VEGAN diet! NO DEAD animals since 1986! My pets never get sick either bc I KNOW what to feed them and more IMPOTENTLY lol what NOT to feed them! No lips n ARSEHOLES and DISEASED DEAD pets from SLAUGHTERHOUSES!!! If you are an IGNORANT CORPSE-CRUNCHER you DESERVE cancer PERIOD!
  3. High cholesterol is a straw man that has been built to sell medication. The body makes Cholesterol in large quantities as every cell uses it. Statins decrease Cholesterol in the brain so the Brain may be damaged with use. I Tried them myself for a couple of years with minimal success and then studied the case histories. It turns out that the side effects are worse than the “Cure”. …..Cholesterol is a propaganda campaign in the mold of “Climate Change” with Cholesterol taking the place of CO2. The latest information clearly indicates that the real villain is allergenic reactions to sugar and processed food. If your cholesterol is 250-300, no big deal. The “Cure” is worse than the condition when spread over the entire population.
    • I believe you are quite correct.
      “Statin” drungs were initially developed for another purpose [don’t know what but my guess it failed in trials]. While testing it had shown an effect of lowering certain cholesterols and maybe raising others. I believe that the Pharma just decided to sell the public on an “unneeded” drug and it became a “cash cow” for them [and they have suppressed much of the negative side-effects / See: Peripheral-neuropathy Australia Statins about 1997]. My understanding is that proper studies showing that statins reduce circulatory disease have not been reproducable, …hmmm].
      I developed an increasing peripherial neuropathy which started in my toes and was extending from my toes up my legs. I had already experienced some muscle pain. Went to three different specialists none of which could offer a hint solution to the why of my problem. The last just suggested he could put me on another Pharma drug for the pain. That’s when I started my own research and discovered the Australian study. The solution was cheap …just stop the statin drug and quick. Well, quick for two types of nerves but not so quick for the third type however it is now getting slowly better after 7 years but improvement is indeed still happening. Doctors have continued to try to put me back on it; some were almost belligerent to do so. Makes me ask an ethics question about doctors, the AMA and big-pharma.
      I was in the pharmaceutical section of a drugstore and heard a man who claimed to be a doctor complain about having an nerve problem with his heart. He also was taking a statin drug but he nor his doctors had expressed a connection. He may well be dead by now.
      Turns out our bodies NEED cholesterol for all kinds of necessary things and some also saturated fats. Grass-fed, free-range, cage-free, organic, pesticide-free. hormone-free, non-GMO, raw, unpasteurized, homogenized, etc. are indeed words to live by when properly applied.
  4. My husband went on a partial Paleo diet instead of taking cholesterol medication. This was totally opposite to the advice he was given – eat less meat and fats. Within a few months his cholesterol level had fallen.
  5. Can anyone leave me a reply on this please. My Dr said my body is not producing cholesterol so she has me on a cholesterol drug called Sandoz-Ezetimibe 10mg does any one know anything about this. Thank you iav.
  6. Yes, my cholesterol was 152 when I had a heart attack at age 58. The doctors put me on Zocor anyway. I read up on it and decided to pass on the “Statins”. I read a great book, “Lipitor, The Thief of Memory”. It is about a doctor who was taking statin drugs as a precautionary measure and he was found wandering in the forest behind his house….lost! He didn’t even remember he was a doctor. After getting off the statins, his mind returned to normal. We will soon have a whole society of people with mental problems supposedly associated with old age. They come out with reports that say these problems are getting more common because we are living longer. Check history! If you have elders in the family who are getting these “memory” problems….are they on statin drugs! People need to do some research before taking these dangerous drugs! What would happen if we took all these people off the statins! Oh, and by the way….they are trying to get kids on these drugs! AND, if they are successful in their campaign, it may soon be considered “child neglect” if you don’t have you kids on it! There is just no end to the greed of “Big Pharma”.
    • You body NEEDS cholesterol to build and repair nerves. You brain is a bundle of nerves. Any thing that interferes with that process will do you harm. If you actually need to reduce cholesterol then do so naturally but most MDs don’t seem to have a clue except what big-pharma tells them at lavish parties. Do your own research.
      Big-pharma is a “slave” to the “bottom-line”; and it is a “slave” with no “morality” other than the “bottom-line”. Their motto shoould be: …Never cure a thing but create a treatment that requires constant re-treatment for the thing. Then have that treatment create new problems for which new drugs are required. etc. …what a “con”. A real cure is anti-bottom-line.
  7. Hi Ty, I am so very, very Thankful for you and all of the Drs. that have done all of this research! I was just diagnosed with a skin melanoma and have been looking to ‘not’ go the way my dermatologist wants for me. I have an appt. later this wk. at Mayo for a pre-surgical consultation for surgery and a lymph-node biopsy. I’m going to cancel it and go with what God has brought across my path for natural treatment. I’m treating it now with eating right and working with a person that is helping me treat it with a tonic and topical paste. I know God is my Healer and He has given us so many ‘wonderful’ things that He has ‘created’ to heal and live! I feel very ‘confident’ with this way of healing my body and I’m full of ‘hope, peace and joy’! “Thank you” so much for all you do and have done to help us live and walk out our destiny! God is Good and forever ‘Faithful’! Also, I totally missed episode 4 and I would love to watch it. Is there anyway you could send it to my email for me? ‘Blessings’ always, Cindy
  8. Before seeing your “The Truth About Cancer”, I thought that people who left the conventional treatment were crazy! Now I am so mad at the Doctors and Big Pharma for lying to all of us! To me, they are no less than Serial Killers. I just started Essential Oils prior to your video! I can say that I won’t be going the conventional route anymore. Thanks Ty for this Eye Opening film. I hope that all Americans will eventually find out the truth and be so pissed that we will make great changes in the world and drop those quacks and make the government understand that we refuse to be poisoned anymore by changing the laws on conventional treatments, on GMO’s, on putting chemicals in our water, and our food, etc. I am going to get this information out to as many people and doctors that I know.
    Ty, Could you please give us a list of things that we can take naturally to heal ourselves and Dr.’s and hospitals that practice this good healing so that I can also have that information at the ready! Also, I really need to know haw to take Frankincense and Myrrh. Do I have to dilute it take internally or put on your tongue?
    I can’t say thank you enough for showing me what I was blind to before! and God Bless you for the painstaking work you are doing!
  9. Read what cardiologist Dr. William Davis says about cholesterol in his Wheat Belly books. He doesn’t recommend taking statins, but to get rid of grain in your diet.
  10. I stopped statin drugs 14 months ago, after taking them for 6 years. I had lost muscle density and cld hardly go down 3-4 stairs without excruciating pain…. After just 1 month I was able to regain muscle strength and climb up stairs! Nowadays, I rarely take elevator to get to my 4th floor flat!
    • Hi Kristina, I too was faced with excruciating pain almost everywhere in my body, loss of muscle strength, and in general felt awful all over every day! I decided to take myself off of all meds and miraculously started feeling better in about a month. I have no doubt that the statin drug I was on was the culprit! I am now working on strengthening myself and eating better. I wish you the best!
  11. Wow!!! Just finish reading…the truth about cholesterol ,statin drugs, and cancer…if I said I’m blown away by this… It’s the absoutly truth.( blown away!) my hubby was diagnosed with a heart condition. Recently we went back to see our Dr. He priscribe “the statin”” drug ! My hubby took 1 week of it….I’ll bring it back to the pharmacy for proper disposal…again thank you TY for not keeping this save life information (s) to yourself….may God continue to give you more and more knowledge as you go deeper in Him…
  12. Thanks to all of you who Reply… hubby don’t eat red meat period…no high fatty food either, grains? Whole “wheat’ which is bad….I’m highly allergic, so my diet is organ many years ago…no gluten is cholesterol level is 4.5…and that they consider high!! Thanks for all your tips.
  13. TY my daughter just had thyroid cancer surgery….they did not give the chemo (after) as they had plan to do…( I believe God intervened).. My question(s) I’m educating her about the truth about cancer, she’s very excited and would love to know where can she access the essential oils? I.e…Frankincense essential oil and helichrysum??? Thank you…did any episode aired Sunday April, 17??? Did I just miss it, or its because I’m so excited, I thought I miss the above date? Sigh.
  14. I am a Doterra Essential oil Rep and you can either put 1-2 drops of Frankensence in your water or we have vegetable capsules you can fill with Frankensence and then just swallow it.
    I love Doterra oils, they have helped me and my family so much. My Boys have asthma and I diffuse balance and breathe at night and I rub some on their chest or bottom of their feet it helps them get a very rested nights sleep. I myself use Frankensence in my water daily as a preventive. So let me know if I can help anyone get certified pure oils.
      • Young Living has them. My sister is a rep for them and has been since the company began 20 plus years ago. She LOVES the oils and I use them also and have used them on my family. My kids are all adults now and love them too.
  15. Thank you sooooo much for your reply? We do “need” to know how/where to get these certified essentials oils…we have a few people in our family with asthma, and a thyroid cancer survivor…we want to make sure nothing comes back, by eradicate all that can be eradicated with these POWERFUL, information that has been fed to us. Please let me know how to contact…thanks in advance as we move forward healthy.
  16. I know that organic, farm raised, grain fed eggs are an excellent source of cholesterol. perhaps load up on those?
    • I have read that raw egg yolk is pure LDL cholesterol which is the one we need. Occasionally I cook an egg on very low to try to keep the yoke from breaking while cooking. It is the exposure to the air while raw that completely ruins the LDL. It takes some time to get it cooked while remaining whole but it can be done.
  17. Thank you for your perseverance in exposing these facts to so many people. I wish I would have known this when I was put on Simvistatin. After taking it a couple of years I ended up with a drug-induced colitis. I pass on any cholesterol med.
  18. Cindy, do you know that frankiscence has 131 published reports stating that it is effective for cancer. There are a few good alternatives that would be worth checking into.
  19. I have fought high cholesterol for years and dietary changes didn’t seem to help. I finally went on red yeast rice with the advice of a doctor and dropped my total cholesterol more than 100 points. It is now safely under 300 and I’m not so worried about it anymore. It is nature’s form of a Statin and I believe it is much safer. Also, it is much cheaper and is not supporting big Pharma.
    • Hi Susan,
      One thing to look out for with red yeast rice, is that it blocks the body’s levels of CoQ10 (which is vital for mitochondrial health), just like a statin drug does. So if you’re continuing to take red yeast rice, you should talk to your doctor about supplementing with CoQ10 as well. EVERYONE taking either red yeast rice or a statin drug should be advised by the doctor to take CoQ10, but very rarely are, unless you’re seeing an ND.
      Here’s a link to a study about statins and CoQ10. It doesn’t mention red yeast rice specifically, but it’s my understanding that it works on the same pathways as statins, so it will also diminish CoQ10 in the body.
  20. Wow timely article, 2 weeks ago I watched a you tube video on this! Its called “The Oiling of America”, well worth your time to watch. Warning it will upset you to see how the country has been sold a crock of poop! Spoke to my doctor who has now decreased my lipator to every other day. However I’m thinking of stopping it all together.
  21. I am well aware that statins are evil. My friend had a 90% blockage a few years ago and doctors put a stent in and have him on the typical meds including statins and beta blockers, He doesn’t like it and one of his calf muscles has atrophied. However it’s not like there are reliable doctors around that can guide him through some effective alternative. Instead his doctors make it seem like the stent and the drugs work together to keep him alive which isn’t quite accurate. It’s hard to know what else to do. He’s in southern California. Ideas anyone?
    • I had a “stent” placed about year ago and my doctor kept trying to give me “statin” drugs …even after I told him I didn’t tolerate them.
  22. Good information … thing is, when I was in my 20’s and at 106 pounds, my cholesterol was way too high … needless to say, I am now on statin pills … I am all for going off these, but don’t know what to do!?
  23. Hi,
    I beg to disagree with this article and believe that this type of information keeps people confused. It´s true that the body produces the cholesterol that it needs. It´s the added cholesterol that we eat that is the problem. Where are Ty´s numerous references to support the claim that lower cholesterol is not healthy when in fact: WHEN YOU READ BOOKS SUCH AS “The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell and “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger you are exposed to the fact that populations in rural China and Africa have cholesterol levels under 150 and where the incidence of cancer is rare. How is that?
    What I see in all these Truth About Cancer articles and videos is the lack of focus on what we eat. The Standered American Diet (SAD) is the Main problem and that´s why Americans are among the sickest people on earth, despite all the advances in tecnology. The more you change your diet to a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet the better you will feel, the more energy you will have and the less you will have to worry about getting, not only cancer but also heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.
  24. I knew there were hidden truths to statins. I too started taking Red Rice Yeast. I still if this is a good choice. Does Red Rice Yeast promote the same side effects as the prescription statins?
  25. I honestly don’t know what to believe as my doctor says because my blood pressure was going up and I am getting older and my HDL is high as well as my LDL she put me on a low dose of statins and blood pressure pills. I don’t see anyone mentioning the hypertension issue that apparently is more dangerous with the chloresterol. Can someone with a medical background comment please?
  26. Yes, but we used to know people who had strokes because of high cholesterol. We do not see much of that anymore — primarily due to statins. Strokes can be very debilitating.
  27. Ty, thanks again for this info. I stopped taking statin drugs and feel much better. No more body pains and feel good. I take every day a ¼ spoon cinnamon and going strong.
  28. I was on Lipitor for about 5 or 6 years did not like what I was hearing long term so I stopped taking them and started with red yeast rice I took 2 600 mg tablets a day after 6 months my cholesterol was lower than it ever was with liptor 152 total 40 HDL 95 LDL after another 3 mos it was too low total 117 HDL 38 LDL 60 so I cut it down too one a day after 3 mos it was around total 140 I now take one 600 mg every other day but my diet has also gotten better. I now have Parkinson’s disease in which I hear could be associated with liptor
  29. Please tell me how to break a sugar addiction. Can not leave the stuff alone. Crave sugar all the time. Not just chocolate but any flavor sweets. Sweetened tea, soda pop, cookies, candy, pies, cakes. Have tried using honey as a sweetener. Not good. I need help! Is there a Betty Ford facility for sugarholics?
  30. I have familial hypercholesterolemia and did suffer acute heart failure and a triple bypass at a young age of 54years. I have changed my diet (paleo/ketogenic/BulletProof) drastically in the last year with miraculous results. After 4 years of recovery, I have managed to get off of blood pressure meds, but have had no success with my statins. I experimented 5 months into a dietary lifestyle change with red rice yeast, but after a month my LDL went from 119 to over 200. I obviously went back on my 60mg of simvastatin and have since weaned myself down to 20 with a supplementation of Zetia in the last 9 months. I continue to fine tune my diet (no dairy, grains, minimal sugar in high grade dark chocolate and a bit of fruit) and am using supplements to find that holistic loophole to get me off statins completely.
     I will know next month after my standard blood tests. Is there anyone that can advise more about alternatives to deal with hypercholesteremia other than the supplement and diet changes that I have made already? At the moment, I have to rely on traditional medical advise that I have lost faith in and still harbor too much fear with this diagnosis.
    • Look into Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet (similar to Paleo). His book has a section on cholesterol. He does give recommendations to improve cholesterol readings e.g. from memory: nutrient deficiencies (iodine, iron or too high iron), endotoxins (meaning a bad bacteria in gut that causes toxins), circadian rhythm entrainment, Vit D.
      He also has his views on healthier version of ketogenic diets…
      Anyway, if you haven’t come across his work I would recommend it.
      P.S. I heard from Chris Kresser that one man came to see him with very high cholesterol readings and after many tests the only thing they found wrong with him was SIBO (despite no digestive symptoms). He was treated for it and his cholesterol levels went to normal range.
      I hope you find something that will help.
  31. Thanks Ty, I have been on both Statin drugs for more then 15 years. I am stopping from today and change my eating habits and focus on natural way to treat. Right now I am suffering with nerve pain in lower body. It could be caused by Statin. I need to find new Doctor in Washington area. Can any one suggest? Thanks again Raman
  32. After 20 years on Lipitor for “borderline” cholesterol, I finally talked my husband into stopping it. He’s been experiencing at 59 years of age, memory loss that made him concerned for his job and nerve damage in his arms and hands which are all common side effects of these drugs. Beside COQ10, does anyone know of anything else that might help reverse any of the damage?
  33. My cholesterol is 390 and I have a stent. I was on Pravastatin but stopped taking it but am a bit scared that my stent would fur up again. Feel a bit confused.
  34. Eating a well-balanced diet with vegetables, fruits,nuts, seeds, and doing juicing to lower your cholesterol is far healthier than taking medication. At least, it would not poison your system unlike medication.

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