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26 August 2016

How to help your knees?

Can new shoes really help your knees?
If you’ve ever asked yourself that question, chances are pretty sure you’ve made that trip to the mall.

You found the shoe store… you know… the nice one. The one where you know you’re going to drop some cash on some new shoes.

You weren’t quick about it either.

You tried on several pairs.

You even walked around a little bit with each pair just to see how they felt.
You found the best one… the one that made you feel like you were walking on air… the gravity defying ones… the ones that the salesman told you were perfect for your problems.

Now… I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but your shoe salesman is not an expert on knee pain.

In fact, according to the latest expert survey on shoes claiming to help people who experience activity-related knee pain, all you may have bought was a sales pitch.

Researchers for the Institute of Aging research concluded that the so-called latest and greatest shoe boasting such knee pain erasing claims, Asics’ "Gel Melbourne OA," was really no better than any other standard walking shoe is for knee pain.

The bottom line is that the only way to diminish occasional knee pain is through diet and regular low-impact exercise.

You see, no matter what shoe you have on, a new pair of shoes doesn’t fix years of wear and tear.

If you’re not eating right and getting a good low-impact exercise routine going, you’re just putting the same wear and tear on your joints.
However, with a new pair of shoes, you will look more fashionable doing it.
All joking aside, here are some tips that will really help your joint pain.

3 Low-Impact Exercises For Your Knees
If you’re looking to diminish your occasional knee pain, it’s best to think of diet support instead of arch support.
  1. Swimming/Water Sports – This is, hands down, the absolute best low impact exercise there is. Why? Because there is no impact in swimming, but you still get all the beneficial resistance by moving naturally against the water.  If swimming isn’t you’re thing, many facilities pools offer wonderful classes for moving around in the water.
  2. Elliptical Machines – Some people just don’t like getting in the water, and we get that. If you’d rather stay dry for a low impact exercise, try an elliptical machine. These machines give you all the benefits of running without the knee pain afterwards.
  3. The Speed Skater Slide – OK, so here’s an option for people who don’t want to deal with special equipment or an expensive facility. The Speed Skater Slide (or the Stationary Skater) mimics the flow of a speed skater without the breakneck speed. Since this is on the ground, it will have a bit more impact than the others, so make sure to work at a pace you’re comfortable with
    • Start by standing with your feet wider than hip-width apart.
    • Gently bend your right knee into a side lunge
    • Extending your left leg and pointing left foot, driving left arm forward and right arm back with elbows bent.
    • Stay low in squat position, and shift your weight to left leg, lowering into a left side lunge, bending left knee and pointing right foot.
    • Swing right arm forward and left arm back.
    • Repeat "skating" from side to side as quickly as you are comfortable
As you begin to lose weight and slowly condition your joints to tolerate more movement and a bit more intensity, you will notice that you are better able to move faster and with more grace. So go ahead. Pick out whatever shoes you like.

If you are worried about joint pain holding you back from even getting started, there is one way we can help.

 Triflexarin has been specially formulated to help support your knees when you experience exercise-associated joint pain.
Take your first real steps toward free and easy movement…
 Click here to find out what Triflexarin can do for you!

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