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12 August 2016

keep yourself from harm during these wicked times

Please enjoy this edition of the Prepared Patriot Afternoon Alert. Over 200,000 Patriots and together we will keep America Strong!

Last time I wrote you I talked about guns.
I discussed three different types, the handgun, the rifle and the shotgun, as well as the many pros and cons of all three. The conclusion was, it’s really best to have a combination of guns. No reason not to have it all.

We can all agree on how useful a gun is; protection against hostile human beings as well as large animals, and an essential hunting tool should you need to live off the land at any time.

The act of acquiring a gun however, is far easier said than done.
 If you go to your state’s website and look at the requirements for owning a firearm, it’s a mile long. Not everyone qualifies either.
Does this mean you give up and face disaster unarmed?

No way! Today, I will share with you a surprising alternative to owning a gun and how it gives you the same advantages.

I am talking about: Air guns
I know what you’re thinking; most of us who hunt and shoot stopped shooting air guns long before we even got our driver’s licenses. I’m not talking about the old BB and pellet guns of even ten years ago. Modern air guns have come a long way in recent years and are now an ideal weapon/tool for preppers for a variety of reasons I will share with you.

Air guns are excellent tools for hunting small game. In fact, they are even better for small game hunting than a shotgun or even a .22 rifle because they can kill without destroying the meat.
People have reportedly taken down larger game with air guns (wild boars, etc.), but they are best suited for taking down rabbits, duck, squirrel, quail and other birds and rodents. These animals are readily available in most of the United States as easy food sources.
One note, hunting with an air gun takes better shooting skills than with a firearm, so I would recommend honing in on this skill.
Another convincing reason to have an air gun in your survivalist arsenal is the ammo for them is dirt cheap. About fifty dollars will buy you a lifetime supply of pellets for small game hunting, in contrast to ammunition for traditional firearms, which is next to impossible to acquire in a survivalist situation.

Air guns are also silent, which presents an array of advantages. A silent weapon allows you to hunt without attracting attention to yourself or your family.  A silencer for a traditional gun costs thousands of dollars, but an air gun is a naturally silent shooter.
Oh, and have you heard the best news? The air gun is powered by air. The even better news? Air is free! Provided you equip yourself with the appropriate manual hand pump for your gun, it will never run out of power come hell or high water.

Air guns are not considered firearms and can be purchased by anyone without any red tape or government oversight. Meaning, if you have a criminal record, you can still own an air gun and provide for your family when you must.

If you’ve never considered a pellet gun as a survival rifle option, they make a great firearm alternative, and even have some advantages over traditional weapons. They’re not just for kids anymore.
Remember, we're all in this together,

Derek Paulson

P.S. If you want to keep yourself from harm during these wicked times, I highly recommend you check out the following video report.

It’s the single most important survival package that guarantees true believers of the Bible a good and fruitful life following the EMP. You will gain enough knowledge to prepare yourself for what the prophets accurately predicted would happen.

You can see it here.

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