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08 August 2016

See no evil?

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                                                                See No Evil, But Increase Security, Except ...

Today, 2 things. First, I'm wondering: will there be a day that air movement as we know it dies? Second, I've been given information about the Crusades I didn't know - and no, it's not that the Crusades were a response to Islamic aggression.

But first of all, here's something on crazy seeing and not seeing. There's mainstream insistence that we have wonderful screening programs to keep out Islamic terrorists.

Yet the other day when I went to a municipal courthouse to drop off some papers, I couldn't do this easily and quickly. I had to go through the same amount of screening as at an airport. There were security guards with guns - more than at an airport, in fact. How long has this screening been in place, I asked. 5 weeks.

A couple of days later I was at a small community event - with police presence. It's a yearly summer tradition: supper, talent show, fireworks. Families, little kids, teenagers, older people. Since when have there been police, I asked. This was the second year. Why have police? Everyone knows the answer. There's a danger everyone knows about. But no one was mentioning it.

I mentioned the new security measures to a friend who was insisting we had good screening to keep out terrorists. So why the increased security, I answered. You have a point, he said. Right, see no evil, but increase security.

Something else: what's the cost of all this security? There are thousands of small towns across Canada - thousands of community events. There's a courthouse in each city. And there are lots of other Western countries. What is this costing taxpayers? How high will the cost go?

And then, since it's important to be unprejudiced, of course any hiring will not discriminate against people from any group. But what if, as the saying goes, one is open to hiring foxes to guard the henhouse - in this case, if one is open to hiring people who adhere to an ideology that advocates the destruction of our civilization, to keep us and our civilization safe?

My sense (from the evidence): as long as the content of the Quran is unchanged (and no one is allowed to modify the content, on pain of death), there will continue to be fuel for Islamic terrorism.

If you have any doubt, or are having a hard time convincing someone else about this, get your copy of The Quick and Easy Guide to Understanding Islam:

At Blois in 1171, all members of the Jewish community were burned at the stake following such an accusation, and from the 13th century similar charges were raised in Germany.
(Source here:

Maybe you already knew this. I didn't.

Important for all of us to know.

Thanks to Dorene Weisberg, who pointed this out to me. (Name given with permission.)

(The story of the Crusades is of course even more complex, including economic reasons for attacks on Jews by local gentry, economic incentives for going on the Crusades, and the promised remittance of sins through 'indulgences" for those who went. I'm not going to even try to sort through this. My point here is just that I had no idea of the impact of the Crusades on the Jews in Europe.)

Why write about this? "And the truth shall set you free." We need to know the truth. At the time of the Crusades, those who stayed with the truth about who was the target (Islamic invaders) did not attack Jews.

Further lesson. The people who disseminated more of the truth about the Crusades - that the impetus was Islamic invasion - appear to have been mainly Christians and not Jews, or why has the piece of truth about what happened to the Jews been missing from what I've heard? On the other hand, unlike the distortion about bad Crusaders invading the Middle East (and therefore any Islamic invasion is no worse), the omission seems just that, an omission, rather than a deliberate distortion.

Still another lesson. The people most fueled by rage and the desire to attack, rather than by the desire to protect Christians in the Middle East, were the people most likely to attack the Jews.
 I think of the rage inherent in the BlackLivesMatter movement, the NoOneIsIllegal movement, the ClimateChange movement, in what is known as political correctness - dangerous.

I also know that some counter jihad people have what I would call "rage fuel." Important to let this go.

There's lots of space for fact-centered outrage, what we could term righteous rage (meaning based on truth).

Not always easy to sort through what is too rage-fueled, where there could be more emotion-fuel, and so on. On the one side are those with no access to outrage, to intense emotion - on the other are those often burning with outrage without paying attention to the direction, like those Crusaders who attacked Jews instead of keeping their outrage for those who had been invading Christian territory and attacking Christians.

And now, as always all the best to all who care and dare,


August 7, 2016

PS. A reminder: there is a fund raising drive underway for Geert Wilders - a major force for truth and against Islam. I've heard him called the bravest man in the world. He's lived for over a decade with round the clock security - but will not stop speaking out. Now he's facing a trial which may result in his going to jail before he has the chance to be elected prime minister of the Netherlands. For more information and to donate:

PPS. Why do you need to go online to let the sources for information. Because the more sources that are included, the more likely the email is to be blocked.

PPPS. For lots more, come to:
World Truth Summit - Updates

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