Blog Archive

05 January 2017

Got 20 seconds to lower your cholesterol?

Did you eat this today? [shocking video]

Got 20 seconds to lower your cholesterol?
If you can spare just 20 seconds before breakfast tomorrow, doing this one thing could start to help:
  • Reduce total cholesterol by 17%
  • Lower your triglyceride levels by 24%
  • And RAISE your good (HDL) cholesterol by 14%
Sound impossible? I promise you will be amazed after seeing this brief video. (It shares the secret in the first minute.)

Dear Reader,

If you've chased your dream of losing weight right into your doctor's office, there are some very important things you most likely won't be told.

Now, more than ever, docs are pushing gastric bypass surgery -- what they like to call the "gold standard" for weight loss. Surgeons will tell you how fast the pounds will drop off, and if you have type 2 diabetes, that will go away along with the weight. Any heart problems you have might disappear, too!

Sure, you'll be told there are risks involved, and of course, have to sign off on page after page of a release form in case something bad should happen during surgery.

But here's something you won't hear about: Bypass surgery can set you up for a lifetime of indigestion, belching, flatulence, diarrhea and sudden intolerances to common foods.

So before you even think about this procedure as a way to lose weight, first hear what a group of researchers in Amsterdam recently discovered.

Long-term consequences

Gastric bypass surgery has become so popular lately that I almost expect to see an infomercial about it after the late show!

But considering how risky it is to band or staple your stomach down to the size of an egg, you might think that alone would be enough to curb the enthusiasm over it.

And yes, we've already heard about the risks of malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, and digestive problems. But here's the amazing thing – until these Dutch researchers came along, most of the studies on the aftereffects only covered a period of one year!

That left a lifetime of unknowns for anyone considering this procedure.

So, Dr. Thomas Boerlage and his team from the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam decided to take a longer look at patients who had a type of surgery called Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The doctor actually got the idea for the study from his own patients, who complained about these problems well past the first year.

What he found was that at two-year post-op, a significant number of close to 250 patients surveyed were still suffering from chronic indigestion, gas and hard or loose stools. Plus that, over 70 percent who had the stomach-rerouting surgery developed intolerances to four or more kinds of foods.

And I'm talking about reactions such as nausea, abdominal cramps, pain and diarrhea.

An editorial that accompanied the study, published in the British Journal of Surgery, said that the study reveals an "alarming number" of problems after the procedure. And also that it didn't tell about the other consequences of those issues, such as taking drugs and losing time at work. But seriously, isn't having constant indigestion and gas quite enough already?

But if patients aren't warned about these long-term side effects, what are they being told to expect?

Many doctors will say that you now have a new "baby stomach" and that by taking it slow and trying one new food at a time you'll soon adjust and everything will be fine. Well, now we know that's not usually the case.

And with around 180,000 Americans a year going under the knife as a way to lose weight, it seems a little late to be telling us about this now.

Look, there are so many side effects that come along with rerouting you stomach and shrinking it down to a tiny pouch that it should be the very last thing – on a long, long list – you should ever consider.

I know, old-fashioned dieting and exercise aren't as simple as they sound on paper. But remember, while gastric surgery may be a fast way to drop pounds, the kind of diet you'll end up on will be much more drastic and restrictive than just cutting carbs or calories.

And it may also all but guarantee that enjoying the food you eat will be a thing of the past.

To Losing Weight Safely,
Melissa Young

Did you eat this today? [shocking video]
This superfood will give you all the nutrients you need for unlimited energy and tons of strength. (It's not what you think.)

This food is best served warm out of the oven and covered in chocolate. Most people feel very guilty for eating this food... but they haven't seen the latest research.

Click here to reveal what food I am talking about. (It will shock you!)

Your RISK-FREE Joint-Rebuilding Recipe
Can this strange-looking fruit "re-build" your joints overnight?

That's exactly what medical experts are now claiming after seeing this 1 weird fruit in action: And you'll be shocked when you hear how it works.

You see, this strange fruit releases a certain type of hormone inside your body... one that's been shown to actually re-build your joints from the inside-out -- erasing YEARS of aches and stiffness.

What's more... one rogue doctor found a way to mimic these results without taking a single bite this weird fruit...

Which means you can feel like you have brand new joints in a few short weeks WITHOUT changing your diet at all.

In fact, some researchers are finally calling this technique THE ANSWER to joint discomfort.

Click here now to find out <<

"GI complaints common 2 years after gastric bypass" Miriam E. Tucker, December 22, 2016, Medscape,

Sick of losing your vision? If you can read this, it's not too late to save your eyes. Because Harvard Medical School just released a breakthrough study that could help you reduce your risk of age-related vision loss by 82%. You could finally enjoy clearer, sharper vision than ever before. Watching the sunset, making clear eye contact over dinner with your husband or wife...and even feeling confident while driving at night. Want to hear what it's all about? Check out this short, educational video to discover this powerful new secret. Click here to watch it now.

Copyright (c)2017 by NewMarket Health Publishing. The information in this e-mail is offered as a general guideline, not one-size-fits-all medical advice. Talk to your doctor before making any changes in your personal health care regimen.


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1 comment:

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