The Silent Killers
Heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer, these are all pretty serious things that have become the ‘norm’, accepted as typical everyday health problems. But when we go back only 100 years to the early 1900’s, these things weren’t that popular.
In 1920 a young intern named Paul Dudley White, introduced the electrocardiograph to his friends at Harvard University. This machine had the ability to show the presence of arterial blocks which allows the early diagnoses of heart disease. Brilliant right?
At the time, not really actually. His colleagues at Harvard University dismissed him, told him to concentrate on more profitable branches of medicine.
Now heart disease is one of the biggest killers in America.
What happened?
As you know by now refined carbohydrates and sugars feed candida and cancer. On top of that they are powerful inflammatory agents because they cause an intense insulin reaction in the body and insulin is pro-inflammatory.
And guess what all these terrible chronic medical conditions have in common? The precursor is inflammation.
Refined carbohydrates and sugar are silent killers that are slowly and steadily degenerating your body. The severity of the problem is overlooked because this process takes time.
Look at the last 30 years, we’ve been brainwashed into thinking that fat is bad and these high carb, low fat diets have become the craze. Meanwhile people who are on these crazy diets, counting calories, are getting bigger and sicker every year.
America spends the the most amount of money per capita on health care in the world yet the life expectancy is no greater than most thirds world countries.
The reality is, overconsumption of these refined and processed carbohydrates & sugars are killing us because they cause chronic inflammation in the body and inflammation causes disease.
Inflammation is like a fire and if gone ignore for too long, it’ll burn an entire village to the ground.
Weston Price, famous dentist and pioneer of nutrition, did a study back in the 1930’s on the cause and effect of diet on dental health. He visited various cultures across the globe and to his surprise came up with very interesting results that contradict everything we know about conventional nutrition today.
What he found was that these people, who were living on what we would call an ‘unhealthy diet’ consisting of plentiful amo unts of saturated
One thing he observed was that the communities and cultures that had adopted a western diet of flour, sugar, and vegetable oils lost their health. For the first time in their culture’s history, the people started to develop cavities and gain weight. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes started popping up.
These shocking results shifted Price’s interest from dentistry to nutrition and he published his findings in his book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.”
Dr. Jeff Volek and Dr. Stephen Phinney, authors of ‘The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living’ have done substantial research, over 200 studies, on the effects of carbohydrates on the body. All results are the same:
- high carb diets are pro-inflammatory
- reduce your refined, starchy carbohydrate, and sugar intake and you lower inflammation
- by lowering inflammation you reduce your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer. etc
There is undeniable evidence making its way to the public that these processed carbohydrates and sugar are to blame for chronic disease.
By becoming conscious of what you eat and altering your dietary choices in order t o avoid a candida relapse you are also beginning to take a step in the direction towards overall better healthy.
Congratulations, pat yourself on the back, you deserve it.
Many people know that the food they are eating isn’t really good for them, yet they still keep eating it. It takes a very intelligent and conscious person to actually use this information to make a change in their life.
Thank you for loving yourself and taking the necessary steps to taking care of your health. You are a great example and role model to others around you.
Clare Davidson
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