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14 May 2016

Restore our bodies


  BrainacheWe at Primal Source News always want to bring you the most relevant news on health issues, but this week's the news is truly disturbing.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association-Neurology, a clear link has been established between an entire class of drugs and a decrease in brain function – especially in older adults
Anticholinergic medications have been linked to cognitive impairment, increased risk of dementia, reduced brain size, increased confusion, and even hallucinations.

Commonly used and over-the-counter drugs like Benadryl, Unisom, Dramamine, Paxil, and others all work through an anticholinergic effect – a process that blocks the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. This is the same neurotransmitter that the nervous system releases to activate our muscles and control our bodies.

In the study, researchers showed that people who use these medications more frequently over their lifetime have increased brain atrophy and decreases the brain’s ability to metabolize glucose in the brain when compared to those who have not.

If your brain does not properly metabolize glucose, it cannot properly power the rest of your body. This means that the drugs Big Pharma produces to aid our brains’ ability to function when we feel sick, hurt, dizzy, unable to sleep, or have an upset stomach can actually cause irreparable damage to our brains over time.

Think Twice Before Taking These Drugs
Not only do these drugs damage the brain, but they can also damage your body. These three drugs have particularly damaging effects on the body and mind:
  1. Benedryl – By blocking certain receptors in your brain, Benedryl can stop you from sneezing, but this access to your brain can cause a dizziness and sleepiness that can be damaging. While it is important to get enough sleep to repair the body from the day’s wear and tear, too much sleep – especially the kind of sedation that Benedryl can bring – can actually increase your risk of developing diabetes because it diminishes both the body’s and the brain’s ability to metabolize blood sugar.
  3. Dramamine – In order to stop us from feeling nauseous or dizzy, Dramamine acts upon parts of the brain involved with coordinating reflexes involved with swallowing. However, as it controls this reflex, it can also decrease your appetite and cause your heart to beat rapidly. This combination of side effects puts people at a greater risk for cardiovascular problems.
  5. Paxil – Commonly used to treat depression and anxiety, Paxil is different from other antidepressants because it is not as harsh on the digestive system as the others. However, it has also been linked to weight fluctuation. Rapid weight fluctuation takes an incredible toll on the body, and it is also very bad for the body’s ability to properly metabolize food over time.
Four Ways to Fight Back
The good news is that the brain is one of the most dynamic organs in the body, meaning that it can adapt to changes in your body just as easily as it can adapt to new surroundings. 
If anticholinergic drugs like the ones listed above have been attacking your brain for years – never fear; we are here to help you with these four simple tips to get you back on track:
  1. Be Certain: Let’s not kid ourselves, sometimes we do need to take medication, but we also need to be sure that we are not being overmedicated or overmedicating ourselves when we don’t have to. Before rushing to the grocery store pharmacy at the first sign of a cold, for instance, try using an herbal remedy like one we covered recently on our blog. You want to be certain that your condition really warrants extreme measures before risking any further harm to your brain.
  3. Be Selective: Just by having the knowledge of what not to take, you can begin making healthier choices for your body and mind. Now that you know what to avoid in a pharmacy, look at the label before you purchase anything. If you see words like Diphenhydramine, Dimenhydrinate, or Paroxetine, remember what you have read here today and consider making another choice.
  5. Be Self-Assured: Once you have made the decision to take control over your own health, it is easy to become overwhelmed by all the information out there. Everyone has their own advice about how best to manage your health, but that shouldn’t stop you from giving yourself advice – it is, after all, your health, and you know what’s best for you. However, when you find yourself needing help, there’s nothing wrong if you need to…
  7. Get Supplementary: Getting supplemental advice from people and publications like this one helps us all feel more secure in our opinions. It also helps move forward with confidence when everything seems intent on making us uncertain. There is also nothing wrong with taking supplements to help give the body back what is missing or has been taken. 
Supplements help to restore our bodies to a more natural state. Specifically, a supplement like this one uses all natural ingredients which can help refuel our brains and help us fight off senior moments, memory lapses, and overall cognitive decline. 

While man-made ingredients have the potential to break us down, nature is always there to help build us back up - this supplement provides the highest quality brain support available on the market... using nothing but NATURAL ingredients. 

Click Here to try it now. 

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