Things work for the best if we seek the truth of God in all situations!
*** The newest research also revels that the anaerobically generating lactic acid (which new research has also found to be the nervous systems preferred fuel generated by the liver, not glucose as previously thought) from the fermentation of glucose may be the bodies attempt at rectifying an organ or cell system of our body that has become dangerously anaerobic - by differentiating stem cells to create a placenta, which is a form used by the body to prepare (which works in the uterus for the developing cells) for more intense oxygen usage etc.
So the actual mass is a response that is attempting to set the course of things back on a healthy track.
So as soon as the system is oxygenated again the tumor is dissolved.(but since the tumor is more often a result of bad choices that aren't being corrected the tumor becomes a hiding place for the anaerobic organisms which pollute our blood and further complicate things especially for lay people and many of the MD's are in the dark about the best things to do!
.(BTW: the most successful cancer protocols like Hoxey, Gerson, Essiac etc are all strongly affecting as oxygen correcting therapies.)
Kinda like how society generates destructive situations so that it can finally mature into real agape behavior rather than only as a lip service type.
Reminds us of how self righting and magnificent a design the creator has employed.
PS So the oses, sugars, aren't the problem its the cause of the specific systems low oxygen environment.
The glucose's and lactates, from sucrose creation in the GI tract, and fructose by the livers action, are just normal fuel players and if we think that denying our systems the Sugar fuel will end the low oxygen conditions and it's outcomes, we will find only diminished system, immune, endocrine and cellular rebuilding, capacity.
** (processed sugars like High Fructose corn syrups are a perversion and a unique poison not to be included in this analysis)
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