It started on June 19, 2015…
When a beloved small town doctor was found dead in a Georgia river.
The man had been shot in the chest.
And just days before…
He’d spoken out against big pharma’s ongoing campaign of CENSORING inexpensive treatments from the public.
Treatments like this one…
A natural way to combat Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and memory loss…
And that’s been proven to work in hundreds of double-blind scientific studies.
The news made me shiver…
But it was just the beginning…
Since then, more than one-hundred doctors have been found hung, shot, drowned, or stabbed across the U.S…
And they all shared one common belief:
Every single one of these doctors believed that there was a natural, affordable way to fight diseases like Alzheimer’s.
That’s why I writing you today….
here now to see the memory loss breakthrough that’s so powerful…these
doctors were willing to DIE to share it with the public.
That link takes you to a brief video explaining exactly how the discovery works…
And using it, you could see major results in a matter of a few short weeks.
Mike Pinkerton The Cognition Coalition
Just sending this email makes me afraid for my life too.
I have no idea how long this video will be up for…or if I’ll be the next target.
I strongly urge you to not miss the opportunity to get the TRUTH now.
This breakthrough has been used by thousands of Americans already, with amazing results…
And I need your help to keep spreading the word.
View the presentation now, before it’s too late. |
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Conservative Newsroom - 2016
Conservative Newsroom
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