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14 May 2016

Night before last,

This is a revaluation from; 
 Brother Pieter Kirstein and SisterPatti Young, thank you for sharing this dream.

Night before last, the Holy Spirit kept me awake for several hours. He spoke to me for quite some time, and gave me 3 visions close together, then before I went to sleep, He showed me another. In the first vision, I saw a tuxedo, beautiful black and white, with a shimmering, glowing appearance. Then I saw a bide, wearing a white wedding gown, full. Her her was turned down, and tears were falling onto her dress. As she looked down, her dress was glowing, but, near the bottom was a light tan blemish, dirty. The groom was ready, but the bride wasn't completely clean. 

In the second vision, I saw a huge, majestic, beautiful stoic eagle, standing on top of a huge mountain. He was looking down, and as I followed his eyes, he was looking down on a map of the United States. Then, I saw thousands of mini eagles, not glowing as the master was, thousands flying to and fro all over the US. Then the Lord spoke, and said, "THERE are many false prophets, all across the land". 

The third vision, was so bright, I couldn't hardly look upon it, it was the brightest light, it was hurting my eyes. There was a flower, it glowed, it glistened, and immediately I knew it was not from any flower garden on earth. Then, I saw white clouds, and the arm of God, reached down from the heavens, through the clouds, and plucked this glorious flower. 

Then the Lord was speaking to my spirit, and we were sharing communication, it was comforting as always, His presence
And then I saw white tents, all across the US. 

I knew the white represented God's, His people, and around the tents, we're flames, all surrounding each of them. I could see through these walls of flames, which nothing could come near or penetrate through the fires. I knew it was the fire hedge of protection of God, His Holy Spirit. And then I saw many, many, loaves and fishes, being handed out, feeding all these people who were hidden . Then the Lord spoke and told me, remember Joseph interpreted the dream, 7 years feast, and 7 years famine, Joseph forewarned, and He prepared, because God spoke to HimALL through God's word, He has prepared His people. 

Unseen and unknown to those in the world~HE HAS ALWAYS HAD A REMNANT

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