My life has been to seek the Absolute Truth of God; to help others find the real purpose of their lives... Attempt to make this or where ever I am; better for my having been there! Amen!
Things work for the best if we seek the truth of God in all situations!
*** The newest research also revels that the anaerobically generating
lactic acid (which new research has also found to be the nervous systems
preferred fuel generated by the liver, not glucose as previously
thought) from the fermentation of glucose may be the bodies attempt at
rectifying an organ or cell system of our body that has become
dangerously anaerobic - by differentiating stem cells to create a
placenta, which is a form used by the body to prepare (which works
in the uterus for the developing cells) for more intense oxygen usage etc.
So the actual mass is a response that is attempting to set the
course of things back on a healthy track. So as soon as the system is
oxygenated again the tumor is dissolved.(but since the tumor is more
often a result of bad choices that aren't being corrected the tumor
becomes a hiding place for the anaerobic organisms which pollute our
blood and further complicate things especially for lay people and many of the MD's are in
the dark about the best things to do!
.(BTW: the most successful cancer
protocols like Hoxey, Gerson, Essiac etc are all strongly affecting as oxygen correcting therapies.)
Kinda like how society generates destructive situations so that it can
finally mature into real agape behavior rather than only as a lip
service type.
Reminds us of how self righting and magnificent a design the creator has employed.
PS So the oses, sugars, aren't the problem its the cause of the specific
systems low oxygen environment. The glucose's and lactates, from sucrose
creation in the GI tract, and fructose by the livers action, are just
normal fuel players and if we think that denying our systems the Sugar
fuel will end the low oxygen conditions and it's outcomes, we will find
only diminished system, immune, endocrine and cellular rebuilding,
** (processed sugars like High Fructose corn syrups are a perversion and a
unique poison not to be included in this analysis)
You know Doritos aren"t healthy. You know you shouldn"t be eating them, and I hope you"re not.
But how about a "baked" Dorito?
I'm sure you can figure out that a baked Dorito is still junk food. But
while you might not fall for that little scam, millions of other
Americans have -- and new research shows how making the switch to
"diet," "light," and "healthy" versions of popular junk foods hasn"t
helped people to lose weight.
In fact, you might even GAIN weight!
That's right, my friend. These "diet" foods don't even deliver on the
promise baked right into their low-fat, reduced-calorie names. They
WON'T help you to cut back on food... WON'T help you eat better... and
WON'T help you to lose weight.
In fact, the new study finds that people who switch to "diet" versions
of their favorite foods eventually end up eating MORE than they did
before they made that change!
Just one year after switching to "diet" and "light" versions of foods,
dieters end up stocking up on foods that contain 13 percent MORE
calories in total, according to the study in the International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Even worse, many don't actually replace their "unhealthy" foods with the "light" versions but ultimately start eating both.
It"s a recipe for a diet disaster.
The researchers looked at the habits from a marketing standpoint and
believe there"s a certain psychological element to it. Guilt over eating
junk food often limits how much of it we eat... but "diet" foods often
ease that guilt.
If folks think it"s healthy, they might justify eating twice as many "baked" Doritos than they would regular ones.
I'm sure that plays a role here, but the study misses another part of
the problem -- and that's how all of the chemicals, preservatives, and
refined carbs in processed foods can do strange things inside your body.
The empty carbs used even in "light" versions of food can cause blood
sugar levels to spike and crash, leading to more hunger later on... and
more eating and overeating.
The chemicals and preservatives can also cause deep cravings, in some cases making you addicted to junk in a very real way.
And because the artificial sweeteners used in "diet" soft drinks are
hundreds of times sweeter than sugar and come with no calories, they can
change how your brain perceives sweets.
Eventually, your brain "learns" that sweets come with no calories, so
it stops sending out the signal to stop eating after sweets, even when
they DO contain real sugar and plenty of calories.
That's one reason studies have shown that folks who switch to diet soft drinks can gain weight instead of losing it.
You don't need a study to know what you have to do about this. don't
fall for marketing stunts. Avoid packaged and processed foods no matter
what claims are on the labels.
Willful blindness to the criminal actions of your country is not
patriotism, it is tyranny. Any that are living under the delusion that
our government is in any way concerned about them, their lives, or the lives of our brothers and sisters in the US military,
are unimaginably disconnected from reality. The public has been very
successfully programmed by the power structure controlled corporate
media to blindly support the actions of the criminal cabal that
masquerades as legitimate government. This public programming must be
broken down if we are to have any chance of salvaging what remains of
Earth's life support systems. The recent video release below from
journalist Abby Martin should be a stark wake-up call for truly
"patriotic" Americans.
As shocking as this 30 minute video is, it does
not even cover the greatest of all military industrial complex assaults
against the web of life, the global climate engineering/weather warfare/
biological warfare assault occurring every single day in our skies. I
have communicated with Abby about the geoengineering issue, she is
unfortunately not yet willing to acknowledge the reality of the climate
engineering assault, and thus she is not willing to address it.
being said, Abby's coverage of the US government's unimaginably criminal
treatment of US military personnel is exceptional. The video below is
essential viewing for any that truly claim to care about injustice in
any sense of the word.
We have been chasing this so called ' Global Warming ' thing around for years now and the UN and many BIG Governments have jumped on board. The problem comes that to act as if impeding doom is just around the corner when you are even sure which corner you are talking about - is a fool's error of judgment!
Many of the real authorities who have looked into this do not support such a radical prediction!
So why is government running around like " Chicken Little? " If you are not familiar with the chicken little paradox then look it up!
We do not need more Liberal Socialist stuff to confuse and mislead the world!
Seek the truth by the source:
John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
2 Timothy 2:15 - Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Matthew 21:22 - And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
2 Corinthians 4:4
- In whom the god (Satan) of this world hath blinded the minds of them which
believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the
image of God, should shine unto them. 1 Corinthians 3:18
- Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seems to be wise
in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. Matthew 7:7 - Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: John 7:14-18 - Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught. (Read More...)
John 17:17 - Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. Mark 7:7-9 - Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching [for] doctrines the commandments of men. (Read More...)
2 Peter 1:21 - For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost (Spirit).
Despite reports of the mismanagement of the important water resource, USA Today responded to the news by proclaiming: “Due to a long drought and climate change, Lake Mead’s water levels continue to fall.”
Brad Udall, a senior water and climate research scientist at Colorado
State University, and brother to former Colorado Senator Mark Udall and
cousin to New Mexico Senator Tom Udall, declared:
“This problem is not going away and it is likely to get worse, perhaps
far worse, as climate change unfolds.” According to the Desert Sun, he added: “Unprecedented high temperatures in the basin are causing the flow of the river to decline.”
Udall previously stated:
“Climate change is water change. The two go hand in hand. Heat drives
the water cycle. …You have to invoke temperatures to explain the current
While Udall’s statements are dramatic and coincide with the climate
crisis narrative his better-known family members espouse, they do not,
according New Mexico hydrologist Mike Wallace, reflect actual
temperature and stream flow records in the Colorado River Basin. (I highlighted Wallace’s work on ocean acidification in December 2014.)
Both Wallace and Udall claim to be experts in the hydrology and
climatology of the western U.S.
However, Wallace told me: “I’m the only
hydrologist who is publishing moisture and temperature forecasts in
reaches of the Upper Colorado River, years in advance, with consistently
high accuracy.”
Wallace, who counts the city of Santa Fe as one of his forecasting business
clients, pioneered the discovery that moisture patterns in his area of
study—which overlaps Udall’s—are deeply anchored to ocean indexes and
sunspot numbers. He boldly asserts: “There is no correlation of CO2
emissions history to the moisture time series that I have evaluated.
Also, for the same stations that I review there is little or no
correlation of temperature to streamflow. Rather, ocean drivers can
account for changes in temperature and moisture in this region, and
those drivers appear to be driven themselves by solar cycles.”
While Udall believes temperatures are rising and causing reduced
streamflow into Lake Mead, Wallace disputes the premise. Wallace says he
has three years of successful forecast exercises to back up his claim
that, in his study areas, “temperatures are hardly trending in any
direction and, in any case, those temperatures are not correlating to
Wallace’s study regions include many of the tributaries of the
Colorado River such as the San Juan River and the Green River—both of
which are sourced in the Rocky Mountains. He says: “There haven’t been
any unusually low streamflow rates or unusually high temperatures in my
area of focus.
In fact, flows are going up, not down, compared to two
and three years ago and some temperatures are actually trending down
over the same recent time frame.”
Using his proprietary method (patent pending) with more than 200
accurate forecasts, and applying to areas near the nexus of the Upper
Rio Grande and the Upper Colorado Rivers, Wallace is projecting 3-4
years of generally increased water flows, followed by 3-4 years of
generally decreasing moisture (drought). He posits that his innovations
help municipalities, flood control authorities, irrigation districts,
and resource management agencies better plan for future moisture and
temperature conditions.
Wallace has written and presented several papers on his discoveries.
But he continues to experience resistance from major peer-reviewed
journals to publish any of his findings. The troubles likely lie in his
demonstrations that emissions are uncorrelated to climate in his study
regions. In any case, scientific papers are often considered as
precursors to actual applications, and Wallace already has a working,
proven application. He is receiving steady and growing recognition from
the hydroclimate community. In April, he was an invited presenter to the
30th Annual Rio Grande Basin Snowmelt Runoff Forecast Meeting,
sponsored by the USDA SNOTEL network and attended by top regional
hydroclimate scientists from agencies including the National Weather
Service (NWS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
If Wallace is correct, and he has a successful climate forecast record
to back up his projections, Udall can’t also be right. Wallace believes
most of Udall’s climate assertions, such as the claim that regional
temperatures explain everything about the drought, are too simplistic.
He also expresses concern regarding Udall’s use of the term “drought.”
“To accept those Lake Mead statements as factual,” Wallace said,
“anything short of an epic flooding event, must be an epic drought
The natural processes that Wallace has distilled down to a working
forecast system, don’t, in any way, appear to fit the crisis narrative
that Udall and many climate “authorities” perpetuate. You should ask if
we really need more funding, bigger departments, and greater public
anxiety to fix something that, at least, in the western U.S., appears to
wholly be explained by natural cycles.
President Nixon walks with Saudi King Faisal in Saudi Arabia in June 1974.
Failure was not an option.
was July 1974. A steady predawn drizzle had given way to overcast skies
when William Simon, newly appointed U.S. Treasury secretary, and his
deputy, Gerry Parsky, stepped onto an 8 a.m. flight from Andrews Air
Force Base. On board, the mood was tense. That year, the oil crisis had
hit home. An embargo by OPEC’s Arab nations—payback for U.S. military
aid to the Israelis during the Yom Kippur War—quadrupled oil prices.
Inflation soared, the stock market crashed, and the U.S. economy was in a
Officially, Simon’s two-week trip was billed as a tour
of economic diplomacy across Europe and the Middle East, full of the
customary meet-and-greets and evening banquets. But the real mission,
kept in strict confidence within President Richard Nixon’s inner circle,
would take place during a four-day layover in the coastal city of
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
The goal: neutralize crude oil as an
economic weapon and find a way to persuade a hostile kingdom to finance
America’s widening deficit with its newfound petrodollar wealth. And
according to Parsky, Nixon made clear there was simply no coming back
empty-handed. Failure would not only jeopardize America’s financial
health but could also give the Soviet Union an opening to make further
inroads into the Arab world.
It “wasn’t a question of whether it
could be done or it couldn’t be done,” said Parsky, 73, one of the few
officials with Simon during the Saudi talks.
Secretary William Simon, left, sits with Nancy Kissinger and Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger as they listen to former President Nixon talk
to his staff prior to leaving the White House for the last time, August
9, 1974.
Source: AP Photo
first blush, Simon, who had just done a stint as Nixon’s energy czar,
seemed ill-suited for such delicate diplomacy. Before being tapped by
Nixon, the chain-smoking New Jersey native ran the vaunted Treasuries
desk at Salomon Brothers. To career bureaucrats, the brash Wall Street
bond trader—who once compared himself to Genghis Khan—had a temper and
an outsize ego that was painfully out of step in Washington. Just a week
before setting foot in Saudi Arabia, Simon publicly lambasted the Shah
of Iran, a close regional ally at the time, calling him a “nut.”
Simon, better than anyone else, understood the appeal of U.S.
government debt and how to sell the Saudis on the idea that America was
the safest place to park their petrodollars. With that knowledge, the
administration hatched an unprecedented do-or-die plan that would come
to influence just about every aspect of U.S.-Saudi relations over the
next four decades (Simon died in 2000 at the age of 72).
The basic
framework was strikingly simple. The U.S. would buy oil from Saudi
Arabia and provide the kingdom military aid and equipment. In return,
the Saudis would plow billions of their petrodollar revenue back into
Treasuries and finance America’s spending.
It took several
discreet follow-up meetings to iron out all the details, Parsky said.
But at the end of months of negotiations, there remained one small, yet
crucial, catch: King Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud demanded the country’s
Treasury purchases stay “strictly secret,” according to a diplomatic
cable obtained by Bloomberg from the National Archives database. Special Report:Where Next for Saudi Arabia?
a handful of Treasury and Federal Reserve officials, the secret was
kept for more than four decades—until now. In response to a
Freedom-of-Information-Act request submitted by Bloomberg News, the
Treasury broke out Saudi Arabia’s holdings for the first time this month
after “concluding that it was consistent with transparency and the law
to disclose the data,” according to spokeswoman Whitney Smith. The $117
billion trove makes the kingdom one of America’s largest foreign
Yet in many ways, the information has raised more
questions than it has answered. A former Treasury official, who
specialized in central bank reserves and asked not to be identified,
says the official figure vastly understates Saudi Arabia’s investments
in U.S. government debt, which may be double or more.
The current
tally represents just 20 percent of its $587 billion of foreign
reserves, well below the two-thirds that central banks typically keep in
dollar assets. Some analysts speculate the kingdom may be masking its
U.S. debt holdings by accumulating Treasuries through offshore financial
centers, which show up in the data of other countries.
line up for fuel at a U.S. gas station during the worldwide fuel
shortages caused by the oil embargo imposed by OPEC, circa 1974.
Exactly how much of America’s debt Saudi Arabia actually owns is something that matters more now than ever before.
oil’s collapse has deepened concern that Saudi Arabia will need to
liquidate its Treasuries to raise cash, a more troubling worry has also
emerged: the specter of the kingdom using its outsize position in the
world’s most important debt market as a political weapon, much as it did
with oil in the 1970s.
In April, Saudi Arabia warned it would
start selling as much as $750 billion in Treasuries and other assets if
Congress passes a bill allowing the kingdom to be held liable in U.S.
courts for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to the New York Times.
The threat comes amid a renewed push by presidential candidates and
legislators from both the Democratic and Republican parties to
declassify a 28-page section of a 2004 U.S. government report that is
believed to detail possible Saudi connections to the attacks. The bill,
which passed the Senate on May 17, is now in the House of
Saudi Arabia’s Finance Ministry declined to
comment on the potential selling of Treasuries in response. The Saudi
Arabian Monetary Agency didn’t immediately answer requests for details
on the total size of its U.S. government debt holdings.
“Let’s not
assume they’re bluffing” about threatening to retaliate, said Marc
Chandler, the global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers
Harriman. “The Saudis are under a lot of pressure. I’d say that we don’t
do ourselves justice if we underestimate our liabilities” to big
What's the Untold Story of Saudi Arabia's Debt Secret?
President Nixon shakes hands with Saudi King Faisal in June, 1974, in Saudi Arabia.
Photographer: Dirck Halstead/Liaison via AP Photo
Arabia, which has long provided free health care, gasoline subsidies,
and routine pay raises to its citizens with its petroleum wealth,
already faces a brutal fiscal crisis.
In the past year alone, the
monetary authority has burned through $111 billion of reserves to plug
its biggest budget deficit in a quarter-century, pay for costly wars to
defeat the Islamic State, and wage proxy campaigns against Iran. Though
oil has stabilized at about $50 a barrel (from less than $30 earlier
this year), it’s still far below the heady years of $100-a-barrel crude.
Arabia’s situation has become so acute the kingdom is now selling a
piece of its crown jewel—state oil company Saudi Aramco.
more, the commitment to the decades-old policy of “interdependence”
between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, which arose from Simon’s debt deal
and ultimately bound together two nations that share few common values,
is showing signs of fraying. America has taken tentative steps toward a
rapprochement with Iran, highlighted by President Barack Obama’s
landmark nuclear deal last year. The U.S. shale boom has also made
America far less reliant on Saudi oil.
“Buying bonds and all that
was a strategy to recycle petrodollars back into the U.S.,” said David
Ottaway, a Middle East fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center
in Washington. But politically, “it’s always been an ambiguous,
constrained relationship.”
Yet back in 1974, forging that
relationship (and the secrecy that it required) was a no-brainer,
according to Parsky, who is now chairman of Aurora Capital Group, a
private equity firm in Los Angeles. Many of America’s allies, including
the U.K. and Japan, were also deeply dependent on Saudi oil and quietly
vying to get the kingdom to reinvest money back into their own
“Everyone—in the U.S., France, Britain, Japan—was
trying to get their fingers in the Saudis’ pockets,” said Gordon S.
Brown, an economic officer with the State Department at the U.S. embassy
in Riyadh from 1976 to 1978.
For the Saudis, politics played a big role in their insistence that all Treasury investments remain anonymous.
still flared 10 months after the Yom Kippur War, and throughout the
Arab world, there was plenty of animosity toward the U.S. for its
support of Israel. According to diplomatic cables, King Faisal’s biggest
fear was the perception Saudi oil money would, “directly or
indirectly,” end up in the hands of its biggest enemy in the form of
additional U.S. assistance.
Treasury officials solved the dilemma
by letting the Saudis in through the back door. In the first of many
special arrangements, the U.S. allowed Saudi Arabia to bypass the normal
competitive bidding process for buying Treasuries by creating
“add-ons.” Those sales, which were excluded from the official auction
totals, hid all traces of Saudi Arabia’s presence in the U.S. government
debt market.
“When I arrived at the embassy, I was told by people
there that this is Treasury’s business,” Brown said. “It was all
handled very privately.”
By 1977, Saudi Arabia had accumulated about 20 percent of all Treasuries held abroad, according to The Hidden Hand of American Hegemony: Petrodollar Recycling and International Markets by Columbia University’s David Spiro.
exception was carved out for Saudi Arabia when the Treasury started
releasing monthly country-by-country breakdowns of U.S. debt ownership.
Instead of disclosing Saudi Arabia’s holdings, the Treasury grouped them
with 14 other nations, such as Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and
Nigeria, under the generic heading “oil exporters”—a practice that
continued for 41 years.
system came with its share of headaches. After the Treasury’s add-on
facility was opened to other central banks, erratic and unpublicized
foreign demand threatened to push the U.S. over its debt limit on
several occasions. An
internal memo, dated October 1976, detailed how the U.S. inadvertently
raised far more than the $800 million it intended to borrow at auction.
At the time, two unidentified central banks used add-ons to buy an
additional $400 million of Treasuries each. In the end, one bank was
awarded its portion a day late to keep the U.S. from exceeding the
Most of these maneuvers and hiccups were swept under the
rug, and top Treasury officials went to great lengths to preserve the
status quo and protect their Middle East allies as scrutiny of America’s
biggest creditors increased.
Over the years, the Treasury
repeatedly turned to the International Investment and Trade in Services
Survey Act of 1976—which shields individuals in countries where
Treasuries are narrowly held—as its first line of defense.
strategy continued even after the Government Accountability Office, in a
1979 investigation, found “no statistical or legal basis” for the
blackout. The GAO didn’t have power to force the Treasury to turn over
the data, but it concluded the U.S. “made special commitments of
financial confidentiality to Saudi Arabia” and possibly other OPEC
Simon, who had by then returned to Wall Street,
acknowledged in congressional testimony that “regional reporting was the
only way in which Saudi Arabia would agree” to invest using the add-on
“It was clear the Treasury people weren’t going to
cooperate at all,” said Stephen McSpadden, a former counsel to the
congressional subcommittee that pressed for the GAO inquiries. “I’d been
at the subcommittee for 17 years, and I’d never seen anything like
Today, Parsky says the secret arrangement with the Saudis
should have been dismantled years ago and was surprised the Treasury
kept it in place for so long. But even so, he has no regrets.
Doing the deal “was a positive for America.” —With assistance from Sangwon Yoon.
Many times in this earthly existence we hear, that which is supposedly the truth - most often it is only a brief shade of the Absolute Truth! We base much of our existence upon such fragile and fleeting things. Yet when the whole Absolute Truth is displayed before us we do not accept it! This is the case with the mission and Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ!
To the question, " Lord we do not where you are going, so how can we know the way?
John 14:6 (NIV)
6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Matthew 16:21, "From that time forth began Jesus to
show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer
many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed,
and be raised again the third day."
MATTHEW 16:20-28
Despite the abundant and clear prophecies
about His death and resurrection, Jesus' disciples didn't understand or
remember Jesus' words until after His resurrection
Luke 24:5-8 (NIV)
5 In
their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but
the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?6 He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee:7 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”8 Then they remembered his words.
records twice that Jesus' sayings about His resurrection were hidden
from the disciples. It is interesting to note, however, that the chief
priests and Pharisees remembered Jesus' prophecies about His
resurrection (Mt. 27:63) when His disciples didn't.
One of the
great truths of the Bible is that Jesus died for our sins, not for His
own. Jesus was totally sinless.
This is one of the major differences
between Christianity and the religions of the world.
No other religious
leader has ever claimed to be sinless, therefore no other religious
leader is even in the same class with Jesus. Also, no other religious
leader has ever given his life in sacrifice to atone for the sins of
others. It wouldn't have done any good if one had. Since the religious
leaders were sinners themselves, their lives weren't worth any more than
any other sinner. But, since Jesus was the sinless Son of God, His life
was worth more than all of humanity throughout the ages.
detail of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection was already
prophesied in scripture before it happened. All the events of Jesus'
life, death, and resurrection had fulfilled scripture. God's Word is the
ultimate authority and only through His Word can we receive faith to be
born again.
We must preach the Word, not experiences. Experiences are
only useful to illustrate that God's Word is true. Jesus is alive from
the dead. His tomb is empty. Jesus provided us with the ultimate
verification of His authority.
He arose from the dead. No other person has ever done that ever never!
Once you come to know the Absolute Truth why would you continue to live a lie?
Memorial Day
marks the official beginning of summer... those sizzling hot days of car
trips... lazy afternoons spent by the pool... and endless BBQ parties.
You are receiving this newsletter from Primal Source News, published by Primal Health LP.
Memorial Day marks the official beginning of summer; those sizzling hot days of car trips, lazy afternoons spent by the pool, and endless BBQ parties. To help you and your family have the best day possible, we’ve put together a list of 10 ways you can stay safe and healthy this Memorial Day. 1. Avoid Food Poisoning While
eating outside in the warmer temps can be enjoyable, it can also be
dangerous. Be sure foods don’t spend more than one hour sitting outside
when temperatures are above 90 degrees. Foods should not stay out more
than two hours when temperatures are below 90. Harmful bacteria grow
much faster in warmer temps.
2. Stay Hydrated It’s
important to hydrate all year long, but particularly essential during
the hot summer months. If you are regularly exercising and sweating, you
will want to take this into account as well. More sweating means more
loss of hydration means more need for drinking water. Try to drink at
least two to three quarts of water a day, a bit more if exercising.
3. Use Sun Protection It’s
great to be able to spend more time outside, but the increased sun
exposure can pose a risk to our skin and eyes. Be sure to wear
sunglasses that wrap around the head and offer EPF rating above 9, along
with a nice big hat to keep your head cool.
4. Take Advantage of Fresh, Local Produce Summer
is the perfect time to support your local farmers while at the same
time supporting your own immune system. Be sure to eat all of those
delicious summer fruits and vegetables. To reap the most benefit, eat
veggies in their raw form by making huge, colorful salads with your
5. Supervise That Grill Never
leave a BBQ grill unattended, especially when pets and small children
are nearby. Also, position the grill away from your home’s siding, deck
railings, and out from under eaves and low-hanging branches.
6. Exfoliate Summer
months mean an increase of dead skin cells. It’s important to exfoliate
your skin to keep it healthy and soft. No need to buy an expensive
product, a loofah or washcloth will do the trick. Afterwards, be sure to
apply an all-natural lotion.
7. Use Your Head with Exercise Don’t be the person you see running at noon
in July when temperatures have reached 87 and the humidity is just as
high. If you are going to continue exercising during the summer, use
your head and do so during the times of day when the temps are cooler,
typically early morning or evening. If this humidity is high, take your
exercise indoors.
8. Olive Oil You
know all of those salads you are going to be making this summer? Be
sure to dress them with extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is a healthy
fat that contains essential fatty acids that do everything from
moisturize your skin to protecting your heart. Plus, it’s just
9.Watch Out for Ticks Your
dogs are not the only ones who can pick up ticks and Lyme disease. You
can easily pick up a tick while out in your backyard playing with your
grandkids or gardening. Prevent tick bites and tick-borne illness by
wearing light-colored clothing and shoes. Not only do light colors keep
you cooler but you’ll be able to spot ticks crawling on you easier.
Also, if hiking through the woods, tuck your pant legs into your socks.
10.Safe Car Trips For
many people, summertime means traveling around the country by car
visiting friends and family. Make sure your car has had a tune-up before
any major car trip. Check tire pressure and windshield washer fluid.
Make sure seatbelts and air conditioning are working properly.
Happy Memorial Day from your friends at Primal Health
By Dr. Mercola
It seems that coconut oil has been getting a lot of press lately and for many different reasons. It has a number of surprising uses, as a food, certainly, but for many other health-related benefits. Some of them are quite surprising.
That's why coconut oil seems to have moved from "What is it?" to "It's a superfood!" as people all over the world take stock of what it can do for them.
Nutritionally speaking, the fatty acids in coconut oil lend several health benefits, including improved brain function, stimulating your body's metabolism, generating energy and helping you shed excess body fat, as has been shown among people from populations that regularly consume high amounts of coconut oil. Here are several of the best benefits of coconut oil.
Coconut Oil Has Fatty Acids That Are Good for You
You may have heard that while saturated fat was once thought to be a leading cause of heart disease, it's now known to be not just beneficial but crucial for good health. The good news: coconut oil is one of the best sources of saturated fat on the planet. In fact, about 90 percent of the fat content in coconut oil is saturated fat.
Rather than clogging your arteries, damaging your coronary system and putting you on the fast track to a stroke, new information has emerged in a significant meta-analysis,1 which showed no significant evidence that saturated fat causes any of the above, but is in fact very good for you.
Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that can have therapeutic benefits for people with certain brain disorders, epilepsy, and may even help prevent Alzheimer's disease.2
Where Coconut Oil Has Been Used, People Thrive
As you look at the civilizations around the world that have consumed coconut oil for decades and even centuries, it's clear there's a difference, medically speaking, between those individuals and those of the so-called "enlightened" first-world countries.
They seem to be healthier! As an example, individuals in Polynesian populations such as those in Tokelau and Pukapuka, where people tend to eat a lot of coconut, were examined in light of their high saturated fat intake and low cholesterol and sucrose levels.
Researchers found that "vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect."3
Another case in point is the Kitevan people in New Guinea, whose collective diet is untarnished by the food habits of the Western world. Besides eating a lot of tubers, fruit and fish, the people also consume coconut as a prominent staple.
None of the people involved in the study4 reported stroke, sudden death, weakness, brain diseases, or chest pain related to heavy lifting. Coronary artery disease was nowhere to be found.
The only inference that can be made is that, rather than being sick, weak and diseased, many populations around the world have managed much better than more "progressive" parts of the world on their traditional diets with the plentiful addition of coconut oil.
Triglycerides, Fat and Where It's At
No matter where you travel, practically every place has been influenced by the Western diet, and not in a good way.
Where there's obesity in large amounts of the population, there's a very good chance you'll find misguided and destructive eating habits such as low-fat diets along with too much processed, CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) meat and not enough vegetables and healthy sources of fat.
Some believe it's all about calorie intake; however, people who have been paying attention to which foods are actually healthy and which are not understand this isn't really the case. It's about the substance behind the calories.
Medium-chain fatty acids or triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil amount to about two-thirds its total fatty acids. In explanation:5
"Dietary fats are molecules composed of individual carbon atoms linked into chains ranging from two to 22 carbon atoms in length. Long-chain fatty acids (LCTs) ranging from 12 to 18 carbons long are the predominant form of fat in the American diet.
MCTs, by contrast, are composed of only six to 10 carbon links. Because of their shorter chain length, MCTs have a number of unique properties which give them advantages over the more common LCTs."
The bottom line is, when you eat foods high in medium-chain triglycerides, your body benefits.
Case in point: when seven healthy men were tested for metabolic function in relation to triglycerides, scientists determined that long-term substitution of medium-chain foods for long-chain "would produce weight loss if energy intake remained constant."6 The potential benefit is significant weight loss.
Microorganisms Are Destroyed by Coconut Oil
Lauric acid in coconut oil makes up about half of the fatty acids. In the digestion process, coconut oil morphs into a monoglyceride called monolaurin. Both substances can exterminate harmful pathogens such as fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Staphylococcus aureus and a common cause of yeast infection, Candida albicans, were two of the most notorious pathogens these coconut oil compounds were able to eradicate in one study7 and candida in another.8
Coconut oil also works on fungal infections such as athlete's foot and ringworm. The European Journal of Pediatrics even reported research showing that blending coconut oil and anise was almost twice as effective as the commonly prescribed (and toxic) permethrin lotion for treating head lice. According to the review:9
"The spray was significantly more successful (41/50, 82.0 percent) cures compared with permethrin (21/50, 42.0 percent ... ).Per-protocol success was 83.3 percent and 44.7 percent, respectively."
Want to Lose Weight?
Coconut Oil Reduces Your Appetite
Many people pay good money in search of a substance that would truly curb their appetite so they would eat less and lose weight. How serendipitous that coconut oil can actually do that for you! The actual process has to do with how the fatty acids you consume are metabolized. Ketone bodies, created when your body breaks down fat for energy, are an alternative fuel for your brain. They're produced as you digest coconut oil.
Studies on men consuming the most MCTs at breakfast found they ate less overall at lunchtime.10 Those eating the most MCTs consumed an average of 256 fewer calories on a daily basis.11
The ketogenic diet, featuring low carb and high fat intake, has applications in relation to treating a number of other health problems. Significantly, it's been shown to reduce epileptic seizures in drug-resistant children12 as well as other individuals with epilepsy.
At the New York Obesity Research Center at Columbia University, researchers reported:13
"Consumption of medium-chain triglyceride oil as part of a weight loss plan improves weight loss compared with olive oil and can thus be successfully included in a weight loss diet. Small changes in the quality of fat intake can therefore be useful to enhance weight loss."
Coconut Oil Can Upgrade Your Blood Cholesterol Levels
As previously discussed, coconut is loaded with healthy saturated fat, but it does nothing to diminish the health of your blood lipid profile as the food and medical industries has for decades tried to tell you. In fact, saturated fats raise your HDL (good) cholesterol while transforming your LDL. According to the data:14
"A high saturated fat intake … is associated with increased concentrations of larger, cholesterol-enriched LDL and this occurs in association with decreased HL [hepatic lipase] activity."
Consuming coconut oil helps you to maintain optimal cholesterol levels. One study involving 40 women showed that when put up against soybean oil consumption, coconut oil increased HDL and lowered LDL to HDL ratio while decreasing waist circumference. On the other hand, soybean oil led to decreases in beneficial HDL.15
Coconut Oil as a Toiletry, a Cleaner — Even an Insect Repellent
If you haven't had a chance to explore all the extraordinary uses for coconut oil, you may be in for a pleasant surprise. Besides its ability to promote heart health and squelch the risk of stroke, it's been shown to strengthen your immune system even as you attain soft, supple skin.
Coconut oil works well as a facial cleanser and makes a great shaving lotion. Slathering it on dry, lifeless hair for 15 minutes helps restore lost moisture and shine.
While it doesn't impart the minty aftertaste that most toothpastes pride themselves on, using it before bed helps not only freshen your breath, but kills bacteria that cause plaque and other problems, without the fluoride (and if you miss the minty taste, just add a drop of peppermint essential oil). If you're looking for a natural deodorant that will last and won't pose potential health risks from added aluminum, thoroughly mix:
3 Tbsp. organic coconut oil
3 Tbsp. non-GMO cornstarch or arrowroot powder
3 Tbsp. baking soda
2 drops of essential oil of your choice, or a pinch of clove powder
As for the insect repellent, a good recipe combines coconut oil with a high-quality essential oil such as peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary, tea tree or vanilla, which may help keep insects from biting, as opposed to applying toxic sprays like DEET.
What You Don't Know CAN Harm You
In spite of all the clinical verification to the contrary, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)16 still maintains there's "no good evidence" that coconut oil performs any of the above functions. CSPI even contradicts recommendations that people switch from vegetable oils, including canola oil, to coconut oil for better health.
In another decidedly ignorant move, CSPI fell in lock-step with the biotech industry for profit with the announcement that "fear" of GMOs is "irrational" and that GMO foods are "safe to eat."
At the same time, a statement signed by 300 scientists, researchers, physicians, and scholars was published contending that claims of GMO safety have been "falsely perpetuated." Clearly, somebody is not telling the truth or has not done their due diligence to figure it out.
That's not the only discrepancy in the world of pseudo science that purports to be in the interest of human health. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) came forward with a declaration that, as of 2018, partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans fat) would no longer be allowed in food unless authorized by the agency because of potential health risks.
Yet the FDA was in the forefront of getting trans fats into the marketplace in the 1980s.
In the 1980s, CSPI actually spearheaded a highly successful campaign against the use of healthy saturated fats, touting trans fats as a healthier alternative, so take their official stance against coconut oil with a (big) grain of salt. In spite of the naysayers, the real science speaks. Coconut oil has undergone the trials that prove its benefits are, indeed, undeniable.
By Dr. Mercola
In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells.
Most experts consider him to be the greatest biochemist of the 20th century. His lab staff also included Hans Krebs, Ph. D., after whom the Krebs cycle1 was named.
The Krebs cycle refers to the oxidative reduction pathways that occur in the mitochondria. So just how does the metabolic inflexibility of cancer cells differ from healthy cells?
A cell can produce energy in two ways: aerobically, in the mitochondria, or anaerobically, in the cytoplasm, the latter of which generates lactic acid — a toxic byproduct. Warburg discovered that in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells overproduce lactic acid. This is known as The Warburg Effect.
Mitochondrial energy production is far more efficient, capable of generating 18 times more energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than anaerobic energy generation.
Warburg concluded that the prime cause of cancer was the reversion of energy production from aerobic energy generation to a more primitive form of energy production, anaerobic fermentation.
To reverse cancer, he believed you had to disrupt the energy production cycle that is feeding the tumor, and that by reverting back to aerobic energy metabolism you could effectively "starve" it into remission.
Although he was never able to conclusively prove it, he maintained this view until his death in 1970. One of his goals in life was to discover the cure for cancer. Sadly, as so typically happens in science, his theories were never accepted by conventional science despite his academic pedigree — until now.
The New York Times2 recently published a long, detailed article about the history of modern cancer research, including Warburg's theories on cancer, which are now becoming more widely accepted.
Sugar Feeds Cancer
Another simpler way of explaining Warburg's discovery is that cancer cells are primarily fueled by the burning of sugar anaerobically. Without sugar, most cancer cells simply lack the metabolic flexibility to survive. As noted in the New York Times (NYT) featured article:
"[T]he Warburg effect is estimated to occur in up to 80 percent of cancers. [A] positron emission tomography (PET) scan, which has emerged as an important tool in the staging and diagnosis of cancer works simply by revealing the places in the body where cells are consuming extra glucose.
In many cases, the more glucose a tumor consumes, the worse a patient's prognosis."
Unfortunately, Warburg's theories quickly vanished into obscurity once scientists turned their attention toward genetics. Molecular biologists James Watson, Ph. D., and Francis Crick, Ph. D., discovered DNA in 1953 and from that point on, cancer research began to primarily focus on genetics.
The gene hypothesis gained even more momentum once Dr. Harold Varmus and Dr. Michael Bishop won the Nobel Prize in 1976 for finding viral oncogenes within the DNA of cancer cells.
At that point, the attention fell squarely on genetic mutations, and the theory that cancer cells are simply distorted versions of normal cells began to take hold.
The Warburg Revival
It would take another 30 years before the next major revision to the reigning cancer hypothesis. In 2006, the Cancer Genome Atlas project, designed to identify all the mutations thought to be causative for cancer, came to an astonishing conclusion — the genetic mutations are actually far more random than previously suspected.
In fact, they're so random it's virtually impossible to pin down the genetic origin of cancer. Some cancerous tumors even have NO mutations at all. Rather than offering the conclusive evidence needed to put an end to cancer, the Cancer Genome Atlas project revealed something was clearly missing from the equation.
With time, researchers began pondering whether cancer development might in fact hinge on Warburg's theory on energy metabolism. In recent years, scientists have come to realize that it's not the genetic defects that cause cancer.
Rather mitochondrial damage happens first, which then triggers nuclear genetic mutations. As noted by The New York Times:
"There are typically many mutations in a single cancer. But there are a limited number of ways that the body can produce energy and support rapid growth. Cancer cells rely on these fuels in a way that healthy cells don't.
The hope of scientists at the forefront of the Warburg revival is that they will be able to slow — or even stop — tumors by disrupting one or more of the many chemical reactions a cell uses to proliferate, and, in the process, starve cancer cells of the nutrients they desperately need to grow.
Even James Watson, Ph.D. one of the fathers of molecular biology, is convinced that targeting metabolism is a more promising avenue in current cancer research than gene-centered approaches ...
'I never thought ... I'd ever have to learn the Krebs cycle,' he said, referring to the reactions ... by which a cell powers itself. 'Now I realize I have to.'"
The genetic component has not completely fallen by the wayside though. Scientists have discovered that a number of genes known to promote cancer by influencing cell division — including a gene called AKT — also regulate cells' consumption of nutrients. So certain genes do appear to play a role in cancer cells' overconsumption of sugar.
"Dr. Craig Thompson, the president and chief executive of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, has been among the most outspoken proponents of this renewed focus on metabolism ...
His research showed that cells need to receive instructions from other cells to eat, just as they require instructions from other cells to divide.
Thompson hypothesized that if he could identify the mutations that lead a cell to eat more glucose than it should, it would go a long way toward explaining how the Warburg effect and cancer begin," The New York Times writes.
"The protein created by AKT is part of a chain of signaling proteins that is mutated in up to 80 percent of all cancers. Thompson says that once these proteins go into overdrive, a cell no longer worries about signals from other cells to eat; it instead stuffs itself with glucose.
Thompson discovered he could induce the 'full Warburg effect' simply by placing an activated AKT protein into a normal cell. When that happens, Thompson says, the cells begin to do what every single-celled organism will do in the presence of food: eat as much as it can and make as many copies of itself as possible."
Whereas healthy cells have a feedback mechanism that makes it conserve resources when there's a lack of food, cancer cells do not have this mechanism, and feed continuously.
As noted by Dr. Chi Van Dang, director of the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania, cancer cells are "addicted to nutrients," and "when they can't consume enough, they begin to die. The addiction to nutrients explains why changes to metabolic pathways are so common and tend to arise first as a cell progresses toward cancer."
Novel Treatment Offers Hope for Cancer Patients
A brilliant Korean biochemist by the name of Young Hee Ko, Ph.D., who was working in the early 2000s with Peter Pedersen, a professor of biological chemistry and oncology at Johns Hopkins, made a remarkable discovery that offers a great deal of hope for cancer patients. Today Ko is the CEO of KODiscovery at the University of Maryland BioPark, where she continues her work in the field of cellular metabolism in cancer and neuro-degenerative disease.
I believe she has the answer to a large number of intractable metastatic cancers, and predict she'll eventually receive a Nobel Prize for her work. I will actually be presenting with Ko at the Conquering Cancer Conference in Orlando on September 23 and 24 of this year..
What the two of them noticed was that when cancer cells overproduce lactic acid, they have to produce more pores, called monocarboxylic acid transfer phosphates, to let lactic acid out, or else the cancer cell will die from the inside out. As mentioned, lactic acid is a very toxic substance. Pondering how to best exploit this functional difference between normal cells and cancer cells, Ko remembered a compound called 3-bromopyruvate (3BP), which she'd worked with while getting her Ph.D.
This molecule looks very similar to lactic acid, but it's highly reactive. She thought 3BP might be able to slip into the pore that's allowing the lactic acid to be expelled from the cancer cell, thereby preventing the lactic acid from spilling out. Her hunch was correct. In over 100 lab tests, 3BP blew away all of the chemotherapy drugs she used for comparison. In a nutshell, 3BP "melts" tumors away by preventing the lactic acid from leaking out of the cancer cell, thereby killing it from the inside.
Old Diabetes Drug May Find New Use in War on Cancer
Interestingly, metformin, a drug that decreases serum glucose in diabetics, has also been shown to have anti-cancer effects — another nod at Warburg's theory that cancer cannot thrive in a low-glucose environment. As noted in the featured article:
"In the years ahead, [metformin is] likely to be used to treat — or at least to prevent — some cancers. Because metformin can influence a number of metabolic pathways, the precise mechanism by which it achieves its anticancer effects remains a source of debate. But the results of numerous epidemiological studies have been striking.
Diabetics taking metformin seem to be significantly less likely to develop cancer than diabetics who don't — and significantly less likely to die from the disease when they do.
Near the end of his life, Warburg grew obsessed with his diet. He believed that most cancer was preventable and thought that chemicals added to food and used in agriculture could cause tumors by interfering with respiration. He stopped eating bread unless it was baked in his own home. He would drink milk only if it came from a special herd of cows ...
Warburg's personal diet is unlikely to become a path to prevention. But the Warburg revival has allowed researchers to develop a hypothesis for how the diets that are linked to our obesity and diabetes epidemics — specifically, sugar-heavy diets that can result in permanently elevated levels of the hormone insulin — may also be driving cells to the Warburg effect and cancer."
Although metformin likely has some benefit in improving mitochondrial dysfunction, I believe that there are far better options, as metformin has been associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. Berberine is a natural plant alkaloid that is far safer and works similarly. However, both will be miserable failures if one does not restrict protein to less than 1 gram/kilogram of lean body mass and net carbs to less than 40 grams per day.
From my perspective, ignoring diet as a prevention tool is foolhardy at best. Like Warburg, I'm convinced that most cancers are preventable through proper diet and nutrition, and besides optimizing your nutrient ratios, avoiding toxic exposures is another important factor. This is one reason why I recommend eating organic foods, especially grass-fed or pastured meats and animal products, whenever possible.
The Importance of Diet for Successful Cancer Treatment
The foundational aspect that must be addressed is the metabolic mitochondrial defect, and this involves radically reducing the non-fiber carbohydrates in your diet and increasing high-quality fats. You may need up to 85 percent of your dietary calories from healthy fats, along with a moderate amount of high-quality protein, as excessive protein can also trigger cancer growth.
That's really the solution. If you don't do that, other treatments, including 3BP, probably will not work. (However, I believe that if you're in nutritional ketosis and then add 3BP, you may be able to reverse just about any cancer. That's my current impression. It may be flawed, and I will revise it as necessary, but everything I've seen so far points in that direction.)
It's important to remember that glucose is an inherently "dirty" fuel as it generates far more reactive oxygen species (ROS) than burning fat. But to burn fat, your cells must be healthy and normal. Cancer cells lack the metabolic flexibility to burn fat and this why a healthy high-fat diet appears to be such an effective anti-cancer strategy.
When you switch from burning glucose as your primary fuel to burning fat for fuel, cancer cells really have to struggle to stay alive, as most of their mitochondria are dysfunctional and can't use oxygen to burn fuel. At the same time, healthy cells are given an ideal and preferred fuel, which lowers oxidative damage and optimizes mitochondrial function. The sum effect is that healthy cells begin to thrive while cancer cells are "starved" into oblivion.
For optimal health, you need sufficient amounts of carbohydrates, fats, and protein. However, ever since the advent of processed foods and industrial farming, making healthy selections has become a more complex affair. There are healthy carbs and unhealthy ones. Ditto for fats. There are also important considerations when it comes to protein, as excess protein also contributes to poor health. From my review of the molecular biology required to optimize mitochondrial function, it is best to seek to have about:
75 to 85 percent of your total calories as healthy fat
8 to 15 percent as carbs, with twice as many fiber carbs as non-fiber (net) carbs
7 to 10 percent of your calories as protein (high-quality grass-fed or pastured meats and animal products)
Dietary Considerations: Fats
Healthy fats3 represent about 75 to 85 percent of your daily calories. The key here is HEALTHY fats as the vast majority of fats people eat are unhealthy. Avoid all processed and bottled oil with the exception of third party certified olive oils, as 80 percent are adulterated with vegetable oils.
Ideally you should have more monosaturated fats than saturated fats. Limit polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) to less than 10 percent. At higher levels, you will increase the PUFA concentration in the inner mitochondrial membrane, which makes it far more susceptible to oxidative damage from the reactive oxygen species generated there.
Lastly, do not exceed 5 percent of your calories as omega-6 fats. Combined, your omega 6/omega 3 fats should not exceed 10 percent, and the omega 6:3 ratio should be below 2. Sources of healthy fats include:
When it comes to carbohydrates, there are fiber-rich low net carbs, (mainly vegetables) and non-fiber carbs (think sugar and processed grains). Ideally, you want twice as many fiber carbs as non-fiber carbs (net carbs). So if your total carbs is 10 percent of your daily calories, at least half of that should be fiber.
Fiber is not digested and broken down into sugar, which means it will not adversely impact your insulin, leptin and mTOR levels. Fiber also has a number of other health benefits, including weight management and a lower risk for certain cancers.4 As noted in the featured NYT article, your insulin level plays a very important role in cancer.
"The insulin hypothesis can be traced to the research of Dr. Lewis Cantley. In the 1980s, Cantley discovered how insulin, which is released by the pancreas and tells cells to take up glucose, influences what happens inside a cell.
Cantley now refers to insulin and a closely related hormone, IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1), as 'the champion' activators of metabolic proteins linked to cancer. He's beginning to see evidence, he says, that in some cases, 'it really is insulin itself that's getting the tumor started.'
One way to think about the Warburg effect, says Cantley, is as the insulin, or IGF-1, signaling pathway 'gone awry — it's cells behaving as though insulin were telling it to take up glucose all the time and to grow.' Cantley, who avoids eating sugar as much as he can ... says that the effects of a sugary diet on colorectal, breast and other cancer models 'looks very impressive' and 'rather scary.'"
The most important number to keep track of is your net carbs, which you'll want to keep as low as possible. Net carbs are calculated by taking the total number of carbohydrates in grams and subtracting the amount of fiber contained in the food. The resulting number is your net carbs. For optimal health and disease prevention, I recommend keeping your net carbs below 40 or 50 grams per day.
The only way you'll know how many fiber and net carbs you eat is to keep a diary of what you eat. Excellent sources of high-fiber carbs that you can eat plenty of include:
✓ Chia seeds
✓ Berries
✓ Raw nuts
✓ Cauliflowers
✓ Root vegetables and tubers, such as onions and sweet potatoes
✓ Green beans
✓ Peas
✓ Vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussel sprouts
✓ Psyllium seed husks
Dietary Considerations: Protein
Last but not least, there's an upper limit to how much protein your body can actually use, and eating more than your body requires for repair and growth will simply add fuel to disease processes. An ideal protein intake is likely around one-half gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. For most people this equates to about 40 to 60 grams a day, but many Americans typically consume three to five times that amount, which — just like excess sugar — can raise your risk of cancer.
Substantial amounts of protein can be found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Some vegetables, such as broccoli, also contain generous amounts of protein. To estimate your protein requirements, first determine your lean body mass. Subtract your percent body fat from 100. For example, if you have 20 percent body fat, then you have 80 percent lean body mass. Just multiply that percentage (in this case, 0.8) by your current weight to get your lean body mass in pounds or kilos.
Next, jot down everything you eat for a few days, and calculate the amount of daily protein you've consumed from all sources. Again, you're aiming for one-half gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. If you're currently averaging a lot more than what is optimal, adjust downward accordingly. The chart below will give you a general idea of the protein content of various foods.
✓ Red meat, pork, poultry, and seafood average 6 to 9 grams of protein per ounce.
An ideal amount for most people would be a 3-ounce serving of meat or seafood (not 9- or 12-ounce steaks!), which will provide about 18 to 27 grams of protein
✓ Eggs contain about 6 to 8 grams of protein per egg. So an omelet made from two eggs would give you about 12 to 16 grams of protein
If you add cheese, you need to calculate that protein in as well (check the label of your cheese)
✓ Seeds and nuts contain on average 4 to 8 grams of protein per quarter cup
✓ Cooked beans average about 7 to 8 grams per half cup
✓ Cooked grains average 5 to 7 grams per cup
✓ Most vegetables contain about 1 to 2 grams of protein per ounce
Optimizing Mitochondrial Function Is Key for Cancer Prevention and Treatment
We're now starting to realize that mitochondrial dysfunction is at the core of virtually all diseases — cancer especially — and your lifestyle has everything to do with this situation. Hence strategies that support and optimize mitochondrial function, such as nutritional ketosis (achieved by a high-fat, low-net carb diet), intermittent fasting and high-intensity exercise are all part of the solution.
One of the basic reasons why a high-fat, low-net carb diet works so well is because it drives your inflammation down to almost nothing. And when inflammation disappears, your body can heal. It will also take the proverbial foot off the gas pedal of aging. Sadly, my guess is that over 99 percent of the population is not receiving the benefits of this approach simply because they either haven't heard of it or don't understand it.
This is why my next book will focus on mitochondrial optimization. I firmly believe it's a major key to tackling not only the cancer epidemic, but many other disease epidemics as well. Ultimately, the really great news is that you have far greater control over your health, and your risk of cancer, than you might think.