Wholetones Review

wholetones review

My Review on Michael’s Wholetones:

“Tyrrell Has Found Musical Notes And Tones That Uncover the Secrets To Improve My Health and Reduced My Depression Really Fast”
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Read my Wholetones Review
Product Name : Wholetones
Product Author : Michael Tyrrell
Official Website : CLICK HERE

Wholetones Review

I notice about Michael’s Wholetones Program that its one note or one frequency create an image in your mind to carry with you the rest of your life.  Every part of your body have resonate frequencies so if you find the resonate frequency of say,  your heart and it can reproduce this frequency then your heart will be affect every time you heard it. Other words, it relaxes the heart muscle, so its doesn’t have to work so hard, which decrease high blood pressure, heart attacks or heart arrhythmia.

relieve stress from wholetones

Here is a video of the story of Michael’s Mom and How her Tumor Disappeared..

Music is part of everyday living and human therapy, which is not new, but does the different tones and melody of music affects us?  Since human beings are human beings, we use notes as communication medium, as healing agents we created instruments to express ourselves and to heal us. Colors and tones are frequencies that are represented in different ways, and we may use both colors and tones to balance, harmonize and whole.

My goal is to review the wholetones to help others find balance, harmony and
happiness and to spread the knowledge of the tones healing power.
On their website you will find information about Sound Journey, healing
tones and a selection of CDs and tools that can help you on the path to wellness.

Who Is Behind Wholetones?
Who is Michael Tirrell? He is a visionary.  He is the generation who wishes to change the world and make it a better place.  He produces and writes all of his music.  He is the guy behind the Wholetones Program.  I have research and read quite a bit about him. He is the nicest and honorable man you will every meet.  He wants to get his words and his music out globally and he is doing it. His work is known all over the world.  I have concluded that Mr. Tyrrell has the right mind set to change how people think, talk and act because of his music.

What is Wholetones?
Musically notes are part of us, a part of everyday life are nothing new, but how much do we know about how the tones affect us? Since human beings are human beings, we use notes as communication medium, as healing agents, we created instruments to express ourselves and to heal us.

When Would You Need Wholetones?
Those who are seeking a better and healthy life. You do not need to believe or have faith in holistic traditional medicine. You just have to believe in the power of sound.  You need to have Wholetones give you the healing power to open your heart and mind.
It will make you happier, empowered and stronger more than ever thought you had. Greek physicians used tones to aid in digestion, treat mental depression, and  sleep.

Why You Need Wholetones
Because even with all the medicine and advances in modern medicine and the new technology coming out humans are suffering, even more than 20 years ago.
Taking a prescription or doing exercise is NOT the only  healing alternatives in life. Wholetones can make it much more relaxing and very easy.
Funny thing is, the natural, and sometimes ancient healing power of long lost and recovered secrets nearly and always trumps dangerous medications and surgeries. (sources: wholetones.com)

Where Do You Buy Wholetones

promo code: FREE88 wholetones 
The only place you can buy Wholetones Music CDs are online.  You can either download them or get the actual physical CDs. And since you have nothing to lose by trying either of the excellent Wholetones packages, (your purchase today is 100% guaranteed) you’d be remiss not to take advantage of us and … place your order NOW.

How Does Wholetones Work?
  • The Song Open Doors will help blood flow to the brain, kidney and bones.
  • The Song Desert Sojourn:  Decrease the acid in your stomach and help you digest your food much easily in turn Increased your energy.
  • The Key of David :  This the song for all over health wellness.
  • Transformation :  Your cells and DNA are important part of your body well-being.  It will proved the balance it needs to restore your hormones and work through out your nerve and lymphatic system
  • The Bridge :  This an especially important sound it gives your peace in all your relationships, lifts your mood and heals your heart.
  • Great Awakening :will help you with  spiritual and emotional healing.
Wholetones Review and Customers Testimonials
Most helpful positive and critical reviews on Wholetones (Pros and Cons)

  • No work, just listen.
  • Guaranteed or your money back (100% of it)
  • It is available either by  downloading the music or ordering by mail the actually CDs.
  • Many people have used Wholetones have received many benefits.
This is an excellent CD on sound healing. It is clear, readable, and informative with many techniques easily practiced by the reader. The techniques are good for healing or for preventive health practices and can be added to other health programs such as massage or yoga or Reiki. They can be used for serious or life-threatening diseases in addition to any regular medical procedures, drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, etc. They can decrease stress associated with treatment and also show how vibration can assist cellular healing in any situation.

I like the activities throughout the book and believe strongly in the healing power of sound and healing affect of vibration frequencies. I also love that a regular doctor has found other ways of dealing with cancer and getting to the root of it emotionally with tools for the client to utilize in their own personal healing experience,

I give it a 4 stars for the useful exercises and good information about sound and it’s healing properties.
  • The information in the book needs an slight update, but it’s good enough until then.
  • The cost is high for some people, but Michael does have it 1/2 price if you download it from your computer.
healing songs from WholetonesI am sure that you have heard that music has quite an effect on people’s mind, body and spirit.
The Wholetones healing frequencies project can help people who suffer.  Tyrrell discover these 7 tones that will help you and your family.

Let’s start with Five Wholetones Review of Customer Testimonials!
  1. “I feel much more calm and relaxed when I listen to them. They really are the missing key I’ve been seeking. Also, makes me feel more creative, which as a part time musician is wonderfully exhilarating.
  2. “So far I have felt less stress and am sleeping better. I just received Wholetones a few days ago and anticipate more positive results.”
  3. “I can really breath. What is this music? I can’t stop breathing deeply.” Then I started laughing. On the second one I started yawning uncontrollably. My husband wept during the first. Neither of us was told to expect anything.”
  4. “I’ve really enjoyed listening to the music. I’ve been a fan for some time of what I call “music without words” because I want my thoughts to be my own as I listen. Even without the knowledge of the embedded benefits these tunes are wonderful for the free thinker. Your book Michael is an unexpected gem that provokes some new thought for me”.
  5. “My personality and spirit is uplifted and alive, feeling happiness like pure contentment! I have been told I’m looking bright and different in a good way. I had a complete stranger drawn to me at a business event yesterday, and she said, “excuse me but I have to say your eyes are beautiful, they are so CLEAR!” Never experienced nor enjoyed such a beautiful compliment!”
Disclaimer: No information on this website has been evaluated by the FDA. The information presented is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your physician before undertaking the suggestions in this presentation. Results not typical. Actual results will vary depending upon the individual. Testimonials are from real persons who are users of this product.

Your goal is to use tones to help yourself find balance, harmony and happiness and to spread the knowledge of the tones healing power.
On their website you will find information about Sound Journey, healing tones, and a selection of CDs and tools that can help you on the path to wellness.
Colors and tones are frequencies that are represented in different ways, and we may use both colors and tones to balance, harmonize and wholetones.

make healing music with wholetones

This magical wholetones journey the world of tones created quite intuitive with great sensitivity and presence. Each trip will be unique depending on who participates. The instruments are then played next to each participant, so that each one can feel the sound waves and vibrations physically his sound is kept constant to help participants to forget the reality of their body being tight. The soul becomes free to travel. Unstructured sound bypasses the intellectual, analytical side of the brain and then the creative, intuitive side runs wildly.
Both the physical body, the subtle fields and the subconscious will be directly affected. The Russian scientist measured the energy measurement of a participant and it turned out the most of the blockages were taken about through the Wholetones Journey!
They had never seen anything like it.

Click here to read Part 2 of my Wholetones Review: The Sound of Healing – book by Michael Tyrrell
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We may potentially receive compensations when you click on the links on Shopsolutions123.com and buy products or services from the merchant sites such as Wholetones.com. This compensation is how merchants reward us for introducing you to their websites.
Thank you for visiting my site: Wholetones Review.

8 comments for “Wholetones Review”

  1. lynne walker
    June 21, 2015 at 9:48 am
    I loved listening to your samples. I would have bought them immediately if it was perhaps $25 but we old folks on a fixed income cannot come up with a $100 for a cd. Perhaps you should consult the Lord on what He would have you charge. Surely He would not have you press His children so hard for healing waters. God bless you. Lynne Walker
    • admin
      July 2, 2015 at 3:12 pm
      Hello, Yes I understand your dilemma. I know Michael spent years on perfecting his CDs and much goes into this. I will see if Michael can provide a coupon to help defrag the cost of the product. The downloadable version is half the price, if you prefer this. They will help you if you need it.
      • admin
        July 17, 2015 at 7:39 pm
        Hey, quick reply from Michael Tyrrell of Wholetones.
        Here are a few reasons you should come back today and order your copy of these 7 powerful healing tones…
        1. Let your body heal itself naturally, as God intended, so you can avoid painful and unnecessary side effects.
        2. Remove the recurring, negative cycles in your life like procrastination, addictions, and junk food…
        3. Discover the Master Key that precipitates all other frequencies so you can feel soothed by its multiple benefits…
        If any of this appeals to you, come back now and take advantage of this great offer…
  2. Michele Bouchard
    November 1, 2015 at 3:30 pm
    Like other people. I would love to have this product as I have sleep apnea and other illnesses. It is not affordable even at the downloadable price.
    • shopsolutions
      November 3, 2015 at 11:01 pm
      Hello Michele, yes it can be pricey even for the downloadable price, but it is totally worth it. Michael has put long hard years into putting this collections together. I am actually going to see if he can offer coupons or a discount code. Thanks for visiting my site.
    • shopsolutions
      November 14, 2015 at 3:19 am
      There is a coupon or promo code FREE88.
  3. Phyllis keysor
    November 8, 2015 at 4:30 pm
    Do these cds work in a regular CD player… ? I don’t understand how I could put them on my tv.
    • shopsolutions
      November 9, 2015 at 7:27 pm
      Yes Phyllis, you can put them right into your CD player. You can only put these in the TV if you had a smart TV which is attached to your computer.
      The simplest way is getting the actual CDs sent to you and put them into your CD player. If you download them you can listen them right from your computer, but you would not be able to take them with you if you wanted to listen to them in your car for instant.

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