Today's Topical Bible Study | ||||||
Facing Today with the Book of Hebrewsby John D. Barry |
the book, the author of Hebrews states that the community must learn to
hold fast to their confession and all it entails. In this study, we
will learn what type of confession the author had in mind and how it was
to be personally and communally lived-out. By learning what the book
states in its own right and in its own context, we will learn what God
is saying to us in our circumstances.
rooted in the sermon delivered to the Hebrews is a sense of urgency.
The same sense of urgency exists today. We too suffer from war, lack of
community, and spiritual depravity. Our study of the book will help us
understand the pressing needs of a previous generation and answer the
cry of our own. Understanding how God equipped ancient believers, we
will understand how God can outfit us. In this ancient text,
we find modern answers.
Hebrews 1:1-14 (ESV)
ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the
2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom
he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the
3 He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of
his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After
making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the
Majesty on high,
4 having become as much superior to angels as the name
he has inherited is more excellent than theirs.
5 For to which of the
angels did God ever say, "You are my Son, today I have begotten you"? Or
again, "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son"?
6 And
again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all
God's angels worship him."
7 Of the angels he says, "He makes his angels
winds, and his ministers a flame of fire." 8 But of the Son he says,
"Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is
the scepter of your kingdom.
9 You have loved righteousness and hated
wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of
gladness beyond your companions."
10 And, "You, Lord, laid the
foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work
of your hands; 11 they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear
out like a garment,
12 like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment
they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no
13 And to which of the angels has he ever said, "Sit at my right
hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"?
14 Are they
not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who
are to inherit salvation?"
Open the Book—Read It and Pray It
Take a moment to pray that the Holy Spirit will illuminate this book.
the Book of Hebrews aloud in one setting (all 13 chapters). In the
Graeco-Roman and Jewish world, letters (like those in the New Testament)
were read aloud in front of a group of people.
Likewise, Hebrews, a
sermon converted into a letter, would have been read aloud.
upon what stuck out to you as primary themes, ideas or messages. How
would these things affect a community living after Jesus' resurrection
in a time of political, military and social uprisings?
Imagine that your
place of worship, your home and your community is being destroyed
simply because you look a certain way or practice a certain religion.
How would this influence your interpretation of the book?
the book several more times throughout the week. Continue your
reflection on its central themes and ideas by contemplatively praying
throughout your study.
Open the Book—Read It and Take Notes
Pray that God would reveal himself to you through this book.
(and slowly) read the book of Hebrews again. Write down your questions.
Let the text speak for itself, and let God speak through it. This will
allow you to discern God's will for your life.
for key grammatical markers like "therefore," "but" and "now."
Underline or highlight them. These grammatical terms are a way of
marking a shift in an author's thoughts.
Continue to go through these steps throughout your week. WEEK 3 The Connection between Long Ago and Today
Pray that God would reveal his plan for humanity to you through this book.
has occurred "long ago"?
Whom did God speak "to" and whom did he speak
"by means of"?
What does this tell us about how God spoke in the past?
has occurred in "these last days"?
Whom is God speaking "by" in "these
last days"?
What does this tell us about how God currently speaks?
we still living in "these last days"?What (if anything) has changed since the author wrote this book around 68 AD? Why are these last days lasting so long?
Is there an
intentional switch between what has occurred "long ago" and what is
occurring in "these last days"?
What does this say about the
significance of God's Son entering the world?
What is God's Son the heir "of"? What did God do through his Son?
Is there a link between God's ability to create and God's Son?
is an illusion to Psa 2:8 in this passage. What does the author's
reflection on this psalm tell us about God's Son and God's plan for
(Keep in mind that the author is interpreting a book written
centuries before).
Continue to reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week.WEEK 4 The Son's Identity
Pray that God would reveal Himself to you through the power of His Word.
What is the identity and role of the Son?
kind of imagery is the author evoking in this passage?
Use a
concordance to look up the usage of the word "glory" in the Old
Testament (specifically in Exodus and the Psalms).
does being God's Son entail?
What is the meaning of this term in the
book of Hebrews, and in the rest of the Bible?
Are any other individuals
called sons of God?
Look at Psa 29:1 and Psa 89:6 (the literal
translation of "heavenly beings" is "sons of God" in these passages).
the first century, angels (sons of God) were believed to be God's
warriors and messengers. Could this be the reason why the author states
that the Son is superior to the angels?
Is the Son's superiority a theme in other places in the book?
Where does the author provide support for the claim that the Son is superior to the angels?
Continue to reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week.
Support for the Son's Unique SuperiorityPray that God would reveal His Son's superiority over all your struggles.
Read Heb 1:1-4. Reflect on 1:5-6 and answer the following questions:
author quotes Psa 2:7 in 5:5a—Read Psa 2. What is the theme of this
psalm?What figures are involved? How is God characterized? Why would the author choose to quote this passage?
author quotes 2 Sam 7:14 in 5:5b—Read 2 Sam 7:1:17. What is the message
of this story? What characters are involved?
What is the significance
of 2 Sam 7:14 in 2 Sam 7:1-17? What theme does Psa 2 and 2 Sam 7:1-17
share in common?
The author
quotes Deut 32:43 from the Greek translation of the Old Testament (the
Septuagint) in 5:6a. The Septuagint reads "sons of God" here, but
Hebrews reads "angels." What is the difference between the "sons of God"
and the "Son of God"?
(Think about Week 4's study). What does this tell
us about the role of the Son in the heavenly and earthly realm?
How does the Son's unique superiority affect our lives? Continue to reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week. WEEK 6
The Anointed Son
Pray that God would reveal His anointed Son to you.
Read Heb 1:1-4. Reflect on 1:7-12 and answer the following questions:
The author quotes Psa 104:4 in 1:7—Read Psa 104. What does this passage tell us about angels?
author quotes Psa 45:6-7 in 1:8—Read Psa 45. In the Old Testament, this
passage was about God, but the author states that it is about the Son.
The author makes God and the Son one in the same. What does this tell us
about the relationship of the Son and the Father? Who is anointed in
Psa 45?
Who does the anointing in Psa 45?
The author quotes Psa 102:25-27 in 1:10—Read psa 102. What are the primary themes of Psa 102?
How is the Lord characterized? What does Psa 102 tell us about the roles of angels, the Son, and the Father?
does the author of Hebrews choose passages that emphasize the power and
eternality of the Father and the Son?
(Think about the type of
community being addressed).
Continue to reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week.
Inheritors of Salvation Pray that God would reveal the way you can inherit salvation. Read Heb 1:1-14. Reflect on 1:13-14 and answer the following questions:
author quotes Psa 110:1 in 1:13—Read Psa 110. What does this passage
indicate about the relationship between God the Father and the Son?
is the psalm about (according to the psalm itself)?
What themes emerge
in Psa 110 that have already surfaced in Heb 1?
Psa 110:4. What shift occurs between verse 4 and 5 in the psalm?
How is
this shift reflected in Hebrews?
(Think specifically about the Son's
kingship, unique relationship with God, his anointing, and his
Who are the ministering spirits referred to in 1:14?
are the ministering spirits sent out to do?
For whose sake are the
ministering spirits sent out?
(Ponder what you have learned about the
ministering spirits in the psalms that we have examined).
What is the difference between the ministering spirits and the Son?
Continue to reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week.
What We Know Now
Pray that God would engrave the message of heb 1:1-14 on your heart.
Reread Heb 1:1-14. Reflect upon what you have learned so far.
Create a chart that shows the relationship between God the Father, the Son and the ministering spirits.
Answer the following questions:What does 1:1-4 tell us about the Son's identity in relation to God?
1:4. Based upon 1:5-14, how is the Son superior to the angels? How is
the name He has inherited more excellent than theirs?
What makes the Son unique?
How does the Son's role as co-creator, preeminent, and divinely appointed speaker on God's behalf influence our lives?
the Son changed the course of history and brought perspective to
suffering? In what ways has he made a seemingly distant God immanent
(close to us)?
Continue to reflect and pray through these questions throughout your week.
all too often lose sight of what we have witnessed and heard, or we
simply believe we can no longer witness or hear anything. God has spoken
and created through his Son. God continues to speak (in many forms) to
people and create new life in them. God has made his exact imprint known
in his Son. May you see this imprint reflected in your life and in the
lives of others.
May you
see, know and feel the superiority of the Son in your life—his
superiority over all the created order, heaven and earth. And may you
inherit the salvation that was witnessed to prior to his birth and
continues to be spoken "in him in these last days."
God speak new creation into your life, may his sacrifice heal your
wounds and guide you through whatever circumstances you are enduring.
May he bring you great joy in His creation, in His speech and in His
Masoretic Text (MT) is the Hebrew Scriptures as traditionally received
by the majority of the Jewish community. The MT did not reach its final
form until the medieval era. The two oldest copies of the MT, the Aleppo
Codex and the Leningrad Codex, both date to around the tenth century
Deuteronomy 32:43 in The Masoretic Text, The Septuagint, and Hebrews
Deut 32:43—From the Masoretic Text
"Bow down to him all gods"
Deut 32:43—From the Septuagint
"Let all the sons of God worship him" "Let all angels worship him"
More information is available at
Originally published in print: Copyright Bible Study Magazine (Nov-Dec 2008): pgs. 31-34.
My life has been to seek the Absolute Truth of God; to help others find the real purpose of their lives... Attempt to make this or where ever I am; better for my having been there! Amen!
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29 January 2016
Facing Today with the Book of Hebrews
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