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04 January 2016

Take Ownership of Your Health

We Help You Take Ownership of Your Health

It’s hard to go a day without hearing someone complain about the healthcare system. This is simply because the traditional healthcare system is broken.
The so called “managed care”? organizations like HMO’s don’t manage care at all- they manage your access to care. They tell you what doctors you can see or not see and what drugs you can take based on their formulary “list”?. These are financially motivated decisions not necessarily based on your health needs.

Of course your doctors mean well, but the healthcare system doesn’t give them the time to do their job effectively. Instead of being health providers, many doctors have become prescription writing machines.

And studies show that the average time doctors spend explaining a drug to patients is just 2 minutes- not nearly enough time to discuss suitability, side effects, conflicts, risks, etc. Even worse, 26% receive no counseling whatsoever about new medications!

Too many people are being forced onto the drug “merry go round.”? 

You get one drug for a condition, then you get a second drug for the side effects of the first drug, a third drug to reduce the risks of taking the first two, etc. Once you start, it never ends – unless you take ownership of your health.

This means learning more about your health and body, and making the right choices so you can live BETTER, not just longer.  This involves becoming smarter about the foods you eat and drink, getting the right amount of exercise or physical activity and supplementing your body with the right nutritional supplements.

Once you start down this path, it becomes easier to keep going.  In fact, according to research conducted at the University of Pennsylvania, individuals who take nutritional supplements are more likely to engage in other health protecting behaviors.

You can depend on NatureCity® to bring you the health solutions you need to take ownership of your health.  In fact, we are our own customers – our employees and families depend on our products as much as you do.

Women With Type 2 Diabetes May Be At Higher Risk of Heart Disease

Filed under: Lifestyle — Sarah @ 9:00 am 

Type 2 diabetes is rapidly growing to include more and more Americans and a recent scientific statement suggests that women with type 2 diabetes are twice as likely to have coronary heart disease than men who have type 2 diabetes.

The researchers who wrote the scientific statement acknowledged that they weren’t entirely sure about how the hormonal differences between men and women affect risk of coronary heart disease. However, they did find that women with type 2 diabetes had heart attacks at an earlier age than men; were more likely to die after their first heart attack; were less likely to have procedures to open clogged arteries; were less likely to be on cholesterol or blood pressure lowering drugs; were less likely to have their blood sugar under control; and developed type 2 diabetes based on sex-specific differences.

The researchers also noted that African American and Hispanic women with type 2 diabetes were disproportionately affected by coronary artery disease and stroke when compared with men with type 2 diabetes. They suggested that women with type 2 diabetes may have a greater chance of reducing their risk of cardiovascular disease through lifestyle changes like better diet and more physical activity than men but that they also need to exercise more frequently and more intensely than men.
Researchers from the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver wrote the statement. It was published online ahead of print on December 7, 2015, in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation.

Type-2 diabetes is an increasingly common ailment, especially in the Western world. If you’re concerned about developing type-2 diabetes, previous studies suggest that increasing fiber intake, decreasing sugary drinks, and regular exercise may lower your risk.

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