Blog Archive

25 March 2017

Some comments of concern!

  Some honest comments from concerned thinking - none sheepeople:

1-  If these people trying to take away our right to our own health care because they say, "vacinnes work," then why are they so afraid of their vacinated kids catching anything from unvaccinated kids.
And of course there is no proof vaccines work. Many kids get what they've been vaccinated against while the "preservatives" thimerisol (mercury) destroys neurological function, aluminum is connected with alzheimers and formaldahye is a toxin.

This is just another example of how Big Pharma runs our country by forcing vaccines on kids and families filled with thimerisol (mercury), aluminum and formaldahyde to line their own pockets beause vaccines, along with chemo, are their biggest money makers.
I'm so disgusted with this country.


2-   The most effective way to fight this battle is to go to your legislature and tell them that they need to protect your rights for vaccine choice for both you and your children. It is a bipartisan stance because the republicans are very concerned about keeping the government from intruding on our parental rights and the democrats who fight for the rights of women to choose what happens to their bodies should surely be pro-choice on the medical procedure of vaccines as well.

 Always start by assuring them that you're not "anti-vax" and then stress that you're pro-choice, pro-full informed consent, pro-protection of patient/doctor privacy and pro-safe vaccines. Remind them that schools don't give out information on the number of HIV positive students, so why would it be ok to give out any other private health information? Inform them of the 1986 law that exempts vaccine makers from any liability and then show them the how the vaccine schedule has exploded since then.

 It's quite shocking how many of our representatives have no idea about any of this. Inform them, talk to them in a respective and polite manner, be persistent throughout the entire legislative session in a nice but firm way. If they vote against health freedom and choice anyway, well then vote them out of office next election.


bill gates
who's buddy's company bought the zika virus
together flooded the news with fake fear info. to cause a panic ..Hegelian dialectic
all while their uniquely designed patented misquotes head for brazil
to acquire the highest quality DNA from top athletes at Olympics ...but what for ?? possibly the foundation for cloning a perfect master race ?
with funding created by diversionary panic
leading to massive fear pressure
and huge amount of taxpayer funding through Washington dc federal loan debt .1.8 billion dollars was coughed up by taxpayers.
now zika no longer a medical issue for the public
and so zika goes into solyndra mode ?and heads for cuba or the boys from brazil ?
Oxitec - Wikipedia


4 - 
So why has my comment been removed twice now? Is it disqus or Greenmed?
My comment was about the impact of how far this kind of legislation will take us. Too much true eh? I don't like the censorship and I am seeing more and more of it. I didn't curse or call anyone a name, and yet comment in moderation and then taken down!

5 -   well yep , answer the question.. if those vaccinated children are IMMUNE, as we've all been told they are... then what precisely is the problem? UNLESS YOU'RE A SHILL FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY AND ARE JUST HERE TO MUDDY THE WATER, RIGHT??
OR are you just so indoctrinated that you'll believe any lie that your god, the government, tells you?


6 -   horrendous! the harassment that will come for kids n parents alone..from this is utterly rridiculous. i hope that the Kennedy reports and Trumps own scepticism manage to rein in the insanity.

big pharma and people like gates have an agenda and they wont stop until they get control. in Aus we have the poorest parents being denied child support tax breaks if they dont how this is going to help the kids at all is rather puzzling. many will choose to go without rather than be forced against their will. as the govt is JUST waking up to

  ==================   Maybe these posts will help some of you all wake up?

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