Back in 1950 Alan Turing developed a process to test the artificial intelligence of machines...It was called the " imitation game " now it is know as the Turing test! Now that we have - computer programs which can masquerade as if were human. The Turing test is a contest which attempts to fool or trick the human interrogator into believing it is human. Using poetry, answering difficult scientific problems, yet deliberately making so called mistakes certain math problems - supposedly making it a standard to measure how well a machine responds..
Some Scientist are wanting to make this the standard; by showing how far artificial intelligence (A.I.) has come - but it should not be for the wrong reason - because it should not to be able to just fool people, even if it is just for the short term. If this is an example of how A.I. - it may seem temporarily great - but will only be fleeting and not seem to provide proof positive of getting any closer to a so called " Genuine Intelligence " or a perfected A.I.
Having worked over 30 years with computers , in the Military, Manufacturing, Scientific, Financial, Medical, and/or just personal endeavors of life - I say if there is not some humans involved; the system sooner or later will freeze, fail, dump or just down right go bonkers or buzz-ark.... A.I. can be acceptable for some limited processes or procedures - but not of any total control in the world!
Believe me it will kill you or destroy whatever you are attempting to do!
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