First Century Jerusalem – 30 Feet Underground –
Richard Rives and Wayne Farris
In 1981 Ron Wyatt located what he believed to be the
crucifixion site of Jesus Christ. He found a square depression in the
surface material, into which a cross could have been placed, along with
an adjoining crevice. Ron Wyatt said that the blood of Christ ran down
through that crevice and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant
that was hidden in a cave below.
IN 2005
subsurface excavations resulted in the preliminary documentation of the
crucifixion site as described by Ron Wyatt. In addition we were able to
gain new insight as to the surrounding buildings and the cistern with
its plastered walls.
Those excavations were extremely dangerous. After consulting with safety engineers from the Israel Antiquities Authority
it was determined that the only reasonable way to continue was to
remove the material that had been deposited over thousands of years – an
excavation requiring the removal of as much as twelve thousand cubic
feet of debris – the equivalent of forty dump truck loads. Steel shoring
would be required to contain the tremendous pressure of the surrounding
material – a seemingly insurmountable task – but not for those who are
called according to the purpose of our Creator.
Published on Mar 25, 2015
Transcript of the Interview:
Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August of 1999 regarding his claim/experience in the Ark of the Covenant and the Chamber it was in. Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark of The Beast.
At 17 minutes Ron talks about what he was told about the 2 tables of stone, the 10 Commandments. He was told that when the Sunday Law is passed is when this information would be released.
This is the most important information on this planet.
World Net Daily August 1999 article, link:
See Wyatt Family Web Site:
From YouTube user Dan Ward
Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures. We don't even need Ron Wyatt's testimony to know that the Ark is right where he claimed. Consider the following:
All one need do to understand that the Ark of the Covenant bearing His Blood Testament is here on earth, is research the definition of the greek word "ouranos", which is the greek word that the apostle John used for heaven, in Revelation 11:19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Entry for Strong's #3772 - οὐρανός - ouranos
1. The vaulted expanse of the sky with all things visible in it
the universe, the world the aerial heavens or sky, the region where
the clouds and the tempests gather, and where thunder and lightning
are produced the sidereal or starry heavens -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Audio recording of Ron Wyatt just before his death from cancer in August of 1999 regarding his claim/experience in the Ark of the Covenant and the Chamber it was in. Ron says that he was told by an angel in the Chamber that the information would be made known to the world after the Sunday Law was passed. Ron says that he changed it to The Mark of The Beast.
At 17 minutes Ron talks about what he was told about the 2 tables of stone, the 10 Commandments. He was told that when the Sunday Law is passed is when this information would be released.
This is the most important information on this planet.
World Net Daily August 1999 article, link:
See Wyatt Family Web Site:
From YouTube user Dan Ward
Ron Wyatt made no money from his adventures. We don't even need Ron Wyatt's testimony to know that the Ark is right where he claimed. Consider the following:
All one need do to understand that the Ark of the Covenant bearing His Blood Testament is here on earth, is research the definition of the greek word "ouranos", which is the greek word that the apostle John used for heaven, in Revelation 11:19 ----------------------------------------
Entry for Strong's #3772 - οὐρανός - ouranos
1. The vaulted expanse of the sky with all things visible in it
the universe, the world the aerial heavens or sky, the region where
the clouds and the tempests gather, and where thunder and lightning
are produced the sidereal or starry heavens ----------------------------------------
-- We are told that John wrote "what he saw" in vision!
-- We are told that scripture is best interpreted "in context"
-- Lightning's, thunder's, voices[grumbling's], earthquakes and hail happen here on earth
-- Hebrew's 9:16 is clear regarding the definition of testament; yet another important word John uses in Rev 11:19
(many other Bibles other than the KJV use the word covenant-kinda makes me wonder. How about you?)
Hebrew's 9:16 "For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator."
-- We know that Jesus Blood was required on the Mercy Seat
-- We now know the exact location of the crucifixion site
-- We know that John the beloved was the only disciple that stayed at the foot of the cross with his Lord. It's not a stretch to imagine that John saw his Lord die, and that John saw His side pierced, and that John saw His blood flow down the cross, and likely into the crack
-- When John saw the Ark of the Covenant related in Rev 11:19, he likely drew the CORRECT conclusion that the blood he saw on the Mercy Seat was his Lord's last death testament(Heb 9:19)
-- John wrote Hebrews
-- It's not rocket science to extrapolate where the Ark of the Covenant must have been to receive His blood
-- We no longer need Wyatt's testimony to know the location of the Ark; further validating Wyatt's testimony(funny how God works)
Wyatt was telling the TRUTH
Thank you Dan Ward for the comment and for all the research you did into the subject.
From YouTube user TheTruthAlwaysAddsUp,
Dave Monroe
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