Here is a plain scripture study where the facts are played out for you!
Read and heed ---
Stan Arney
An Open Invitation, From Jesus Christ
Matthew 11:25-30
At that time Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered and said, “I (Jesus Christ) thank YOU, Father (God Almighty), Lord of Heaven and Earth, that YOU (God Almighty) have Hidden These Things (The Truth) from the wise and prudent, and have Revealed them (These Things, The Truth) to Babes (Believers). Even so, Father (God Almighty), for so it Seemed Good in Your (God Almighty’s) Sight. All Things have been Delivered to Me (Jesus Christ), by My (Jesus Christ’s) Father (God Almighty), and NO ONE knows The Son (Jesus Christ), except The Father (God Almighty). Nor does ANYONE know The Father (God Almighty), except The Son (Jesus Christ), and the One (Believers) to whom The Son (Jesus Christ) Wills to Reveal Him (God Almighty).
Come to Me (Jesus Christ), ALL YOU (Believers) who labor and are heavy laden, and I (Jesus Christ) will give YOU (Believers) Rest. Take My (Jesus Christ’s) Yoke upon YOU (Believers) and LEARN from Me (Jesus Christ), for I (Jesus Christ) am Gentle and Lowly in Heart, and YOU (Believers) will find Rest, for Your (Believers) Souls. For My (Jesus Christ’s) Yoke is Easy and My (Jesus Christ’s) Burden is Light.”
This is an Open Invitation, from Jesus Christ to EVERYONE!
Clearly, Jesus Christ states, that in order to KNOW The Father (God Almighty), We (Believers) must KNOW The Son (Jesus Christ). John 14:6 states: Jesus (Jesus Christ) said to him, “I (Jesus Christ) am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. NO ONE Comes to The Father (God Almighty), except through Me (Jesus Christ).”
In Jesus Christ’s time, a yoke was set across the necks of a pair of oxen, connecting them to one another. Taking up a “yoke” was a common image, for choosing to be a disciple of another person (i.e. to learn from a teacher). Jesus Christ is inviting Us (Believers) to Come to Him (Jesus Christ) and He (Jesus Christ) will Teach Us (Believers). He (Jesus Christ) Calls Himself “Gentle and Lowly in Heart”, because He (Jesus Christ) has Empathy and Compassion for Us (Believers). When Jesus Christ Speaks of “Rest”, He (Jesus Christ) is referring to Our (Believers) Service to God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. We (Believers) perform this Service, joyously, willingly, NOT as a duty, because it IS a Privilege. “For My (Jesus Christ’s) Yoke is Easy and My (Jesus Christ’s) Burden is Light”, for this statement, I refer to Philippians 4:13 “I (Believers) can do All Things, through Christ (Jesus Christ) who Strengthens me (Believers).” In order to Perform Divine Service, We (Believers) REQUIRE Divine Assistance, The Divine Power of Jesus Christ, through The Holy Spirit. That’s right, We (Believers) NEED Jesus Christ, to Work through Us (Believers), in order for Us (Believers) to Serve Him (Jesus Christ). What an awesome Privilege! Now, when I read, “My (Jesus Christ’s) Burden is Light”, I’m reminded that Jesus Christ IS The LIGHT!
Let’s see, Jesus Christ gives EVERYONE an Open Invitation: to learn from Him (Jesus Christ), through The Holy Spirit, to know God Almighty, through Him (Jesus Christ), and MOST IMPORTANTLY to have Everlasting Life, yes, to be in God Almighty’s Immediate Presence, with Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, God Almighty’s Holy Angels, and All the rest of The Children of God Almighty (Believers), Forever, for Eternity. So, I ask YOU (Believers), who would pass up on this Offer?
©Stan Arney
Matthew 11:25-30
At that time Jesus (Jesus Christ) answered and said, “I (Jesus Christ) thank YOU, Father (God Almighty), Lord of Heaven and Earth, that YOU (God Almighty) have Hidden These Things (The Truth) from the wise and prudent, and have Revealed them (These Things, The Truth) to Babes (Believers). Even so, Father (God Almighty), for so it Seemed Good in Your (God Almighty’s) Sight. All Things have been Delivered to Me (Jesus Christ), by My (Jesus Christ’s) Father (God Almighty), and NO ONE knows The Son (Jesus Christ), except The Father (God Almighty). Nor does ANYONE know The Father (God Almighty), except The Son (Jesus Christ), and the One (Believers) to whom The Son (Jesus Christ) Wills to Reveal Him (God Almighty).
Come to Me (Jesus Christ), ALL YOU (Believers) who labor and are heavy laden, and I (Jesus Christ) will give YOU (Believers) Rest. Take My (Jesus Christ’s) Yoke upon YOU (Believers) and LEARN from Me (Jesus Christ), for I (Jesus Christ) am Gentle and Lowly in Heart, and YOU (Believers) will find Rest, for Your (Believers) Souls. For My (Jesus Christ’s) Yoke is Easy and My (Jesus Christ’s) Burden is Light.”
This is an Open Invitation, from Jesus Christ to EVERYONE!
Clearly, Jesus Christ states, that in order to KNOW The Father (God Almighty), We (Believers) must KNOW The Son (Jesus Christ). John 14:6 states: Jesus (Jesus Christ) said to him, “I (Jesus Christ) am The Way, The Truth, and The Life. NO ONE Comes to The Father (God Almighty), except through Me (Jesus Christ).”
In Jesus Christ’s time, a yoke was set across the necks of a pair of oxen, connecting them to one another. Taking up a “yoke” was a common image, for choosing to be a disciple of another person (i.e. to learn from a teacher). Jesus Christ is inviting Us (Believers) to Come to Him (Jesus Christ) and He (Jesus Christ) will Teach Us (Believers). He (Jesus Christ) Calls Himself “Gentle and Lowly in Heart”, because He (Jesus Christ) has Empathy and Compassion for Us (Believers). When Jesus Christ Speaks of “Rest”, He (Jesus Christ) is referring to Our (Believers) Service to God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. We (Believers) perform this Service, joyously, willingly, NOT as a duty, because it IS a Privilege. “For My (Jesus Christ’s) Yoke is Easy and My (Jesus Christ’s) Burden is Light”, for this statement, I refer to Philippians 4:13 “I (Believers) can do All Things, through Christ (Jesus Christ) who Strengthens me (Believers).” In order to Perform Divine Service, We (Believers) REQUIRE Divine Assistance, The Divine Power of Jesus Christ, through The Holy Spirit. That’s right, We (Believers) NEED Jesus Christ, to Work through Us (Believers), in order for Us (Believers) to Serve Him (Jesus Christ). What an awesome Privilege! Now, when I read, “My (Jesus Christ’s) Burden is Light”, I’m reminded that Jesus Christ IS The LIGHT!
Let’s see, Jesus Christ gives EVERYONE an Open Invitation: to learn from Him (Jesus Christ), through The Holy Spirit, to know God Almighty, through Him (Jesus Christ), and MOST IMPORTANTLY to have Everlasting Life, yes, to be in God Almighty’s Immediate Presence, with Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, God Almighty’s Holy Angels, and All the rest of The Children of God Almighty (Believers), Forever, for Eternity. So, I ask YOU (Believers), who would pass up on this Offer?
©Stan Arney

Amen. Not me. I am a believer. God is good all the time.

robert ndikum chi
6:32 PM
is the only means through which man can be save and there is no other
option when it concerns salvation .For the scriptures says in John 3;16
for God love the world so much that he gave his only son,so that
everyone who believe in him may not die but have eternal life.
This verses
of the scripture makes me to understand that man can not be save by his
own will or capacities or even by doing good things.It deals with the
matter of salvation and who talks of salvation talks of believe and who
talks of believe obviously will mention obedience according to the
scripture GOD bless u all.
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