The Era of the Alternative Media Has Arrived - Real Check and Balance Has Returned - Nathan McDonald

November 16, 2016
Where to go now? What is the next plan of action, now that the West has continued on with its anti-globalist trend? With the election of Trump, we are far from out of danger and now, the real hard work begins.
Now is the time to keep Trump on the straight and narrow path. It is time to ensure that he holds himself accountable to his campaign promises and it is time to keep a close eye and check on what unfolds as he begins his presidency.
Supporters of him, the strong right wing that dominated the alternative and social media landscape, are what got him elected, along with his common sense rhetoric and anti-politically correct agenda. Therefore, it is up to the alternative media to take up the baton and call it like it is.
We are not fan boys. We fought viciously and so ruthlessly because we believed it was the right thing to do. Do we believe that he will not make mistakes? No. Do we believe that there is no leniency to be given at all?
Of COURSE NOT. We cannot expect him to be able to do 100% of the things he said, just because the establishment will be fighting him every step of the way.
Yet, let's make this very clear. I, along with many others who supported Trump throughout his campaign, will be keeping a close eye on what happens and will turn on him the second we see something fundamentally go wrong.
The Mainstream Media continues on with their hoaxes, and are now hilariously trying to explain to the public HOW it was that Trump got elected, when THEY were giving Hillary a 99% chance of winning the election, up until the final day!
Their hubris is mind-boggling, and it is quite honestly insulting. They should be groveling on their knees to their viewers, begging them for forgiveness for deceiving them over the past year with their false news.
Instead, they are unsurprisingly doubling down on their efforts and pretending that they have not been completely and utterly discredited by their own lies.
You are going to see the media attack Trump on every level. You are going to see the establishment attack him on every level. Fortunately, this election proved that the power structure has shifted back to the people and the alternative media, which is predominately ran by independent journalists.
The MSM and the elite are rapidly losing their grip on power. But never fear, ye olde corrupt ones. The alternative media will do the job that you once held in high respect. We will keep the checks and balances on you, on the elite, and on Trump. Good riddance and goodbye.
Nathan McDonald is a libertarian, entrepreneur and precious metals enthusiast. He has always taken a keen interest in free markets and economics since an early age, which naturally led him to become a true believer in precious metals and all that they stand for.
Nathan served eight years in the Royal Canadian Navy as an electronics technician, seeing the true state of the world, before starting his first successful business. He has since gone on to create a number of businesses, all of which are still in operation and growing.
In addition to this, Nathan runs a network of successful precious metals blogs, and a growing newsletter that has attracted readers from all around the world.
He is a regular and highlighted writer for the highly respected Sprott Money Blog, which covers world events, geopolitics and of course precious metals.
The views and opinions expressed in this material are those of the author as of the publication date, are subject to change and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of Sprott Money Ltd. Sprott Money does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness and reliability of the information or any results from its use.
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