I'm writing to you today because:
- in two days, THE ELECTION;
- the massive evidence of brainwashing;
- and a question: how do we stop the "show trials" - like of Geert Wilders, now on trial in the Netherlands?
In two days, THE ELECTION. A couple of days ago, into my inbox landed even more damning evidence against Clinton. The headline: THE CLINTONS AND WEINER OUTED AS PEDOPHILES AND THEN SOME.
I sent the link to a friend. She came back with: And still they'll vote for her.
Yes, because they have the the hear no evil, see no evil, believe no evil filter about Clinton rigidly in place - and also the Trump is evil, Trump is evil, Trump is evil filter about Trump. Pro-Clinton people can't see the evidence which does get through, in bits here and there, via the mainstream media.
A quote that has stayed with me:
"It is a fact readily acknowledged, that for humans, an idea is much more powerful than a fact." Yes, especially when we've had the "idea" solidly brainwashed into place, and are having it constantly reinforced.
Figuring out ways to get through, over, around, under those filters, those blocks, those barricades - I see this quest in so many counter-jihad efforts. It's been a major quest throughout my life. Sometimes I've felt like Dr Spock: "But that isn't logical" - in childhood, to be against equality for women; 10 years ago, to go against Western freedom of speech and instead give in to Islamic demands. (My most recent attempt to help people break through the blocks: The Big BUT System.)
Trump is certainly doing all he can to get through to people. He's brilliant at using the media, even while the mainstream media is doing all it can to discredit him.
The most negative thing I've heard about Trump: he's all over the place - his message is not consistent. So I was quite impressed by a video which shows an underlying consistency over 30 years:
There's another thing strong on my mind: how do we stop the "show trials"?Everywhere I turn there are what I would call "show trials" of people who don't toe the politically correct line.
One word for what is happening: lawfare. I'm proposing we add the term, "show trials." The trials show everyone the dangers of stepping across the politically correct line (often pro-Islam, but it can involve anything to do with political correctness).
Under Stalin the fate of dissidents, at these trials, was almost certainly a one-way trip to death, most often through the gulags - the prison camps scattered throughout Russia. The outcome, most often: death by starvation, by cold. Stalin: twenty million deaths - that's the lowest count I've found.
The current "show trials" aim, from what I've seen, to kill the spirit, not so much of those on trial, but the spirit of those who see what happens. For instance, how many people hold back from speaking out, knowing the lawfare and, even more, the death threats against Geert Wilders? Marked for Death is the title of his autobiography. He has lived, for over a decade, with round the clock security. Tommy Robinson, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Ezra Levant, Kirralie Smith - on and on and on, the list of people who have gone through lawfare swallowing their time, energy, money.
That sends a big warning to those who have not been charged. From the moment I began noticing what was happening with Islam, and bringing my growing awareness into my classes, and, even more, posting online, I've been warned by caring friends: be careful. I've been asked: are you sure you want to risk doing this? I've also been asked: aren't you frightened? Of course, sometimes. But step by step I've gone on.
A current step: to ask all of you, how do we stop the "show trials"?
My sense: we need to do this together - a worldwide movement against the "show trials" taking place throughout the West, not only in relation to Islam.
Note: one can trigger one accidentally - as happened at the University of Ottawa, when a professor inadvertently did something that made events not go 100% smoothly for a student with a disability. Several alternatives were offered, but none was deemed acceptable by the student. Instead, a complaint went to the Social Justice Tribunal. Coming up: a costly government-funded procedure expected to take 4-10 days.
In Australia, 3 students were asked, several years ago, to leave a computer room reserved for aboriginal students. One posted on Facebook: "Just got kicked out of the unsigned Indigenous computer room. QUT (the university) is stopping segregation with segregation." Another of the students posted: "I wonder where the white supremacist lab is." The outcome: over 3 years of lawfare. One student faced a $200,000 bill over his post. They have just "won" - but no one can give them back the time, etc, this has taken.
(Link online: http://elsasblog.com/161106)
A very recent bit of so-called "hate speech." Deus Vult, used in the Crusades, was found written in 2 places (a desk and a wall) at an American university. Deus Vult - God willing, in Latin - is the Christian equivalent of the Islamic Inshallah (which is, of course, never designated as hate speech).
(Image and link online: http://elsasblog.com/161106)
What I find most dangerous: that this can be considered grounds for lawfare, for yet another "show trial."
By the way, included in the outcry against anything deemed politically incorrect are profuse apologies by the politically correct authorities, demonstrating how one is to behave, and profuse denigration of those who committed the politically incorrect act by both the authorities and the mainstream media.
Time to stop this. How? Perhaps by organizing counter-charges? Perhaps through worldwide protests? Perhaps by linking the cases? Connecting the dots, ever more, between the cases?
People like Stephen Coughlin and Diana West make brilliant cases for massive infiltration - both Islamic (Catastrophic Failure - Stephen Coughlin) and Communist (American Betrayal - Diana West). For a quick introduction to the power of infiltration and subversion, here is Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job:
I wrote to a friend: We've just begun.
He wrote back: You told me that we had just begun. But Islamics began 1400 years ago. Can we compete with them?
I started my response with a quote: If you assume there is no hope, then there is no hope.
I continued with my own response: I know there's hope. It has nothing to do with how long Islam has been around. By the way, over and over, Islam has been beaten back. But we never had the capacity to know what was happening worldwide, to know that not only did Islam need to be dealt with where we are, but that the ideology needed to be made visible and fully confronted (at least in all non-Islamic countries). Now we know, so now we know that is a major task. And major Islamics will know this. As do counter-jihadis.
To be continued.
It doesn't sound like the task is an easy one.
My sense: Trump has done much, is doing much.
As always, all the best to all who care and dare,
Nov 6, 2016
- in two days, THE ELECTION;
- the massive evidence of brainwashing;
- and a question: how do we stop the "show trials" - like of Geert Wilders, now on trial in the Netherlands?
In two days, THE ELECTION. A couple of days ago, into my inbox landed even more damning evidence against Clinton. The headline: THE CLINTONS AND WEINER OUTED AS PEDOPHILES AND THEN SOME.
I sent the link to a friend. She came back with: And still they'll vote for her.
Yes, because they have the the hear no evil, see no evil, believe no evil filter about Clinton rigidly in place - and also the Trump is evil, Trump is evil, Trump is evil filter about Trump. Pro-Clinton people can't see the evidence which does get through, in bits here and there, via the mainstream media.
A quote that has stayed with me:
"It is a fact readily acknowledged, that for humans, an idea is much more powerful than a fact." Yes, especially when we've had the "idea" solidly brainwashed into place, and are having it constantly reinforced.
Figuring out ways to get through, over, around, under those filters, those blocks, those barricades - I see this quest in so many counter-jihad efforts. It's been a major quest throughout my life. Sometimes I've felt like Dr Spock: "But that isn't logical" - in childhood, to be against equality for women; 10 years ago, to go against Western freedom of speech and instead give in to Islamic demands. (My most recent attempt to help people break through the blocks: The Big BUT System.)
Trump is certainly doing all he can to get through to people. He's brilliant at using the media, even while the mainstream media is doing all it can to discredit him.
The most negative thing I've heard about Trump: he's all over the place - his message is not consistent. So I was quite impressed by a video which shows an underlying consistency over 30 years:
There's another thing strong on my mind: how do we stop the "show trials"?Everywhere I turn there are what I would call "show trials" of people who don't toe the politically correct line.
One word for what is happening: lawfare. I'm proposing we add the term, "show trials." The trials show everyone the dangers of stepping across the politically correct line (often pro-Islam, but it can involve anything to do with political correctness).
Under Stalin the fate of dissidents, at these trials, was almost certainly a one-way trip to death, most often through the gulags - the prison camps scattered throughout Russia. The outcome, most often: death by starvation, by cold. Stalin: twenty million deaths - that's the lowest count I've found.
The current "show trials" aim, from what I've seen, to kill the spirit, not so much of those on trial, but the spirit of those who see what happens. For instance, how many people hold back from speaking out, knowing the lawfare and, even more, the death threats against Geert Wilders? Marked for Death is the title of his autobiography. He has lived, for over a decade, with round the clock security. Tommy Robinson, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Ezra Levant, Kirralie Smith - on and on and on, the list of people who have gone through lawfare swallowing their time, energy, money.
That sends a big warning to those who have not been charged. From the moment I began noticing what was happening with Islam, and bringing my growing awareness into my classes, and, even more, posting online, I've been warned by caring friends: be careful. I've been asked: are you sure you want to risk doing this? I've also been asked: aren't you frightened? Of course, sometimes. But step by step I've gone on.
A current step: to ask all of you, how do we stop the "show trials"?
My sense: we need to do this together - a worldwide movement against the "show trials" taking place throughout the West, not only in relation to Islam.
Note: one can trigger one accidentally - as happened at the University of Ottawa, when a professor inadvertently did something that made events not go 100% smoothly for a student with a disability. Several alternatives were offered, but none was deemed acceptable by the student. Instead, a complaint went to the Social Justice Tribunal. Coming up: a costly government-funded procedure expected to take 4-10 days.
In Australia, 3 students were asked, several years ago, to leave a computer room reserved for aboriginal students. One posted on Facebook: "Just got kicked out of the unsigned Indigenous computer room. QUT (the university) is stopping segregation with segregation." Another of the students posted: "I wonder where the white supremacist lab is." The outcome: over 3 years of lawfare. One student faced a $200,000 bill over his post. They have just "won" - but no one can give them back the time, etc, this has taken.
(Link online: http://elsasblog.com/
A very recent bit of so-called "hate speech." Deus Vult, used in the Crusades, was found written in 2 places (a desk and a wall) at an American university. Deus Vult - God willing, in Latin - is the Christian equivalent of the Islamic Inshallah (which is, of course, never designated as hate speech).
(Image and link online: http://elsasblog.com/
What I find most dangerous: that this can be considered grounds for lawfare, for yet another "show trial."
By the way, included in the outcry against anything deemed politically incorrect are profuse apologies by the politically correct authorities, demonstrating how one is to behave, and profuse denigration of those who committed the politically incorrect act by both the authorities and the mainstream media.
Time to stop this. How? Perhaps by organizing counter-charges? Perhaps through worldwide protests? Perhaps by linking the cases? Connecting the dots, ever more, between the cases?
People like Stephen Coughlin and Diana West make brilliant cases for massive infiltration - both Islamic (Catastrophic Failure - Stephen Coughlin) and Communist (American Betrayal - Diana West). For a quick introduction to the power of infiltration and subversion, here is Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job:
I wrote to a friend: We've just begun.
He wrote back: You told me that we had just begun. But Islamics began 1400 years ago. Can we compete with them?
I started my response with a quote: If you assume there is no hope, then there is no hope.
I continued with my own response: I know there's hope. It has nothing to do with how long Islam has been around. By the way, over and over, Islam has been beaten back. But we never had the capacity to know what was happening worldwide, to know that not only did Islam need to be dealt with where we are, but that the ideology needed to be made visible and fully confronted (at least in all non-Islamic countries). Now we know, so now we know that is a major task. And major Islamics will know this. As do counter-jihadis.
To be continued.
It doesn't sound like the task is an easy one.
My sense: Trump has done much, is doing much.
As always, all the best to all who care and dare,
Nov 6, 2016
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