Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Countries that Won and Countries that Lost in Last Week's Election
It’s over...Donald J. Trump won and thankfully for our
country he did. But what’s forgotten in Trump’s win is that Israel also won while
at the same time Iran lost...and let’s not forget that there’s also Russia
added into the mix of Trump’s win.
And step one towards that goal would be for Trump to remove
our country’s ‘John Hancock’ from what’s known as the ‘Joint Comprehensive
Plan of Action’...commonly and rightfully referred to as Obama’s very bad
nuclear deal...a deal Trump himself called “disastrous”
and his “No. 1 priority” for removal...a
deal Iran never signed...a deal which is technically a non-binding, non-Senate
ratified treaty. And this is the very deal that Iranian President Hassan
Rouhani claimed, upon hearing of Trump’s win, that there is “no possibility” whatsoever of this deal
to be overturned by Trump or anyone else. But this is an outright lie no matter
that Rouhani told his cabinet that Tehran’s “understanding
in the nuclear deal was that the accord was not concluded with one country or
government but was approved by a resolution of the U.N. Security Council and
there is no possibility that it can be changed by a single government.”
Simply, Rouhani is so very wrong for by Iran’s breaking many
agreements they themselves signed this affords a now President Trump justification
for doing away with Obama’s very bad nuclear deal. Here are but three examples Trump can use as
the reason for his canceling said deal, with example one being that Iran has
already violated key provisions of the deal regarding heavy water, inspections,
and fissile materials that the U.S. and the U.N. granted way too many waivers
and exemptions for.
Example two is that Iran has not so secretly been trying to buy dual-use nuclear technology from rouge nations...North Korea being but one...which directly violates their signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which clearly states that Iran needs international approval for any and all nuclear or nuclear related purchases. And then there’s always example three that has Iran continuing its countless violations of international law by its not only sponsoring terrorism but by snubbing its nose at U.N. Security Council resolutions against exporting arms and weapons to not only assorted Palestinian terrorist groups, but to Hezbollah, Syrian militias, and Yemeni rebels as well.
And by placing new and even stronger economic sanctions on third
parties (countries, companies and individuals) that deal with Iran we hope to bring
them to their economic knees which in turn has them pressuring Iran to either duly
comply with the deal or be directly responsible for the deal’s demise. And then
there is always the possibilities of reinstating the U.S. sanctions already being
waived or having Trump issue an executive order placing new and even stricter economic
sanctions upon the enemy Iran. And let’s not forget that Trump could invoke the
‘International Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977’ which gives him, as
president, broad sanctioning power.
Now let’s turn to one of the prime benefactors of Trump’s
winning the election...the forever Jewish State of Israel. And I think Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it best with but seven simple words
about his friend Donald J. Trump...seven simple words that Donald J. Trump is a "true friend of the state of
See Benjamin Netanyahu's congratulatory words here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOMG4IOfH0I
And let’s not forget that a Hillary presidency would have
forced said two-state solution down Israel’s throat for she believes that
Israel alone bears the burden of why there is no peace. Hillary and crew
strongly believe that in order to to attain even a semblance of peace that Israel must
surrender control over Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria... giving them to the ‘so-called’
Palestinians to do with what they so chose...allowing them to rid God’s promised
land of His chosen people. But Donald J. Trump will have none of this for he has
declared first in a tweet that “Support
for Israel is an expression of Americanism. …We reject the false notion that
Israel is an occupier”...and has also told the media that “We will move the American embassy (from
Tel-Aviv) to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem” that Jerusalem
will remain forever the Jewish State of Israel’s capital as God intended it to
But most importantly is that Trump does not just talk the good
talk about Israel but surrounds himself with staunch pro-Israeli people
including Vice President-elect Mike Pence who is a major pro-Israel policymaker;
former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (who rightfully called the
Palestinians an “invented people”), former
New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani and retired General Mike Flynn all part of
the transitional team and all decidedly and unabashedly pro-Israel; as well as former
U.N. Ambassador John Bolton who is a huge proponent of a strong U.S./Israel military
alliance. And Trump’s Israel affairs advisers David Friedman and Jason
Greenblatt are amongst the leading advocates of a must have strong U.S./Israel
alliance on all accounts.
And lastly, we now have a chance for a thawing of the animosity
between Washington and Moscow. In fact, Vladimir Putin sent Donald J. Trump...who
has called Putin “a leader”...a
telegram congratulating him on winning the presidential election and has
publicly stated that he now hopes that relations between the two world powers
would improve "from their crisis
state” and that he hopes to address some “burning issues that are currently on the international agenda, and
search for effective responses to the challenges of the global security”...as
in islamic terrorism...adding that he
has confidence that “building a
constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington, based on principles of
equality, mutual respect and each other's positions, meets the interests of the
peoples of our countries and of the entire international community” is now
See Vladimir Putin's words congratulating Donald J. Trump here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmEWXseLRlI
And Vladimir Putin is right for remember, it was Barack
HUSSEIN Obama alone who caused U.S./Russian relations to sink to their lowest
point since the Cold War for Obama not only tried to get us to believe that
Russia wanted to start World War III but that Russia...not islam...was enemy
number one. And thankfully with Trump’s election war with Russia has been
averted for Hillary had every intention of taking military action against
Russia...starting a war with Russia...who she blamed for all her WikiLeaks
woes. But when you really think things through logically do you honestly believe
Russia can afford a war on the scale of a world war...a reality check says they
cannot because Russia's economy has been brought almost to its knees because of
it’s being cut off from the international credit it so desperately needs.
So if Trump is able to restore bilateral relations between
Russia and the U.S. it would serve Russia well as it would lead the way to
restoring international credit and releasing some if not all sanctions still in
place. Also, it might serve a Trump presidency well if we do not continue to
get in Russia’s way in regards to their trying to wipe out ISIS in Syria, for
Russia knows well who the true enemy is and it’s not Bashar al-Assad as Obama
wants us to believe but is the so-called Syrian rebels who are actually tentacles
of both ISIS and al-Qaeda.
Countries that Won and Countries that Lost in Last Week's Election
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on American
Political Radio bit.ly/2cpXuRd

Let’s start with the loser Iran. Iran...the leading
state sponsor of terror...Iran...the country who wants to wipe Israel (the
Little Satan) off the map and then come for us (the Great Satan)...Iran who
shouts “Death to America” almost
nonstop now best temper down their rhetoric for Donald J. Trump will surely
counter then negate Iran’s mindset of becoming the Middle East’s main regional power.

Example two is that Iran has not so secretly been trying to buy dual-use nuclear technology from rouge nations...North Korea being but one...which directly violates their signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which clearly states that Iran needs international approval for any and all nuclear or nuclear related purchases. And then there’s always example three that has Iran continuing its countless violations of international law by its not only sponsoring terrorism but by snubbing its nose at U.N. Security Council resolutions against exporting arms and weapons to not only assorted Palestinian terrorist groups, but to Hezbollah, Syrian militias, and Yemeni rebels as well.
And know that there are many more reasons for negating this
most disastrous and dangerous of deals Barack HUSSEIN Obama ever made...actually
a deal that when all is said and done is a deal that ‘aids and abets’ an enemy
of the U.S...treason in no uncertain terms.
So as Rouhani continues to spew that America's "sickness and civil instability will
persist for a long time”...as Rouhani thinks that it will still be he who
is in control of the nuclear game come January 20th, because of Obama’s weaknesses
that allowed for concession after concession to be made just so he could get a
deal in place for his legacy...a legacy now and forever rightfully tarnished...a
deal that allowed Iran to manipulate and control Obama’s orchestrating of said deal
thus turning it into an executive agreement instead of the treaty it should
have been...the bottom line is that Rouhani solely underestimates the
determination of Donald J. Trump to set America right again...to make America
great again...to make Obama’s very bad nuclear deal go away.
And while we know the whys and the justifications for having
said deal go away, the possibilities as to how to accomplish that are many
beyond just erasing our signature from the dotted line and letting the
consequences fall where they may. And while some dismiss the concept of economic
sanctions it must be known that they do indeed work in more ways than one.
Remember, economic sanctions are what brought Iran to the bargaining table in
the first place for the sanctions against them were severely crippling Iran’s economy
and they needed a way to get them lifted...now enter center stage Obama’s very
bad nuclear deal.

But no matter which route Trump goes in negating the U.S.
role in this very bad nuclear deal, know we now have a president who truly
believes America’s enemies be damned and a president who understands that while
some Democrats and foreign leaders say that this plan is “very successful in doing what it was designed to do, and that is to
block systematically each pathway Iran had to achieve a nuclear weapon," Donald
J. Trump understands that the wool has indeed been pulled over their eyes for
he knows Iran leadership keeps referring to this deal as a “Nuclear Deal” made...need I say more.

See Benjamin Netanyahu's congratulatory words here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOMG4IOfH0I
And yes, Trump is a true friend to Israel...in fact Netanyahu
has already been invited to the Trump White House...while Hillary Clinton...the
woman who has Muslim Brotherhood operative Huma Abedin as her top advisor and
confidant while claiming she is Israel’s greatest friend...remains unwaveringly
pro-Palestinian in her demands for a two-state solution at all costs...a
solution that would jeopardize Israel’s very survival what with her ‘so-called’
cabinet-in-waiting having no one amongst them to champion for Israel’s side...Donald
J. Trump knows well that Israel’s right to survival ‘trumps’ anything the made-up
people called ‘Palestinians’ might want or demand.

And so the man who endorsed BiBi Netanyahu in his latest run
for prime minister and said to Israel’s people that “You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu”...the
man, Donald J. Trump, who in 1983 had the Jewish National Fund bestow upon him the Tree of Life
Award for his “... dedication to the cause of American-Israeli friendship”...and
who pledged that “When I become
president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on
day one” has now with his win made it possible for the heralding in of a new
era of joint Israeli/American cooperation, friendship, and shh...a military
alliance...that the Obama administration destroyed...that a Hillary Clinton
administration would have sold to the highest bidder.

See Vladimir Putin's words congratulating Donald J. Trump here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmEWXseLRlI

So now as both ‘We the People’ and our beloved America moves
forward into a new era of both reconciliation and renewed leadership on the
world stage...as once enemies become friends...as allies stand strong
together...as true enemies become recognized and dealt with as they should have
always been...we can again relish in congratulating the winners and shout loud
and clear for all to hear that the biggest loser of all in this election cycle
was not just Hillary Clinton but a media so bought and paid for that they have
become a laughing stock on the world stage.
Today, Tuesday, November 15th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss the countries that won and the countries that lost in last Tuesday's election, Hillary's and Obama's lingering legacy, and Trump's transition team and cabinet shapes up.
Hope you can tune in at: bit.ly/2cpXuRd

Today, Tuesday, November 15th, from 7 to 9pm EST on American Political Radio, RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss the countries that won and the countries that lost in last Tuesday's election, Hillary's and Obama's lingering legacy, and Trump's transition team and cabinet shapes up.
Hope you can tune in at: bit.ly/2cpXuRd
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