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29 March 2018

Rejuvenate Your Legs

Rejuvenate Your Legs and Feet By Healing Your Painful Nerves

What causes nerve pain? For as long as medicine has been recorded, this question has stumped even the most brilliant medical minds.

But thanks to a flash of insight from the researchers at John Hopkins Medial School, we have a definitive answer. The origin of all nerve pain comes from damaged nerves and nerve cells (neurons), which are incapable of healing themselves.

When your nerves are damaged, your legs and feet are in constant pain. Damaged nerves stream non-stop pain signals to your brain, bringing on feelings of burning, tingling, numbness…stabbing and shooting pains…among others.

This damage is often the result of the protective coating surrounding your nerves, called myelin, getting too thin, making your nerves exceptionally vulnerable to injury and sensitive to even the slightest touch.

Damaged nerves ruin your circulation, too. Nerve damage causes the tiny blood vessels at your nerve endings to restrict, preventing healthy blood flow to your legs and feet. This slow moving blood causes your legs to swell and makes them feel like they weigh a thousand pounds!

12 Vital Nutrients That Relieve Nerve Pain

Vitamin and herbal supplements can help provide lasting relief from nerve pain by supplying your body with nutrients critical to nerve health. Here are 12 that research proves to be the strongest, most effective.

• Vitamin B2 also known as Riboflavin is a potent antioxidant that clears away free radicals in nerve cells, resulting in powerful relief from nerve pain. Free radicals can cause your nerve cells to die and can also signal your brain to feel pain (even when you’re fine). So you can imagine why vitamin B2 is so critically important. It keeps pain away by keeping free radicals out.

• Vitamin B6 is one of the best vitamins around for eliminating pain, tingling, and numbness that’s brought on by nerve pain and neuropathy and diabetes. One study reports that taking B6 with several other nutrients mentioned in this post can slash pain levels by 48.9%! And that’s because it helps carry oxygen into your nerves; giving them the energy and nutrients they need to thrive.

• Vitamin B12 has the extraordinary ability to heal damaged nerve cells and even regenerate healthy new ones! This was proven fact in a recent study published in the Journal of Neurological Science. When your nerves are damaged, your body feels pain and you lose sensation in your legs and feet. Sometimes you’ll experience burning.

• Vitamin B1 works in two ways to relieve pain and restore health in your legs and feet. First, by boosting the production of myelin, the thick protective coating around your nerves. When it gets too thin, your nerves can “short circuit” sending pain signals to your brain. And second, by speeding up the communications that move from nerve-to-nerve. If the impulses are too slow, you’ll lose sensation in your feet. But when there fast, like they will be with Vitamin B1, you feel everything!

• L-Arginine is a powerful amino acid that gives your blood flow an enormous boost, bringing on tremendous relief from burning, tingling, numbness and heavy, tired legs. When your circulation is slow, nutrient rich, oxygen rich blood can’t reach your most important nerves. And gets jammed up in your veins, eventually leaking out, causing your legs and feet to feel heavy and painful. L-Arginine delivers nutrient dense, oxygen rich blood to your legs and feet that they need to look and feel healthy!

• ALA is the most one of today’s most researched ingredients for nerve pain and is caused “the new treatment for neuropathic pain” after spectacular clinical results. In a recent study published by the Journal of Diabetes Care, ALA brought on tremendous relief from burning, tingling, numbness in peoples legs and feet in just 5 weeks! And that’s because ALA provides remarkable antioxidant protection from free radicals that damage nerves.

• Horse Chest Nut is stunningly effective at turning restless, tired, and heavy legs into young and healthy ones! And that’s because Horse Chest Nut has the amazing ability to strengthen your artery walls and remove fluid from your legs that’s weighing your down. Slow moving blood causes your veins to swell, and eventually this blood leaks into your legs. This extra fluid causes them to feel heavy and can make life a nightmare. Horse Chest Nut gets rid of this fluid and makes your veins are stronger than ever so they never leak again!

• Boswellia is nature’s most powerful form of pure relief and works better on your pain than some of today’s top painkillers. In a recent study reported by Natural News, Boswellia reduced chronic by 90%! And that’s without any side effects. Boswellia works by blocking the enzymes that cause all pain — when your hurt, these enzymes break down. Boswellia prevents this break down, turning off pain entirely. Allowing you to heal pain free!

• Feverfew relieves nerve pain in a powerful through its high concentrations of parthenolide, a powerful compound that quells inflammation. When your nerves are inflamed, they send signals to your brain that they’re hurt. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Feverfew prevents pain by soothing the inflammation that’s causing your nerves to fire.

• Oat Straw works almost exclusively on calming and relaxing your nerves so that they don’t signal pain. According to Natural News, Oat Straws high concentration of B vitamins is why the nutrient is so effective!

• Passion Flower is strikingly effective at calming your nerves, preventing them from firing off uncontrollably, which causes pain, muscle spasms, and cramps. By increasing your levels of GABA, a pleasure chemical found in your brain, Passion Flower unleashes and incredible tranquilizing affect over your entire body, especially your nerves. Relieving your pain in the gentlest way possible.

• Skullcap is another nutrient that can bring relaxation to your nerves. And according to well-known herbalist, David Hoffman, Skullcap “effectively soothes nervous tension while renewing and revivifying the central nervous system.” When your nerves are calm, your entire body can feel it. And if you have nerve pain or neuropathy, that couldn’t be more important. Calm nerves mean happy legs and feet!

Today there is only one supplement that provides these ingredients in the right dosages, delivering real relief you can count on.

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