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04 December 2016



** {Materials may be copied and used for Bible study purposes. 
  Not to be sold.}

Read the following verses in the Last Days Bible or a translation of your choice. Then discuss the questions that follow. Questions should be studied by each individual before your discussion group meets.

Lesson 1 - No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:1-10
Paul’s Letter to the Galatians:

*Gal. 1:1  My Dear Friends in Galatia:
This is from Paul, a messenger*—not a messenger sent by men, nor by the authority of man, but by Jesus Christ and by God our Father who raised Him from among the dead.

 – “A messenger,”* literally an apostle. The Greek word is Apostolos and comes from apo meaning “from” and stello meaning “to send.”
This refers to the act of sending someone as a delegate to represent the sender. It is translated in the King James Version as apostle, messenger or he that is sent.

2 Greetings to all of you in the churches* in the province of Galatia in Turkey. All the Lord’s followers with me send their greetings as well.

*Gal. 1:2 – “Greetings to all of you in the churches.”

* Paul uses the plural “churches.” This is a circular letter that is not going to a single city but rather to an entire Roman province.

3 May God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord grant you all the blessings of the Christian life, including peace of mind and heart.

4 Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins, in order to rescue us from this present evil age. This was in obedience to what our God and Father wanted Him to do.

5 May our Father be praised and revered throughout all of endless eternity! Indeed, may it ever be so! There is No Other Great News!

6 But I’m utterly shocked and amazed at you people!

*  How is it that you’ve so quickly deserted our God, * who called you to Himself by means of the undeserved love and mercy He so graciously offers you through Christ?
Instead, you are now accepting a different “great news”!

*Gal. 1:6 – “I’m utterly shocked and amazed at you people!”

 The Greek word is thaumazo and carries the idea of that which would
“evoke surprise.”
* It has been translated in various translations as “I marvel, I am amazed, I am astonished, I am surprised at you!” “Quickly deserted our God.”*

In Greek this is a present tense which indicates that the removing is in progress but has not yet been complete. They were deserting God Himself for a different gospel.

7 But there’s no great news at all connected with what you’re now accepting. Those who are confusing you want only to twist and destroy the Great News* about the Messiah.

*Gal. 1:7 – “Twist and destroy the Great News.” The Greek word means to change, pervert, twist, and distort.

The Galatians were doing this by trying to earn God’s favor by observing special days, months, seasons and years (Gal. 4:9-11).

They were making circumcision mandatory along with faith in Jesus as a means of earning salvation (Gal. 5:2-3; Acts 15:1-2). They thought * justification came from observing the law instead of through Christ and Him crucified (Gal. 5:4).
Justification, in Christian theology, is God's act of removing the guilt and penalty of sin while at the same time declaring a sinner righteous through Christ's atoning sacrifice. In Protestantism, righteousness from God is viewed as being credited to the sinner's account through faith alone, without works.

8 But even if I myself or an angel from Heaven were to preach a different great news to you than the Great News I already brought you, may he be damned!*

9 So you will know that I mean what I’ve just said, I say it again: If anyone preaches any great news to you other than the Great News I already brought you, may he be damned!*

*Gal. 1:8, 9 – “May he be damned!”* that is, condemned or forever cursed.

10 In making this harsh statement, am I merely trying to convince you of my opinion, or am I telling you what God declares? 
Or, do you think I’m concerned about what people wish to hear? 
If I were still concerned about pleasing people, 
I wouldn’t be a servant of Christ!


Lesson 1 - No Other Gospel - Galatians 1:1-10

1. How did the author of the letter identify himself? (1:1)

2. How did Paul bring up two vital concerns in the beginning of his letter (1:1, 4)

3. Who joined Paul in sending the letter? (1:2)

4. To whom was the letter sent? (1:2)
5. What traditional form of greeting did the apostle use in his letter? (1:3)

6. How did Paul conclude his salutation? (1:4-5)

7. What attitude did Paul express? Why? (1:6-7)

8. How were the Galatian Christians being thrown "into confusion"? (1:7)

9. What hypothetical case did Paul present to show the purity of the gospel? (1:8-9)

10. How did Paul emphasize the importance of representing the gospel accurately? (1:8-9)

11. What accusation had been directed at Paul? (1:10)

12. How did Paul affirm his purpose to please God? (1:10)

13. The tone of Paul’s letter is serious and abrupt; why did he write this way?

14. Why was it important that Paul establish his credentials?

15. Why was it important for the Galatian churches to be reminded that salvation lay in the work of Christ, not in human works?

16. How do Christians have a tendency to bypass God’s grace in their daily experience?


Lesson 2 - Paul Called by God - Galatians 1:11-24
Paul’s Authority Is from God

11 But I want you dear friends to know, that no mere man had anything to do with authoring the Great News I’ve been preaching.

12 Because I neither received it from man, nor did any man teach it to me. I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.*

*Gal. 1:12 – “Revelation from Jesus Christ.”
* This could mean two things, (1) the revelation of the gospel was FROM Jesus Christ and the revelation WAS JESUS CHRIST.

13 You’ve heard how I behaved in the past as a zealot of the Jewish religion, how I angrily and violently persecuted the Church* of God and did my best to destroy it.

*Gal. 1:13 – “I angrily and violently persecuted the Church.”*
 The imperfect tense implies that Saul persecuted the church in excess and without mercy and it continued for some time.

14  Because I was so very devoted in upholding the traditions of our ancestors, I was advancing in the Jewish religion far ahead of many my own age in Israel.

15 But even before I was born, God had set me apart to be His messenger. And though undeserving of His kindness and mercy,

 16 it pleased Him to call me to Himself and introduce me to His Son, and then send me to tell people in all nations that the Great News about Jesus is for them too. But I didn’t then immediately go and talk this over with others who are as human as I am.

17 No, I didn’t even go to Jerusalem to talk with those who were messengers of Christ before I was. Instead, I went to Arabia,* and then returned to Damascus.

*Gal. 1:17 – “I went to Arabia”* possibly to be alone with the Lord, and confer with Him or restudy the Old Testament scriptures without tradition.

18 It wasn’t until three years after my conversion to Christ that I went up to Jerusalem to meet Peter.* I stayed with him at that time for 15 days.

*Gal. 1:18 – “To meet Peter”* and get acquainted. There could be several reasons Paul mentions this. (1) In a brief meeting he could not have been fully instructed in the truths of the gospel. (2) He wants people to understand his harmony with Peter. 

19 Even then I didn’t see any of the other messengers,* except James, the Lord’s brother.

*Gal. 1:19 – “Messengers,”* literally apostles.

20 I assure you before God that what I’m writing you here is the truth!

21 Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia.

22 Before this time, none of the people in the Christian churches in Judea had met me personally.

23 The only thing they had heard was the continued report that, “The one who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the Great News, the very faith he once tried to destroy!”

24 And they praised God for what had happened to me.


Lesson 2 - Paul Called by God - Galatians 1:11-24

17. What gospel did Paul preach? (1:11-12)

18. What did Paul try to establish by bringing up his personal history? (1:13-14)

19. Before his conversion, what was Paul’s approach to Judaism? (1:14)

20. What three things did God do for Saul when he intervened in his life?

21. How did Paul emphasize that his conversion and calling were none of his own doing? (1:15-16)

22. What did Paul do after his conversion? (1:16-17)

23. How did Paul form his theology? (1:16-17)

24. How long did Paul wait before going to Jerusalem? (1:18)

25. How much time did Paul spend with Peter? (1:18)

26. While in Jerusalem, which other apostle did Paul meet? (1:19)

27. Why did Paul want his readers to know how limited his relationship was to the apostles? (1:18-19)

28. What did Paul say to confirm the truth of his testimony? (1:20)

29. How was Paul’s ministry clearly not under the authority or oversight of the Jerusalem church? (1:21-22)

30. What was reported to the Judean churches about Paul? (1:23-24)

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