Now, at last, you can transform your health, too!
“Texas Doctor’s Accidental
Discovery Is Helping Thousands
Around The World Slow, Stop And
Even Reverse Today’s Deadliest
Health Epidemics!”
Discovery Is Helping Thousands
Around The World Slow, Stop And
Even Reverse Today’s Deadliest
Health Epidemics!”
Best Part: This near-miracle healing
blueprint is easy to follow, starts working
almost immediately and doesn’t require
dangerous drugs with unwanted side-effects!
blueprint is easy to follow, starts working
almost immediately and doesn’t require
dangerous drugs with unwanted side-effects!

Allen, Texas
October 1, 2016
Hi, Dr. Marlene Merritt here.
And the
results our patients are receiving from the healing protocol we
prescribe are nothing short of incredible. Here are a recent handful of
Real-Life Stories Of Healing
Allen, Texas
October 1, 2016
Hi, Dr. Marlene Merritt here.
In the video above, you heard Russ Rogers’
personal story as he shared the positive health benefits he achieved
naturally, without medications, in just 6 short weeks.
And, although his story is truly amazing, it is not unique.
My husband and I receive success stories like his and see similar results in our Texas-based clinic every week.
That is, when patients follow our program, The Natural Cures Blueprint, and start implementing the insider health secrets it contains, positive results follow fast.
Positive results like…- Normalized Blood Pressure...
- Significant Weight Loss (without hours of strenuous exercise, calorie-cutting deprivation diets of hunger)...
- Normalize Blood Sugar...
- Improved Cholesterol Numbers...
- Improved Triglyceride Levels...
- Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes. (Yes, I said “reversal”... it is possible, despite what most doctors, Big Pharma and the Government tell you. I’ve seen it happen with too many of our patients to dismiss it.)
- And much more.
There are even new research studies (being done right now) where doctors using nearly the exact same healing protocol we do...
Are Reversing
Alzheimer's Disease!
Alzheimer's Disease!
It’s true. But I’m getting a little ahead of myself. Before I tell you more about the healing protocol inside The Natural Cures Blueprint, it’s important to back up just a bit and tell you how it all got started with...
My Accidental Discovery And
Personal Story Of Healing
Personal Story Of Healing

At the age of 20, I was diagnosed with a
heart condition.The biggest symptoms were chest pain and shortness of
breath. It turns out I had mitral valve prolapse (essentially, a
“floppy” heart valve).
I, like most people would, did all the
Western medicine things I was told to do. I started following a
low-fat diet and I took all the drugs that were supposed to help.
But no matter what I did or tried… I still had chest pain every time I walked up a flight of stairs.
I was on a cycling team at the time and raced
a lot, but I had to give it up. (Everyone who knows me knows what a
big deal that was at the time!) I also had to give up my high-level
Basically, I couldn’t do anything more active
than walking (sometimes that was even uncomfortable). And after
awhile, I finally just gave up that anything would ever be different.
After putting up with this life-alerting (and
quite scary) condition for 15 years, my accidental discovery came when I
went to see a Naturopath doctor for a totally unrelated issue. He
looked at my intake form and said...
“You have chest pain?” And I said,
“Yes, but I’m not here for that.”
“Yes, but I’m not here for that.”
He then told me, it was likely because I was
vitamin E deficient. I told him I was already taking vitamin E (those
liquid capsules you find at the grocery store in the vitamin section).
But, he explained how those capsules aren’t really vitamin E... they
were alpha-tocopherol, or, at best, mixed tocopherols, and were just one
part of what real vitamin E actually consists of.
He then gave me a small bottle of vitamin E in the form of a whole food supplement. And even though I had tried (I thought) literally everything, having nothing to lose, I brought it home and took it as prescribed.
To my delight and surprise, about a week
later, I started feeling better — I was less tired, and I had less chest
pain. Within a month, I had zero symptoms... and... other than being
really out of shape, I felt completely normal!
I Was Stunned...
To Say The Least!
To Say The Least!
That doctor’s in-depth knowledge of whole
food nutrition gave me a part of my life back that I had lost all those
years ago and thought was gone forever.
I quickly started cycling at a level I never thought I would achieve again... and... the following year...
I Rode My Bike Across The
United States In 26 Days...
Averaging 135 Miles Per Day!
United States In 26 Days...
Averaging 135 Miles Per Day!

Every year since then, I’ve taken on some big challenge... because now I can actually DO IT.
Due to this experience, my husband, Dr. Will
Mitchell and I worked to receive Master’s Degrees in Human Nutrition
with an emphasis on functional medicine.
We were already doctors of Oriental medicine,
but did this because it was clear to us that we needed to learn
everything we possibly could about this field that made such a profound
difference for me...
Healing Something That
I Had Been So Certain Would
Be Impossible To Heal!
I Had Been So Certain Would
Be Impossible To Heal!
Since that time, in addition to helping out
thousands of patients in our full-time clinical practice, we’ve reached
hundreds of thousands more through our books, lectures across the U.S.
and Canada to healthcare professionals and our more extensive programs,
like... The Natural Cures Blueprint.
In fact, The Natural Cures Blueprint
is nearly 4 hours of the best-of-the-best insider health information
and remedies we personally prescribe to patients at our clinic... all of
which... are based on (and backed up by) the latest scientific research
studies and our real-world experience.
The program consists of a live seminar we
gave to a packed audience in Dallas. It comes on three DVD’s and three
audio CD’s (so you can listen on the go). It also includes a companion
manual for a quick reference action guide to everything we reveal...
including the...

3 Big Healthy Aging Pitfalls...
And... 4 Big Healthy Aging Solutions
This truly is life-changing health information... starting with...And... 4 Big Healthy Aging Solutions

Too Much Sugar And Not Enough Healthy Fats
In the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s there were advertisements that promoted pure sugar as safe and healthy!
They carried headlines, like...
“Sugar can be the
will power you
need to under eat”
will power you
need to under eat”
“Sugar’s got what it takes...
18 calories per teaspoon
and it’s all energy”
18 calories per teaspoon
and it’s all energy”
These ads ran everywhere… including places like Time and Life magazines… which… at the time, were two of the largest circulation publications on the planet.
In light of what we now know, these ads are
shocking. But they perfectly illustrate how we got into the healthcare
mess we are in today.
In the seminar we show actual examples of these ads and also reveal...
- The real truth about diabetes devastating effects. (For example, did you know 230 diabetics have a limb amputated every day in America... and 55 diabetics go blind?)
- How the Food Pyramid and the removal of fat from our diet has damaged our health!
- Why half of Americans are now consuming 150-180 pounds of sugar a year on average... versus... just 4 pounds in 1700... and... what that means for our health.
- An 11 symptom test that reveals if you have blood sugar issues. (Not 1 in 100 Americans can pass this test!)
- How excess insulin causes sugar cravings, brain fog, fat gain, high triglycerides and hormonal problems — in both men and women...
- 22 other health impacts of high insulin. (In addition to diabetes, almost all of our other modern health epidemics are driven by high insulin).
- How drinking 16 ounces of so-called “healthy” orange juice can reduce immune system function by 75% for up to 5 hours!
- Why Alzheimer’s is now being called Type 3 diabetes.
- Why sugar (not salt) is the real culprit of hypertension and cardiovascular disease...
- Why cholesterol is NOT the enemy. (In fact, you need it for almost every important physical function in your body.)
- How saturated fat can actually keep your arteries clear! (This research comes straight from the former chairman of the American Heart Association’s dietary guidelines committee.)
- 10 research papers that show glucose (blood sugar) feeds cancer! (These studies come from top cancer centers such as Harvard Medical School and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.)
- Which mineral deficiency causes low energy. (Adding one simple food to your diet can quickly clear this up.)
- The mineral deficiency almost every American has that contributes to hypertension.
- What “Triage Theory” is... and...
- Which mineral deficiencies are related to DNA damage and cancers.
- How low fat diets cause nutritional deficiencies!
- How drinking filtered or distilled water can actually be bad for you... and... what you should drink instead.
- The potentially-fatal consequences of vegetarian and vegan diets.
- The essential nutrients you need (every day!) to function optimally... and... how to safely and effectively get them.
- How taking large amounts of synthetic vitamins can actually do you more harm than good. (This is especially true when they are taken in isolation and/or isolated forms. For example: A study in the Annuals of Internal Medicine revealed high-dosage supplementation of vitamin E may increase all-cause mortality [death].)
- How long it takes to truly recharge when you have adrenal fatigue. (The answer will surprise you.)
- Why social isolation is one of the most stressful situations you can be exposed to.
- How short-term stress actually improves health.
- How to quickly test your current state of health by performing this one-minute physical task. (This test will help you determine your risk of all-cause mortality over the next six years!)
- Two sweeteners you can use to safely replace sugar... even in complex recipes. (One of these is actually 200-300 times sweeter than sugar and has zero effect on blood glucose.)
- How hog farmers accidentally discovered a way to fatten their hogs and get them to market faster. (Good for them from a profit standpoint, but bad for us... because... the U.S. government has shoved the same discovery down our throats [literally!] for the last 40+ years.)
- Why you should NEVER count calories for weight loss and what to focus on instead! In fact, we also tell you...
- How to improve your sleep quality and reduce nighttime wake ups in a week or less.
- How Type 1 diabetics were successfully treated in the pre-insulin era. They used Type 1 diabetics because there weren’t enough Type 2’s back then to test on. This forgotten dietary remedy still works now...
- How the American Heart Association used the BIG 3 major media networks to demonize saturated fat back in 1972. (The result of this smear campaign has more than doubled the amount of obese or overweight Americans. Even worse... obesity rates have more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents!)
- A study from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that shows lowering your saturated fat intake actually increases mortality (death) risk.
- A simple, short daily routine that prevents muscle loss and weakness as you age. (Adding muscle is a key to combating diabetes... and a little goes a long way. In a study of 13,000+ subjects, each 10% increase in muscle mass resulted in 11% less insulin resistance and 12% less diabetes.)
- How 6-weeks of M.E.D. exercise can turn back the clock 30 years. (In a study where 70-year-olds followed this routine for six weeks they had muscle biopsies that looked like 40-year-olds.)
- How to use short “Exercise Snacks” to lower blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours. I had a patient who couldn’t get his blood sugar levels to improve until he did this. The result?
- The twice-a-week 30-20-10 routine that lowers blood pressure. (What’s amazing is this routine showed large improvements in already-fit people.)
- The Scientific 7-Minute Exercise Plan that’s superior to almost any other type of exercise you can do. (My mother is 76-years-old and does this regularly. I’ll tell you where to get it free.)
- A solution from the Far East that improves balance, strength and flexibility by more than 50%. (Important, because frailty and falls are major health risks as you age. For example: Death from falls has almost doubled in the last 14 years.)
- Why sitting is considered the new smoking and what to do about it. (By the way, sitting too much is actually more detrimental to women’s health than men’s.)
- Why hydrogenated and trans fats (like those found in Crisco) are so unhealthy... and... why butter is actually good for you!
- How saturated fats protect your cells from damage.
- How food labels legally lie about trans fat content. (I reveal how to read between the lines and figure out what’s healthy and safe to eat.)
- Why vegetable oil is actually bad for your health. (The two main sources for this oil will surprise you. That is, you are most likely consuming it multiple times daily... even if... you think you have a healthy diet.)
- A shocking fact that reveals why lard is actually healthy and in the same fat classification as olive oil... and...
- Why you would have to eat as much as 2 pounds of wild salmon to offset 2 tablespoons of refined oils—about 1 serving of most salad dressings. (It’s not enough just to eat healthy foods... you must eliminate the really, really bad stuff, too!)
- How eating a low-fat diet undermines your health on a system-wide basis! (The government and low-fat pundits were—and are—just flat wrong and we’re seeing the damaging results.)
- The Top 10 Nutrient-Dense Foods. (Not only are these foods ultra-healthy, it’s virtually impossible to overeat them. That means, if you just stuck to this list, your weight would normalize fairly quickly... without hunger... or the other nasty side-effects of most diets!)
- 5 almost entirely-preventable causes of unstable plaque in your arteries...
- Why grilling meat (especially at high temperatures) is linked to cancers like lung cancer and leukemia. (Additionally, the compounds created by grilling contribute to aging and age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, arterial damage, and cardiovascular disease.)
- 5 superfoods that increase circulation! (If you have blood pressure issues, try including as many of these into your daily diet as possible. We’ve seen shocking results in our patients.)
You Must Get Control Of The
Cause Of Excess Insulin Or You Will
Almost Certainly End Up Diabetic!
Cause Of Excess Insulin Or You Will
Almost Certainly End Up Diabetic!
Too Little Salt Can Actually
Cause A Whole Host Of Health
Problems... Even Dementia!
Cause A Whole Host Of Health
Problems... Even Dementia!

Widespread Nutritional Deficiencies
According to the Nutrition Security Institute... “U.S. agricultural soil has been depleted of 85 percent of its minerals and vitamins during the last 100 years.”
In this portion of the seminar we reveal the
damaging effects of this depletion, the malnourishment it is causing...
and... how you can combat it effectively... including...
How It Accelerates The Degenerative
Diseases Of Aging Like Osteoporosis,
Dementia... And Even... Cancer!
Diseases Of Aging Like Osteoporosis,
Dementia... And Even... Cancer!

Chronic Stress
It’s no secret that the hectic pace and rapid change of our modern lifestyles is taking a toll on our health (and sanity).
We can’t go back to a simpler time, but there
are 13 key stressors you can control (or completely eliminate) that can
greatly improve your health.
We’ll reveal how along with some other little-known facts about stress and your health... such as...
Once you are aware of these pitfalls—what you
should avoid—it’s time to move on to the solutions that can really
transform your health… and… transform it fast!
Remember Russ Rogers’ personal story of
healing in the video above? Russ was facing down some significant health
problems. And he was most likely (had he not found the information in The Natural Cures Blueprint) looking at taking multiple prescription drugs for the rest of his life.
And the sad part is, none of those drugs would have actually treated the root cause (or causes) of his fading health. And all of them would have carried a whole host of negative side-effects that would have dramatically lowered the quality of his life... permanently!
But instead of taking a fistful of
prescription pills every day like his doctor was suggesting, Russ
decided to follow our protocol and astonished his doctor by returning to
good health in just six short weeks!
And here’s what’s really amazing about his
rapid transformation. All he did was follow just one of our BIG Healthy
Aging Solutions. And that’s thesolution we’ll be talking about

Unlocking Your Body’s Hidden Healing Power With Proper Carb And Fat Intake
Through our clinical practice, successfully
treating thousands of patients, we’ve uncovered the magic number (in
grams) for healthy daily carbohydrate intake.
This magic number of daily carbs offers astonishing health improvements and benefits... extremely quickly.
Some people can handle a bit more carbs and remain healthy, but this is the number that works 100% of the time... even in the most stubborn of cases!
And don’t worry, it’s not nearly as
restrictive as popular low-carb or no-carb approaches to eating. In
fact, there are many foods you can eat in unlimited amounts.
What’s more, when you follow our program for optimal mind/body health... you MUST eat fat with everything! And that means...
You’ll Finally Be Able To Eat Food
That Tastes Great Again!
That Tastes Great Again!
In this portion of the seminar we also reveal...
The 3 Secrets For Effectively-Cheating On
Your Diet And Still Getting Great Results!
Your Diet And Still Getting Great Results!
There’s Just No Profit In It
For Big Pharma...So Don’t Expect
To Hear About It From Your Doctor!
For Big Pharma...So Don’t Expect
To Hear About It From Your Doctor!

M.E.D. (Minimal Effective Dose) Exercise
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends adults (18-64 years old) should “... get at least two and a half hours (150 minutes) each week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity.”
They go on further to recommend that adults “... should also do strengthening activities, like push-ups, sit-ups and lifting weights, at least two days a week.”
But what if I told you that was wrong? That,
in fact, their advice could do more damage than good... and... you get
far better results, faster, by doing less... much less?
Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to tell
you... because... the latest research on exercise shows that M.E.D., or
Minimal Effective Dose exercise is far more efficient, effective and
healthier. In this portion of the seminar, we’ll show you...
He Dropped His Blood Sugar
By 80 Points In One Day!
By 80 Points In One Day!

Replacing Modern, Fake Foods With Whole, Natural Foods
Much of the food that is marketed, sold and
consumed in America today could hardly be considered food... and it is
definitely not healthy.
The fast food chains and big food
conglomerates have whole research and development departments (with
almost unlimited budgets) devoted to addicting us to their
engineered-food products... or... what are known as hyper-palatable
These foods literally make you an addict... causing you to overeat them. In fact...
These Engineered Frankenfoods Are The
Only Way Scientists Have Been Able To
Produce Eating Disorders In Animals!
Only Way Scientists Have Been Able To
Produce Eating Disorders In Animals!
We go into more detail in the seminar,
revealing other shocking facts and blowing the doors off the myths
you’ve been led to believe in the name of corporate profit... such as...
A Fat That Improves Physical And
Mental Energy Levels—Almost Instantly!
Mental Energy Levels—Almost Instantly!
Which Is The Real Risk For Cardiovascular
Events Like Strokes And Heart Attacks!
Events Like Strokes And Heart Attacks!

Smart Supplementation
You simply cannot get all the nutrition you need from food alone.
The main reason (as I mentioned before) is
soil depletion of nutrients. That being the case, smart supplementation
is a must for optimum health.
In addition—although not technically
necessary for life—there are many herbs and compounds that also offer
astonishing health benefits.
This portion of the seminar reveals what you need to know... including...
- 4 adaptogenic herbs that help you combat the physically and mentally-damaging effects of stress! (Almost everyone could benefit from one or more of these.)
- A complete list of other supplements you should consider for optimal health. (Warning: you want to take these in normal physiologic doses... not mega-doses.)
- The ultimate substance you can take to protect and promote brain health.
- How Hypochlorhydria (too little stomach acid) causes acid reflux and malnutrition as you age.(Popular medications for acid reflux are not safe long-term. I reveal two all-natural, and completely safe ways to remedy this condition.)
- A little-known, unique vitamin that prevents calcium deposits in the wrong places... like your arteries, for example!
- A simple substance that eliminates toxins from your body.
- How medical researchers are reversing Alzheimer’s in patients now, today... with a nutritional/lifestyle approach!(This is happening even in advanced cases of the disease.)
There’s more, much, much more in The Natural Cures Blueprint.

And the Results Our
Patients Are Receiving From
The Natural Cures Blueprint are
Nothing Short of Incredible
Patients Are Receiving From
The Natural Cures Blueprint are
Nothing Short of Incredible
“BP went from 154/80 down
to 118/68."
to 118/68."
“And YES I have not taken any BP
meds in a month now and my BP went from 154/80 down to 118/68. I
couldn't be happier! Very easy steps to follow. Easy to download and
great results! This is an easy program to follow.”
“...lost 35 pounds...”
“I have lost 35 pounds and I am stable at about 172. My bp is down to normal. I look better and feel better. Thank you again!”
“ just halved my
BP medication...”
BP medication...”
“My doctor just halved my BP medication, and said he may cancel it if I keep up the good work... I have had a serious BP drop!”
“...cholesterol down about
30 points with no
statin drugs.”
30 points with no
statin drugs.”
“The program Dr Merritt put me on
resulted in a miracle. My high blood pressure plummeted. I was taking 4
BP pills and am now down to 1/2 pill. Also cholesterol down about 30
points with no statin drugs.”
“I've dropped from 210 [pounds] to 185...”
“I've dropped from 210 [pounds]
to 185, my blood pressure is now normal... and my energy level has
gotten better as well as a more positive outlook... thanks so much for
you continued support. It's making a real difference in my life and
that of my family.”
“...even my doc wanted to know
what I was doing.”
what I was doing.”
“It was so easy… my blood
pressure was 180 then 170 [the top number]... in 3 weeks my blood
pressure was 118 and some days 120, even my doc wanted to know what I
was doing.”
“...112/73 with 69 heart beat.”
“I was able to get my bp to 112/73 with 69 heart beat.”
“...lost 20 pounds...”
“Not only have I lost 20lbs, but I also got off one of my blood pressure medications. Just one more to go!”
“...daily BP went from 190/107 to 122/88.”
"My daily BP went from 190/107 to 122/88. I feel much better ... thank you!"
“...only time in the
last thirty years I’ve
been able to lose any
substantial weight.”
last thirty years I’ve
been able to lose any
substantial weight.”
“My doctor had to cut my insulin
dosages in half because my blood sugars have gone so low. I went from an
A1C of 6.9 to one of 6.3 in twelve weeks. He says he never heard of
such a thing. I also lost eleven pounds in that same period, the only
time in the last thirty years I've been able to lose any substantial
weight. I brag about your plan to everyone I know. It works. And it's
so EASY.”
“You can do this plan
in your head.”
in your head.”
“If you don't like lots of record
keeping, and you don't want to have to buy exotic foods, you can do
this plan in your head. My doctor was very happy with the results (I
have also lost 5 pounds) and he said I am in the best health since I
started seeing him some 5 years ago. I just celebrated my 81st birthday.
THANKS for helping me get my health back!”
“My doctor took me
off Lantus.”
off Lantus.”
“My A1C was 6.9... down from
previous visit’s 7.4. Weight down 6 pounds. My doctor took me off
Lantus. Blood Glucose readings are mostly within normal range.”
Pretty amazing results, don’t you agree?
But like I said before, these results are not
unique. We get stories like this from patients every week. And they come
from people from all walks of life...
I’m sure by now you are probably wondering how much the program costs.
I’ll tell you in just a minute. But first, I’d like to talk to you briefly about the value this program can bring to your life.
I don’t know you personally, of course. But
the fact that you are reading this message right now tells me a few
things about you.
- You are concerned about your health and want to live a vibrant, happy, disease-free life for as long as is possible.
- You are most likely beyond the age of 40.
- If you are beyond 40 (and especially beyond 50), you almost certainly take one or more prescription medications... and... you’ve felt the unwanted, sometimes horrific side effects they leave you with.
So, Let Me Ask You
A Simple Question...
A Simple Question...
What would it be worth to you to heal yourself
naturally and eliminate or avoid even a single prescription drug and
all the unwanted side effects that come along with it?
Just in terms of money... it could easily total thousands of dollars saved over time.
But it actually goes far beyond that. The time you save and the peace of mind and the freedom you gain is literally priceless.
I know from first-hand experience. When I was
finally able to dump my prescriptions after 15 long, sometimes agonizing
years, my life took off like a rocket!
I went from years of extreme worry,
frustration and despair to hopeful and happy again. No more side effects
like low energy, mind fog and depression. No more endless doctor visits
without getting any answers or getting any better...
And I No Longer Had To Live
Life Almost As An Invalid!
Life Almost As An Invalid!
Looking back, I literally would have paid almost any
amount of money for that freedom. So instead of cost, think of this as
an investment. An investment in your health and future that will more
than pay for itself in savings, peace of mind and freedom.
Also, keep in mind, the only other way to get
all this insider health information is to become a personal patient at
our Texas-based clinic. And that would you cost thousands of dollars.
Not to mention it just wouldn’t be feasible
unless you actually lived near our clinic... and... could wait for an
available appointment (our current new patient waiting list extends out 3
But because our mission is to help as many
people as possible achieve the health they deserve… naturally, through
positive nutritional and lifestyle choices, we decided to offer it at a
much more affordable price of...
However, if you order right away, we’ve set aside an initial production run of 250 programs available on a first come, first served basis... for just...
$197 $97
That’s a full $100 discount!
And it’s less (often far less) than most
people spend a month on unhealthy items like sugar and calorie-laden
fancy coffee drinks, fast food and dining out.
But you have to act fast! These initial 250
discounted programs will be snapped up quickly by our 100,000+ Primal
Health VIP Members.
And there’s no need to worry if the program is right for you... because... The Natural Cures Blueprint comes with...

A 6-Month Unconditional
“It Works Or It’s Free”
100% Money Back Guarantee!
“It Works Or It’s Free”
100% Money Back Guarantee!
Here’s How The Guarantee Works:
Order the program now (you’ll have the digital version within 10
minutes, so you can get started today, if you want). Follow the
step-by-step action-orientated instructions.
You have six full months to do so.
If at any time during this six-month trial
period you aren’t satisfied with the results you are getting... if you
aren’t looking and feeling better than you have in years... or... if you
simple aren’t satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all... contact us by emailing or... by calling customer service toll-free at: 1-877-300-7849... and...
We’ll Give You 100% Of Your Money Back
Without Hassle Or Delay!
Without Hassle Or Delay!
There’s nothing to return and no catch whatsoever.
Fair enough? If so...
Here’s What To Do Now
For Fastest Service: Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and fill out the secure online order form with your contact and payment information. In 10 minutes or less, you will be emailed links to the digital version of The Natural Cures Blueprint... and... we will ship the hard copy version of the program to you right away.

Or, if you prefer to talk to someone in
person, have your credit card ready and call our Priority Order Hotline
and tell one of my friendly staff members you want the The Natural Cures Blueprint. They’ll take care of the rest. The number to call is...
(Priority Order Hotline)
(Priority Order Hotline)
Yours In Health,

Dr. Marlene Merritt
P.S. Fast-Action Free Bonus Report: If you order today, I’m going to send you a free copy of a just-completed special report, titled...
Double Your Energy Levels
In Minutes A Day!
In Minutes A Day!
Inside this report you’ll discover some quick and easy ways to add more energy to every day... such as...

- A simple, 3-minute deep breathing exercise to kick-start your energy for the day!
- Another simple, 3-minute deep breathing exercise that can be used as a quick “pick-me-up” anytime you need it!
- A morning cleansing cocktail that dates back to 400 B.C. and was used by Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) for its natural healing and energizing health qualities!
- And much more.
This report is valued at $19.95… but it’s yours free if you order right away!
P.P.S. Here’s a quick recap of everything you are going to get (in both digital and hardcopy formats) when you order right away:
- The Natural Cures Blueprint Live Seminar on 3 DVD’s
- The Natural Cures Blueprint Live Seminar on 3 Audio CD’s
- The Natural Cures Blueprint Quick Reference Action Guide
- Fast-Action Free Bonus Report: Double Your Energy Levels In Minutes A Day!
Total Value = $306.75
Today’s Price... Just…
Today’s Price... Just…

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