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31 October 2016

Absolutely Essential

How does one retain some semblance of health ?
*** Everything we eat is now exposed to the same contamination. Exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity must be our common cause, it should logically be our primary focus. This battle is about every single breath we take, make your voice heard in this all important fight ***

Date:   7/14/2016 11:29:28 AM   ( 3 mon ) ... viewed 243 times

Climate Engineering Contamination, Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t

July 13, 2016

Dane Wigington

How does one retain some semblance of health while existing in a world that has become alarmingly toxic and incompatible to life as a whole?
Though there are countless sources of contamination, the climate engineering fallout is the most pervasive of all. I am not a physician, but I have made an effort to understand and pursue fitness and health since I was about 14 years of age. To some degree I have avoided previously penning this post because it is not my primary area of study. This being said, I have had many requests to outline what my personal health protocol is, so I'll do exactly that. I am not giving medical advice, I am not suggesting or directing anyone to practice the health/fitness regime that I follow, I am simply sharing it.

The Basics
Abundant Clean And Mineral Balanced Drinking Water

Acquiring this most essential element is no simple task in our now completely contaminated world. I have intentionally located in an extensive wilderness area for many reasons, one of them is the access to exceptional ground water. I, of course, realize that such a source of water is not available to many or most, so other options must be found. The quest for clean water is a complex question and not within the scope or this article, but the point is simply this, water is the most essential foundation of our health.

Exercise, Resistance And Aerobic Training

For me, this is first and foremost. If an individual is physically able to engage in consistent cardiovascular and resistance weight training, there is no substitute for the benefits. "Use it or lose it", how many times have we all heard this simple mantra, yet, how few put it to practice? Physical exercise triggers countless beneficial processes in the body, including the cleansing effect of perspiration. Coupled with the constant consumption of clean and mineral balanced water, great benefits can be realized. It is the consistency that matters when it comes to exercise. With few exceptions, I try to train every day.

Avoiding Further Contamination While Training

Unless the outside air is relatively clear, I do not do workout outside. Many choose to ignore the obvious negative effect of heavy outdoor exercise (and thus heavy respiration) in polluted air, this is a big mistake. The harder one breaths in particulate laden air, the more deeply those contaminants penetrate into the lungs. I grew up in unimaginably smoggy conditions in Upland, California. Only when I retreated to the mountains (which I did constantly as I lived right at the base of them) could I escape the polluted air. Even as a boy I was instinctually careful not to exercise heavily while outdoors on a smoggy day. I feel I am still reaping the benefit even today from the caution I practiced so long ago.

Adequate Rest Is Absolutely Essential

Consistently following a protocol of sleep hygiene is imperative. No regime of fitness and health can approach its full potential without the rejuvenation process of adequate rest. Many in today's reality do not take this fact into account and thus neglect this extremely important aspect of sound health. It is essential to consider that the time you choose to go to bed can have a big impact on the rejuvenation that is realized from your sleep. Rest in the earlier hours of the night are generally more beneficial for most.

Sleep Aids

Because sleep is so important, and because there are so many factors in the current paradigm that interfere with our natural sleep cycles, I choose to utilize various supplements to assist with my sleep hygiene. The amino acid "Gaba" is one supplement that I regularly take. Gaba has natural calming effects and can also help the body to produce HGH during rest. Melatonin is also a regular supplement for me. There are multiple benefits from Melatonin as well, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile and Valerian Root are two more options. I rotate supplements, this is important. Constantly taking the same supplement without any break can and does cause the body to build a tolerance and thus the effectiveness is diminished or lost.


This is, of course, a very complex subject with countless points of view. Again, the point of this article is to share my own protocol and practices, not to push others to follow any particular practice. What we eat matters immensely. The pros and cons of particular practices and protocols regarding foods and food groups can vary greatly from individual to individual. Blood types are medically shown to be a very significant factor that should be considered (due to different genetic makeup). I had an extensive lab blood test done for food lectin intolerance to confirm the foods that were most compatible for my blood type and genetics. Investigating and understanding what foods are most beneficial to our individual systems is imperative. So many live out their entire lives without knowing or understanding that their systems are intolerant to specific foods. Over time, this intolerance has a grinding down effect on our overall health. I try to consistently consume organic, non-GMO foods that are most compatible with my system.

When To Eat, And When Not To

Part of my family is from Lithuania, and there is a saying there, "breakfast you keep for yourself, lunch you share with a friend, dinner you give to your enemy". What I consider from this proverb is this, piling up on calories late at night before bed is very counterproductive in many ways and is especially detrimental to sound rest.
If your body is struggling to digest while trying also to rejuvenate and cleanse (especially in regard to the brain), these are opposing forces. Avoiding heavy protein meals late in the day and evening is also essential to better sleep at night. Light meals or serotonin producing foods are best for late day and evening meals in order to assist with more restful sleep.

This subject is also very complex and must be tailored to the individual. I will again share my own personal regime in this arena. I have a pantry that is overflowing with supplements, so many that it takes a bit of navigation to know where to find what you are looking for. This being said, I do not take handfuls of the same vitamins and supplements every day.

I am selective, and I consistently rotate supplements. I also take short breaks from supplements altogether to allow my system to settle and clean out. It is important to remember that many herbal supplements and even various vitamins are diuretics.

If you load up constantly, you will soon begin to purge your system of water (and thus essential nutrients) which greatly diminishes or completely negates the benefits you are trying to gain from the supplements to begin with. Again, as previously stated, I rotate what I take in order to avoid losing the benefit from various supplements by building up a tolerance to them
(I do not apply this rule to some of the most basic and essential supplements like vitamin C). Something to consider, purchasing supplements online is far less expensive than shopping at a retail store.

Which Supplements

As already stated this is a complex subject which can and should vary greatly from individual to individual. The following is a list that covers many of the supplements that I take on a rotational basis. Ginkgo Biloba, Chamomile, Valerian root. Turmeric, Saw Palmetto, Broccoli extract, L-lysine, Amino complex, Vitamin D, Vitamin C (Ester C or comparable), Vitamin E, Vitamin B complex, Magnesium Malate, Boron, Chromium Picolinate, Kelp, Vitamin K-2, Calcium (high quality), Glucosamine/Chondroitin/ MSM (joint maintenance), Green tea extract, Chlorella, essential minerals, apple pectin and Bromelain. Though there are those who claim if one eats properly, supplements are not needed. I disagree. Our bodies daily face a virtual onslaught of attacks and contamination from countless unnatural sources, extra ammunition for remaining strong and healthy is essential.
The Most Important Food Of All, Essential Fats

The body cannot function without essential fat lipids, they are the single most important food we can consume. A deficiency in essential fat lipid intake can lead to an endless list of ailments and diseases. Essential fats are critical in regard to cellular communication and hormone production within the body which is in turn are critical to our overall health. Essential fat lipids are exactly that, essential. Two primary sources I consume are organic Flax and Hemp oils. Both can be found in the refrigerated section of any health food store.

Fermented Foods

Foods containing beneficial bacteria are another basic building block of maintaining our health. There are many sources, I am not advocating any particular one, just a general statement of fact. I try to consistently keep my intestinal flora maintained.

Avoiding Sugars And Staying Alkaline

The importance of avoiding refined sugars and maintaining an alkaline balance cannot be overstated. The reasons are many, it is not within the scope of this post to cover this subject in depth. I frequently add apple cider vinegar to my drinking water to further decrease acidity, but always in moderation. Apple cider vinegar (like most other supplements) is a diuretic and should be utilized in moderation.

Prevention Of Respiratory Infections

Chronic respiratory infection is now epidemic all over the globe. Mathematically speaking the greatest single source of toxic atmospheric particulate contamination is the global climate engineering assault. This fact cannot be rationally denied if all available data is investigated and examined. These particulates are platforms for fungal proliferation and thus fungal infections. Not surprisingly, studies now show that as much as 90% of chronic upper and lower respiratory infections are fungal. To combat this source of infection, I consistently use a nasal spray/inhaler that is comprised of the several essential elements.

I fill a 2 ounce nasal spray bottle with clean water and add 1/2 pack of "Neti Pot" salt mix (available in any drug store). I then add 2 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, and 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract. Shake to mix thoroughly, and put it to use. Every night before bed I spray several herbal prevention shots up each nostril while inhaling and also inhale several sprays through the throat of the same mixture. If I feel I have had unusual exposure for any reason, I will use the spray in the morning as well. With this practice, I also rotate and occasionally switch to Olive Leaf Extract nasal spray (also available in any health food store).

The importance of keeping any fungal infections (also bacterial and viral) from getting started cannot be overstated. Once deeply rooted, such infections are much more difficult to eradicate. Mainstream medical "professionals" nearly always only feed the problem by prescribing antibiotics which then kill of beneficial organisms in our system thus further fueling fungal infections. I also utilize the following internal supplements if I am battling an infection: Olive Leaf extract capsules, Grapefruit seed extract capsules, oil of organo, garlic, and Monolaurin.
What We Believe, And Our Health

Our mental state carries the most profound impact to our health. Our body is a manifestation of our state of mind. This fact in no way negates all the protocol and practices outlined above, but rather is an essential component to the whole approach of staying strong and healthy in a toxic world.

The Bottom Line, We Must All Work Toward Completely Altering The Current Paradigm On Our Planet

Staying healthy is, of course, important and essential for countless reasons, but the most critical of all is this, in doing so, we can be much more effective in the fight for the greater good. The posted information above is not complete, but rather a general overview of my personal practices and protocols.

Staying healthy requires each individual to be pro-active, it cannot be accomplished in any other way. The human race has truly painted itself into a very dark corner, we now face countless daunting existential challenges. The list of contamination sources we face is endless.

From GMO foods to Fukushima, to Monsanto chemicals, our exposure is constant. This being said, the single most important leap we could make in the right direction is to fully expose and halt the climate engineering assault on the biosphere and the web of life. No matter how much effort we make toward maintaining or improving our health, every breath we take is now laden with the toxic geoengineering fallout. Everything we eat is now exposed to the same contamination. Exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity must be our common cause, it should logically be our primary focus. This battle is about every single breath we take, make your voice heard in this all important fight.



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Responses to Climate Engineering Contamination, Staying Healthy In A World That Isn’t

Gretchen says:

July 14, 2016 at 7:09 am

Dr. George Yu was tasked with detoxification of first responders and others poisoned after 9/11, he developed a simple protocol utilizing niacin, exercise, sauna to promote perspiration, followed by activated charcoal. Toxins released from body tissues are absorbed in the digestive system by the charcoal and eliminated from the body.

What is the problem!

This earthly existence is not a perfect place, by any means -  because if it were, then why would people ever look forward to Heaven in the Eternity that follows?  

This life is just part of our journey toward an unlimited future ready or not!
 What we do here is just part of our eternal journey!  We are here to seek and learn the correct pathway. 

Many do not realize how this all fits together in the grand plan of Almighty God!
Much of our time is spent attempting to keep out of the trouble that are generally based upon our own poor decisions.  Many then waste much of their time agonizing on the how and why, happenings?

Failures tend to keep people engaged so much that their freedom appears hampered!  It comes down to who do you trust! God, or humans (mankind)? There is only one absolutely correct answer folks!

Problems have been blamed on everything from others to natural devastation's in history - usually always to divert the reason for such actives to someone else!  Yet most real damaging activity has been the result of self infliction!  -  i.e. shooting yourselves in the foot!

People are placed upon our (your) pathway of life - stop and recognize them and see the way things are supposed to work in our existence!
We will explore more on the how and why - to help you see that there are better ways to win!


30 October 2016

Never Take The Mark Of The Beast

shared Tony Alamo Christian Ministries's photo — with Hazel Oakey and 94 others.
Must Read! Powerful Truth!
Never Take The Mark Of The Beast Or You WILL Be Eternally Sorry! Click>…/Gosp…/nevertakethemark.html
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Must Read! Powerful Truth!
Never Take The Mark Of The Beast Or You WILL Be Eternally Sorry! Click>…/Gosp…/nevertakethemark.html
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"rejoice in the Lord always."

John 16:33
 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

The world experiences joy and happiness in direct proportion to their circumstances.

 Bad circumstances produce depression and sorrow, while good circumstances produce joy and peace. That's bondage, and does not have to be the case for a Christian. Our joy is not dependent on things, but rather on the person of Jesus Christ. He is our peace and joy.

The way we take advantage of this joy and peace in the midst of tribulation, is to have our minds and hearts stayed on things above and not on things of this earth. The invisible things of God are eternal while the visible problems on earth are only temporary. All the problems of this life grow very dim when we compare them to the glory of God that is ours through Jesus.

We can rejoice in the Lord always (Phil. 4:4) because rejoicing is an action, not a reaction to our environment. Joy is a gift from God that was given to us at salvation. It was placed within our born-again spirit and it doesn't fluctuate or diminish; it is constant. The Lord has put the joy inside us and we are to "work it out" by choosing to obey this command in scripture.

We are commanded to rejoice "IN THE LORD." 
 Many people are not experiencing true joy because their joy is in their circumstances. That is, they are waiting to rejoice when things in their lives are going good, and that doesn't happen very often. We are suppose to "rejoice in the Lord always."

That means we are supposed to rejoice in who the Lord is and what He has done for us. He never changes (Heb. 13:8) and His mercies and compassion's are new every morning (Lam. 3:22-23).

The Witness of Scripture

"Who are 'the cloud of witnesses'?"
*** We are surrounded by the saints of the past in a unique way.
It’s not that the faithful who have gone before us are spectators to the race we run.
Rather, it is a figurative representation ***

Date:   9/9/2016 11:39:09  ... viewed 180 times
Remove all the bad things

Study Bible Hebrews 12:1
The Call to Endurance

1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with endurance the race set out for us.

2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.…

Berean Study Bible · Download  for details -


Question: "Who are 'the cloud of witnesses' mentioned in Hebrews 12:1?"

Answer: Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

Here the writer to the Hebrews exhorts all who profess faith in Jesus Christ,
the “author and perfecter of our faith” (v. 2), to do two things:

- First, we are to remove or put off any burden that keeps us from Christ-likeness, especially sin because sin ensnares us and keeps us in bondage to itself.

- Second, we are to persevere, patiently enduring all things until we grow and mature in the faith. 

James reminds us that trials serve to strengthen our faith and bring us to maturity 
(James 1:2-3). 

Hebrews 12:1 is reminding us to persevere through those trials, knowing that, by God’s faithfulness, we won’t be overwhelmed by them

(1 Corinthians 10:13). 
Warnings from Israel's Past
12 So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall.  

13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.  
14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.…
So who are the “cloud of witnesses,” and how is it they “surround” us?

To understand this, we need to look at the previous chapter, as evidenced by the word therefore beginning chapter 12. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the rest of the Old Testament believers looked forward with faith to the coming of the Messiah.

The author of Hebrews illustrates this eloquently in chapter 11 and then ends the chapter by telling us that the forefathers had faith to guide and direct them, but God had something better planned.

Then he begins chapter 12 with a reference to these faithful men and women who paved the way for us. What the Old Testament believers looked forward to in faith—the Messiah—we look back to, having seen the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning His first coming.

We are surrounded by the saints of the past in a unique way.
It’s not that the faithful who have gone before us are spectators to the race we run.
Rather, it is a figurative representation and means that we ought to act as if they were in sight and cheering us on to the same victory in the life of faith that they obtained. We are to be inspired by the godly examples these saints set during their lives.

These are those whose past lives of faith encourage others to live that way, too.
That the cloud is referred to as “great” indicates that millions of believers have gone before us, each bearing witness to the life of faith we now live.

Recommended Resource: Heaven by Randy Alcorn


While our country and the world is perilously close to being destroyed - it is not because of God's judgments, but rather because of Satan's inroads in the lives of people.
When anyone yields to the devil through sin, they become a defenseless slave of evil!

Remember, Satan has no other purpose but to lie, steal, kill, and destroy.
Therefore it is stupid to fall into his traps by yielding to his suggestions!
He can not make us do anything we choose not to do.
We need only come to submit ourselves to the Gospel of Christ and accept the Will of God in our lives...
Because God through the Lord Jesus Christ has taken Satan's power and placed Christ himself as the mediator between God - our Heavenly Father and all of mankind.

The Witness of Scripture  :   John 5:38 

Testimonies about Jesus

37 And the Father who sent Me has Himself testified about Me. You have never heard His voice nor seen His form, 
38 nor does His word abide in you, because you do not believe the One He sent.
39 You pore over the Scriptures because you presume that by them you possess eternal life. These are the very words that testify about Me,
40 yet you refuse to come to Me to have life eternal.… Berean Study Bible ·

Many people have come to think otherwise - but once you seek the Will of God in your life -
the Eternal Truths will become self evident through the Gospel of Christ.

Matt 6:33

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


Many people were taught or have come to think that it is God's purpose to punish or destroy those who sin or oppose Him!   

  Nothing could be further from the Truth!      

Because the reason Christ came and bore our punishment, judgment, and reason for our separation was so we would not have to. Almighty God has already placed His wrath upon the Lord Jesus - His only begotten Son at the Cross of Calvary over 2000 years ago!

Therefore He is not about to come judge you or anyone else! 

Because we actually judge ourselves by our faith and actions in this earthly existence! 

Do you get this and have you come to understand the Eternal fact?

Here is the essence and full truth of the Gospel - Word of God as found in the Bible!


29 October 2016

Stop legalizing sin!

Wisdom rest with in the heart of one who has understanding!
*** "If you want God to Bless America;   Stop legalizing sin! " ***

Date:   2/26/2016 14:05:31 ... viewed 408 times

Feb 26
Stick with the truth -

Read and heed!


** Orig Post was:

Proverbs 14:34
Every Wise Woman Builds Her House
…33 Wisdom rests in the heart of one who has understanding, But in the hearts of fools it is made known. 

34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people. 35 The king's favor is toward a servant who acts wisely, But his anger is toward him who acts shamefully.

"If you want God to Bless America; Stop legalizing sin! "


Orig. Post :

Yes, do not blame the poor Drugs Lords - blame the idiots who buy and use the Dope...

If there was no market there would not be any demand for Dope...
Plus Abortion, Stealing, or any other crime {except passion} ETC...

Look at what the politicians and liberal socialized thinkers have done to the world!
Created doubts, increase desires and lust for some often weird ideas...

John 8:32
" The Truth will Set You Free

31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 

32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
33 They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, 'You will become free '?"…

Noticed how they attempted to extend the argument - because they had been enslaved over their history:

But were slaves to all these =  Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greeks, Romans, up to that time...


*** Reply:

Dear, I hear what you're saying BUT this quote sounds eerily familiar???
"yes, do not blame the poor Drugs Lords - blame the idiots who buy and use the Dope...
If there was no market there would not be any demand for Dope...
Plus Abortion, Stealing, ETC..."

It sounds like something Al Sharpton would say . . . OR like a Sharia follower: "don't blame the rapists, blame the foul woman that makes them rape" ????


Well I stand on the Truth of God  - which is the only way to go...  

I do not follow the sorts which you refer to - because they only further the tier personal causes and never follow the Absolute Truth!

But having taken mathematical logic - then worked for over 30 years as an Electrical engineer; I learned that the facts and actual laws or principles can not be changed if you want it to work correctly. {That is if you really want to get the real results of your true effort!}

Same with life, do not kill the messenger just because you do not agree with the message! Look for the real truth and facts of the argument!
Not some dope dealer or hustler or pimp - or {perhaps even some government politician}

I hit the facts and principles - not the want some alternate way...
Just stick to the truth and don't dilute the message for some personal gain...

BTW:  the argument forms you espoused are called " extending the Argument " which gives much latitude and confusion to  the original message or intent!

This is exactly how Satan deceived Eve and got control of the human's kind - Power of Domination of the Earth!

i.e. Lie, cheat or steal .....

Today, do as the Lord bids you and trust God to take care of the rest.

Matthew 1:24, 
"Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife."
MATTHEW 1:18-24
Much attention is given to Mary and her piety, but Joseph was quite a man of faith, too.
Verse 18 says that Mary was "found" with child, implying that the pregnancy was observed by Joseph, not explained to him by Mary. And this was after Mary had been away visiting Elisabeth for three months! (Lk. 1:56) Certainly Joseph was tempted with the same thoughts that you or I would have been. How could she expect him to believe that this was a virgin birth?

As special as Mary was, she had an equally special young man for a fiance.

How many men would have believed such an incredible story even if an angel had told them in a dream? It took more faith on Joseph's part than it did on Mary's.

This is the way it always is. Those who hear of the vision or call of God second hand have to exhibit an even greater faith than the person who received the word from the Lord directly.

The scriptures don't mention whether or not Mary ever attempted to convince Joseph of the truth. What would have been the use? Only God could make someone believe a story like this. It is to Mary's credit that she trusted God and to Joseph's credit that he believed God.

Today, do as the Lord bids you and trust God to take care of the rest.

Affluer dans les Etats-Unis,

*** Aidez-moi à comprendre . ***

Date:   7/17/2016  !7:45:53 ... viewed  over 196 times

Faits: - Maintenant, nous allons voir au cours des 8 dernières années ce que les choses sont devenues apparentes aux Etats-Unis -

1. Prez moitié BLK - musulmane dans le bureau,

2. Blk Panther organisation se développe dans la violence et le chaos,

3. Les musulmans commencent à affluer dans les Etats-Unis,

4. BLK commencer à avoir plus de crimes de rue et la violence

5. Plus de problèmes avec les Alliés qui sont de plus martelé avec la violence des musulmans dans le monde -

6.Le U.S est entré dans la dette Natl grave

7. mondiale semble être en vrille vers le bas et aller dans la rupture tatillonne vers le bas!

Est-ce que tout cela ajouter jusqu'à?
On dirait qu'il est à quelques dénominateurs communs ...

Aidez-moi à comprendre ....

As we look down the road

EVALUATE your Existence!

There comes a time in everyone's life when all the lies will stop and the Absolute Truth becomes evident! 

If this is not a slap in your face and a wake up call then you truly have missed the reason for your existence while upon this earth!  Because first there were never -  any perfect people {with the Exception of Christ} -  therefore it behooves each of us to evaluate our life!

Let's look at many of the things that cause so many to veer off the right pathway.

Greed: {the single greatest cause of personal failures and the most destructive form sin}

Selfishness: {Which includes crime, and collective sin against others}

Pride: {in one's own way of accomplishments}

*** Most if not all other actions both both personal and or indirectly done are from these elements!

If you honestly stop and look squarely into each of these decisive stumbling blocks - you will recognize the misdirection and pain each causes in the world around us!

  Thus repent and take actions to correct your pathway!

Simple Trick To Lose Belly Fat Overnight

Motivational Fat Loss Case Study:

Today, I have something that is going to blow you away…

I want to introduce you to Gary…

He’s 59 years old and has spent most of the later part of his life with Type 2 Diabetes.

Until one day, he stumbled upon a simple trick that caused him to lose 2 pounds of belly fat overnight…

And within just 6 weeks, he lost 47 pounds and became symptom free of Type 2 Diabetes.

Check out the incredible transformation for yourself…

The key to his transformation and overcoming Type 2 Diabetes was getting rid of his belly fat

And right now, you’ll discover the unique trick that you can use TONIGHT to lose belly fat overnight and see a noticeable difference to your stomach by tomorrow morning…
You’ll seriously be blown away tomorrow morning when you use this simple trick as soon as TONIGHT!

Please add to your address book/ safe lists to make sure these emails reach your inbox.

systemic corruption and public deception

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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 29, 2016

By Dane Wigington
Defections from the ranks of the power structure continue to build. A group of CDC (Center for Disease Control) whistleblowers is now putting pressure on CDC management to start telling the truth about the systemic corruption and public deception that this government organization represents. Yet more truth-tellers will likely come forward as the CDC ship goes down. A Harvard University publication states this about climate engineering: "it can help us combat the worst effects of climate change." How blatant can the betrayal from academia become? Massive geoengineering aerosol spraying operations around the globe continue decimate Eath's climate and life support systems. A former NASA engineer (now working with Geoengineering Watch) gives an extremely alarming report on our disintegrating ozone layer (primarily caused by climate engineering). Madagascar is starving due to geoengineering induced record droughts. Rapidly rising sea levels are chewing away at Africa's coastlines. Sea ice at both poles is at record low levels, and US generals say they can win WWlll with Russia. Where does this road lead? The latest installment of Global Alert News is at the link below.
Credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, as well as the fight for the greater good. We must all abandon preconceptions and ideology in exchange for verifiable front-line facts. Anything short of this is completely counterproductive to the causes we claim to be fighting for. We must all stand on a foundation of facts, and make our voices heard.

We are to be of good cheer

John 16:33
 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Jesus said we would have tribulation. He did not say that He was the one bringing the tribulation or what the tribulation would be, but He said it would come. Then He made the amazing statement that in the midst of tribulation we were to be of good cheer.

Tribulations exist because there is a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil. When we operate in faith, God is able to grant us such victory that we are actually better off because of the battle. It's just like when a army goes to war. If they win, they gain spoils. But if they embrace their enemy because of the spoils they were expecting to receive, they will be killed instead of blessed.

 First, you have to fight and win the war and then, and only then, will the spoils be available.

The enemy doesn't come to be a blessing, but a blessing can be obtained from the enemy if and when we are victorious.

Likewise, tribulations and adversities are not blessings from God. They are attacks from the enemy intended to steal the Word of God out of our lives. No man should say that the temptation came from God, for God is not the one who tempts any man (Jas. 1:13).

If problems were what perfected us, then most Christians would have been perfected long ago and those who experienced the greatest problems would be the greatest Christians. However, that's not the way it is. God's Word is given to us to make us perfect, and thoroughly furnished unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:17).

 God's Word does not need to be supplemented with problems to accomplish its work.

27 October 2016

You decide

  Here is the truth folks  decide which future you want and can pay for or put up with??

The Alarming Health Risks From Refugees

Whenever you bring something up about Obama's refugees, you are immediately accused of fear mongering. But the facts don't lie: there are extreme risks to these populations coming into America in large, unvetted masses.
The latest reports show that of all the active TB cases in Minnesota over the last five years, over 50% were diagnosed in refugees. To pretend that legitimate concerns like this are xenophobic shows how distorted our politics has become.
How does Dinesh respond? Watch:

Do you think Obama or Hillary (who wants massive increases in the amount of resettled refugees coming into America) would for one minute consider inviting TB-riddled populations to stay in the White House? No. This is moralizing at the expense of others.

What else can expect in Hillary's America? The answer might shock you. Find out and share the the scary prospect before it's too late! Hillary's America is available to watch instantly now.

Sick Refugees

The Alarming Health Risks From Refugees

Whenever you bring something up about Obama's refugees, you are immediately accused of fear mongering. But the facts don't lie: there are extreme risks to these populations coming into America in large, unvetted masses.
The latest reports show that of all the active TB cases in Minnesota over the last five years, over 50% were diagnosed in refugees. To pretend that legitimate concerns like this are xenophobic shows how distorted our politics has become.
How does Dinesh respond? Watch:

Do you think Obama or Hillary (who wants massive increases in the amount of resettled refugees coming into America) would for one minute consider inviting TB-riddled populations to stay in the White House? No. This is moralizing at the expense of others.
What else can expect in Hillary's America? The answer might shock you. Find out and share the the scary prospect before it's too late! Hillary's America is available to watch instantly now.

sneak in the back door

Want to sneak in the back door…?

… And start watching all 35+ presentations for the Mother Earth News Homesteading Summit TODAY?!
Well, then pay close attention:
Because while, yes, the summit will officially kick off just 5 days from now on Monday, Oct 31st...
I wanted to let you know:
Our scrappy little team has scrambled behind the scenes…
Faced with all these DOS hacker attacks that have been making the Internet so unstable lately, we decided not to leave anything to chance:
As of today at 9:00 a.m. we’re able to give EARLY VIEWING ACCESS to everyone who claims a lifetime pass to the summit at the early bird discount. 
So you don’t need to wait.

And you don’t need to fight the unstable Internet.
(Especially if you choose to let me ship it to you.)
You can watch the entire summit on YOUR SCHEDULE…
… All 35+ video presentations by world-renowned experts in modern homesteading, backyard food production, sustainable off-grid living, and so much more.
You’ll never miss a single talk!
Because instead of being limited by 24-hour access to the talks, you can watch the entire Summit at your own pace.
Plus, even better…
Not only does everyone who claims lifetime access to the summit before Oct 31st get an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT…
… We’ll ALSO:
  1. Double the value you get with an incredible BONUS GIFT.  

  2. Enter you in a draw to win homesteading and gardening PRIZES valued at over $4,415.98!
So don’t wait.  Monday is fast approaching!
And once the Summit begins, these savings will disappear.
Get all the details about claiming EARLY VIEWING ACCESS with a lifetime pass at the early bird discount here:
And of course…
… If you plan on watching for FREE, that’s great too! :-)
(Just make sure that you REGISTER if you haven’t already at
We appreciate all levels of support, and we’re so glad to have you with us on this journey.
Excited for Monday, stay tuned for more updates.
Marjory signature
Marjory Wildcraft
Founder, The Grow Network
Author, Grow Your Own Groceries

Marjory in garden holding veggies full copy P.S.  Have you seen the prizes we’re giving away yet?
Ha ha, we’ve had some internal fights over Prize #2.
They’re listed half-way down the page here:

120 "little Christs"?

John 16:7 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."

The Greek word translated "expedient" means "to be an advantage; profitable."

How could any situation be more advantageous or profitable than having Jesus physically with you?
When Jesus walked on this earth in His physical body, He was subject to many physical limitations. For instance, He could not always be with every one of His disciples all the time.

Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, He could. Instead of Satan getting rid of Jesus, 120 "little Christs" (that is literally what the word "Christian" means) came out of the upper room on the day of Pentecost.

Jesus taught His disciples as no teacher ever had, yet they had very little understanding because they were not born again. However, when the Holy Spirit came, He lead them into all truth and even showed them things to come.

The list of advantages of having the Holy Spirit in us as compared to having Jesus with us in His physical body, goes on and on. The advantages can all be summed up in that Jesus' power is now complete (Mt. 28:18) and no longer confined to one physical body.

There is no such thing as victorious Christian living without a moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day dependence upon the Spirit of God.

 Not only is the Christian life hard to live but it is impossible to live without the power of God Himself.

70 percent of our total waste output leaves through our lungs.

Dr. Ben Kim's Natural Health Newsletter
October 26, 2016

Dear Reader,

One of the first things I learned through a
philosophy of healthful living called natural
hygiene is that of all of the waste materials
that we eliminate from our bodies through our skin,
kidneys, bowels, and lungs, about 70 percent of our
total waste output leaves through our lungs.

This fact alone highlights how vital mindful
breathing is to healing and maintenance of health.

Consistent practice of breathing exercises that
encourage our bodies to make full use of all
of the lobes of our lungs by engaging the diaphragm
and abdominal muscles is one of the most powerful
habits we can adopt to support our health.

For more on this topic, including specific
breathing exercises that you can use to better
oxygenate your blood, please feel free to view
the following:

Please consider sharing this information with loved
ones and encourage one another to be mindful of
breathing from the diaphragm throughout the day.
Through a bit of conscious effort, all of us can
enhance our health through mindful breathing.


I struggled and lost against Instagram late last
night as I attempted to upload a one-minute video
on wrist mobility exercises, but thankfully, it
took without a glitch at Facebook.

Healthy and functionally strong wrists are essential
to being able to improve upper and lower body
mobility.  If you aren't already conditioning your
wrists a few times a week, I hope that you have a
look at the brief clip here:

The extended real-time video (about 3 minutes) is
available at our YouTube library here:

Please note that you can do these wrist mobility
exercises while standing and leaning against a wall.

One video that I was successfully able to upload to
our Instagram page this week demonstrates two basic
swinging exercises that I find highly beneficial
for shoulder and spinal mobility.  If you can
comfortably hang from an object overhead, I think
you'll find these swinging drills helpful:

Instagram has become the most convenient way for me
to share health tips on a daily basis, so if you
aren't already connected with me there and wish to,
you can find my page here:

Please don't forget to try some deep breathing from
your diaphragm today.  Wishing you and your loved ones
a safe and productive day.


Ben Kim

26 October 2016

Discretion one of the best ways to truth! - 1

  " I know of no safe depository of the ultimate power of a society;
  but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discernment, then the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discernment by proper education! "    -  Thomas Jefferson

Our nation {the USA} is in deep trouble today and we the thinking concerned citizens need to take quick corrective and decisive actions if our nation is to survive as a free and independent country!

1) the power or right to decide or act according to one's own judgment;freedom of judgment or choice:
It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay.

2) the quality of being discreet, especially with reference to one's own actions or 
speech; prudence or decorum:
Throwing all discretion to the winds, he blurted out the truth.

May God be our guide and source of Truth as we move forward toward our basic freedoms...

25 October 2016

Every second someone dies of ????

NOTE: Today is the last day to take advantage of this VIP special offer!
Hi, it's BioTrust medical advisor Dr. Matt Roberson and today we're going to reveal to you the exciting details of a brand new, breakthrough formula so powerful that it's been shown through peer-reviewed research to roll back up to 17 years of degenerative cellular aging... yes, you read that right, 17 years!

Best yet, for one last day, we're making it EASIER than ever to get your hands on this "age-defying miracle" with HUGE discounts and FREE shipping -- all while helping you drastically reduce the belly-fat producing, age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!

Let me ask you a question:

Did you know that every single second at least one person dies from an age-related condition?  What’s more, research estimates that by the year 2020 the percentage of aging-related deaths will increase another 25%!

Just think, are you experiencing any of these telltale signs that “Father Time” is closing in on you and knocking on your door?

*Skin issues (such as dry skin, age spots, wrinkles, and saggy skin)
*Loss of sexual desire and/or sexual function
*Joint discomfort, stiffness, and/or swelling
*Weakened muscles
*Frail bones
*Memory and other cognitive issues
*Declining vision and auditory skills
*Decreased energy and increased fatigue
*A weakening immune system, leaving you sick more and more often
*An underperforming circulatory system
*A cardiovascular system that just can’t support a truly active lifestyle any longer
*Hormonal decline
*Feeling blue and moody
*Dulling, thinning hair
*Loss of muscle tone and your youthful figure
*Slowed metabolism and perpetual weight gain

And that’s just naming a few!

Even more, are these same despairs of aging disrupting your life, preventing you from doing the things and activities you love most?  Have you been sidelined due to your struggle with weakened muscles, joints and bones, reduced lung power, and/or decreased energy reserves?  And even more sobering, are you concerned about losing your freedom due to age-related vision, hearing, and seemingly inevitable mental decline?

Have the woes of aging left you feeling undesirable, unwanted, undervalued by society, or unimportant?

Fact is, these common concerns and the unescapable reality of aging are no laughing matter.  Even worse, there are a host of environmental and lifestyle factors that are constantly preying on the youth of every cell of your body:

*UV rays that damage the DNA of skin cells, leading to thinning skin, sun spots, wrinkles, exaggerated expression lines, and even pervasive dryness and itching

*Stress, which sends the age-accelerating hormone cortisol into overdrive

*Mood-related issues which have been linked to as much as a decade of accelerated aging

*Lack of sleep shown to significantly shorten the length of DNA telomeres (AKA your “cellular timekeepers”)

*Too much or too little exercise -- studies show that both the highly active and sedentary populations have similar age-related biomarkers as a result of too little or too much of a good thing

*Poor nutrition, leading to a lack of antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals that fight the aging process

*Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) infiltrating our diet which have been linked to poor immune function and accelerated aging

*Excessive Omega-6 fatty acid intake – the most prevalent fatty acid in the American diet – which has been shown to accelerate aging and significantly increase inflammation

*Highly processed carbohydrates and sugar intake which promote the formation of AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-products).  These mutated proteins have been shown to significantly accelerate cellular aging.

*Overeating in general, which produces age-accelerating free radicals

*Alcohol consumption, which decreases the body’s antioxidant activity while at the same time increasing cell-damaging free radicals – a double whammy!

*Being overweight, which by itself leads to a state of increased cell-damaging oxidative stress

*Over-the-counter and prescription medications, a good number of which have been linked to accelerated aging

*Pesticides, herbicides, pollution, and other environmental toxins have all been shown to increase the appearance of skin aging and do damage to delicate skin DNA

Simply put, the world we live in today takes what Mother Nature intended to be a much more gradual, graceful aging process full of vitality and longevity, and accelerates it unfairly beyond belief.  And when you realize the constant danger the delicate cells of your body and most precious organs are continually being exposed to in today’s day and age, it’s no wonder that research shows the devastating physical consequences of aging are the #1 fear of adults over 40.

Are you worried about…

*The nightmare of looking decades older than your actual age?
*The fear of losing your freedom due to an aging, frail and weakened body and deteriorating mental abilities?
*The dread of not being around to see your grandchildren graduate school and go on to get married?
*The fear of no longer being desired by your partner or valued by society?

It all sounds very overwhelming, and it is. The fortunate news, however, is that there IS something you can do about it.  Even better, the answer is found in a brand new synergistic blend of 5 research-backed age-defying “super nutrients” that we call Ageless Body™ -- a formula so powerful that it is actually able to significantly slow the aging process while at the same time:

**Rolling back up to 17 years of degenerative cellular aging!
**Combatting external “photo aging”, notably improving skin tone & elasticity, and minimizing wrinkles
**Reducing melanin (the molecule responsible for dark spots) by a whopping 30%
**Significantly increasing the hormones responsible for skin brightness and that “youthful glow”
**Drastically reducing the belly-fat producing, age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!
**Reducing sleeplessness and improving quality of sleep by 66%
**Significantly firming and tightening aged skin, especially loose skin
**Dramatically increasing feelings of wellbeing by 36Xs!

And it does it all while maintaining and significantly reducing the degradation of the most important aging biomarker ever discovered – the length of your “cellular timekeepers”, known as telomeres.

But how exactly does Ageless Body™ provide all of these incredible anti-aging, cell-rejuvenating benefits in just two small capsules, twice daily?  In order to understand that, we first have to understand WHY we age, and there are 3 major root causes…

1. Degradation of your “cellular timekeepers”, known as telomeres.  Telomeres are the “protective caps” at the end of each strand of cellular DNA that control aging.  In fact, telomeres are so critically important to aging that some within the medical community are now calling telomeres your “eternal youth genes”, and for good reason.

You see, every day the cells in your body divide as many as 2 trillion times.  Old cells die, and the body replaces them with a duplicate.  While these new cells are indeed duplicates, like a photocopied image they are slightly less perfect than the original.  What’s more, a 2009 Nobel Prize-winning discovery revealed that with each cell division, it’s the telomeres (those protective caps at the end of DNA) that are slightly degraded and over time become significantly reduced in size.  Think of the protective plastic tips at the end of your shoe laces.  When those deteriorate, the entire shoe lace unravels.  It’s the same thing with your telomeres and the delicate cells of your body.  Worse yet, as your telomeres degrade and shorten, your body ages more rapidly.

The cold, hard truth is this:  As aging accelerates, each year you live what is ultimately a lower and lower quality of life until eventually your telomeres “expire” and the inevitable happens:  you die.

But it’s not all bad news…  You see, this same breakthrough medical research also shows that if you can boost the health of your telomeres and keep them from degrading and shortening, you can dramatically slow the aging process and add many high-quality, vivacious and productive years to your life!

This means that even when your chronological age goes up, your cells stay young and vibrant!  We’ve all seen a 50 year old man or woman who doesn’t look a day past 40 and other 50 year olds who look like they could easily pass for 65.  As the old adage goes, your actual age is just a number – what’s of prime importance, however, is your cellular age, or how old (or young) your body looks, feels, performs, and functions.

The primary enzyme responsible for keeping telomeres strong, healthy and long is called telomerase.  And even better, you’ll be happy to know that all 5 ingredients in Ageless Body™ work together synergistically to supercharge telomerase production and keep your body’s cellular timekeepers—your telomeres—healthy, youthful, and full of life!

2. Progressive death over time to your body’s main “power source”, your mitochondria.  Mitochondria are the power plants of our body’s cells.  Simply put, the more energy the mitochondria produce, the younger and healthier we feel.

As we get older, however, mitochondria decrease in number, by as much as 50%!  Not only that, but the mitochondria that remain only work at 50% of their original capacity! With only half the “power lines” operating at 50% capacity, there isn’t nearly as much energy pumping to your joints, heart, brain, lungs, and immune system.  In the end, your ability to live, breathe, move, and be energetic is severely compromised.

Fortunately, Ageless Body™ was also specifically and scientifically formulated to dramatically improve mitochondria performance and function, giving you the upper hand on this seemingly unavoidable source of accelerated aging.

3. Free radical exposure and resulting oxidative damage (i.e. the “rusting” of your body’s cells).  One of the main causes of cellular aging is free radicals, also known as “oxidants”. Essentially, free radicals are energy deficient molecules who seek and destroy healthy cells, stealing their energy and livelihood.  If you’ve ever seen an apple or avocado turn brown after you cut it, or metal rust, you’ve witnessed oxidative stress at work.  This same “rusting” happens within the cells of your body when exposed to the sun (UV exposure), pollution, heavy metals, and even many positive stressors like exercise.

Bottom line, there are simply way too many oxidative villains in modern living, and unless you proactively do something to defend yourself against these youth-robbing free radicals daily, you are undeniably going to get slaughtered…

Enter anti-oxidants, AKA your “cellular bodyguards”.  These generous Good Samaritans selflessly donate their energy so that the energy of your healthy cells is spared.  In the end, your cells stay youthful, energetic, and full of vitality.  And because antioxidants are so critically important to combating the aging process, we made certain to include several of the most powerful, most effective age-defying antioxidants known to man in Ageless Body™, so be sure to stay tuned.

The bottom line is this: with progressively shortening telomeres, massive mitochondrial death, and ongoing oxidative stress being caused at such an accelerated rate by our 21st century lifestyles, it’s no wonder why the world’s population is aging faster than ever before...

Are wrinkles and age spots taking over what once was the beauty of your skin?

Does your partner no longer desire you, or may they soon not, because of the perpetual weight you’re gaining with age?

Does your vision and hearing continue to decline each year?

Is your memory fading?  Is your mind not quite as sharp as it once was?

Do you find yourself tired more often than not?

Do your joints hurt?  Are you sick often?

Do you flat out look OLD?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, I want to you to know that there IS something you can do to address and even REVERSE all 3 root causes of degenerative cellular aging, and that's exactly what Ageless Body™ does with its 5 unique, synergistic ingredients.

The first age-defying super nutrient I’m excited to share with you today is a multi-patented, highly potent form of the revolutionary eastern herb Ashawagandha known as Sensoril®.  Unlike other inferior forms of Ashawagandha, Sensoril® contains only the highest, most potent levels of stress-fighting, cognitive enhancing bioactive constituents making it the most industry-leading, highest-rated, and clinically-tested Ashawagandha extract available anywhere.

In fact, Sensoril® has been shown to combat stress, promote longevity, slow the aging process, revitalize the body, and improve feelings of wellbeing.  More specifically, in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled study (the gold standard of research design) published in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, Dr. Auddy and his colleagues found that 130 middle-aged men and women supplementing with 125mg of Sensoril® daily for 60 days experienced dramatic improvements in numerous age-related biomarkers, including:

*6.5Xs lower cortisol (the stress-induced “belly fat hormone”)
*4Xs higher DHEA levels (an critical biomarker for optimal male and female sex hormone production)
*66% improvement in sleeplessness, psychological stress, and quality of sleep
*5.8Xs lower C-reactive protein levels (another key biomarker associated with inflammation and accelerated aging)

Not only that, but research shows that such a vast reduction in cortisol levels brings levels down to those of individuals at least a DECADE younger.  Talk about rolling back the clock!

Further, heightened levels of the stress hormone cortisol along with poor sleep quality have been shown to accelerate aging and the degradation of your cellular timekeepers – your DNA telomeres.  Sensoril® protects against this degradation by dramatically lowering cortisol and improving sleep, helping to keep your telomeres and the many cells of your body healthy, youthful, and full of life!

The second anti-aging nutrient stand-out I have to tell you about is the most bioavailable, absorbable turmeric extract known to man, called CurcuWIN®.  You see, the “active” anti-aging ingredient found in turmeric is known as curcumin, an extremely potent antioxidant.  In fact, curcumin has been shown to seek and destroy damaging free radicals, lower oxidative stress, slow telomere degradation, and reduce levels of numerous key biomarkers associated with accelerated aging, by as much as 93%!

But unfortunately, curcumin has very poor solubility and would require more than FORTY 250mg capsules of standard curcumin daily to obtain any of its powerful health benefits.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to take 40+ capsules of anything daily!

Enter CurcuWIN®…through a patented process this highly bioavailable turmeric extract is 46 TIMES more absorbable than regular curcumin, and nearly 6 TIMES more absorbable than any other form of turmeric/curcumin, even liquid liposomal turmeric (so don’t be misled by liquid liposomal products claiming to have the best absorption).

Not only that, but patented CurcuWIN® is free of toxins, when almost all other forms of turmeric (including liquid liposomal turmeric) contain the highly toxic solvent EDC, a known carcinogen that stays active in the body for more than 100 years!

In fact, recent research published in Integrative Medicine discovered that many turmeric/curcumin products contained as much as 1,728 TIMES MORE toxic EDC than the established the safety limit of this known cancer-causing agent!  Yikes!  But with CurcuWIN™ you get peace of mind knowing that this premium extract is completely toxin free while being 46Xs more absorbable than standard curcumin/turmeric products.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, curcumin has additionally been shown to shield skin from UV damage, increase skin elasticity, decrease pigmentation, and minimize skin wrinkling all at the same time.  Simply put, for powerful anti-aging protection both on the surface and deep within your body’s cells, don’t trust any other turmeric or curcumin product apart from Ageless Body’s CurcuWIN®.

Our third age-defying superhero included in this anti-aging all-star formula is Setria® glutathione.  You see, glutathione is considered the body’s “master antioxidant” due to its critical involvement in building the DNA and proteins that make up our entire being: our skin, hair, nails, muscles, bones, organs, many of our hormones, enzymes, and even immune cells.  But like many other important biomarkers, glutathione levels decline as we get older, having a profound negative effect on the health of virtually every cell of our bodies.

On top of that, due to its poor bioavailability the only way to previously benefit from supplemental glutathione was via intravenous administration…extremely time consuming, inconvenient, painful, and even more costly!

But with Setria® glutathione, that all changed.  You see, through a proprietary patented fermentation process, Setria® glutathione is the ONLY form of glutathione to elevate actual body stores of glutathione in humans via oral supplementation…an incredible scientific, anti-aging breakthrough!

Not only that, but Setria® glutathione has been shown to:

*Shield energy-producing mitochondria from damaging free radicals
*Effectively DOUBLE immune function and natural killer cell activity
*Reduce melanin (the molecule responsible for dark spots) by a whopping 30%
*Significantly increase the hormones responsible for skin brightness and that “youthful glow”
*Combat external “photo aging” by protecting skin collagen fibers, notably improving skin tone & elasticity, and minimizing wrinkles

And beyond all those benefits, because of its powerful detoxification properties, Setria® glutathione has been shown to protect your “eternal youth genes” by slowing the telomere shortening and degradation caused by environmental toxins, pesticides and pollution.

For the true anti-aging power of glutathione don’t fall victim to imposter glutathione supplements that have NO positive impact on actual body levels of this critically important antioxidant.  Again, Setria® Glutathione is the ONLY form of glutathione to actually elevate body stores of glutathione in humans via oral supplementation, so don’t be fooled.

Super age-defying nutrient #4 is Coenzyme Q10 (better known as CoQ10).  This all-star antioxidant is a critically important component of healthy mitochondria function, the power plants of our body’s cells.  As mentioned, the more energy the mitochondria produce, the younger and healthier we feel.

As we get older, however, mitochondria decrease in both number and efficiency, by as much as 50%, dramatically decreasing the energy pumping to your joints, heart, brain, lungs, and immune system.

Even more, the body’s levels of CoQ10 can be cut in half with age, making supplementation a must for anyone looking to maintain their mitochondrial health – one of the 3 major root causes of aging!

And of course, BioTrust uses only the most stable, most absorbable form of CoQ10 available in our Ageless Body™ formula to ensure you receive nothing less than the premium results you deserve.

And finally, the 5th premium anti-aging powerhouse in our arsenal is a unique, buffered form of Vitamin C known as Magnesium Ascorbate (MA).  This exceptional form of Vitamin C alleviates the GI distress commonly associated with significant Vitamin C intake by buffering it with magnesium – a mineral which has numerous anti-aging benefits of its own including bolstering heart health, bone health, and brain power.

Not only that, but magnesium ascorbate plays a critical role in preventing external skin damage (known as “photo aging”) via its potent antioxidant properties.  MA is essential to the formation of collagen, giving your skin stability and support, reducing wrinkles and even tightening loose skin.

Further, Vitamin C deficiency has been directly associated with shorter telomere length, while higher intakes, such as the significant levels included in Ageless Body™, are associated with longer telomeres and increased cellular health.

Simply put, unlike inferior products that only attempt to address one aspect of cellular aging with ineffective and potentially toxic ingredients, Ageless Body™ offers you triple-action age-defying results by addressing all THREE root causes of aging:

1. Significantly protecting the health and length of your “cellular timekeepers”, your DNA telomeres.  This means that even when your chronological age goes up, your cells stay young and vibrant!

2. Dramatically boosting mitochondrial function and energy production to keep you feeling youthful, energetic, and full of vitality.

3. Unequivocally fighting free radicals and oxidative stress through the most potent antioxidants available anywhere.  These are the “cellular bodyguards” that ultimately keep you feeling AND looking young, lively, and vivacious.

In the end, the research-backed ingredients representing Ageless Body’s™ 3 unique pathways translate to ALL of these incredible benefits for you:

**Rolling back up to 17 years of degenerative cellular aging!
**Combatting external “photo aging”, notably improving skin tone & elasticity, and minimizing wrinkles
**Reducing melanin (the molecule responsible for dark spots) by a whopping 30%
**Significantly increasing the hormones responsible for skin brightness and that “youthful glow”
**Drastically reducing the belly-fat producing, age-accelerating hormone cortisol 6.4Xs lower!
**Reducing sleeplessness and improving quality of sleep by 66%
**Significantly firming and tightening aged skin, especially loose skin
**Dramatically increasing feelings of wellbeing by 36Xs!

And again, it does it all while maintaining and significantly reducing the degradation of the most important aging biomarker ever discovered – the length of your “cellular timekeepers”, your telomeres.

Even more, with Ageless Body™ you’ll say goodbye to:

*The nightmare of looking decades older than your actual age
*Skin issues (such as dry skin, age spots, wrinkles, and saggy skin)
*Decreased energy and increased fatigue
*Loss of muscle tone and your youthful figure

And ultimately, the fear of losing your freedom due to an aging, frail and weakened body and deteriorating mental abilities.

Instead, your body will feel young again, your skin will look better than it has in years, your mood will improve, your confidence will skyrocket, and you'll once again rest your head easy and sleep comfortably each night...all in just less than 20 short seconds each day.

A younger, more vibrant, more energetic and vivacious body in less than 20 seconds a day?  It really is that simple.

To begin experiencing the premium age-defying benefits of Ageless Body™ for yourself, simply click on the special link below (only available via this VIP email) and select your money saving package right now:

==> Get Ageless Body™ up to 31% OFF + FREE Shipping (Last Day)

And of course, like with all BioTrust products, you're always protected by our industry-best 365 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, where you can get a refund of even empty bottles if for any reason you aren't satisfied -- up a full YEAR after securing your order today!

Are we crazy?  No, we're just so incredibly confident that you will see and experience the dramatic anti-aging, skin-rejuvenating, and overall cell-reviving benefits of Ageless Body™ that we want to make it one of the easiest decisions you've ever made to try this premium formula right now before our initial lot runs out.

Again, this product is only currently available to VIP subscribers like you and today is the final day to take advantage of free shipping + up to 31% OFF on this brand new super age-defying, life-restoring supplement!  Act now to secure your savings and avoid disappointment:

==> Get Ageless Body™ up to 31% OFF + FREE Shipping (Last Day)

To your ultimate health and longevity!

Dr. Matt

Dr. Matt Roberson, M.D.
Lead BioTrust Medical Advisor

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The most powerful message ever preached in past 50 years !  **  The most powerful message ever preached in past 50 years !  10 Reasons It's Better to Have the Holy Spirit ...
