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25 September 2016

What and why? part 1 of many!

What is it that separates each of us from the evil of this world?

1) Is it how others treat us?  No!

2) Is it what we hear or see happening? No!

3) Is it the stories of history? No!

4) Is it because we feel neglected and unloved? Not really!

5) Is it what we come to know about our neighbors and or family? A very strong element!

6) Is it how we seek to learn the real truth trough prayer and supplication? Yes it can be!

7) Is it our personal perceptions with our God given intelligence?  Yes, most likely!

8) Is it our ability to know oneself as a free child of God?  Yes most certainly!

9) Is it the realization that we are unique and were created by a Loving God?  Absolutely!


What makes one person a reliable, thoughtful and truly concerned citizen? Love!
They would be none self centered and would enjoy loving their neighbor(s).  
Not driven by greed or some form of keeping up with fads or other selective social behavior.
Such a person would be more open to those around them and willing to generally be supportive of others.  While this is not a complete listing - it is however a basic over view of a good citizen and true friend!  {Much more on this will be covered on future blogs}.


On the other side of the how and why of people; we tend to find one very common element which is that of being selfish and greedy! 
In fact Greed and Self-centeredness is the key to most all the problems and troubles in this world! There are millions of cases of this trait causing most crime and discontent in world society since time began!  Going back to Cain and Able!


In looking a recent news - what we see is groups of people committing crimes  -  attacking, lying and killing simply for personal greed and self satisfaction!  It is found at every level of society today!  Because once a person is convinced that they deserve or were suppose to get special things - then they will take actions to seemingly acquire such!

It is not possible here to go into all the various ways or reasons that people seem this form of action! Rather we will present some of the key hows and whys of history!

  *** Stop back as we analyze some reasons of such discontent and evil today ....

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