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Natural treatment and therapy

High blood pressure supplements, vitamins, herbs, Natural treatment and therapy, alternative ways to lower BP
November 16 2015 by Ray Sahelian, M.D.

High blood pressure has been called "the silent killer" because it usually doesn't cause symptoms for many years -- until a vital organ is damaged. More Americans than ever have high blood pressure and the number has risen by nearly a third over the past decade. Being heavy goes hand-in-hand with having High blood pressure, especially for women. There are many effective drugs that treat High blood pressure, however, it is also a good idea to keep in mind that natural options are also available. Aggressive treatment of high blood pressure with medications in patients who are 75 years or older is associated with lower five-year survival rates than their counterparts with blood pressure levels at or higher than treatment target levels. Therefore, doctors should be careful about trying to lower blood pressure with high doses of medications since the side effects could be worse than having the blood pressure a little higher than normal.

   For patients with high blood pressure, there's no evidence that aiming lower than the standard 140 over 90 millimeters mercury (mm Hg) will do any further good.

Natural remedies as high blood pressure treatment, home treatment
Eat more fruits and vegetables -- preferably fresh and organic. Eat a variety of vegetables, not just the same tomatoes and salads. Studies show consuming berries lowers BP. So does drinking beet juice.
Eat more garlic since it lowers blood pressure. Or take garlic pills. There are compounds in this bulb that lower BP.

J Clin Hypertension. 2015. Effect of Garlic on Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis. This meta-analysis suggests that garlic supplements are superior to placebo in reducing BP, especially in hypertensive patients.

Avoid a high fructose intake which would include drinking more than a few ounces of fruit juice at any one time. A diet high in the sugar fructose raises blood pressure. A sweetener known as high-fructose corn syrup has been widely used in sodas and processed foods since the 1980s, and some researchers have blamed this trend at least in part for the concurrent rise in obesity and diabetes. 

Eating more whole grains is helpful in lowering high blood pressure. Reduce or avoid white bread and processed grains. The fiber and other nutrients in whole grains also help lower cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as improve blood vessel functioning and reduce inflammation in the circulatory system.

Flax seeds, whole, could be added to soups and drinks. Flax seeds contain a lot of healthy fiber.
Reduce salt intake, People with hypertension that isn't controlled by multiple medications are likely eating too much salt. People with so-called resistant hypertension have sharp reductions in their blood pressure when they dramatically reduce their salt intake.

Try to shed some pounds. If you have overeat and have difficulty controlling your appetite, consider Diet Rx natural diet pill.  Overweight and obese children have a high risk of developing
Learn how to sleep better and deeper. Consider the occasional use of Good Night Rx if you have trouble sleeping. Lack of adequate sleep can cause or contribute to high blood pressure in children and adults. Afternoon naps appear to help lower blood pressure, a beneficial effect that does not occur with resting but remaining awake for the same period of time.

Reduce alcohol intake. Regular drinking is known to raise blood pressure in some people. Unlike younger men, men in their 50s who drink even moderate amounts of alcohol generally have higher blood pressure than non-drinkers. Among men in their 20s, only heavy drinkers show elevated blood pressure.
Reduce or stop smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels.
Try to have less stress in your daily life.

Reduce fat intake, such as meats, lard, bacon, hydrogenated oils -- fats found in fish are good.
Reduce caffeine intake -- skip that second cup of coffee, substitute caffeine-free herbal drinks, limit herbal teas with caffeine to one or two cups.
Exercise, walk at least one mile per day.
Drink more water.
Drink soy milk and reduce intake of regular milk (see study bottom of page).
Enjoying small amounts of polyphenol-rich dark chocolate daily appears to lower blood pressure.

Supplements for high blood pressure
I will update this page as more information becomes available. If you have high blood pressure, please discuss with your physician before changing your medicines or adding supplements, especially if you have unstable  or severe high blood pressure.

Fish oils are useful for thinning the blood and improving circulation and it is now known that those whose diets are high in fish oils have a lower risk for high blood pressure. It would make sense that supplementing with one to five fish oil capsules a day could perhaps lower blood pressure, but we need more studies to confirm early findings.
Magnesium dilates arteries, and in doing so lowers blood pressure. Foods high in magnesium include whole grains, beans, nuts and green leafy vegetables.
Antioxidants may be helpful for long term health maintenance of arteries, but not necessarily to lower blood pressure in the short term. Doses can be kept low, such as vitamin C less than 300 mg a day, and natural vitamin E less than 200 units a few days a week. Take a natural vitamin E complex, rather than the synthetic dl-tocopherol.
Lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant in daily dosage of 10 to 50 mg or 50 mg once or twice a week.

Arjuna is an Ayurvedic herb that has promising effects in blood vessel dilation.

Quercetin is known as a very strong blood vessel dilator. Chronic oral quercetin exerts antihypertensive effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Genistein is a type of flavonoid found mostly in soy. Genistein helps produce more nitric oxide, a powerful chemical in the blood stream that helps dilate blood vessels. Genistein is available as a supplement.

B vitamin and coenzyme complex — B6, folate, and B12 are crucial for the health of arteries and to lower homocysteine, an amino acid-like compound in the blood stream that can be toxic in high doses.
CoQ10 could be helpful in dosages of 20 to 50 mg. The coq10 study is discussed below.
Lycopene could be helpful
Calcium mineral and Magnesium are helpful in supporting healthy blood pressure.
Probiotic supplements could be of help.
Hawthorn extract may be helpful, see study below.
Ginkgo low dose, not more than 40 mg, in the morning, one option is to break a 40 mg or 60 mg tablet in half or use half a capsule
Dark, but not white, chocolate has polyphenols that may lower High blood pressure. You may consider taking a
Cacao supplement to get the benefits of chocolate without the sugar and fat.
Melatonin may lower blood pressure overnight.
Taking a pill containing melatonin, a natural hormone that regulates sleep, at bedtime may enhance the drop in blood pressure that occurs at night, perhaps protecting the heart from damage. The normal decline in blood pressure at night may be related to the rise of melatonin levels in the body. Therefore, treatment with melatonin might be expected to lower blood pressure further. To evaluate the effect of melatonin on blood pressure changes in women, Italian researchers recruited nine healthy women and nine women who were being successfully treated with drug therapy for high blood pressure. For three weeks, the women were randomly assigned to pills containing melatonin or inactive "placebo." After the three weeks, the women crossed over to the alternate treatment. Melatonin treatment decreased nighttime blood pressure. As a result, the day-night blood pressure difference was more pronounced during melatonin use. Melatonin had no effect on daytime blood pressure or on heart rate. American Journal of Hypertension, December 2005.
Drink hibiscus tea to lower high blood pressure.
Low dose baby aspirin

Q. Just curious if you plan on producing a supplement that helps to lower blood pressure? If not could you do a writeup in your newsletter regarding what individual supplements that you can take to help lower blood pressure. Also, could you comment on the use of staying well hydrated and if this has any effect on blood pressure.
   A. In order to introduce a natural formula for blood pressure control, a study would be required to see if the formula worked. Doing studies is very expensive and could cost tens of thousands of dollars or more. Being well hydrated is important but would not have a significant effect on blood pressure control.

High blood pressure and diet, role of food by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
Healthier eating habits could make a big difference in the epidemic of high blood pressure in the U.S. Over the past 10 years, studies have bolstered evidence that diets rich in fruits and vegetables and low in sodium can lower a person's blood pressure. In addition, one of the benefits of healthier eating -- weight loss -- may also help lower or prevent high blood pressure. In general, shedding pounds, cutting down on sodium, boosting potassium intake and limiting alcohol are all proven ways to help control blood pressure. Vegetarian and other diets that emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy  appear effective in bringing these elements together and shaving points off a blood pressure reading. What's more, African Americans, who are at particular risk of high blood pressure and its complications, seem to show an especially strong blood pressure improvement when they alter their diets.

Benefits in reducing High blood pressure
By reducing High blood pressure, you also reduce your risk for eye disorder such as retinopathy, stroke, heart disease, aortic aneurysm, and kidney disease.

Natural supplements that cause high blood pressure
Certain herbs and supplements may cause high blood pressure.
Yohimbe bark is one such herb that could increase blood pressure.

If you have High blood pressure, a physician should make sure you don't have the following:
Primary hyperaldosteronism and Cushing’s syndrome. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Sleep apnea.
Most people who have High blood pressure do not have any symptoms. 

     Before your' blood pressure is measured in a doctor's office, be seated and at rest for at least 10 minutes before the blood pressure is taken. The rest appears to give more reliable results.

Complications of high blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease is a major problem. High blood pressure could lead to left ventricular hypertrophy which could result in congestive heart failure, arrhythmias and myocardial infarction. Other complications of High blood pressure include stroke and kidney disease. Bleeding from the nose can be a symptom but there are many other reasons for a nosebleed. 

What the numbers mean:

High blood pressure is defined as a systolic pressure at rest that averages 140 mm Hg or more, a diastolic pressure at rest that averages 90 mm Hg or more, or both. In high blood pressure, usually both the systolic and the diastolic pressures are elevated. In isolated systolic High blood pressure, the systolic pressure is 140 mm Hg or more, but the diastolic pressure is less than 90 mm Hg--that is, the diastolic pressure is in the normal range. Isolated systolic High blood pressure is increasingly common with advancing age. In almost everyone, blood pressure increases with age, with systolic pressure increasing until at least age 80 and diastolic pressure increasing until age 55 to 60, then leveling off or even falling.
High Blood Pressure symptom

Most people with mild to moderate hypertension will not have a high blood pressure symptom. Symptoms of severe high blood pressure include headache, nosebleed, fatigue, chest pain. Therefore, in mild to moderate cases of high blood pressure and no symptom, the condition becomes serious since many years can go on without adequate treatment. In the meantime, there could be damage to the eyes, kidneys, and other organs. If you are overweight, are over the age of 45, have a poor diet, under a lot of stress, etc, and even if you don't have a symptom of high blood pressure that you know of, do see a doctor every 2 to 3 years to make sure your blood pressure readings are within the normal range. 

Cause of High Blood Pressure:

There are many causes of high blood pressure, including smoking, obesity, poor diet, lack of adequate fresh fruits and vegetables, lack of cold water fish, lack of exercise, poor sleep, genetics, stress, and insomnia. Healthy adults who donate a kidney have an increased likelihood of seeing a rise in blood pressure within 5 to 10 years.

NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, decongestants, steroids, estrogen and oral contraceptives, cyclosporine are medications that can make High blood pressure worse. Those who take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)--such as ibuprofin (Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve) at least 22 days per month appear to be much more likely than others to develop High blood pressure. This is also true for acetaminophen. Taking aspirin before bedtime--but not at other times of the day--may lower blood pressure in patients with mild High blood pressure as well as in pregnant women at risk for a dangerous blood pressure-related complication.

Scientific World Journal. 2014 Jan 8. Association between Hypertension and Periodontitis: Possible Mechanisms. Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction are among the critical components in the development of hypertension. Inflammation has received much attention recently and may contribute to a pivotal role. Periodontitis, a chronic low-grade inflammation of gingival tissue, has been linked to endothelial dysfunction, with blood pressure elevation and increased mortality risk in hypertensive patients. Inflammatory biomarkers are increased in hypertensive patients with periodontitis. Many cross-sectional studies documented an association between hypertension and periodontitis.
High blood pressure in the morning

It has been known for decades that heart attacks and strokes occur most frequently in the early-morning hours. Blood pressure undergoes a 24-hour, or circadian, rhythm. This rise in blood pressure is amplified in patients with high blood pressure. The molecular clock is a complex set of genes located in a discrete brain area that tightly regulate circadian rhythms in behavior, temperature, and metabolism. Researchers now appreciate that this "master clock" also interacts with clocks in almost all types of tissues. Using mice in which the function of major clock genes have been disrupted, investigators found distinct and complimentary effects on blood pressure and its circadian variation. What's more, genes relevant to the production and breakdown of catecholamines – the hormones that equip mammals for "fight and flight" behavior were under the control of the clock. Catecholamines – norepinephrine and epinephrine – undergo a daily variation, but also rise in response to stress. Using a mouse model in which catecholamines and blood pressure were made to surge, researchers found that the rise in both blood pressure and catecholamines depended on the time of the stress. The greatest response occurred at a time that would correspond to the early morning hours in humans. Deletion of a core clock gene completely abolished both the catecholamine and blood pressure response to stress, irrespective of when the stress was applied during the daily clock cycle. This effect was specific to the catecholamines, as the stress response of another hormone – a steroid – was unaltered.

Gastric Surgery
Gastric surgery to treat obese patients is associated with long-term reductions in blood pressure, which are most pronounced in patients who have untreated high blood pressure before surgery. Blood pressure improves when very obese individuals lose weight after surgery.
Medications and adverse effects, risks

Certain blood pressure medications may be linked to a modestly increased risk of cancer. The drugs in question are called angiotensin-receptor blockers or ARBs. ARBs block the chemical angiotensin II from having any effect on the heart and blood vessels, thus preventing blood pressure from going up. These drugs are commonly prescribed to patients with high blood pressure, heart failure and diabetes-related kidney disease.

High blood pressure Research studies:
Promising hypotensive effect of hawthorn extract: a randomized double-blind pilot study of mild, essential High blood pressure.

Phytother Res. 2002 Feb;16(1):48-54. 

This pilot study was aimed at investigating the High blood pressure lowering potential of hawthorn extract and magnesium dietary supplements individually and in combination, compared with a placebo. Thirty-six subjects with mild High blood pressure completed the study. At baseline, anthropometric and dietary assessment, as well as blood pressure measurements were taken at rest, after exercise and after a computer 'stress' test. Volunteers were then randomly assigned to a daily supplement for 10 weeks of either: (a) 600 mg Mg, (b) 500 mg hawthorn extract, (c) a combination of (a) and (b), (d) placebo. Measurements were repeated at 5 and 10 weeks of intervention. There was a decline in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in all treatment groups, including placebo, but ANOVA provided no evidence of difference between treatments. However, factorial contrast analysis in ANOVA showed a promising reduction (p = 0.081) in the resting diastolic blood pressure at week 10 in the 19 High blood pressure subjects who were assigned to the hawthorn extract, compared with the other groups. Furthermore, a trend towards a reduction in anxiety (p = 0.094) was also observed in those taking hawthorn compared with the other groups. These findings warrant further study, particularly in view of the low dose of hawthorn extract used. 

Researchers in Israel have found that a daily dose of tomato extract helped lower blood pressure among 31 men and women with mild hypertension. On average, their systolic pressure -- the top number in a blood-pressure reading -- dropped 10 points, while their diastolic pressure, or bottom number, dipped four points. The supplement, sold as Lyc-O-Mato, contains several plant compounds found in tomatoes. Among them is lycopene. Antioxidants, such as lycopene and vitamins C and E, help neutralize oxygen free radicals -- molecules that are a natural byproduct of metabolism -- can damage body cells over time. This "oxidative stress" is thought to contribute to a range of chronic diseases, including heart disease. The study included adults ages 30 to 70 with stage 1 hypertension, defined as a systolic blood pressure between 140 and 159 mm Hg, and a diastolic pressure between 90 and 99 mm Hg. Blood pressure is considered normal when it is below 120/80; anything between that and 140/90 is considered "prehypertension." Study participants spent 4 weeks taking a placebo, or inactive, capsule each day, after which they were given a tomato extract capsule every day for 8 weeks. Finally, they spent another 4 weeks on placebo capsules. LycoRed-Natural Products Industries, the maker of Lyc-O-Mato, supplied the extract. During the treatment period, the group's average systolic blood pressure fell from 144 to 134 mm Hg, while their diastolic pressure dipped from 87 to 83 mm Hg. Eating a diet rich in tomato products and other antioxidant-containing fruits and vegetables is certainly a smart move. But, she added, a person would need to down about four tomatoes to get the nutrients in one tomato extract capsule. SOURCE: American Heart Journal, January 2006. 
Higher intake of folic acid is associated with a decreased risk of developing High blood pressure, particularly among younger women.

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of coenzyme Q10 in isolated systolic High blood pressure.

South Med J. 2001 Nov;94(11):1112-7. 

Increasing numbers of the adult population are using alternative or complementary health resources in the treatment of chronic medical conditions. Systemic High blood pressure affects more than 50 million adults and is one of the most common risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. This study evaluates the antihypertensive effectiveness of oral coenzyme Q10 (CoQ), an over-the-counter nutritional supplement, in a cohort of 46 men and 37 women with isolated systolic High blood pressure. We conducted a 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial with twice daily administration of 60 mg of oral CoQ and determination of plasma CoQ levels before and after the 12 weeks of treatment. RESULTS: The mean reduction in systolic blood pressure of the CoQ-treated group was 17.8 +/- 7.3 mm Hg (mean +/- SEM). None of the patients exhibited orthostatic blood pressure changes. Our results suggest CoQ 10 may be safely offered to hypertensive patients as an alternative treatment option.

Clinical efficacy of magnesium supplementation in patients with type 2 diabetes.

J Am Coll Nutr. 2004 Oct;23(5):506S-509S. 

Effects of magnesium (Mg) supplementation on nine mild type 2 diabetic patients with stable glycemic control were investigated. Water from a salt lake with a high natural Mg content (7.1%) (MAG21) was used for supplementation after dilution with distilled water to 100mg/100mL; 300mL/day was given for 30 days. Fasting serum immunoreactive insulin level decreased significantly. There was also a marked decrease of the mean triglyceride level after supplementation. The patients with High blood pressure showed significant reduction of systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure. The salt lake water supplement, MAG21, exerted clinical benefit as a Mg supplement in patients with mild type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The protective effect of habitual tea consumption on High blood pressure.

Arch Intern Med. 2004 Jul 26;164(14):1534-40.

Tea has long been believed to possess High blood pressure relieveing effects in popular Chinese medicine. However, conflicting results have been shown among human trials and animal studies on the relation between tea consumption and blood pressure. Epidemiological evidence about the long-term effect of tea on hypertensive risk is also inconsistent. We examined the effect of tea drinking, measured in detail for the past decades, on the risk of newly diagnosed High blood pressure in 1507 subjects (711 men and 796 women), 20 years or older, who did not have a hypertensive history during 1996 in Taiwan. RESULTS: Six hundred subjects (39.8%) were habitual tea drinkers, defined by tea consumption of 120 mL/d or more for at least 1 year. Compared with nonhabitual tea drinkers, the risk of developing High blood pressure decreased by 46% for those who drank 120 to 599 mL/d and was further reduced by 65% for those who drank 600 mL/d or more after carefully adjusting for age, sex, socioeconomic status, family history of High blood pressure, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, lifestyle factors (total physical activity, high sodium intake, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and coffee drinking), and dietary factors (vegetable, fruit, unrefined grain, fish, milk, visible-fat food, and deep fried food intake). However, tea consumption for more than 1 year was not associated with a further reduction of High blood pressure risk. Habitual moderate strength green or oolong tea consumption, 120 mL/d or more for 1 year, significantly reduces the risk of developing High blood pressure in the Chinese population.

Pycnogenol, French maritime pine bark extract, improves endothelial function of hypertensive patients.

Life Sci. 2004 Jan 2;74(7):855-62.
A placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel group study was performed with 58 patients to investigate effects of French maritime pine bark extract, Pycnogenol, on patients with High blood pressure. Supplementation of the patients with 100 mg Pycnogenol over a period of 12 weeks helped to reduce the dose of the calcium antagonist nifedipine in a statistically significant manner. The intake of Pycnogenol decreased endothelin-1 concentrations significantly compared to placebo while concentrations of 6-keto prostaglandin F1a in plasma were significantly higher compared to placebo. Values for nitric oxide (NO) in plasma increased in both groups, but the differences were not significant. Angiotensin II concentrations in plasma were lowered in the placebo group to a larger extent than in the Pycnogenol group. Heart rate, electrolytes and blood urea nitrogen were not changed during treatment in both groups of patients. Unwanted effects observed in both groups were of mild and transient nature, such as gastrointestinal problems, vertigo, headache and nausea. Differences in rate of side effects were not statistically significant between the two groups. Study results support a supplementation with Pycnogenol for mildly hypertensive patients.

Soy Milk and  High blood pressure

Soy milk drinkers have reason to raise their cup and cheer. A recent three month double blind study completed at the School of Medicine in Zaragoza, Spain tested the effect of 500 ml (about a pint) of soy milk compared with the same amount of cow’s milk in 40 men and women with mild-to-moderate High blood pressure. Before initiation of the study, urinary isoflavonoids (soy contains compounds called isoflavonoids, the best known being genistein) were undetectable in most cases, meaning that their diet contained little or no soy products. After three months of soy milk consumption, systolic blood pressure decreased by 18 mmHg compared with 2 mmHg in the cow’s milk group. Diastolic blood pressure decreased by 15 mmHg versus 4 mmHg in the cow’s milk group. The researchers conclude that chronic soy milk consumption lowers blood pressure in those with High blood pressure. This blood pressure-lowering action was correlated with the urinary excretion of the isoflavonoid genistein, meaning that the more genistein excreted in the urine (reflecting the higher amount in the body), the lower the blood pressure. 

   Dr. Sahelian says: Those who drink large amounts of milk should consider reducing their milk consumption and partially or mostly substituting soy milk instead. Try soy milk brands that have a minimal amount of added sugar. Use stevia drops for additional sweetness.

The following compounds may help lower high blood pressure but much more research is needed.
Ashitaba, Flavonoids, diterpenes, alkaloids, glycosides, polysaccharides and proteins.

High Blood Pressure natural treatment questions
Q. Is vinpocetine safe for people with uncontrolled high blood pressure to take? If it dilates the blood vessels in the brain, is this dangerous for people who are at risk for strokes?
   A. I have not come across studies evaluating the influence of vinpocetine on blood pressure. Vinpocetine is actually used to treat strokes.

Q. Is it okay to take an ace inhibitor with fish oil capsules for high blood pressure?
   A. I don't see any problems with this combination.

Q. Studies have show that green tea can lower high blood pressure. What are your thoughts?
   A. There are many nutrients involved in lowering blood pressure. Small amounts of green tea should be healthy but more research is needed to determine the influence of green tea on blood pressure.

Q. I have high blood pressure. Is a multivitamin okay to take?
   A. As long as the multivitamin is not loaded excessively with very high doses of B vitamins, it should not be a problem.

Q. I am a little confused regarding your information titled natural High blood pressure treatment Options. You indicate vitamin B6, folate, and vitamin B12 are crucial for the health of arteries and you recommend taking B complex. However, under your Q & A section when someone ask if it is okay to take a multivitamin, it indicates not if it has a high doses of B vitamins. I currently have high blood pressure and take a vitamin with extra B complex.
   A. We think vitamin B, in a dosage of one to three times the RDA could be helpful for high blood pressue, but we don't think a B complex that has 10 times or more of the daily RDA requirement is a good option. Many B complex vitamin supplements are called B50. The RDA for vitamin B1 is about 2 mg, therefore people are ingesting 25 times the RDA which we don't think is necessary or beneficial.

Q. I have low blood pressure. I have ordered beta sitosterol. I see research that says it is good for both low and high blood pressure and some that says it will further lower my blood pressure. I would like to know which you believe it true before I take it. I am having heart palpitations.
   A. We have not seen any human studies regarding the role of beta sitosterol supplement use and its influence on blood pressure.

Q. I'm confused on which supplements to purchase for high blood pressure. I'm 47 years old, my weight 145 pounds, I work in a highly stressful job, my blood pressure is 180/100 or 170/110. My medical doctor placed me on high blood pressure medicine the lowest dosage and I was unable to stand on my feet at all, I felt dizzy, he then put me on hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg and I broke out of hives all over my body. So now I am taking nothing. I walk on a treadmill in the morning 5 days a week. My diet consist of mostly salmon, sardines, butterfish and vegetables. No meat. I'm asthmatic and only have 1and 1/2 lung. Could you please direct me to which supplements that will help me to lower my high blood pressure.
   A. We can't give any individual advice you are welcome to discuss the information on this
high blood pressure page with your doctor.

Q. I was looking at Coq-10 30mg and 50 mg potency softgels and the vitamin C pills. Can i take both the Coq-10 softgel and the Vitamin C with a multivitamin all at the same time in the morning with breakfast with my blood pressure pill.
   A. This involves a treatment question and we cannot make recommendations since that would be taking the role of a doctor. We have no idea of health condition and medical history or exam. We can say in general that vitamin C and coq10 30 mg and most multivitamins are safe supplements that can be taken in the morning but the decision is up to you and your health care provider.

Q. I am looking for a natural supplement for high blood pressure. My husband has high blood pressure and would like to take a natural product. All the medicines Dr's prescribe do not work with him and a lot of side effects.
I took aldactazide for 2 years for water retention. My doctor recently switched me to hydrochlorithiazide. I would like to wean myself off diuretics and would like to know if there are good natural alternatives to use in the process?

    I am not aware of natural herbs or supplements that are effective as diuretics to the same extent as the prescription medications in terms of water retention or lowering blood pressure, but there are natural supplements that could be helpful in treating hypertension.

What supplement is used to keep high blood pressure in check?

    No single supplement is effective by itself, but a combination may be helpful along with diet and proper food selection.

Very upset / concerned - have done all the right things for my BP which seems mostly anxiety driver. I take coq10, l theanine, gaba with relora & theanine, magnesium, hawthorn, motherwort, cayenne, just started nattokinase, take garlic & fish oil every day, yet - I have white coat syndrome & bp soars at any docs office or dentists - as high as 180. I come home & its down into the 140s but usually I get it down into the 130s but I continue to have anxiety now know then readings are high so when I use my cuff monitor & feel my heart start beating fast & the darnn BP stays in the 140s. 

Any products you can recommend?
 I eat well, and exercise - just so sad because I had high hopes for natural things & they are not working - I hate it but will probably have to go in & get BP meds from an MD or even anxiety meds - both with side effects.

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