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14 May 2018

Ways of the Spirit Warrior:

Chapter " 1" Ways of the Spirit Warrior:

We all must learn to reignite the flame that has laid dormant within each of us. Before we came into this world we were spirit beings, waiting to take on this physical body and decide our eternal destiny...
How many stories have we heard about children who grew up in a religious/church environment; and were forced to act rather than be really won over to the heart of God?
This is so true of many of the world's religions...
Many have been taught to react out of fear.

A true Spirit Warrior yearns to seek what is right out of love and concern.
The problem with most religions/churches is that they present a mass appeal.
They offer a common front to the world's problems. While a uniform unified front does represent a good effort, it also offers a complacent attitude. That type of good needs to be done,
yet it seems to be left for someone else will take care of it!

The true spirit yearns to step out, not seeking a common approach. There cannot be any compromise when the Spear Warrior takes the battle to the enemy. The Spirit Warrior is not easily seduced by worldly comforts offered and accepted by those who compromise.
The Spirit Warrior cannot pretend the world is just stuff. The Spirit warrior realizes that there is evil, and darkness in the world, which corrupts the hearts and minds of all mankind. To simply do nothing is to be totally complacent or useless!

To rise above this is the calling of the Spirit Warrior.

Many of the religions of the world have become some of the surest places to keep men away from our True God. Their faith is refined, and soon becomes useless! The Spirit Warrior is called to one mission and that is to be willing to risk all; when thrust into the middle of the peril. The Spirit Warrior recognizes no boundaries or borders that are established by the earthly rulers, or the authorities of the powers of the dark spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
See; Ephesians 6: 12 NKJV
Note 5 at Ephesians 6:12:
Paul made it very clear that our warfare is not against people but against the spiritual powers that operate behind the scenes through people. Therefore, we cannot win a spiritual battle with carnal weapons. We must realize who the real Enemy is and fight with the spiritual weapons the Lord has given us (see note 8 at 2 Corinthians 10:4 and note 9 at 2 Corinthians 10:5).

We often think that anger will put people in their place. But “the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God” (James 1:20). Anger against people makes us play right into the hand of the devil. The way to overcome the spiritual powers that come against us through people is to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). That makes the demons flee in terror.

Our natural tendency when we are poor is to hoard or even steal. However, we are not engaged in a physical battle. Through giving when we are in need, we frustrate all of Satan’s plans and loose the power of God on our behalf.

Note 6 at Ephesians 6:12:
Four ranks of Satan’s hierarchy are mentioned in this verse. “Principalities” seem to be the rulers in Satan’s hierarchy. The Greek word used for “principality” in this verse is “ARCHE,” and it may possibly be referring to fallen archangels. One archangel that is mentioned in Scripture is Michael, who is referred to in Daniel 10:13 as being one of the chief rulers. Angels of this type many times seem to have a ministry over the affairs of entire nations.

“Spiritual wickedness in high places” (sometimes referred to as wicked spirits in the earth’s atmosphere) is the most frequently engaged enemy that we deal with. The purpose of these spirits is to work against and destroy all that is of Jesus Christ. They do this in the following ways: by hindering God’s work (1 Thessalonians 2:17-18, Acts 17:1-9, Luke 4:5-6, and Revelation 2:10); blinding people’s minds (2 Corinthians 4:4); beguiling, misleading, and deceiving people (2 Corinthians 11:3); tempting people (1 Corinthians 7:5); buffeting God’s people (2 Corinthians 12:7); and attempting to corrupt and infiltrate the church of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 11:15 and 
1 Timothy 4:1).

It is supposed by many that the higher echelons of the devil’s spiritual authority take more power to rebuke or remove. That’s not true. There is no demonic power, including the devil himself, that will not flee at the name of Jesus when faith is put in that name (see note 4 at Matthew 17:21).

Note 4 at Matthew 17:21:
Prayer and fasting do not drive out certain demons. If the name of Jesus and faith in His name won’t do the job, fasting and prayer won’t either. Jesus was saying that fasting and prayer are the only ways of casting out this type of unbelief.
An unbelief that comes as a result of ignorance can be done away with by receiving the truth of God’s Word (Romans 10:17 and 2 Peter 1:4). However, the unbelief that hindered the disciples in this case was a “natural” type of unbelief (see note 2 at Matthew 17:20). They had been taught all of their lives to believe what their five senses told them. They were simply dominated by this natural input more than by God’s supernatural input (God’s Word - Luke 9:1). The only way to overcome this unbelief that comes through the senses is to deny the senses through prayer and fasting 
(see note 1 at Matthew 4:2).

Note 1 at Matthew 4:2:
Fasting is referred to seventy-eight times in Scripture. In the Old Testament, Isaiah 58:3-12 gives one of the clearest teachings on fasting. Jesus taught on fasting in Matthew 6:16-18. Most of the Scriptures’ teachings on fasting are by precept. There are at least thirty-five people in the Bible who fasted. Of these, three fasted forty days: Jesus (this verse), Elijah (1 Kings 19:8), and apparently Joshua (Exodus 24:13-18). Moses fasted for forty days without food or water and then immediately (Deuteronomy 9:9-25 with Exodus 32:30) repeated the fast, bringing his total abstinence to eighty days.

Fasting accomplishes many things. One of the greatest benefits of fasting is that through denying the lust of the flesh the spirit man gains ascendancy. Fasting is a powerful weapon to be used in the battle described in Galatians 5:17. In Scripture, fasting was always used as a means of seeking God to the exclusion of all else. Fasting does not cast out demons, as Matthew 17:21 might suggest at first glance, but rather it casts out unbelief (see note 4 at Matthew 17:21). Therefore, fasting is beneficial to every aspect of the Christian life, not only in the casting out of devils.

Without supernatural intervention, a person cannot fast without water for more than three days before the body begins to die. The average person can only live seven days without water. However, a healthy person can fast from food for forty days before starvation begins to occur. Many of the hunger pains experienced at the beginning of a fast are just from the appetite starving and will leave after a few days. When hunger returns at around forty days, starvation has begun; the fast should be broken unless it is a supernatural fast, as was the fast of Moses.

When ending a fast, one should use wisdom. Some people have died from eating “solid” food too soon. A general rule of thumb to be used for extended fasts (over ten days) is to allow an equal number of days after the fast until one is back to eating normally.

The real virtue of a fast is in humbling oneself through self-denial (Psalms 35:13 and 69:10), and that can be accomplished through ways other than total abstinence. Partial fasts can be beneficial, as well as fasts of one’s time or pleasures. However, because appetite for food is one of man’s strongest drives, fasting from food seems to get the job done the quickest. Fasting should be a much more important part of seeking God.

In recent years, a misapplication of this verse has led some to believe that the only way to battle against the “spiritual wickedness in high places” is to climb tall mountains or buildings, or even rent airplanes and intercede from these heights. That is ridiculous and voids the very context of this verse. Spiritual forces can’t be fought in physical ways. Intercession will work on any demonic power from right where the believer is.

The Spirit Warrior does not just stand and watch fellow humans; sell their souls to gain worldly treasures.

A Spirit Warrior continually seeks the eternal treasures!
The weapons of the Spirit Warrior are love, hope, and faith!
Yet the Spirit Warrior knows that these gifts are only part of the weapons given to the true warriors of light. Those who have the ability to risk their lives and fight for the deliverance of others! This is not an easy road. But this is the only way for the liberation of our spirit and soul. It is the fulfillment of the deepest longing of our souls.

The Spirit Warrior learns to claim and follow the Word of God. But not to honor those who refuse to take the pathway that they have been called to follow! The Spirit Warrior learns to fight violence with peace, - hatred with love, and to meet opposition with servanthood. Thereby never violating the uniqueness of his purpose!

The Spirit Warrior realizes that we are the unique individuals whom God created us to be. The Spirit Warrior does not want to become what the world wants and stops worrying about what everybody else thinks.
A Spirit Warrior hides nothing nor waste energy pretending to be someone they are not!

This is the task of the spirit warrior; will you claim it for your pathway??

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