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22 May 2018

Try Metabolically Active Tissue (M.A.T.)

Metabolically Active Tissue (M.A.T.)

Eating these carb-rich foods at just the right time helps activate your Metabolically Active Tissue (M.A.T.)

And that’s important. Because while M.A.T. only makes up 5% of your total body tissue…
… it burns more than 44% of your daily calories!
So it’s simple: The more active your M.A.T., the more fat you burn.
In fact, when this tissue is fully activated, everyday activities become powerful fat-
   Plus, 3 “healthy” foods to avoid at all costs,
  • An unusual tip to help improve sleep in 24 hours,
  • And how eating these “off limits” foods can help boost metabolism and trim off stubborn belly fat

Now, don’t worry. This plan:
  • XDoes not force you to do any crazy exercise…
  • XDoes not make you choke down a bunch of expensive pills…
  • XAnd it’s not about trends like ketosis or intermittent fasting…

 Your new weight loss savior is a little hormone called IGF-1.
IGF-1 was originally discovered in 1957. But at the time, doctors thought it was only important for children.
This Natural Weight Loss Hormone Was First Discovered in 1957
This Weight Loss Breakthrough Was Discovered in 1957
That’s because IGF-1 plays a big role in growing the brain, heart, liver and kidneys…
And it’s why kids have almost 3 times better IGF-1 levels than most adults… 15
This ideal level of IGF-1 makes kids perfect full-time fat burners.

A 2014 study showed folks with the optimal level of IGF-1 had:
  • Larger brain volume, indicating enhanced cognitive function… 16
  • A lower risk for heart disease… 17
  • And much stronger bones. 18

Foods like the carbs we all love.
Cheat Foods
These “Cheat Foods” Can Help
Boost Your Youth Hormone
For me, that's mouthwatering breads and rich desserts. For others, it's pasta or tasty cereals.
If you eat them at just the right times, these foods stimulate your M.A.T.
That means you can lose weight without feeling deprived... that’s a godsend!
It makes your new eating plan fun, and a snap to stick to.
Now, eating the right foods at the right time is only one way to optimize IGF-1 and reactivate M.A.T.
And as productive as our time has been together, there is simply no way to cover every tip you’ll want to fully activate your M.A.T.…
…to shed fat from the most stubborn parts of the body like the thighs, hips, and belly…
…to remove “willpower” from the equation and let IGF-1 take over all the hard work…


There are 2 fatty acids your cells need to stay healthy and burn fat: omega-6 and omega-3.
However, your cells need them in THE RIGHT amounts: ideally a 1-to-1 ratio.6

 Use extra virgin olive oil when cooking at low heat.
  • Use cold-pressed coconut oil when cooking at high heat.
Both of these natural oils are wonderful for your joints, 9,10 brain 11, and heart. 12,13
They also help optimize levels of the “youth hormone”…
The one that combats fat-storing insulin and helps fully-activate fat-burning M.A.T.

There are two types of molecules in sugar: glucose and fructose.
In table sugar, they’re balanced in a 1 to 1 ratio.

 Comparison chart of sugar to HFCS to Agave. Sugar
Liquid stevia. It’s easier on the stomach and tastes great.
It does not raise insulin or blood sugar levels.
Even better: stevia has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar and reduce insulin. 14

Family Foods:

At a high enough heat, they create AGE particles.
“AGE” stands for “Advanced Glycation Endproducts”…
This sticky gunk gums up our M.A.T. and stalls the ability to burn fat.
Fortunately, there’s a simple and tasty fix:
Instead of using a sweet sauce to cook with, use real butter or coconut oil.


The Metabolic Factor represents my life’s work.
It’s an easy-to-understand blueprint that contains everything I know about optimizing IGF-1 levels naturally…
And the best part is, it only takes a few simple changes to which foods you eat and when.
That means there is NO exercise required…
Woman on workout machine
No exercise required!
In fact, if you’re not exercising now, I do NOT want you to start during your first 22 days.
Plus, unlike the trendy “keto” and carb restricting plans…
I want you to occasionally feast on carbs.
Sound crazy? Well it’s fully backed by the latest science.
You see, when you cut carbs and calories on a traditional diet, your metabolism actually slows down
And that makes perfect sense.
If all of a sudden you start eating less, your body is programed to think that food is scarce…
So it starts burning fewer calories.
But, if you strategically add in high-carb, high-calorie meals…
Collage of carb foods
Strategic “carb feasts” help
speed up your metabolism.
Like pizza, pasta, nachos…
Even decadent fudge brownies…
That tells your body there’s plenty of food around…
So your metabolism kicks into HIGH gear… And actually helps upgrade your fat burning level!
Of course, you can’t over-indulge on these carb feasts every day.
The trick is to use them strategically – like I show you in Metabolic Factor – and you’ll keep your metabolism humming along…
Burning fat at top speed without ever feeling deprived.
And that’s just ONE difference that makes The Metabolic Factor stand apart from every “diet plan” out there…

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