Caprylic Acid Helpful for Candida and Bacterial Biofilms

Caprylic acid is a medium chain fatty acid that is not toxic to humans;
it can be broken down and used to make energy if needed. This same
fatty acid is extremely damaging to nasty gangs of Candida and bacteria,
making it a safe way to help boost your immune response.
Researchers who looked into problems of frequent urination found that the urinary tract was typically infected with a mixture of germs including Candida albicans, Helicobacter pylori, and Cytomegalovirus, all of which are opportunistic infections that may or may not coexist with other bacterial infections. It is typical that individuals with recurring problems (urinary tract, digestive, lungs, sinuses) have a mixture of germ gangs that make standard anti-bacterial or anti-viral treatments ineffective. These researchers found that caprylic acid disrupted germ gangs and brought relief to the frequent urination issue. They combined caprylic acid with fish oil supplementation to further enhance their results.
Another group of researchers working on oral health found that caprylic acid was highly effective against many bacteria typically found in oral health problems, disrupting the bacterial biofilms.
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic low-grade, as well as acute infections due to germ gangs setting up shop on some mucosal surface of their body. Especially when problems are ongoing or recur easily it is typical that an individual’s health is weakened, making them more susceptible to a combination of opportunistic infections. Those individuals may have great difficulty tolerating strong drugs that are typically thrown at germs by the medical profession. Thus, a natural and non-toxic strategy to help disrupt multiple germ gangs is highly desirable.
Researchers who looked into problems of frequent urination found that the urinary tract was typically infected with a mixture of germs including Candida albicans, Helicobacter pylori, and Cytomegalovirus, all of which are opportunistic infections that may or may not coexist with other bacterial infections. It is typical that individuals with recurring problems (urinary tract, digestive, lungs, sinuses) have a mixture of germ gangs that make standard anti-bacterial or anti-viral treatments ineffective. These researchers found that caprylic acid disrupted germ gangs and brought relief to the frequent urination issue. They combined caprylic acid with fish oil supplementation to further enhance their results.
Another group of researchers working on oral health found that caprylic acid was highly effective against many bacteria typically found in oral health problems, disrupting the bacterial biofilms.
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic low-grade, as well as acute infections due to germ gangs setting up shop on some mucosal surface of their body. Especially when problems are ongoing or recur easily it is typical that an individual’s health is weakened, making them more susceptible to a combination of opportunistic infections. Those individuals may have great difficulty tolerating strong drugs that are typically thrown at germs by the medical profession. Thus, a natural and non-toxic strategy to help disrupt multiple germ gangs is highly desirable.
Caprylic acid is an effective tool in this category of
natural immune support.
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