My life has been to seek the Absolute Truth of God; to help others find the real purpose of their lives... Attempt to make this or where ever I am; better for my having been there! Amen!
Matthew 16:21, "From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day."
MATTHEW 16:20-28
Despite the abundant and clear prophecies about His death and resurrection, Jesus' disciples didn't understand or remember Jesus' words until after His resurrection (Lk. 24:5-9). Luke records twice that Jesus' sayings about His resurrection were hidden from the disciples. It is interesting to note, however, that the chief priests and Pharisees remembered Jesus' prophecies about His resurrection (Mt. 27:63) when His disciples didn't.
One of the great truths of the Bible is that Jesus died for our sins, not for His own
. Jesus was totally sinless. This is one of the major differences between Christianity and the religions of the world. No other religious leader has ever claimed to be sinless, therefore no other religious leader is even in the same class with Jesus. Also, no other religious leader has ever given his life in sacrifice to atone for the sins of others. It wouldn't have done any good if one had. Since the religious leaders were sinners themselves, their lives weren't worth any more than any other sinner. But, since Jesus was the sinless Son of God, His life was worth more than all of humanity throughout the ages.
Every detail of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection was already prophesied in scripture before it happened. All the events of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection had fulfilled scripture. God's Word is the ultimate authority and only through His Word can we receive faith to be born again. We must preach the Word, not experiences.
Experiences are only useful to illustrate that God's Word is true. Jesus is alive from the dead. His tomb is empty. Jesus provided us with the ultimate verification of His authority.
Mark 8:33, "But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men."
MARK 8:30-33
Jesus was not implying that Peter and Satan were one-and-the-same, but was referring to the fact that Satan had inspired Peter's statement. This type of metaphor was used elsewhere in scripture such as when God spoke to the serpent in the garden of Eden (Gen. 3:15) as though addressing Satan. The serpent was merely the vehicle of communication Satan used to tempt Adam and Eve, while Peter was the vehicle Satan used to tempt Jesus. Ephesians 6:12 reveals that our warfare isn't with people, but against the spiritual powers who inspire and use people.
Jesus recognized that Peter's reaction to His prophecy about His death was motivated by His enemy, Satan, so He went right to the source.
Every Christian is at war. There is a perpetual struggle against Satan and his kingdom from which there are no "leaves" or "discharges." Our enemy goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Those who resist the devil will see him flee (Jas. 4:7).
Some of us believe that anger will put others in their place. But "the wrath of man does not work the righteousness of God" (Jas. 1:20). Anger against people makes us play right into the hand of the devil. The way to overcome the spiritual powers that come against us through people is to turn the other cheek (Mt. 5:39).
This makes the demons flee in terror. We cannot win a spiritual battle with carnal weapons.
We must realize who the real enemy is and fight with the spiritual weapons the Lord has given us.
It is supposed by many that the higher echelons of the devil's spiritual authority take more power to rebuke or remove.
That's not true. There is no demonic power, including the devil himself, that will not flee at the name of Jesus when faith is put in that name.
(This post is,from a brother in Christ Stan Snyderas led by the Holy Spirit ) Today we see a trend, a foolish people following foolish government. The Bible makes a number of references to the word "fool" none of which are complimentary. Proverbs 23:9 KJB Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words. Amen. How many times have you hesitated in an attempt to understand something that you've just heard, taken a moment to observe the person that made the statement and wondered "where did that come from". A fool will mimic things that he or she see, they will repeat things that they have no personal knowledge of, many times in an attempt to lend credence to themselves only to divulge who they really are. I've noticed a trend in the news media, one news person will say something and then every news person will repeat that persons statement, they are like lemmings, small animals that will follow each other over a cliff. The Book of Ecclesiastes is full of mention of the word "fool", interestingly enough the word fool in The Bible is compared to the word "vanity". Ecclesiastes 7:6 KJB For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool, this is also vanity. Amen. It's appears that God is not happy with vain and foolish people, it also appears that the mouth of a fool is the window to his heart and mind. How is it that people who lie (satan is a liar and the father of lies) can deceive so many, how is it that so many will follow the lie even to espouse it as truth and the world said; "amen". Ecclesiastes 10: 12-14 KJB The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness: and the end of his talk is mischievous madness. A fool also is full of words: a man cannot tell what shall be; and what shall be after him, who can tell him? Amen. Back to Proverbs 23:9 KJB Speak not in the ears of fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words. Amen. Rejection of the truth, a spirit of an-ti-christ, denial of God and The Word of God is not just a trend, it is prophesy of a time just before the return of Christ. We hear the term "narcissist" used frequently today, according to Webster, it is the pursuit of gratification from "vanity", arrogant pride! The one Bible verse that describes people who fit this description today is II Timothy 3:1-5 KJB This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful; unholy. Without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Amen and Amen. We see this in our government, we see this in our churches, we see this in our schools, in our work place, no prophesy of The Word has ever been so flagrant, so obvious in our time. the Bible warns believers to stay away from such, it warns us not to argue with fools, not only is it a waste of time, they are incapable of The Truth, either receiving it or espousing it. Stay in The Word, stay in The Truth, Jesus is the truth, the way and the life everlasting, you will always be safe keeping company with Jesus!------unless your one of the fools
9:23, "Et il leur dit à tous: Si quelqu'un veut venir après moi, qu'il
renonce à lui-même, qu'il se charge chaque jour de sa croix, et qu'il me
MATTHIEU 16: 16-26; MARK 8: 30-37; LUKE 9: 21-27
L'abnégation est une partie importante de la vie chrétienne. Jésus
a sacrifié sa vie pour nous et Il exige que nous mourions à nous-mêmes
afin que nous puissions expérimenter la nouvelle vie qu'Il a fournie. Nous
le faisons d'abord en reconnaissant que nous ne pouvons pas nous sauver
par nos propres efforts et, deuxièmement, en faisant confiance à Dieu -
pas à soi-même - pour le salut. Ensuite, chaque jour, nous devons nier notre propre sagesse et rechercher la sagesse et la direction de Dieu pour nos vies. Le
renoncement à soi n'est bon que lorsque nous nous refusons nous-mêmes
dans le but singulier d'exalter Jésus et Sa volonté pour nous dans une
partie de notre vie. Certains
ont fait une religion de renoncement de soi et trouvent du plaisir dans
leur dénégation - pas dans la seigneurie de Jésus.
Ceci conduit au légalisme et à l'esclavage, que Paul a condamné comme adorera (Col 2:23). On nous dit non seulement de nous nier, mais de «nous renier, de prendre notre croix et de suivre Jésus». La croix est ce que Jésus est mort. Il
y a des circonstances dans nos vies qui, comme la croix de Jésus, nous
donnent l'occasion de mourir à nous-mêmes chaque jour. Ce
ne sont pas des choses comme la maladie, la pauvreté, etc., pour
lesquelles l'expiation de Jésus a fourni la rédemption, mais plutôt des
choses comme la persécution (dont nous ne sommes pas rachetés) et la bataille constante entre notre chair et notre esprit né de nouveau. La
croix que nous devons porter est de prendre la Parole de Dieu (qui est
Sa volonté) et de l'exalter au-dessus de notre propre volonté dans
chaque situation chaque jour.
Luke 9:23, "And he said to them all, if any man will
come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and
follow me."
MATTHEW 16:16-26; MARK 8:30-37; LUKE 9:21-27
Self-denial is an important part of the
Christian life. Jesus sacrificed His life for us and He demands that we
die to ourselves that we might experience the new life He has provided.
We do this first by recognizing that we can't save ourselves by our own
effort and, second, by trusting God - not self - for salvation.
daily, we need to deny our own wisdom and seek God's wisdom and
direction for our lives.
Self-denial is only good when we are
denying ourselves for the singular purpose of exalting Jesus and His
will for us in some area of our life. Some have made a religion out of
self-denial and find pleasure in their denial - not in Jesus'lordship.
This leads to legalism and bondage, which Paul condemned as will worship
(Col. 2:23). We are told not only to deny ourselves, but to "deny
ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus."
The cross is what
Jesus died on.
There are circumstances in our lives which, like the
cross of Jesus, give us the opportunity to die to ourselves each day.
These are not things like sickness, poverty, etc., for which Jesus'
atonement provided redemption, but rather things like persecution (which
we are not redeemed from) and the constant battle between our flesh and
our born again spirit.
The cross that we must bear is to take God's
Word (which is His will) and exalt it above our own will in each
situation every day.
There have been many incidents where angels, in the form of men, have worked in behalf of someone in need. One particular story was told of a preacher who was a circuit rider in the 1800’s. A circuit rider was a minister who traveled from town to town and church to church to preach the word of God. He was responsible for several churches and would visit a different one every week. This pastor’s name was John Jones, and he was a pastor for the Welch Calvinistic Methodist Church.
One particular day, as he was riding his horse toward his home, after visiting one of his many churches, he felt very uneasy about his trip. It was not just that he was carrying a large amount of money, which had been taken up for a special chapel building project; he had done that many times. This day seemed no different than any other, but for some reason, that he could not explain, he felt as though something was wrong. It was not long after departing that the sensation of trouble increased. He prodded his horse into a faster pace as he rode through an isolated area between two small villages.
The road narrowed to a small path with a five- foot- high hedge running parallel to it. The hedge served as a windbreak, keeping the small path from losing all its dirt. As John rode along the hedge path, he saw another horse on his left coming toward him from a great distance away. In a matter of a few minutes, the other rider was within fifty feet of him, riding on the other side of the hedge. Coming a little closer to the hedge, John could see that the rider was very rough- looking and held a large reaping hook in his hand. The rider stared at the minister. John knew that his fears had now been confirmed.
His concern for his safety and the safety of the funds grew as they approached a gate that crossed the path. He knew from past experience that the gate was always locked and he would have to dismount to unlock it. The rough- looking rider galloped ahead of him, dismounted and was standing at the gate. It was now only about a half mile away. John, still in the saddle, began to pray.
“Dear God, You know that I have this money with me that has been given by those hard- working people of Yours. Much of it represents great sacrifice. Please protect me, now, from this stranger and any other danger that I might not be aware of. Please don’t let me come to harm. Thank You in Christ’s name.”
As John prayed, his horse had slowly come to a halt. Without looking up, John urged his horse onward. It refused to budge an inch. John gave it a kick in the side, which did nothing to move the animal. Then John looked up and saw the reason for the horse’s hesitancy. Right in front of them, at a place where the path widened so wagons could pass each other, was another horse. It was a large white steed and a tall man was in its saddle. “Where did he come from?”
John asked himself. “I didn’t see anyone ahead of me, or anyone coming from the other direction. How did he get up there?” John rode up to the stranger, and before he realized it, had poured out his problem to him. For some odd reason, it was a relief to share this with the other rider. He did not answer John, but stared intently at the man with the reaping hook. When the suspected robber looked up and saw the new rider’s stare, he suddenly mounted his horse and rode feverishly across the field in the direction from which he had come.
“Whew!” John said, “I am so thankful that you came up when you did!” The man on the white steed made no reply whatsoever. “If you hadn’t come up, I’d probably have been robbed or killed.” The other man still remained silent, and John became nervous. Why did this man not respond to him? “When I saw that other man ride off as fast as he did,” John continued, “I just knew that my prayer for deliverance was heard, and that you were sent by the Lord.” Without looking at John, the rider said simply, but strongly, “Amen.”
John jumped off his horse at the gate and opened it so that this friend could pass through. Then John walked his own horse through. When John turned around, locked the gate, and went back to his horse, the rider was gone! He looked down the road from where they had come and saw no one nor any dust. He looked in the direction that the would- be robber had taken so quickly, and did not see the white horse there either. “Where is he?” John asked himself in a semidaze, “Where could he have gone to?”
A cold chill raced over his body as he thought about what had actually happened. Then he began to question himself. “Am I imagining all this?” John walked back to the gate and looked over onto the path he had just been riding on. There were two sets of hoofprints. There had been another rider with him. John looked over at the field where the robber had been and saw clearly the freshly beaten-down grass from the other rider. He knew that it was all real!
John mounted his horse and rode along at his regular pace. A deep feeling of awe overcame him as never before in his entire life. He thought back on how the tall rider on the white steed had suddenly appeared after he had begged God for help. He pictured the rider’s silence, except for that one word. “Amen.” Then, it all came into focus. “He never said a word until I mentioned the name of the Lord. I have actually seen an angel! The Lord sent an angel for me just like He did time after time after time in the Bible!”
John stopped his horse, jumped off, and fell to his knees. “Oh Lord, I’ve always believed that you sent your delivering and protecting angels for those saints in the Bible. I believe your holy Word. But, I’ve never felt worthy of Your sending an angel for me. I’m so glad that Your help and deliverance are not based on merit or worthiness. Because if it was, I would not be thanking you now.” God is ever interested in His people, and sends His angels to protect and guide them through their daily walk.
Maybe you have wondered where these magnificent beings came from? Colossians 1: 16 says, “For by Him [Jesus] all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” Jesus is the Creator of all. He created these celestial beings for service and praise.
The Apostle John writes, “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing! ’” Revelation 5: 11, 12.
It all began when Andrew was born again at just eight years old.
Although he avoided the rebellious phase often associated with
adolescence, he believed that through his own righteousness, he could
develop a relationship with the Lord. But then, on a Saturday night in
1968, everything changed. Andrew realized he had fallen into the bondage
of legalism and began confessing his self-righteousness, expecting the
wrath of God to fall. Instead of wrath, however, God’s presence flooded
him with love.
“God’s love consumed me,” he says. “When I was at my
worst, God’s love was the strongest.” This encounter changed his life
forever and motivated him to follow God’s leading in his life. He
decided to leave college, even though that meant losing his student
deferment. Drafted into the Army and shipped to Vietnam, he served as a
chaplain’s assistant. Despite how difficult and dangerous things were on
the front lines, God used that time to ground Andrew in His Word and
begin establishing the course of his life.
Upon his return, Andrew submitted to the call of God to be a teacher
of the Word. He and Jamie were married in 1972, and together they began
teaching Bible studies. Over the next six years, they would pastor three
small churches and complete their family with two sons, Joshua and
Jonathan Peter.
In 1976, Andrew broadcast his first Gospel Truth radio program on a
little country-and-western station in Childress, Texas. By 1980, Andrew
and Jamie had moved their ministry to Colorado Springs. Their vision was
becoming quite clear: to teach the truth of the Gospel to the body of
Christ throughout the United States and the world, with special emphasis
on God’s unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith.
They were fulfilling that vision by traveling to speaking engagements,
producing radio broadcasts, and distributing audio cassette tapes, which
were provided at no cost to those who could not afford them.
Changer radicalement nos attitudes, nos émotions et nos actions ** Christ en nous. Col
1:27 27 A eux, Dieu a voulu faire connaître quelles sont les richesses
de la gloire de ce mystère parmi les païens, qui est le Christ en vous,
l'espérance de la gloire.
Date: 28/05/2018
16:18, «Et je te dis aussi que tu es Pierre, et que sur cette pierre je
bâtirai mon Église, et que les portes de l'enfer ne prévaudront pas
contre elle.
MATTHIEU 16: 13-19
personnes ont interprété à tort ce passage pour dire que Pierre était
le fondement sur lequel Christ construirait son Église. Cependant, cela violerait de nombreuses Écritures qui se réfèrent à Jésus comme la «pierre angulaire principale».
2:20 mentionne les apôtres comme faisant partie des pierres de
fondation de l'église du Christ, mais elle ne distingue pas Pierre
au-dessus des autres apôtres. Cette même Écriture mentionne une fois de
plus Jésus comme la «pierre angulaire principale».
Il y a deux mots grecs différents utilisés pour "Peter" et "rock" respectivement au verset 18. Le mot utilisé pour "Peter" signifie "rock" mais signifie un morceau de roche comme un caillou. En
revanche, le mot traduit par «rock» signifie un rocher massif qui se
réfère certainement à Jésus, la «pierre angulaire principale». Certains
ont suggéré que la pierre de fondation mentionnée était une confession
faite par Pierre disant que Jésus était "le Christ, le Fils du Dieu
vivant" (Mt 16:16). Bien
qu'il soit vrai que, pour entrer dans le royaume de Dieu, nous devons
confesser que Jésus est Seigneur (Romains 10: 9-10), à la lumière des
prophéties de l'Ancien Testament et des références du Nouveau Testament à
Jésus comme «pierre angulaire principale» ce passage de l'Écriture doit se référer directement à Jésus comme le "rocher" sur lequel Il construira Son église.
des plus grandes différences entre le croyant du Nouveau Testament et
le croyant de l'Ancien Testament est le fait que les saints du Nouveau
Testament sont le temple de Dieu. Dieu, Lui-même nous habite réellement. Dieu n'habite pas dans un bâtiment fait par les mains de l'homme. Il vit maintenant dans le cœur de ceux qui font de Jésus leur Seigneur (Romains 10: 9). La pierre angulaire de notre vie en Dieu doit être une révélation toujours croissante de Son Fils.
Si nous avions une réelle compréhension de la réalité de Christ en nous (Col. 1:27 LSG) 27
A eux, Dieu a voulu faire connaître quelles sont les richesses de la
gloire de ce mystère parmi les païens: ce qui est Christ en vous,
l'espérance de la gloire.
** cela changerait radicalement nos attitudes, nos émotions et nos actions.
Matthew 16:18, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
MATTHEW 16:13-19
Some people have mistakenly interpreted this passage to say that Peter was the foundation on which Christ would build His Church. However, that would violate many scriptures that refer to Jesus as the "chief cornerstone."
Ephesians 2:20 does mention the apostles as being part of the foundation stones of Christ's church, but it doesn't single Peter out above any of the other apostles, This same scripture once again mentions Jesus as the "chief cornerstone."
There are two different Greek words used for "Peter" and "rock" respectively in verse 18. The word used for "Peter" means "rock" but signifies a piece of rock like a pebble. In contrast, the word translated as "rock" signifies a massive rock which certainly refers to Jesus, the "chief cornerstone." Some have suggested that the foundation rock referred to was confession that Peter made saying that Jesus was "the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Mt. 16:16). Although it is true that, to enter God's kingdom, we do have to confess that Jesus is Lord (Rom. 10:9-10), in light of the Old Testament prophecies and New Testament references to Jesus being the "chief cornerstone," this passage of scripture must be referring directly to Jesus as the "rock" upon which He will build His church.
One of the greatest differences between the New Testament believer and the Old Testament believer is the fact that New Testament saints are the temple of God. God Himself actually indwells us. God does not dwell in a building made by man's hands. He now lives in the hearts of those who make Jesus their Lord (Rom. 10:9). The cornerstone of our lives in God must be an ever-increasing revelation of His Son.
If we had a real understanding of the reality of Christ in us (Col. 1:27 NKJV) 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: {who} which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
** it would drastically change our attitudes, emotions, and actions.
Psalm 119 is an amazing Psalm. Not only is it the longest Psalm (176 verses!), but it is also the Psalm that deals the most directly with the topic of Scripture. Virtually every verse, in one way or another, refers to God’s Word.
David (who is most likely the author) uses a variety of terminology to describe God’s Word: commandments, law, statutes, precepts, ordinances, rules, words, testimonies, etc. These all refer to the Scriptures as they existed in David’s day (essentially the Pentateuch).
Thus, Psalm 119 is one of the best examples of Scripture speaking about Scripture. It is the Word about the Word.
And in it, we find David interacting with the Word of God in five ways that should be paradigmatic for all believers:
1. Trusting the Word of God. Time and time again, David expresses his belief that the Scriptures are true (v.151). He believes in them (v.66). He trusts in their reliability (v.42). He states: “The sum of your word is truth” (v.160).
This first step is key. If a believer doesn’t really regard the Word of God as being fully and entirely trustworthy, then none of the other steps below will follow. This is why the church needs to be quick to deal with the repeated criticisms of the Bible that so often permeate our culture.
2. Studying the Word of God. David doesn’t just believe the Word; he is a student of the Word. He learns it (v.73), he seeks it (v.155), he has memorized it (v.153), and regularly meditates on it.
This step ought to naturally for the follow the first one. If God’s Word really is true, then we ought to commit ourselves to being diligent studiers of the Word. We need to embrace it with our minds, as well as our hearts.
3. Using the Word of God. It’s one thing to believe and know the Word. It is another thing to rely on it. To look to it as a guide during the difficulties and challenges of life. To lean on it for encouragement and hope.
David repeatedly affirms that he uses the Word of God as a “counselor” (v.24), to give “strength” (v.28), and to bring “comfort in affliction” (v.50). He states, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (v.105). In short, the Word of God is the very source of life for David (v.156).
This reminds us a very important attribute of God’s Word: it is alive. It is powerful and active. When we talk about the attributes of Scripture, we must remember that it is more than just a true book (encyclopedias can be true). It is also a living book. It is the place where the God of the universe meets us and manifests himself.
4. Delighting in the Word of God. What is amazing is that David takes things one step further than we might expect. It’s not just that he trusts, studies, and uses the Word of God. He actually has affection for it. He has a deep emotional affinity towards it.
He “loves” God’s Word (v.159), he “rejoices” at his Word (v.162), the Word is “wondrous” (v.18), it is “better than thousands of gold and silver pieces” (v.72), and “sweeter than honey to my mouth” (v.103).
I am convinced that this is the missing piece for most believers today. For many, the Bible is viewed almost in a utilitarian fashion—it is a mechanical, sterile tool that Christians are supposed to use. It’s like taking your medicine.
In contrast, David has passion, zeal, and excitement for the law and commandments of God. And the reason for this is not hard to find. David loves God’s law not because he is a closet legalist. He loves God’s law because the law reflects God’s own nature and character. He loves God’s law because he loves God—and who God is and what he is like.
Any Christian who says they love God but then despises God’s law is living a life of contradiction. Indeed, they are living a life that is the opposite of Psalm 119. To love God is to love his law.
5. Obeying the Word of God. Not surprisingly, the prior four characteristics naturally lead to this last one. David repeatedly expresses his desire to actually obey God’s law. He wants to follow it, keep it, and fulfill it.
In our world today, the concept of “obeying the law” is not a popular one. Many see this as contrary to grace. However, two things should be kept in mind. One, David is not keeping the law in order to earn salvation—he is obeying out of love for God. He is obeying out of a heart of faith.
Second, we should remember that Jesus himself was very much about “obeying the law.” Before we too quickly despise the concept of law-keeping, we should remember that Jesus delighted in keeping his Father’s law. And he kept it absolutely perfectly—for us. He obeyed on our behalf, and his righteous status is imputed to us by faith.
Indeed, Jesus embodies all five of these characteristics. He trusted, studied, used, delighted in, and obeyed God’s Word. In fact, he did all these things even more than the first David. While David certainly serves as an example of what to do with God’s word, Jesus is the ultimate example. One greater than David has come. And He loved God’s Word.
For more, visit Dr. Kruger's website: Canon Fodder.
Blog: Mon chemin de vie inhabituel ....par kerminator Marcher par la vue et non par la foi ** Croyez que vous avez reçu quand vous avez prié et continuez d'appliquer la puissance de Dieu. ** Date: 5/27/2018
Marc 8: 24-25, «Il leva les yeux et dit: Je vois des hommes comme des arbres qui marchent, et après cela, il remet ses mains sur ses yeux, et il le fait lever de la tête. il a vu chaque homme clairement. "
MATTHIEU 7: 7-11; MARK 8: 22-25 Il était inhabituel pour Jésus de s'enquérir des résultats de son ministère comme il l'a fait au verset 23. Il était encore plus inhabituel que Jésus ait mis la main sur cet homme une seconde fois. C'est le seul exemple dans le Nouveau Testament où Jésus a dû répondre à n'importe quel besoin plus d'une fois pour affecter une guérison totale. Beaucoup de gens demandent des choses à Dieu et regardent alors leurs circonstances pour voir si Dieu a répondu à leur prière. C'est marcher par la vue et non par la foi. S'ils ne peuvent pas "voir" la réponse de Dieu, alors ils prient encore pour demander la même chose. Ce n'est pas la façon dont Jésus nous a appris à prier et à recevoir. Nous pouvons être certains que Jésus n'a pas mis la main sur cet homme une seconde fois parce qu'il pensait que son Père ne l'avait pas entendu le premier le temps. Puisque l'homme a reçu une vue partielle, il est évident que le pouvoir de guérison de Dieu était à l'œuvre en lui. Jésus ne demandait pas à nouveau à son Père de guérir. Par son esprit, Jésus savait que l'incrédulité entravait une manifestation parfaite de la puissance de Dieu dans cet homme, et Il lui a simplement donné une autre "dose" du pouvoir d'onction de Dieu. Satan peut gêner, mais ne peut pas vaincre quelqu'un qui continue à lui résister. Croyez que vous avez reçu quand vous avez prié et continuez d'appliquer la puissance de Dieu. Appuyez à un tel point que vous pouvez faire face à tout ce qui est contraire à ce que vous avez demandé et surmonter. La persévérance dans la prière est la clé pour vaincre Satan - pas Dieu.
** Believe that you received when you prayed and continue to apply the power of God. **
Date: 5/27/2018 Mark 8:24-25, "And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: then he was restored, and saw every man clearly."
MATTHEW 7:7-11; MARK 8:22-25
It was unusual for Jesus to inquire about the results of His ministry as He did in verse 23. It was even more unusual that Jesus laid hands on this man a second time. This is the only example in the New Testament where Jesus had to minister to any need more than once to affect a total healing.
Many people request things from God and then look at their circumstances to see if God answered their prayer. That is walking by sight and not by faith. If they can't "see" God's answer, then they pray again asking for the same thing. This is not the way Jesus taught us to pray and receive.
We can be certain that Jesus didn't lay hands on this man a second time because He thought His Father hadn't heard Him the first the time. Since the man received partial sight, it is evident that God's healing power was at work in him. Jesus was not petitioning His Father again for healing.
Through His spirit, Jesus knew that unbelief was hindering a perfect manifestation of God's power in this man, and He simply gave him another "dose" of the anointing power of God. Satan may hinder, but cannot overcome someone who continues resisting him.
Believe that you received when you prayed and continue to apply the power of God. Press in such a degree that you can confront anything that is contrary to what you have asked and overcome it.
Perseverance in prayer is the key to overcoming Satan - not God.
La foi, une forte croyance en quelqu'un ou quelque chose (Webster). Une
croyance forte, proche mais pas de cigare selon Dieu, vous voyez selon
Dieu, soit vous avez la foi ou vous n'en avez pas, il n'y a pas de
pourcentage de foi et ce n'est certainement pas une chose de commodité! Hummm, une chose de commodité? oui,
vous le savez, nous savons tous que nous n'avons pas besoin de Dieu
tant que nous n'avons pas besoin de Lui tant que nous n'aurons plus de
nous avons besoin de Dieu, tout d'un coup nous avons foi en Lui et
alors, quand Il ne saute pas dedans et répare tout ce que nous avons
réussi à bousiller, Nous le rejetons comme les ordures de la semaine
dernière, nous montrons même notre vrai couleurs et dire, ce que nous pensons vraiment!
ces gens, même si vous ne croyez pas que Dieu écoute ne signifie pas
qu'il n'est pas, je garantis qu'il a entendu toutes les mauvaises choses
que vous aviez à dire à son sujet, vous savez qu'il met à l'épreuve
cette foi! La
foi est une confiance totale, la foi c'est quand vous dites à Dieu, je
vous donne tout, commençant par votre vie pour l'éternité, votre volonté
ne sera pas faite par mon Père, dans mon corps, esprit, cœur, âme et
vie commence maintenant! C'est les gens de foi! Alors,
je dois demander, quand est-ce que vous avez épousé votre foi en Dieu
et le sang de Jésus-Christ, quand avez-vous décidé de devenir totalement
obéissant à Dieu et à Sa Parole?
encore ????, eh bien ne le critiquez pas s'il ne répond pas chaque fois
que vous obtenez votre fin dans une fissure et que vous avez besoin de
lui, il ne vous connaît probablement pas par le son de votre voix, après
tout , vous n'avez jamais eu le temps pour une relation avec Lui et une relation avec Dieu est basée sur la "foi".
Hébreux 11: 1 KJB
Or la foi est la substance des choses espérées, l'évidence des choses non vues. Amen.
Hébreux 11: 6 KJB
sans la foi, il est IMPOSSIBLE de Lui plaire: car celui qui vient à
Dieu doit croire qu'Il (Dieu) est, et qu'Il est un rémunérateur de ceux
qui le cherchent diligemment. Amen.
Vous voyez, Dieu est celui qui fait les règles, pas vous, pas moi, pas la religion, pas votre église. Il dit que vous croyez ou non, si vous dites que vous avez un pourcentage de foi en Dieu, alors qui a le reste de votre foi? ---- le diable bien sûr. Si
Satan a même 1% de votre foi ou (manque de foi) alors il a tout cela,
pourquoi, parce que Dieu dit que la foi est une chose à 100% et Il ne
cherche que cela à 100%.
y avait deux groupes de personnes debout sur les côtés opposés d'une
clôture, le groupe à droite était avec Jésus, le groupe sur la «gauche»
était avec le diable. Jésus a demandé à son groupe de disciples si vous croyez en moi qu'ils viennent et me suivent, ils s'en vont. Satan se tourna vers son groupe, il demanda, si tu veux me suivre, alors viens. Comme il a commencé à s'éloigner, il a remarqué une femme assise sur la clôture, hey femme qu'il a demandé, que faites-vous?
Je suis assis sur la clôture, elle a répondu! Le diable a souri, vous savez que je possède la clôture? Hummmmmm ??
Alors, qui t'a eu? soit
vous croyez que Dieu est Tout-Puissant et que Jésus est le Christ,
totalement et complètement, ou vous êtes sur cette clôture! Et Jésus a dit que je vais vomir des croyants tièdes de ma bouche,
Mark 8:24-25, "And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly."
MATTHEW 7:7-11; MARK 8:22-25
It was unusual for Jesus to inquire about the results of His ministry as He did in verse 23.
It was even more unusual that Jesus laid hands on this man a second time.
This is the only example in the New Testament where Jesus had to minister to any need more than once to affect a total healing.
Many people request things from God and then look at their circumstances to see if God answered their prayer. That is walking by sight and not by faith. If they can't "see" God's answer, then they pray again asking for the same thing.
This is not the way Jesus taught us to pray and receive.
We can be certain that Jesus didn't lay hands on this man a second time because He thought His Father hadn't heard Him the first the time. Since the man received partial sight, it is evident that God's healing power was at work in him. Jesus was not petitioning His Father again for healing.
Through His spirit, Jesus knew that unbelief was hindering a perfect manifestation of God's power in this man, and He simply gave him another "dose" of the anointing power of God.
Satan may hinder, but cannot overcome someone who continues resisting him.
Believe that you received when you prayed and continue to apply the power of God.
Press in such a degree that you can confront anything that is contrary to what you have asked and overcome it.
Perseverance in prayer is the key to overcoming Satan - not God.
Mark 8:17, "And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened?"
MATTHEW 16:1-12; MARK 8:11-21
Just a few days before this instance, hardened hearts caused Jesus' disciples to be amazed when they saw Jesus walk on the water to them. Here, Jesus' statements reveal some of the characteristics of someone with a hardened heart.
First, a hard heart keeps us from perceiving spiritual truths.
This is why everyone in a church service hears exactly the same message yet, some will receive while others won't. It's not the Word that is the variable, but rather the condition of the hearts.
A hard heart stops spiritual perception.
Second, a hardened heart stops us from understanding spiritual truth. When a person doesn't understand God's Word, Satan finds no resistance when he comes to steal it away.
Third, a hard heart keeps us from remembering. This isn't to say that we can't recall facts or scriptures. As related in Mark 8:19-20, the disciples remembered the facts of the two miraculous feedings, but they had forgotten any spiritual lessons they might have learned.
Likewise, some people can quote scripture or remember what the sermon was about, but they can't perceive the spiritual life in the message or retain what they did perceive.
A hardned heart blinds us to any spiritual perception and keeps us thinking only in the natural realm. Small faith and a hardened heart are the same. Hebrews 3:12-13 parallels an evil heart of unbelief to a hardened heart. It takes great faith to keep our heart sensitive to God.
Blog: Mon chemin de vie inhabituel ....par kerminator Fonctionner efficacement? ** "L'homme regarde l'apparence extérieure, mais le Seigneur regarde le coeur" (1 Sam. 16: 7). ** Date: 5/25/2018 Si vous ne savez pas ou ne comprenez pas ce que vous croyez, comment pouvez-vous fonctionner efficacement dans ce monde? Voici un exemple classique d'humains qui débattent de ce qu'ils ne savent pas vraiment - en attaquant ceux qui s'y opposent! Matthieu 16: 1, "Les pharisiens aussi avec les sadducéens vinrent, et tentant lui désirait qu'il leur montre un signe du ciel." MATTHIEU 16: 1-4 Les sadducéens étaient une secte juive (Actes 5:17), de nature politique et religieuse, qui était surtout connue pour son opposition au parti le plus populaire (les pharisiens), en raison des différences dans diverses questions doctrinales et politiques. Les sadducéens ont rejeté la tradition orale des pharisiens qui ont fait une "montagne" de législation pesante et ont accepté seulement la loi écrite. On nous dit qu'ils croyaient qu'il n'y avait «ni résurrection, ni ange, ni esprit» (Actes 23: 8). De Josèphe, nous apprenons que les Sadducéens croyaient que l'âme périt avec le corps (Antiq.XV.1.4) et, par conséquent, ne peuvent recevoir ni pénalités ni récompenses dans une vie après la mort (Guerre II 8.14). La mention la plus significative des Sadducéens dans les Évangiles concerne leur entretien avec Jésus à Jérusalem. Ils ont essayé de piéger Jésus avec une question astucieuse concernant la résurrection. Dans sa réponse, Jésus les a accusés de ne pas connaître les Écritures, ni la puissance de Dieu (Mt 22,29). Il a ensuite procédé à la citation du Pentateuque (les cinq premiers livres de la Bible) d'Exode 3: 6 à l'appui de la doctrine de la résurrection. Les Sadducéens s'alarmèrent et décidèrent d'agir (Jn 11, 47), car Jésus constituait une menace pour leur sécurité et leur position (comme dans la purification du temple, Mc 11, 15-18). Confrontés à Jésus et à ses prétentions, les sadducéens purent s'unir à leurs ennemis traditionnels, les pharisiens, dans le but de disposer de Jésus. Les deux parties travaillèrent ensemble pour l'arrestation et le jugement de Jésus par le Sanhédrin. Ces chefs religieux étaient seulement conscients des actions extérieures et ignorants des problèmes du coeur. La religion (l'homme essayant d'approcher Dieu) sera toujours différente avec le christianisme(Dieu venant à l'homme) à cet égard. "L'homme regarde l'apparence extérieure, mais le Seigneur regarde dans le coeur" (1 Sam. 16: 7).
How the nature of cause and effect will determine the future of quantum technology
An unprecedented, global-scale test of one of quantum theory’s most counterintuitive predictions sheds new light on the nature of reality and how we can exploit it with quantum technologies.
Here’s a curious question: Do certain physical events have no cause, or is there a reason behind every action?
This conundrum lies at the heart of one of the strangest areas of foundational science. And it has puzzled some of the greatest minds in the history of science.
But it also has important consequences for emerging technologies such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. It may even lie at the heart of an entirely new area of science that is changing our understanding of cause and effect.
Today we get an answer to this question, thanks to the work of Morgan Mitchell at the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology in Spain, along with dozens of collaborators and more than 100,000 experimenters around the world who have carried out a unique test of one of the most confounding predictions of quantum theory. Their conclusion is that there needn’t be an explanation for every action. “If human will is free, there are physical events with no causes,” say Mitchell and co. Their research uses evidence-based science to link the metaphysical concept of free will with basic physics for the first time.
First, some background. One of the curious features of quantum mechanics is that it allows quantum particles created at the same point in space and time to share the same existence. This link is known as entanglement and it remains intact no matter how far apart these particles move.
The strange thing about entanglement is that it links one point in the universe with another point without spanning the distance in between. So a measurement on one instantaneously influences the other no matter how far away it is.
That’s a long-standing puzzle because there is no way for one particle to influence the other without sending faster-than-light signals, and physicists are pretty sure this isn’t what’s happening.
But there is another potential explanation. This is that both particles are correlated in a hidden way that physicists do not yet understand. But were it possible to measure this hidden variable, physicists would see how it determines the behavior of both particles.
By this way of thinking, quantum behavior is entirely deterministic and there is a reason for everything that happens on the quantum scale. This hidden variable must be part of a deeper theory of reality.
That raises an obvious question: If there is a deeper theory of reality, how can we find evidence of it?
In the 1960s, John Bell, then an obscure physicist at CERN, became concerned with this problem. Einstein had wrestled with it unsuccessfully back in the 1930s, but successive generations of physicists had swept the problem under the carpet since then, reluctant to deal with the idea that there could be a more fundamental theory than quantum mechanics.
By contrast, Bell grasped the problem by the scruff of the neck. He showed that if a hidden variable theory was the bedrock on which quantum mechanics was built, the universe would behave in a subtly different way than if quantum mechanics were the bedrock alone. And crucially, he showed how this difference could be measured.
Bell’s test measures the properties of two entangled particles—essentially how a measurement on one influences the other. If a hidden variable theory were true, there would be one outcome; if not true, a different outcome.
In the late 1960s, the Bell test was beyond the capabilities of quantum physicists. It required a reliable source of entangled particles, which was impossible to produce in those days. And it required lots of measurements to build up the statistical evidence required to convince physicists.
It wasn’t until 1982 that the technology had advanced enough for a Bell test to be performed. And the experiment clearly showed that hidden variable theories were incompatible with the results. The Bell test showed that the way one entangled particle influenced another was not the result of a hidden variable governed by deterministic principles. In other words, the process of cause and effect could not explain this influence.
This result was so mind-bending and profound that most physicists simply ignored it. But a small band of quantum physicists began to investigate it in more detail.
They worried that the experiment had an important loophole. Bell’s test requires certain measurements to be performed with random settings. For example, an entangled photon could be sent through a polarizing filter set at a randomly chosen angle.
True randomness is important because it does not have an underlying pattern that could be determined by a hidden variable theory. However, if the settings in the test were not random, but instead influenced by a hidden variable, the results would be void and the experiment invalid.
But here’s the difficulty. Guaranteeing true randomness is hard. Physicists can compute seemingly random numbers, but this process depends on the laws of physics and therefore on any hidden variable theory, should it exist. Indeed, if a hidden variable theory is in operation, then it governs the whole universe and every process within it, including any deterministic process used to set up the experiment.
Since 1982, physicists have performed many Bell tests. Indeed, they have become routine in quantum optics labs and a key part of the protocols used in emerging technologies such as quantum cryptography. Every one of these tests suggests that hidden variable theory cannot be true. But at the same time, every test could be a victim of this same loophole.
For Bell, there was one potential way out of this conundrum—to use human free will. In principle, free will allows us to choose any setting for the experiment, regardless of the role of a hidden variable theory. So the ultimate Bell test would involve humans choosing the settings in the experiment to close this freedom-of-choice loophole.
That’s easier said than done. A typical Bell test involves millions of entangled pairs and millions of changes to the experimental settings over a period of a few hours. But a single human controlling these settings could change them no faster than about 3 bits per second. Clearly such an experiment would be impractical.
That’s where Mitchell and his colleagues come in. Their idea was to crowdsource the necessary human influence. So for 12 hours on 30 November 2016, they gathered together 100,000 volunteers—so-called Bellsters—from all over the world to generate random bits that could then be used to control the settings on 13 different tests of Bell’s ideas.
To produce enough data consistently, Mitchell and co. gamified the process of producing bits, giving players scores and rewards for achieving certain targets. The bits were then fed at a constant rate of 1,000 bits per second to labs all around the world that had agreed to perform a Bell test in various ways, using photons as the quantum particles, atoms, and even superconductors in myriad combinations.
By itself, that's an impressive achievement. Engaging 100,000 volunteers from all over the world to work on an experiment at the same time on a single day is a significant accomplishment by any standards. It'll be interesting to see how this kind of crowdsourcing capability can be used in the future.
But the experiment itself is the real focus and the results are unequivocal. The 13 experiments all produced results that strongly refute the possibility of a hidden variable theory. And they close the freedom-of-choice loophole as far as it is possible to do so. “The results show empirically that human agency is incompatible with causal determinism, a question formerly accessible only by metaphysics,” say Mitchell and co.
That is good news for the many emerging quantum technologies that rely on Bell tests, such as quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography. The existence of a hidden variable theory would imply, for example, that quantum cryptography may not be perfectly secure.
Of course, this Big Bell Test isn’t perfect. Humans are governed by the laws of physics in the same way as all other objects. Indeed, we are simply complex machines, no different in principle from any other machine that can twiddle dials and change experimental settings.
So human free will has no special status in the universe, and if hidden variable theory governs the universe, it must also govern our free will too. In that case, human will would not be free but ultimately governed by a deterministic system of hidden variables.
So the Big Bell Test doesn’t close all the loopholes. But it does suggest that if there is a deeper reality beneath quantum mechanics, it will not be accessible to us.
So what of the original question: Do certain physical events have no cause?
The Big Bell Test provides an answer, albeit of a conditional variety. The answer is this: if humans have free will, then some physical events have no cause.
And that is a stepping stone for a whole new set of foundational experiments on the nature of cause and effect. Quantum mechanics—and Bell tests in particular—blur the distinction between cause and effect. So physicists are exploring the boundaries of these ideas to see how they can be used in computing devices, security algorithms, and the like. The early results are promisingly ambiguous, although it will be some time before they find their way into everyday applications.
It is 50 years since Bell put forward his controversial ideas, but Bell tests now lie at the heart of the emerging quantum technology revolution. He would surely be optimistic that further progress will be forthcoming.
un gémissement dans l'Esprit ** Même un esprit humain sans péché ne pouvait pas comprendre l'élévation d'un homme de la tombe après quatre jours. ** Date: 5/24/2018
Marc 8:12, «Il soupira profondément dans son esprit, et dit: Pourquoi cette génération cherche-t-elle un signe? En vérité, je vous le dis, aucun signe ne sera donné à cette génération.MARK 8: 11-13 Le mot grec utilisé ici pour "soupir profondément" signifie un deuil intense, une prière inaudible, ou un gémissement. C'est l'intercession du Saint-Esprit, avec des gémissements qui ne peuvent être prononcés. Certains Chrétiens remplis de l'Esprit croient que cela signifie des gémissements qui ne peuvent pas être prononcés dans un discours normal et que cela se réfère à parler en langues. Cependant, cela fait référence à un type d'intercession différent de parler en langues. Dans Jean 11:33 et 38, Jésus gémit dans l'Esprit deux fois, et dans ces cas, il n'y avait pas de mots prononcés. C'était exactement comme le dit l'Écriture, un gémissement dans l'Esprit. Toute personne qui a la présence intérieure du Saint-Esprit a ou aura ceci à leur arriver. Paul faisait référence à cela dans Galates 4:19 quand il a parlé de l'accouchement à la naissance pour les Galates. Ce gémissement de l'Esprit Saint n'est pas seulement un chagrin, mais un gémissement de colère et de résistance contre les artifices de Satan dans nos vies. Plusieurs fois, les chrétiens ne discernent pas cela parce qu'ils pensent que c'est juste leur propre chagrin sur la situation. Mais, c'est le Saint-Esprit qui désire intercéder avec nous contre nos problèmes. Jésus a puisé dans ce ministère du Saint-Esprit. Jean 11:33 et 38 disent, que Jésus a gémi dans l'Esprit deux fois quand il a ressuscité Lazare d'entre les morts. Quelle infirmité Jésus avait-il besoin de ce ministère du Saint-Esprit? Jésus n'avait pas de péché, mais il avait une infirmité. C'était son esprit physique. Même un esprit humain sans péché ne pouvait pas comprendre comment élever un homme de la tombe après quatre jours. Si Jésus avait besoin du Saint-Esprit pour l'aider quand il ne savait pas prier, alors cela devrait certainement être un ministère important du Saint-Esprit dans nos vies.
If you are constantly pondering on one or all of these thoughts, you might be at the place Andrew calls "saved but stuck." But did you know it's not God's will for you to be confused about your direction, wondering what your next step should be? He wants you to discover your potential--it has more to do with who you are than what you do!
In the God's Will Package,
Andrew's teachings will help show you how to find the will of God, how
to follow it, and how to fulfill it. He's developed this teaching from
both Scripture and personal experience to help launch you into your own divine calling!